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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. Anyone who knows me ingame knows I have spent an absolutely inordinate amount of time jumping. So I made a video on map-breaking, which might be of interest to some of you. It also includes some "regular" jumpspots that i haven't seen in other guides. You can watch in 1.5x speed if you get bored. Enjoy!

    These aren't really useful in actual matches, but fun nonetheless.Anet: pls don't patch out, a bit of map-breaking never hurt anyone!

  2. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @"ArthurDent.9538" said:After finally getting around to watching MaT's from yesterday when i see thieves on 7 out of 8 semi finalist teams and every single team in the finals across both regions with a mixture of both power and condi builds, I'm inclined to say the original premise of this thread is a load of nonsense that has gone on way too long.

    How many times did you see a thief win a 1v1?

    You want to duel like other professions, so have their sustain/tankiness and still have the mobility/stealth abilities of a ninja...where are exactly the weaknesses here?

    Seriously. Why do people fixate on stealth? Outside of
    bursting through out of combat stealth, stealth is bad. Really bad. There is a reason thief for most of GW2s lifespan didnt use stealth in-combat, and most builds just dropped stealth entirely.

    Well i not sure about that .In the metabattle people are using the
    , for the extra survibility that trait offer .If stealth was so useless , they should have taken Hidden Thief (stealth on Steal , so you dont have to waste 9 resources casting Black Powder + Heartseeker + 20% reduction cd on Shadowstep+Blinding Powder and generaly any Deception spells)

    It gives your healing skill an extra condi cleanse. Thats why its being run. Well, that and the fact that hidden thief is pretty redundant. You engage out of stealth anyway, and mid-combat youre not gonna get much use out of stealth.

    The majority are taking Channeled Vigor , so they dont benefit from the extra condtion cleanceI beleive its is that people are using stealth (heartseeker +Powder) and that trait , otherwise they should had taken Hiden Thief , that does way more things to the mobility + cost resources

    They do. Concealing Restoration. Whenever you use a healing skill, you gain stealth. So your healing skill gets a condi cleanse (Shadows Embrace triggers once instantly). People are not going for stealth mid-combat (that would be suicidal). Hidden Thief does close to nothing, so a single condi cleanse is better.

    If they are going to use only for the 20 sec heal , it will remove only 1 condition . Its better to take Stealth on Steal + 20% reduction of Deception .I am not sure about stealth being suicidal . I saw Thieves even the from the 55 rank to use stealth and avoid the enemies .Even on Vallun video a while back

    Its not. The stealth on steal conflicts with mug (if youre already stealthed up and use steal, you get revealed) and is generally not useful at all. The cooldown reduction on Deceptions is alright, but not impactful enough. Being able to remove a burn in a clutch situation is just better.

    It behaves like Cloack And Dagger

    If you cloak and Dagger when youre already stealthed you also get revealed.

    Mug its on Deadly spec .And we are talking about meta builds

    There is just redundant. Why would you want stealth on steal? You steal backstab when engaging. Youre not gonna steal for stealth mid-combat, and out of combat you have stealth anyway.

    You cannot remove a clutch Burn , because they are overbearing conditions. So 1x condtion removal is worthless .

    Hardly. Shadows Embrace is nice in that it only removes
    conditions. So if they have burn cripple and so on, you remove the burn. Even 1 condi cleanse is quite valuable, especially on a class that generally lacks them.

    I believe that Thief actually use stealth to benefit from it much more

    Not really. If you try to stealth mid-combat, you just get hit for a ton more damage than you would remove from the 1 condi cleanse. Youre also not gonna be able to just stay in stealth and wait for another tick, you die before that. Its legitimately just for the healing skill.

    Rather than wasting 9 resources on Heartseeker + Powder and then steal , you can instead simply Steal without a cost and gain stealth , also reduce the Shadowsteap from 50>40 sec and Blinding Powder 40>32 sec

    Youre going to "waste" those 9 resources anyway, because you want to stack up Leeching Venoms, and you want to engage on them without them ever knowing you were there. Oh and since you use steal on the opening burst, that also means you wont be able to use it later. Reducing the CD of Shadowstep is nice, but not significant enough. You dont use Blinding Powder right now anyway.

