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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:I have never seen a conjure be effective in a PvP setting or a pve setting. Conjure to me are just a gimmick in the game. Ice bow was a thing for a short amount of time till the devs cought on and realized ele had something nice and took it away

    "something nice" yeah like an aoe 1shot plus a non-breakable stun

  2. To the people who think retal is fine, did you think retal was completely underpowered and advocated for buffing it when we were prepatch? Because why else would we nerf pretty much all damage in the game but absolutely not touch retal (because if you ask for that you obv must be some sort of bronze scrub)? It doesn't make sense.

  3. @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    @Quadox.7834 said:We tested it with maul, mirror blade, winter's bite, and some other mesmer/ranger skills, and we found that it
    bugs on maul. I.e. maul only gets 4 seconds CD when interrupted with powerblock.

    The person that told me also mentioned maul, so it's possible.

    Yes I tested it with him

  4. We tested it with maul, mirror blade, winter's bite, and some other mesmer/ranger skills, and we found that it only bugs on maul. I.e. maul only gets 4 seconds CD when interrupted with powerblock.

  5. @"aserian.1734" said:Hey, I just got into GW2 and chose mesmer. I pretty much only PvP in these games and am used to getting destroyed off the start till I figure things out, but I'm getting much more destroyed than usual on my mesmer, and have very few resources since every build online was deemed outdated with the last patch. I see a lot of crying on the forums that they are "underpowered and completely destroyed, reroll now" kind of thing, but your video seems to show they can still hold their own, and I don't mind putting in a bit of effort to get there.

    Do you have any recommendations for guides or resources online that get into the smaller details of mesmer PvP that is relatively current? Watching GW2 PvP is so fast paced it is really hard to keep up just watching videos of people doing well, not understanding the nuance to their actions.

    Or should I just keep throwing my face at PvP till I figure it out?


    Go on metabattle.com click conquest scroll down to "test" find the build "carrion axe" then watch misha play it at twitch.tv/kanyeeastxd

  6. @"Jazz.4639" said:

    @"Jazz.4639" said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:@JazzI just ment that spamming mirage dodge off cooldown is the way to go 95% of the time to not waste endurance.and if you get focused then f4/blink/daze mantra or you die.

    yes i understood you right and was refering to it myself just bit overdoing it for some joke (ye i know im not funny, good that im happy with only me laughing already). one dodge clearly makes dodging less skilled, esp on mirage.

    It's that German sense of humor :lol:

    not sure, germans mostly dont laugh either :lol:

    There is a saying/joke here in sweden that goes somehing like this:The two shortest books in the world are "a list of norweigan innovations" and "german comedy through the ages"

  7. @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:First of all, people that agrue that 1x berk deals MORE damage then 2 berks are wrong.0,66x2=1,32.1x0,15=1,151,32/1,15=1,15.Meaning that double berk deals 15% more damge.There is couple of things that COULD change your perception of it. Or potentially damage.1 Both damages overlap eachother. so if you land 1 berk for 5k and 2 berks one for 2,5k and another for 3,5k. You just see mush of numbers and 3,5k is on top. While in truth you did 6k.2 When 2 used they kinda miss more often ( its just my feel of the skill ) no proof or any evidence for it tho.

    It deals roughly the same.You won't see the difference with and without trait on damage.Useless trait overall.

    Better than the other options for gs builds

  8. @ArlAlt.1630 said:Without having looked too much into the combat log. I think untraited Berserker outdamages the traited 2 Berserkers when not hitting bunkers.

    It is worth mentioning that when I tested I had swapped to the 15% illusion damage so I’m sure that adds to the disparity.

    0.67*2= 1.33 vs 1.15 so GS trait gives more dmg still than empowered illusions.

  9. @NICENIKESHOE.7128 said:

    @Tayga.3192 said:Empowered Illusions and Vicious Expression on same tier = PvE Mesmer is even more dead

    Go for mental anguish, not that bad right? Vicious expression has only existed for 1 week after all.

    PvE rely more on persistent dps modifier in Vicious expression rather than consumable bursts that mental anguish targets. Fortunately despite the nerf we had on GS trait we have this new trait to boost dps and compete with all other 38k+ dps in other classes from 25/2/20 patch (even post nerf).

    That's not to say you can't satisfy both scenarios though, simply arrange like this and you have a rearranged theme that still have good dps and PvP presence, while fitting its position:Furious Interruption........Power Block.........Vicious Expression

    Furious interruption is clearly just adept tier at this stage in game with the power creeps, as you require interrupt and you only generate enough quickness for the ICD.Power block with its non-crit damage
    on interrupt
    now probably more fitting on master trait, though some can still argue its overloaded with the weakness/CD increase.Vicious expression is much more likely to be a GM trait than power block since it removes boon on any CC, not just interrupt.

    Fair enough. Though I personally hope they wouldn't do that because then power block and shattered concentration will compete which sucks for pvp.Maybe Power Block.........Furious Interruption........Vicious Expression otherwise.

