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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. 1 hour ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

    i never had a bug where it ports me directly to the target. the things i had until now were always better explainable with objective clipping or ui bug, make me port backwards or on spot. like on khylo i was leaving from mid point trying to blink forward and down from the point for a faster decap on far and got ported back on top to the wood ramp thingy. somehow just happend that during running forward and start falling the blink cast (yes its a cast since i also manage to interupt it big lol) just clipped on the wood thingy outside of the higher mid point and ported me back up mid-fall more or less.


    but as said, there are a lot of weird bugs with port on spot or backward where i couldnt find any explanation. so there are some other hidden bugs active and your "port to target thingy" might be one of them, also it never happened to me until now

    That's weird that you haven't had the "port to target" blink bug, I get that pretty regularly. Can I ask a couple of questions about your settings?

    1. Do you play max zoomed out with max FoV?

    2. Do you play on instant ground target?

    3. Do you have "allow camera teleport" on?

    4. Do you have "allow skill re-targeting" on?

    5. Do you have "lock ground target and maximum range" on?

  2. 1 hour ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

    he means that helseth mouse/ camera was clipped on the corner of the wall when he pressed the button. you also can provoke the bug by having your mouse over the ui when trying to blink (like you wanna port max range with the option of having ground based stuff clipped at max range) so you just throw your mouse pointer as far away as you can get, what often means you cross the line of the match timer on the above edge in the middle of your screen. then you teleport on spot too. 


    this is stuff you can avoid when paying attention to it. but there are still lof of situations where you port on spot or backwards for no reason. so there must be some other hidden bugs to it aside from ui and objective clipping.


    and ofc the increasing no valid path problem even on flat ground is ridiculous too. 

    yeah but the one where you hold the mouse over the UI makes you blink in place, that's a different bug. Interesting about the camera clippibg thing, ill have to test that

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:
    1. If it were ideally a ton, chrono wouldn't have to copy so much of core, but given that chrono is essentially 'core, twice' (excuse my oversimplification) this might be unavoidable.
    2. Straddles the line between both. Depends how you look at it and what you focus on.
    3. Chrono can output more slow than core, but it is not exclusive to chrono.
    4. But this implies that chrono's burst shouldn't really hit harder (or more accurately, dps harder) than core's.

    1. You made a pretty long list of thing and basically said "but everything else is passive!"
    "outside of csplit, chronophantasma, illusionary reversion, shield and wells, everything else is passive
    "outside of function gyro, mass momentum, hammer and wells, everything else is passive
    "outside of swipe, dash , impaing lotus, bound, staff and physical skills, everything else is passive
    "outside of csplit, chronophantasma, illusionary reversion, shield and wells, everything else is passive
    "outside of spear of justice, wings of resolve, shield of reversion, longbow and traps, everything else is passive"


    Also, Chronophantasma can just as well be considered a "passive boost to core abilities": 1. it boosts core abilities (your phantasm skills) and 2. you don't have to activate it i.e. it is passive.


    Saying that Chronophantasma is "your phantasms, twice" is not an oversimplification, it's quite an accurate description.
    2. .

    3. Sure, just like alacrity it isn't exclusive to Chrono but is closely associated with it and thematically belongs there. And just as Alacrity has a trait which enhances it in the Chronomancer traitline, so does slow (Danger Time).

    4. Not sure what you mean here.

    12 hours ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    I do realize many other especs have many passive elements and traits, however. Maybe the main issue I have with chrono is that most of its traits don't try to interact with unique mechanics (because it lacks them? I can't say). It's probably the result of alacrity being ripped off from chrono and made into a generic boon, making chrono a cheap espec and less impactful as a result.


    Maybe improved alacrity (with or without duration reduction) would've been a more fitting suggestion for a minor trait, but I wouldn't force it. /shrug



    I understand the current iteration has a delay, but 'clunk' and 'more fun' is really subjective.