    Burns can be re-applied , so remove one is kinda worthless . If Thieves stealth more (which i believe they do) they benefit from it much more . The stealth from the healing spell lasts 2 sec (1s from PvP + Melds) , you will only benefit from 1 condtion removal from the start and not a second

    They can be, but its still great. They stack the burst on you, and you negate it. And then you run away, so they cant just keep reapplying it. Thats why its great. Thieves do
    stealth more. Because its actively suicidal and just about the only way a thief can get himself killed. It also doesnt benefit more at all. Youre not gonna survive waiting 3 seconds for the second condi removal. And yes, you only get the 1 condi removal at the start. Thats how the trait works.

    Yeah you are going to waste 9 resources and stealth for 3 sec , or waste those 9 resources and use Hidden Thief for 6 sec stealth . Reggardles of what stealth method you choose the Leeching Venoms poison will still come up .

    And in that case, you burn the steal before you can use it to engage. A complete waste. Both of a trait, and of steal. A terrible idea.

    If you use the 20 sec heal that the trait does offer stealth in combat , is a defensive option that most thieves do . Its not suicidal , its called ''tactical get the hell away'' . And still Shadow Embrace is kinda worthless for a 2 sec stealth only . Maybe the majority of the stealth + streamers have a different tactics and use itmore than us ?

    Stealth in combat is not a defensive option. Its suicidal. Here is what happens. You plop down a smoke field, try to heartseeker and whoops, your opponent decided to abuse the fact that youre stuck in 1.25 seconds worth of animation, threw some damage youre way, and youre suddenly downed. Why, that doesnt seem useful at all. Thats why you dont do it. Its why top tier streamers dont use it. And no, shadows embrace is still good for Concealing Restoration. Youre right, its not terribly much, but the alternatives are both
    . Merciful Ambush doesnt come into play often enough, and Hidden Thief is just not useful.

    Rather than having 1 condition removal every 20 sec (on heal>stealth) . Its better to have :

    I dont know why you think repeating the same wrong thing maakes it true. No, Hidden Thief is
    worse. End of story.

    But in the other hand if poeple use stealth a lot more , like Vallun it makes sense that they benefit from it more

    He doesnt. Look at Vallun. Look at Sindrener. See how often they use in-combat stealth. Unless its to finish off a target (usually when theyre 3 or 4v1) the answer is
    . And in that situation, shadows embrace isnt doing anything.

    Concealing Restoration is more suicidal , because you must wait before the channel ends and then you stealth .

    Completely, utterly 100% wrong. When you use channeled vigor, you regain health. You still might take damage, but youre not even locked in an animation, you can move. Its 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times less suicidal.

    While doing Black Powder offer some Blind and the Heartseeker some mobility (just like Dash)

    You dont get the blind unless you target an enemy then drop targetting, which is clunky. And the mobility doesnt help you because your opponent knows exactly where you will move. Neither of those will save you from the grenade barrage Im aiming at you that will down you instantly. Which is why
    good thief avoids in-combat stealth. Please, for future reference, dont talk about thief if you dont know thief.

    No i am sorry , but you are kinda wrong here .

    I am absolutely correct. You are the one who is wrong.

    If the majority of the streamers + metabattle have that traits ,it mean that they stealth more and benefit from that trait . Otherwise they would take that Hidden Thief .

    Wrong. Hidden Thief is worse. Even if you just use concealing restoration (Which yes, is what they do), it is so much worse. But if you dont believe me, just go ahead and watch Sindrener. He is using Shadows Embrace. See how often he goes for in-combat stealth (Or let me spoil you: Almost never).