  10. *Copied from my post on the Mesmer forums*

    I tested MB in with no amulet or rune equipped. Results:

    236178134101*(* only with bountiful blades equipped)In the patchnotes and tooltip it says damage is reduced by 15% each hit. In reality:178/236 = 0.75134/178 = 0.75101/134 = 0.75The damage is reduced by 25%. If it were 15% it would look something like this:236236*0.85=200200*0.85=170170*0.85=145You might be wondering "maybe it is reduced twice because MB also bounces on your own character?" No:236*0.85*0.85=170 -> Wrong.Or maybe this unnecessarily complicated variant:236-(236*0.15*2)=165 -> Wrong.TL;DR: Mirror Blade damage is reduced by 25% rather than 15% each hit.

  11. Power Block currently has an ICD on the weakness and damage (but not on the skill cooldown). This is unlike how it worked in the past and unlike how for example Pulmonary impact and Lightning rod works. It has been this way for a year or so, probably since interrupt traits were changed to work with defiance bars. I suspect the defiance interval was then wrongly applied as a general internal cooldown. This affects mesmer gameplay a lot.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Interrupt enemy, powerblock triggers.
    2. Interrupt enemy again within 3 seconds, powerblock doesn't trigger.
  12. Currently we have this layout:

    Bountiful Blades.................Shattered Concentration.........Vicious ExpressionEmpowered Illusions..........Egotism...................................Mental AnguishRending Shatter.................Furious Interruption.................Power BlockThis layout forces you to choose between traits that synergize and is sort of "all over the place". Compare to a traitline like Chronomancer, where the top row is for slow and disable, middle row is for shatters and bottom row is for phantasms and support. Would it thus not make more sense to rearrange Domination to something like this:Rending Shatter.................Shattered Concentration.........Mental AnguishEmpowered Illusions..........Egotism...................................Bountiful BladesVicious Expression.............Furious Interruption.................Power BlockAll we have done is switch positions of bountiful blades and vicious expression, then aligning the traits in the row that makes thematic sense. The top row is for shatters, the middle row is for phantasms, and the bottom row is related to CC.

    EDIT alternative to allow PvErs to still run Vicious Expression and Empowered Illusions together:

    Rending Shatter.................Shattered Concentration.........Mental AnguishEmpowered Illusions..........Egotism...................................Bountiful BladesPower Block.......................Furious Interruption.................Vicious Expression

  13. @DeceiverX.8361 said:

    @"campos.6520" said:It may be a dumb question, but, can someone please explain me what was SO unbalanced about Mirages having 2 dodges that was needed to reduce to 1? Also, what's the point of reducing dodge if the elite spec (ambush skills) totally relies on the dodge to give enough damage??? Like, ambush skills needs for nothing now, because I shouldn't use my dodge to use the ambush skill...I need the dodge only to dodge something now. Like, seriously, can someone tell me? Meanwhile, thief spec has 3 dodges, lots of evades (let's call it Mesmer's distortions) and invisbility (Mesmer does have it as well). Mesmer changed the dodges, but thieves no.

    I did the math out a while ago to the dismay of a lot of mirage players who couldn't retaliate with much more than "Dodge food isn't in PvP so it's fine." Extended dodge frames with dodge food in WvW ends up putting the Mirage at the same dodge uptime as Acrobatics+Trickery thief.

    With MC's innate ability to retroactively let the Mirage ignore CC, even without EM, it's kinda well... busted just for its defensive value alone.

    Mirage just needs a rework. Animation hiding is super bad design and the ability to cast during defenses, have a baseline longer dodge that has basically no visual clarity, and then also baseline let them ignore CC-damage combos is like... super bad design and really unfair if you let them have the same base resource pool as everyone else.

    It's kinda the same issue as Deadeye in that the specs are based on non-interaction with your opponent while simultaneously having even more expounded visual clarity issues than firebrand.

    Mirage doesnt have a longer dodge

  14. @shippage.1983 said:

    @shippage.1983 said:The nerf is pretty hard. Not because "other classes have 2 dodges, why not us" but, because it destroys a lot of synergy with traits.

    The dueling and Mirage trait line were hit hard indirectly by this, but this has been pretty expected since they've been meta since the launch of PoF, regardless if you were power or condi Mesmer.

    In terms of survivability, I think Mesmer is still very strong. You still have an insane amount of teleports and can dodge at-will, with enemy classes having no ability to counter play your dodges. No other class gets so many get-out-of-jail-free cards as Mesmer.

    The only issue currently I think is that damage output is low compared to other classes.

    Have you played Thief maybe?

    When Thief gets CC'd, they only have utility teleports to use as stun break escapes. They cannot dodge while also being knocked down like Mirage can. That is the big difference. Thief has a bit more counter player then Mirage as they get punished harder for CCs. Mirage almost always has a dodge available, be it their F4, their dodge, or any of their utilities. If they couldn't be used while being CC'd, that'd be 100% different, but they can. As an opposing player, how do you outplay that? If the Mirage is smart, you can't. Thief can arguably do the same but really only with 1-2 utilities, compared to Mirage's 4-5 skills that are commonly ran.

    Thief can tp back and forth through walls mesmer can't

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