    Especs are created with a theme and possibly a mechanic in mind. Niches can influence, but do not drive the final result (which is always subject to change/weird balance decisions). Chrono's base design suggests it was originally intended for support, but people made bunkers, bruisers, healers and damage dealers out of it. Mirage went from duelist to a one dodge dumpster (/s), I don't know what happened there.

    Yeah, obviously they allow different playstyles, which is great. Sadly they make minor traits like "Shatter skills give vigor, and vigor grants condition damage." which is basically a clear message and incentive of "hey you guys should play condi with this espec".

    12 hours ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    But anyway, I digress. My main points were:

    1. I don't believe danger time (and chrono in general) needs any straight-up dmg bonuses.
    2. I don't think there is enough reason to remove chronophantasma.


    It's funny how how someone suggested removing Csplit beacaue I'd defend that as well. Perhaps chrono is so broken or messed up, it's due for a complete scrapping and reinvention.

    Why you would want that, last they did a Chrono rework they ruined the whole spec and eventually had to revert it. Chrono is in a pretty good state right now, arguably better than it has ever been in terms of balance. I do not understand why you would just roll the dice and trust anet to not kitten it up again.



    Also, most of this discussion is so irrelevant, all we really need to answer is this: do you think Power Chronomancer should get nerfed in PvP on may 11th?

  4. 52 minutes ago, TheOneWhoSighs.7513 said:

    Slow well - you are never taking this in PvP

    Arcane Thievery - Good

    Time Warp - you are never taking this in PvP

    f3 - Good

    Delayed Reactions  - Maybe, but in PvP time catches up is a better pick generally


    So that's 2 and maybe a 3rd.... Yeah. Not something you're generally going to play around.

    What do you even mean by "play around". Maybe you are meaning to say "build around" or something.


    I meant from the Chono's perspective. You can hold your burst until the 2nd phantasm is ready to attack.

    As for from an enemy perspective, interrupt the phantasm, line of sight it, disengage, pop a reflect if it's range. Maybe pop resistance if you know the enemy Condi Chono is waiting for it.

    Yeah, the same as you would with a single phantasm, just twice.


    Chrono isn't busted (at the moment), but its core mechanic is. Being able to do the same thing core mesmer does, except twice? Completely borked. Means core mesmer has to endure multiple nerfs to abilities that were never a problem before continuum split was added to a game.

    Losing distortion is a pretty good tradeoff actually. It's a really busted skill, invuln that you can attack and move and heal during. But obviously, core is still underpowered compared to Chrono but alacrity plays a huge huge part in that.



    It has a high skill cap, problem being it's insanely frustrating to play against.

    I have literally never had that problem at least since Chrono lost distortion. If you see a Chrono use CS, you can use stealth or elixir S for example, and you have ruined his 90 second cd combo. Mirage has generally been way more frustrating to play against. And even getting oneshot from PU stealth mantra core mesmers.


    You're doubling a Chrono's burst. Something that used to be way, way more busted before Phantasms were made to not shatter.

    In what way was it way way more busted do you mean? Which period & build are you talking about (or all of them?).



    You're also potentially doubling stealth, doubling blocks, doubling interrupts.

    Yeah, you can "play around" this, if it's used offensively. If it's used defensively it has no real counter play.

    CS can indeed be used for some defense but it isn't nearly as good of a panic button as distortion is. For example, if you get stuck in a DH trap, distortion is going to help you a lot more than CS. And if the mesmer uses it to survive a couple seconds longer (and he delays his heal to do this by the way, except final tick from well heal) it will be on a 90 second cooldown and he wont be able to use it offensively to burst you. This is immense value. You can also destroy the crystal that is left behind when Chrono uses CS, which will force end the continuum split early. Another thing is that he cannot run away while in CS (unlike distortion), because he will get teleported back to you, so it isn't as good for escaping.


    I also don't find distortion to be anywhere in the realm of Continuum Split. Though I agree it was a good decision to remove it from Chono with them keeping CS.