    They know more than you and me .You could look at the Vallun Video , where he stealth and use Dash to get away from danger . If you some problems with stealthing up , we can meet inside and give you some tips

    They do. Thats why they
    stealth mid-combat. They know its suicidal and the worst thing a thief can do by far. Watch
    most recent games on sinds youtube channel. Pop Quiz: During the entire 15 minute match, how many times does he stealth mid combat? The answer is
    . Against a prot holo that cant punish him. Didnt clear any condis doing it though. And still he runs shadows embrace. Why? Because its much better than hidden thief, even if you just use concealing restoration like the good thieves do. Why? Well I already explained.

    I saw multiply thieves from the tournament and Vallun use stealth .

    Out of combat stealth. Yes. In-combat stealth? No. Well, other than maybe the condi thieves using Shadow Refuge to immediately leave stealth and just proc shadow bolts on the stealth attack. That appears to be how it was used.

    And Sind uses the Embrace trait vs heavy condition opponents , while the enemy waste aoes , he hides and uses the trait to cleanse conditions

    No, he uses them against
    opponents. He does not do what you describe
    . Because that doesnt work. You do not stealth mid-combat (unless its to finish off an outnumbered enemy, maybe, and
    if youre facing a low-damage bunker and wanna prepare to switch targets to someone a bit further way. But even in that case, it makes more sense to get out first, then stealth). If you stealth mid-combat, you die unless your opponent is playing a low-damage bunker. And even then you sometimes die. Thats why you dont use it.

    I am hopping to see a Grenade Barrage Enginner on the Tournaments on July . Maybe we can see that spec to be used vs stealth Mesmer also

    Why? Grenade Engineer isnt particularly good. Its just an example because I play it. Any class can punish thief for trying to stealth mid-combat. Thats why every single good thief doesnt use mid-combat stealth. And yet they use Shadows Embrace, because its still much better. It is that simple. Accept the fact, or be quiet.

    Ehm ...other specs too exept the 2x French . The majority of the enemies are Bunkers and while you having the damage reduction from the Daredevil traits , they cannot huke you high enought

    And they too didnt use it, other than
    with shadow Refuge and dropping it
    instantly just to get the stealth attack with the shadow projectile finishers. The damage reduction traits wont be active when you try to stealth up (you move out of range and the enemy wont be weak). Right now even bunkers can do a lot of damage, and far from everyone is playing bunkers. You will get nuked.

    I thought for a sec that Grenade Engineer , was death incarnate with all these '''if you stealth , you will get nuked by it'' .In lower levels everything works and everything punish each other

    The point is that
    Grenade Engineer can nuke you when you try to stealth. Any build can. Its funny that you bring up lower levels, because its
    in lower levels that thieves use stealth mid-combat. Because they arent good, and their opponents arent good. In high level, you will almost never see a thief use stealth mid-combat. If they want to run, they shortbow 5. If they want to fight, they use shadow shot, heartseekr or swap to shortbow. But never, ever, under any circumstances, do they go for stealth. And still Shadows Embrace is run. Because its better.

    "right now even bunkers can do a lot of damage" what on earth. what year is this?

  3. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @"Leonidrex.5649" said:you guys realize that burnfall is not attacking your main right? hes not saying its OP or that it needs to be nerfed, he just says its toxic and its true

    He says both. By bringing up irrelevant videos that are a) from the wrong gamemode, b) several years out of date or c), both. He is infamous for his tendency to write long essays that contain nothing of substance, being biased to a hilarious degree (he always defends necro even when its über-broken, but doesnt stop calling for thief nerfs even when thief is in the gutter), and posting videos so irrelevant and out of place its just jarring.

    In the other hand he might say , that specific spec existed since launch . People where fixated about what the streamers are using atm .While some other like those French teams , thought outside the box and used that WvWvW spec

    Every combination of weapons has existed since launch. Doesnt mean that they were good, nor that they were unchanged. In case of P/D, neither is the case. It wasnt a good weaponset for a very long time, and it saw massive changes a while back with the addition of unload on skill 3.

    The majority might had been nerfed since launch . And yet , those 2 French teams used it to counter the established meta and win

    The build worked out. But the video burnfall shows, as usual, is irrelevant.

    I should congratulate the 2 teams , for moving the meta forward . I am looking forward to the no-stack-tournament in July .My boyfriend seem kinda happy atm, and i am going to ''punish'' him later for the giggles:)

    A thief player who doesnt loathe condi thief? Preposterous.

    Its not entirely irrelevant .

    It is
    irrelevant. The build wasnt good, since then we had a complete overhaul of not just the trait system, but also conditions as a whole. Skill 3 saw numerous changes, skill 4 a couple, and at that point in time people had yet to figure out how to easily stop Shadow Refuge (why do you think noone uses it anymore) and CnD (why do you think D/D thief fell off the face of the earth). And thats not even getting into how cherrypicked the video is.

    The Sustain was not on par with the current meta (especially the warrior) , based on the video . And thieves had multiply nerfs since then

    Funny thing that. Sustain on Warrior was actually much better. Healing Signet was nerfed several times since then. Adrenal Healing was nerfed, and you dont get free healing power from traits anymore. Thats just another sign that the video is cherrypicked. Oh and, P/D condi thief specifically was never nerfed. Just buffed. Over and Over.

    But people in the tournaments used the Shadow refuge . In solo que , you cant cordinate with stranger , that why is not used .CND was also used from 2 French teams to win the tournaments .

    Did they? Oh they probably were using the shadow field combo since the stealth attack has 100% projectile finisher. No the reason Shadow Refuge isnt used isnt "because you cant coordinate with strangers" (you can, thats why you smoke field + blast people in solo Q). Its because its bad. Plop down a shadow refuge, and you just signal to your enemies "Chuck AoEs here and we will drop like flies". And for out of combat stealthing up, Smoke field + blast is just better.

    If we look other classes like Memsers and the rest on the video , we can see the the Vanilia was a less sustain that the current .So if P/D dagger thieve had problems before , it wouldn't make it to the ''now'' era and win vs all the Bunker meta was we are plagued .I mean , that some spec went under the radar , because people are so fixed about what streamers are doing

    Dunno about all the classes, but nah, Mesmers sustained used to be way better. Its no comparision. And condis used to be way worse. As I said, the video is irrelevant, the build, the systems and the enemies have nothing in common with right now.

    But the video is kinda relevant . The majority of thieves only got nerfed all these years while the sustain was increased dramatically .That means there are even more hidden old PvP/WvWvW specs to be used again . And we should not get fixed on what the streamers are doing .Just like 2 French teams -un baquet de fromaz

    Its irrelevant. It shows
    of value in any way shape or form. It shows a build that doesnt exist anymore, using traits that work completely different now, relying on conditions that work completely different now, against enemies that are completely different. It wasnt a "hidden old spec". The new P/D, the one that is completely different, people were aware of it. But it has been generally dismissed due to the abundance of condi cleanses. It seems people in this tournament were unprepared.

    The tactic of go near and CND for stealth and then unload the channeling auto attack , or use the 3rd attack to run away from meeles , haven't changed much since that video .

    Except for the tiny detail, where that isnt the strategy. You dont really use CnD anymore. You use skill 3 then unload. Things have changed a lot.

    Guardians+ Eles (or any1 else) , shouldn't had been unprepared after they die for the 3rd time .They are pros , they know how to adapt

    You cant swap builds mid-game. Thats how they were unprepared.

    You can change class (or duplicate of the same class , with slight deviation or a newly character with its ultimate ready to be used (Time Wrap)) ... ehem ...i mean you get dc .... ofc ...(why streamers get dc from the game also , when a player change class ?)

    Only before the game starts. If you have no idea their thief is a condi thief, that isnt an option.

    nope you can change class midgame

    Did they change that? That used to not be possible.

    are you on gw2 forums literally 24/7? bcs that was an extremely quick answer.

  4. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @"Leonidrex.5649" said:you guys realize that burnfall is not attacking your main right? hes not saying its OP or that it needs to be nerfed, he just says its toxic and its true

    He says both. By bringing up irrelevant videos that are a) from the wrong gamemode, b) several years out of date or c), both. He is infamous for his tendency to write long essays that contain nothing of substance, being biased to a hilarious degree (he always defends necro even when its über-broken, but doesnt stop calling for thief nerfs even when thief is in the gutter), and posting videos so irrelevant and out of place its just jarring.