    Yeah, to Chrono. Although I'd argue that Alacrity, while powerful, is literally just made even more busted by Continuum split. Same with Well of Precognition.

    True for Well of Precognition (and every single other skill, by definition, except healing skills that get reverted). This doesn't mean anything whatsoever though because again it applies to every skill. False for Alacrity.


    And well... every AoE ability mesmer has in the game.

    Why would it just be AoE abilities?


    There's, kind of a reason why Mes doesn't run wells very often in any game mode, outside of maybe the heal well. Because you can't make them strong without continuum split making them even stronger.

    That's completely ridiculous. That argument could be legitimate if wells were a core skill category, but because they are unique to Chrono, they are literally the easiest utilities on the entire class to balance around CS. The reason wells aren't run is quite simply because they overnerfed them like crazy.


    What caused Signet of Inspiration, Time Warp, and Moa to be nerfed exactly? The skill added to the game that allows them to be used twice. Or their base effects being OP?

    I have previously said that I think disallowing duplicating elite skills with CS could be a good change. This is already done with mimic. If they had kept Time Warp with its original effect (no slow) it would have been fine (it was meta in core PvE anyway).

  5. 39 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    This could be true or a meme. It’s also worth noting that his target area is notably buggy. It incredibly uncommon, but in the side areas the boxes and henges have strange teleport issues- I’ve even tested this with people and it’s technically possible to shortbow 5 on top of the hedges and boxes if you target it right.


    I feel this is possibly contributing however I cannot say with much certainty since Mesmer is my worst class.

    I can say this bug can happen in all sorts of places on all maps

  6. On 3/13/2021 at 10:41 AM, Jokubas.4265 said:

    I haven't voted because I'm not really sure how to categorize my opinion yet.

    I would love to see something more bold with the next Elite Specialization. I'm also not sure how feasible it is. In a lot of ways, the Guild Wars 2 Mesmer has a foundational flaw that would require a major rework to properly deal with.

    (Disclaimer: While my ability to solo shows me that I'm not terrible at the game, I regularly see players, even other Mesmers, doing a lot better than me, so I'm clearly not great at builds either.)

    Here's the thing. Whether you like them or not, the Shatter skills are our F skills. They're supposed to be our main feature.

    The problem is... it's backwards? Shatter skills are the finisher to a specific kind of build, not the pieces that you use to make a combo that you finish with your build.

    When I first started playing, I prioritized setting up my Phantasms and almost never touched my F skills. Nowadays, I have a much more efficient Shatter build, but it's a very narrow build in order to keep the Shatters going. It doesn't really make sense that the main feature of the class limits your build.

    Looking back, I think it would make more sense if it was the F skills that dealt with your illusions, and Shatters be on the weapons or utilities. For instance:F1: Summons a clone that does no damage but looks like you. Short cooldown.F2: Summons a phantasm with your current weapon. Deals damage but is transparent. Moderate cooldown.F3: Randomly shuffles the position of you and your illusions. Moderate cooldown.

    Then the F skills would properly involve the main feature of the class, the illusions, while allowing a variety of builds that utilize the illusions in different ways. Instead of the F skills being something that works best with certain builds, and doesn't mesh well with one of the class' actual main features: the phantasm illusions. This would smooth out the access all builds have to the core feature, and make the question what you do with the main feature, instead of the question being whether or not the F skills even make sense with your build.

    This would also have opened up the Elite Specializations the freedom to play much more heavily with the main feature of the class (without necessarily replacing it entirely). The Mirage's Mirage Mirror skills would have been great F replacements in this situation as things that fill a similar role but reimagine that part of the class. In the above example, instead of summoning a clone at the location, it could summon a Mirage Mirror.Chronomancer could have handled this in a couple of ways. Either the clones and phantasms could have altered, time-based gimmicks (like the summoned phantasm now repeats your last skill specifically instead of just making an attack based on the weapon), or it could have replaced the clones and phantasms entirely with something like: "Summons a Continuum Rift that resets the position of the first ally or enemy that steps within it."