    In the other hand he might say , that specific spec existed since launch . People where fixated about what the streamers are using atm .While some other like those French teams , thought outside the box and used that WvWvW spec

    Every combination of weapons has existed since launch. Doesnt mean that they were good, nor that they were unchanged. In case of P/D, neither is the case. It wasnt a good weaponset for a very long time, and it saw massive changes a while back with the addition of unload on skill 3.

    The majority might had been nerfed since launch . And yet , those 2 French teams used it to counter the established meta and win

    The build worked out. But the video burnfall shows, as usual, is irrelevant.

    I should congratulate the 2 teams , for moving the meta forward . I am looking forward to the no-stack-tournament in July .My boyfriend seem kinda happy atm, and i am going to ''punish'' him later for the giggles:)

    A thief player who doesnt loathe condi thief? Preposterous.

    Its not entirely irrelevant .

    It is
    irrelevant. The build wasnt good, since then we had a complete overhaul of not just the trait system, but also conditions as a whole. Skill 3 saw numerous changes, skill 4 a couple, and at that point in time people had yet to figure out how to easily stop Shadow Refuge (why do you think noone uses it anymore) and CnD (why do you think D/D thief fell off the face of the earth). And thats not even getting into how cherrypicked the video is.

    The Sustain was not on par with the current meta (especially the warrior) , based on the video . And thieves had multiply nerfs since then

    Funny thing that. Sustain on Warrior was actually much better. Healing Signet was nerfed several times since then. Adrenal Healing was nerfed, and you dont get free healing power from traits anymore. Thats just another sign that the video is cherrypicked. Oh and, P/D condi thief specifically was never nerfed. Just buffed. Over and Over.

    But people in the tournaments used the Shadow refuge . In solo que , you cant cordinate with stranger , that why is not used .CND was also used from 2 French teams to win the tournaments .

    Did they? Oh they probably were using the shadow field combo since the stealth attack has 100% projectile finisher. No the reason Shadow Refuge isnt used isnt "because you cant coordinate with strangers" (you can, thats why you smoke field + blast people in solo Q). Its because its bad. Plop down a shadow refuge, and you just signal to your enemies "Chuck AoEs here and we will drop like flies". And for out of combat stealthing up, Smoke field + blast is just better.

    If we look other classes like Memsers and the rest on the video , we can see the the Vanilia was a less sustain that the current .So if P/D dagger thieve had problems before , it wouldn't make it to the ''now'' era and win vs all the Bunker meta was we are plagued .I mean , that some spec went under the radar , because people are so fixed about what streamers are doing

    Dunno about all the classes, but nah, Mesmers sustained used to be way better. Its no comparision. And condis used to be way worse. As I said, the video is irrelevant, the build, the systems and the enemies have nothing in common with right now.

    But the video is kinda relevant . The majority of thieves only got nerfed all these years while the sustain was increased dramatically .That means there are even more hidden old PvP/WvWvW specs to be used again . And we should not get fixed on what the streamers are doing .Just like 2 French teams -un baquet de fromaz

    Its irrelevant. It shows
    of value in any way shape or form. It shows a build that doesnt exist anymore, using traits that work completely different now, relying on conditions that work completely different now, against enemies that are completely different. It wasnt a "hidden old spec". The new P/D, the one that is completely different, people were aware of it. But it has been generally dismissed due to the abundance of condi cleanses. It seems people in this tournament were unprepared.

    The tactic of go near and CND for stealth and then unload the channeling auto attack , or use the 3rd attack to run away from meeles , haven't changed much since that video .

    Except for the tiny detail, where that isnt the strategy. You dont really use CnD anymore. You use skill 3 then unload. Things have changed a lot.

    Guardians+ Eles (or any1 else) , shouldn't had been unprepared after they die for the 3rd time .They are pros , they know how to adapt

    You cant swap builds mid-game. Thats how they were unprepared.

    You can change class (or duplicate of the same class , with slight deviation or a newly character with its ultimate ready to be used (Time Wrap)) ... ehem ...i mean you get dc .... ofc ...(why streamers get dc from the game also , when a player change class ?)

    Only before the game starts. If you have no idea their thief is a condi thief, that isnt an option.

    nope you can change class midgame

  5. @"Tayga.3192" said:Nobody expected condi thief so nobody specced into cleansing.I'm sad I can't play because of ping issues because the mesmer build I use would be very strong vs "condi thief-renegade meta" up to P2 I think. Tested prepatch: they got nerfed, I didn't.

    "Nobody speced into cleansing" oh you know except for the double prot holo with insane condition conversion, and misha with elusive mind over infinite horizon.

  6. @"Jazz.4639" said:

    @"Jazz.4639" said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:@"Jazz.4639" thx for your imput, I suspect your build will work better they higher you go, people can do more with your interrupts and constant vulnerability application with a threat of burst damage.I just got tilted that afk necro didnt take any dmg and started testing more damaging options ;pas for the damage I suspect it came down to extra 1 clone for shatter and extra vulnerability from extra clone doing the ambush, but it was very hit or miss becouse crit + 25% crit dmg is a big jump in dmg if it doesnt crit while DE remained more consistent.Ill keep testing and see how it works for me. It just feels like such a shame to not use sup complex, one of if not the strongest pure dmg trait in the game

    true sc is only on crit but we crit that often, it feels very consistent to me. i feel the dmg with sc is clearly higher, also you dodge on sword a lot with my build for util reasons and sword ambush clones have no dmg (except on interrupt from pb). meanwhile having 1,5-2,5k mw or most time way over 3,5k is a big difference ;) also zerkers hit alot harder when they hit and crit and they almost always crit on few hits.haha yes do not duel necros that is rly a waste of your time, he can outsustain all you have, and when decent necros also know how to kite you cannot rly do much

    edit: you dodge "alot" ALOT ahahaha what an unfitting word choice

    SC doesn't affect zerkers

    wuus? why that? since when?edit: i just tested it, you are right kitten oO but why? the only difference i got was on the first hit it was 716 instead 662 (no clue why actually) but all later hits were the same.i didnt know that, is that new? i know that boons have to be applied to the illus themself to work on their dmg but i thought for simple dmg multiplier it is the same as with the gear.

    The first hit comes from the mesmer himself (it's the greatsword throw that removes boons), that's why it works with SC. The damage multipliers that work with phantasms will say so on the trait, for example Danger Time says "This bonus also applies to your illusions" and Vicious Expression says You and your illusions deal increased damage to foes without boons".

  7. @"Jazz.4639" said:

    @Leonidrex.5649 said:@"Jazz.4639" thx for your imput, I suspect your build will work better they higher you go, people can do more with your interrupts and constant vulnerability application with a threat of burst damage.I just got tilted that afk necro didnt take any dmg and started testing more damaging options ;pas for the damage I suspect it came down to extra 1 clone for shatter and extra vulnerability from extra clone doing the ambush, but it was very hit or miss becouse crit + 25% crit dmg is a big jump in dmg if it doesnt crit while DE remained more consistent.Ill keep testing and see how it works for me. It just feels like such a shame to not use sup complex, one of if not the strongest pure dmg trait in the game

    true sc is only on crit but we crit that often, it feels very consistent to me. i feel the dmg with sc is clearly higher, also you dodge on sword a lot with my build for util reasons and sword ambush clones have no dmg (except on interrupt from pb). meanwhile having 1,5-2,5k mw or most time way over 3,5k is a big difference ;) also zerkers hit alot harder when they hit and crit and they almost always crit on few hits.haha yes do not duel necros that is rly a waste of your time, he can outsustain all you have, and when decent necros also know how to kite you cannot rly do much

    edit: you dodge "alot" ALOT ahahaha what an unfitting word choice

    SC doesn't affect zerkers

  8. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Quadox.7834" said:14 is not a bug