    In such a situation, we could also get a more Guild Wars 1-themed Elite Specialization that replaces the physical illusions with directly debuffing versions of them (like the reverse barrier idea mentioned earlier).

    Incidentally, one thing that's always bugged me about the Guild Wars 2 Mesmer's illusions is that... they're not illusions. In Guild Wars 1, they tormented your target, but were otherwise imaginary. In Guild Wars 2, they physically exist for some reason, and it's a weird balance problem. Why do illusions need health or be targetable to begin with (at least any that doesn't just reflect your own for the sake of deception)? How do you root something that doesn't actually exist? How do you damage a person who isn't really there? There are other ways to balance them, like the now-existing-anyway idea of phantasms going away after one attack, or even something like all illusions disperse upon the Mesmer being downed (which would require rebalancing other aspects of the Mesmer, but actually fits really well into the flavor of the usual result when an illusionist finally has their real self sussed out).

    Interesting and good points

  7. 6 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

    And it's just Blink? I see some alarming facts in that clip. Obvious lack of line of sight in his attempt to port to the location, there is also no cursor AoE to be seen.

    1. There was no line of sight on the first click, then he moved his cusor closer to the edge of the platform and clicked again. That's when he got ported to the thief.

    2. He uses instant ground targets, so there is no aoe marker.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:


    No. You butchered my post and put words into my mouth:



    and I can say that I prefer the latter.

    Thank you for making that clear. Also there were by definition no words put into your mouth.


    Outside of Csplit, chronophantasma, illusionary reversion, shield and wells, everything else IS pretty much a passive boost to core abilities (like danger time).

    1. "Outside of *a ton of things*, everything is passive".

    2. Depends what you mean by passive. Is the superspeed from Time Catches Up passive? If you consider it so, then a passive can clearly be a good thing with a lot of identity.

    3. Danger time boost damage on slow, slow is not a core ability. Primarily (for PvP) it enhances Time Sink, which is a unique skill to Chrono.

    4. F1 does more damage but half of it can be dodged or walked out of, which creates more incentive to combo it with lockdown skills like sword 3 or gravity well. Hard to call a passive boost.



    Other people find the current iteration fun and the past one clunky. This is fairly subjective, however.

    No they don't find the past one clunky.



    This isn't Niche Wars 2, specializations are not predefined to specific niches. Especially with chrono, which should be treated as a utility package - you can use this utility to do your burst twice, or bunker up instead. There's nothing innately about chrono that suggests it should deal more damage than core (outside Csplit, chronophantasma, etc.). Unless you're looking at metas, which have absolutely no bearing on how the specialization should function.

    1. Especs are oftentimes created with certain niches in mind, while also allowing for diff playstyles. For example, mirage was clearly designed with conditions and defense in mind more so than power, which you will clearly see on the traits.

    2. This doesn't matter, the point is that there is a tradeoff in the game right now in PvP, which for power mes (which is what we are talking about since we are talking about Danger Time) is that Chrono has less survivability than core, and less mobility than mirage, but higher potential burst than either.


    Not to mention there's another specialization coming around as well.




    Yes, with a 105 CD Csplit, alacrity which can come from anywhere, rewinder with a horrible CD for frequently unloading shatters and illusionary reversion which is rarely touched anymore. (I don’t think attempting this on chrono is all that much better than on core)


    You can watch Helseth playing a rewinder-focused build with Illusionary Reversion in top 10 on EU if you wish, twitch.tv/thelordhelseth

  9. I have previously made a thread and a video about this, but because things don't tend to get fixed unless people complain about them enough, I'm making this second post with a clip example of the blink targeting bug, from Helseth's stream.


    The bug basically makes it so that you blink onto your selected enemy instead of where your cursor is.