    can you explain the thought process?the way I see it there are 3 options how this trait can be workingtooltipYour shattered illusion reforms into a mirror. Touching the mirror shatters it, granting mirage cloak to you and weakening foes.Damage.png Damage: 160 (0.6)?Weakness.png Weakness (4s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble (Unrestricted)Mirage Cloak (effect).png Mirage Cloak (¾s): Evade incoming attacks.Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 5Duration.png Duration: 15 secondsRadius.png Radius: 180so 1 you selfshatter meaning mirror should appear under your feet, you deal area dmg, area weakness and gain mirage cloak -> correct with the tooltip.2 It says SHATTERED ILLUSIONS, meaning clones just make mirrors and mesmer does not gain mirage cloak and mirrors dont appear under mirage -> would be correct with the tooltip.and 3 how it is right now, clones turn into mirrors ( correctly ) but mesmer gains mirage cloak, but this specific mirage cloak does not give regeneration through OasisGain regeneration when you gain Mirage Cloak. -> mirage gained cloak should have gained regeneration.nor does it proc dune cloakUse Sand Shards when Mirage Cloak ends.Mirage cloak ends, sand shards do not proc.few ways this can be corrected.1 Remove mirage cloak gain.2 Make mirage cloak appear underneath mesmer so it boops for dmg/weakness3 Leave as is but make the mirage cloak gained provide rege and proc dune cloak or other traits mirage cloak normally procs.

    But the mes doesn't get mirage cloak from self-shatter, he just gets access to ambush skills ("Ambush skills become available for a short time whenever you grant distortion to yourself.")

  9. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Ok ok ok hold on, let me sum up the claims that we have so far from all of these threads within the past month:
    1. Everything a Ranger Pet does deals anywhere between 6k and 12k damage. In rare events, autos only hit for 2k and 3k.Bird autos on light armor crit for ~3800 on autos!
      ! I'm on knight amulet 1x1'd lrod weeber, noticed this 7000 swoop from bird?This 2200+1800 slash'es its 1 auto with both crits :)You stacked all possible modifiers on your owl. Now take a screenshot without any of them and compare. Also who runs berserker on a weaver?
    2. Ranger Pets have raid boss like sustain values.Contrary to shadow something bird armor isnt 1600 (as he said lowest armor in the game than anyone using bers amulet) (spoiler: its about ~2600+, smokescale and gazelle ~3300+)
      Just look at this table. Birds have 1524 and smokescales have 2211 toughness. Add 150 for beastmastery. The only thing that is nearly correct is the rock gazelle with 2898.
    3. Ranger Pets are impossible to kite and they are impossible to chase.Bird lunge at you from 300 range, opening strike or w/e its called applies cripple on ranger/pet attacks + superspeed/quickness access for both ranger and pet :)They can't hit a moving target properly even after all improvements and can't condi cleanse. Add chill/cripple or weakness and keep moving and it does almost nothing.
    4. The Core Ranger Greatsword is by far the superior weapon kit in the game because it has a block skill.It has it all - mobility(packed with leap and evade)/block(with evade->cc flip)/spammable maul/stun(or daze that refresh maul).Except damage. The only thing that does anything is a modifer stacked maul. Everything else hits like a wet noodle.
    5. A dozen Core Ranger complaint threads have been made within the past month, but not a single thread has been written about Protection Holosmith, despite almost an entirely unanimous agreement from all players that Protection Holosmith is equal to or greater in strength than the Core Ranger in all categories. Weird eh? Something to think about in the way of biased expectations.While prot holo being stronger than core ranger, it doesnt have AI eviscarating you with insane damage and ranger can do w/e.It doesnt mean ranger should be left alone because prot holo exist, both needs nerfs.

    Ranger needs a marksmenship and damage modifier rework. Then look at the damage that is left and adjust accordingly.Toughness =/= armor. I had various amulets and my pet still took less damage than me which is why I say ARMOR.

    That's bologna. You can seriously heal through a full Trap DH spam on a Knight's Core Ranger with Troll Unguent and Protect Me.

    No Odik is right, Bird and Tiger has around 2604 armor, Gazelle has around 3974.
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