    It is not because of having the "lock ground target on current target" option checked - that option doesn't even work for blink. However, the bug may have been introduced the same patch that option was added to the game. At the very least, I can say that this specific blink bug has not been in the game since release.




    Edit: new clip link

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:


    I think you're just having problems understanding what I've written.


    1. If I meant thematic AND mechanic, I would have written 'thematic AND mechanic'. Regardless, phantasms are 100% mesmer identity, having them appear twice is very much in line with chrono so it can't possibly be 'not thematic'. The mechanic PoV is harder to agree with (hence the /), but the PoV I gave was that it isn't some generic % boost or +boon under x condition unlike majority of chrono traits. It's an active difference you can interact with rather than a fully passive one. 

    I cannot understand you if you don't write clearly, I mean what does "thematic OR mechanic" even mean - that you don't know what your own opinion is?


    No no, I agree with you that Chronophantasma is thematically fitting to Chronomancer.


    I stick to minor/grandmaster trait but then you go off talking about a whole profession mechanic (Csplit), of course it won't have the same mechanical impact.

    Of course, because you played up the importance of Chronophantasma and made it sound integral to Chrono because it actively separates core from chrono" while "everything else is frankly passive" and even said it "should be a minor trait". Whereas I just think it is a badly designed trait among many, one that should preferably be reworked.



    I don't think it makes sense if a clone spawns whilst the phantasm that is meant to create it has yet to respawn, attack again, etc.

    I haven't argued that it should, I think it should have an entirely different effect, it doesn't need to have anything to do with doubling phantasms.


    Unless it creates twice the amount of clones


    In the past the trait would resummon phantasms after you shattered them, this was more fun and not clunky like the current iteration but it was very powercrept (as HoT was in general).


    (can lead to excessive clone generation, which you apparently have a problem with/think is bad).

    It can certainly be a problem, though in this discussion I've mostly talked about excessive numbers of illusions, rather than clones specifically.


    As far as we know this is 100% intentional if you have chronophantasma. I was fine with leaving it as an optional grandmaster but you didn't include that section and implied that I thought chronophantasma should be a non-optional minor.

    Quote "it should be a minor trait".



    From what I'm given, you want the the exact same combo (without the respawning phantasm) to hit harder on chrono than core. Why should it, when you can pull it off TWICE and/or more frequently than core? This is what the dmg bonus from danger time doesn't respect.

    Core is more defensive, Mirage has more mobility. But core is certainly overnerfed in some places (much because of Mirage, a clear example is the vigor minor in dueling). Luckily, by the way, even you you completely remove Danger Time, we can just go Improved Alacrity or Reversion and do the same thing with marginally lesser results. Danger Time is not great, just the least bad of three below average traits. And it would be a shame to nerf PvP Chrono when it is already underperforming.



    I wrote about the initial 10s CD (recharge reductions not yet applied) 3-clone rewinder. You say that this exists with the current 18s CD 3-clone rewinder, which is almost twice the CD. Of course you need additional clone generation/spam (illusionary reversion) to spam it off cooldown, but I never wrote anything about that. Rewinder was introduced post illusionary reversion nerf anyway.

    Sorry, I meant shatter spam not clone spam playstyle. You asked for such a playstyle "i was thinking that chrono should have an option that allows them to pull off more shatters than core" and in my mind we basically already have this due to CS, alacrity and rewinder - and illusionary reversion is catered towards such a playstyle.

  11. 8 hours ago, embershiny.1056 said:

    I am the reddit poster you mentioned. After putting in a ticket with all the info I had and being polite I got nowhere. After doing that AND asking to be escalated to a supervisor it got sorted fast. I suggest doing the same.

    Thank you! Could you share the mail where you asked to escalate the ticket (if you want to)?

  12. 51 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Unless the Support Team has recently moved, they are in-house, as proven by a statement by Gaile Gray, and by periodic job listings at ArenaNet. 


    Creating duplicate tickets is frowned upon; it's best to update your current ticket.


    Good luck.

    Well they did fire a lot of people and restructure quite recently right? And iirc, it was said that NCsoft would be stepping in a bit more. And the fact that Lineage gets the exact same support (down to the specific sentences used) fuels this suspicion. Oh well, no matter.

  13. 41 minutes ago, TheOneWhoSighs.7513 said:

    Not a huge fan of outright removing Chronophantasma. Nerf, w.e. that's fine.

    Sure, keep it.


    It's one of the few actually interesting traits you can play around in the game. Danger Time you can't really play around that much because your access to slow is pretty low. (Understandably so, it'd be pretty busted if you could just spam slow on everyone)

    1. Slow well, arcane thievery, time warp, f3, delayed reactions, there quite a lot of potential sources of slow. Though the reward isn't worth it in PvP unless the trait were stronger.

    2. The fact that you don't have perma or near-perma slow makes it more important and relevant to play around, not less. So you need to attack at opportune moments instead of just having a permanent boost. And for the enemy, it has counterplay in the form of using a defensive skill like a block (which lasts longer due to the slow) or using a cleanse. In fact, it has more counterplay than most other damage modifiers in the game such (think, egotism).

    3. Not sure how you "play around" Chronophantasma. Dodge twice? In my opinion and experience, Chronophantasma has (in PvP) mostly contributed to enabling boring/annoying builds, like bunker Chrono 2.0. Most of the time it incentivizes you to get out your phantasms and then kite and play defensively while hoping that your phantasms AI works properly so that they hit the target after some 3 seconds of waiting. But tbh I'm fine with keeping it, at least as long as it isn't part of a tanky meta sidenoder build.



    It's kind of the same problem with a lot of the chaos trait reworks. Like, when am I going to play around regeneration? I don't feel like any of the devs who worked on that ever asked themselves that question.

    I agree on the Chaos line, it is mostly pretty boring, though the shot duration stab on shatter can be neat.


    Honestly, if you want to fix chrono being busted.
    There's one skill you have to look at. It's called continuum split. It's the core function of the spec. And it's the cause of more nerfs than most people can even count.

    Chronophantasma OP? Well lets double the phantasm doubling with continuum split.

    1. Chrono isn't busted (if we are talking PvP/WvW, which I am because PvE is just a numbers game and very easy to balance)

    2. Yes obviously Continuum Split is very strong, though it is forgiven due to the fact that it is one of the coolest skills in any game, has a high skillcap, and is neither too frustrating nor boring to play against (unlike for example IH staff chaos mes) (potentially except for moa reset but all you would have to do is disallow elite skills from being reset just like they already do with Mimic). You can counter continuum split very very easily, all you have to do is press elixir S/stealth if you are engi, stealth if you are thief, and so on. You have just ruined his 90 sec cd combo. Also, I think they hit the head on the nail when they removed distortion from Chrono. This tradeoff is great because it isn't obvious; both are broken in their own right and both have their advantages (just as you argue CS is busted, so is distortion - invulnerability that you can attack and move during).

    3. Yep, CS allows you to double the phantasms just like CP, but only only every ~90 secs, which gives a very clear window of counterplay (for example, if you stealth the mes cannot summon anything and his combo is ruined). It is generally easier to counter something that lasts a short time, with a long cooldown, than something which goes on always and chips at your health (again IH staff condi mirage was a great example).

    4. I would argue that what caused most of the nerfs to Chrono was alacrity being busted on release (it had to be nerfed 50->33->25% iirc) and wells being incredibly strong (evasion for 3 seconds for your entire team, plus alacrity). But CS certainly contributed to some nerfs, notably Moa (back then I advocated for leaving moa unnerfed and removing the ability to reset elites from CS). Really though, you can't separate causes like this, it was a combination of everything that meant things had to be nerfed. And if you are going to be nerfing things, it is better to nerfs things that aren't vital for the enjoyment of the class, such as the alacrity modifier, than something which is really fun and thematically fitting (CS). I applaud them for finally nerfing the proper things on Chrono, and I honestly think Chrono is in a better state than ever in terms of having counterplay, and being a true tradeoff to Mirage and Core.

  14. 33 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Double Scourge comps are annoying.


    Honestly the amount of barrier feels fine, it's how often accessed that's really the issue. Sand Cascade 12 seconds CD is pretty low still, would be more suitable at 20 seconds.


    Minions are counterable but arguably too easy to play, their co-efficient in damage just like the majority Ranger pet skills have been untouched which is where I'd say the problem comes from, along certain CD's.


    Ranger pet swapping in downstate is horrible, shouldn't be possible and definitely not for Soulbeast either. Stuff like Tiger has seriously low CD's on their damaging attack that can easily take care of you if you don't KO them, problem being that it's a vicious circle because Rangers will freecast and vice versa.


    Thief Shadow Shot Blindness duration needs to be reduced.


    Trapper Rune needs an ICD.

    Yeah ranger shouldn't be able to command pets with f-skills in downstate, I mean Mesmer can't exactly shatter for example.

  15. 35 minutes ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    This is a hard one to advise as complete outsider. You can google a bit on the reply you got from support. It seems to be a canned standard reply. In some cases, people have been unbanned after getting this reply. Sometimes a payment issue can cause this outcome as well. Some users of GW2 got this reply and some users of Lineage II got it. All titles of the same company NCSoft.


    Here is what you can do: Stay diplomatic, constructive, kind and to the point at all times. Don't lie. Think for yourself. (Don't post it here, just think for yourself) Did you do anything that breaks the rules of conduct? Again, don't lie. ArenaNet can check logs etc to see what happened.


    1. If you did break the rules: Then your best option is to accept that you got a penalty. I would wait at least two months. Longer is better. You got a penalty after all. Then after being banned for a period kindly contact support again, admit your wrongdoing, promise that you learned your lesson and kindly ask for a second chance.
    2. If you did not break the rules: Don't give up. Stay civil. And kindly request your ticket to be escalated to a senior support staff member. In my opinion, you have the right of an explanation at minimum.

    Thanks. Yeah, I searched for the statement on the Gw2 reddit and found that post from yesterday that I linked. Since Lineage players also got the same message, we can at least know that the support is outsourced to NCsoft (not a surprise obviously).


    If I had done something bad like hacking or botting or whatever, I would just cut my losses and think "hey it was nice while it lasted", it is really because I haven't (and because they won't give their reasoning) that I am doing this. If I knew that I deserved a perma ban I wouldn't spend all this effort.


    I send an e-mail earlier with my theories as to what could have flagged my account, and asked them if they could confirm if one of them was indeed the issue. Here is what I wrote:


    1. Showcasing bugs on my youtube channel https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCGc2JMKiE8HOpQ_USl2A8kA
    But these bugs are not exploits i.e. they don't give you any advantage.

    2. Using Geforce Now. I used this service with gw2 last years, I know some people got banned from that. Using Geforce Now is obviously not rule-breaking however.

    3. Verbal harassment. I was mean to a thief player in PvP after he started by trashtalking me and saying that I was bad and was just spamming. This was on my alt PRACTICEMESMER.4318. I then switched to my main account Quadox.7834 and challenged him to a duel. (Childish, maybe, but not malicious).

    4. I have made many (f2p) alt accounts on my IP. But having alts is not rule-breaking (provided you don't use them for botting or match manipulation or something, which I have never done), for example MightyTeapot has over 30 Guild Wars 2 accounts.


    But they haven't replied yet and they honestly probably won't as it is more than likely a low-level support I've been talking with. Do you think I should wait a while (how long?) and then open a new ticket, asking to be elevated to senior support staff?

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