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Posts posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. 1 hour ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

    Warr is getting good usage of things, fast, nerf it!!!

    Jokes aside, yeah, condi berserker is being a really good duelist, just lest not ignore the other condi bombers, and ranger and bladesworn.

    Not a fan of removing ammulets, let's not take it this way, we will end up having just having the berserker ammulet 🤧

    But then they'll complain there is too much damage...ohh I know...let's remove all amulets..and even ourselves from the game, that will surely balance PvP as forum goers want

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  2. Like every NERF thread on GW2 forum: Nothing to read...absolutely nothing to read, the same output as with every other Nerf thread before remove all sources of sustain, all dmg and a painted target on the back of the class.



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  3. The simple fact this garbage is still in the game is unfathomable, while this circus keeps talking about balance here and there. You can dodge both the soulbeast and this engi burst, but the main difference is the first needs to wait at least 1m for his biggest burst, for the remaining of time, the ranger is forced at melee range where you can actually kill him...by contrast this asinine build:


    Will have everything up within one fraction of the time, 1/3 of the time and:

    1. Cannot be kited effectively, with 900/1200 CC/dmg thrown your way
    2. Cannot be caught easily due superspeed application
    3. Still got access to stealth
    4. Waterfield + no cast time heal offers plenty of sustain

    Luckily, because this build takes 2 brain cells to run, you still win somehow, with these clowns reflecting those grenades straight to their face, but this not detract anything from the absurdity of the overall gameplay offered by such an asinine concept. A build as FA ele get vilified , nerfed and destroyed behind any use while having less sustain, range, no stealth but this kitten is considered balanced and kept in the game

    A balance based on the town crier forum...brilliant development plan


    I don't give a kitten what else gets nerfed, the simple fact this kitten is still in the game while everything else of similar and even less damaging magnitude gets nerfed to the ground time and time again. This is frustrating...infuriating and insulting to say the least

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  4. People have been calling for nerfs since the game launch, unless they straight out delete a profession from the game....the same individuals will keep losing regardless of nerfs because it's not like Anet will ever remove 100% dmg and sustain from a class...like how can anybody even think this would ever be possible? If you're bad..you lose....even a thousand nerf thread won't change that...and only people destined to fail always, will make those thousand threads so......

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  5. There should be no problem in doing so, the trait only removes 2 x specific conditions compared to the Evasive Purity that removes any 2 conditions, hence its master trait location. As a matter of fact, the ele variant of effect on dodge, it's the worst in the category:


    Either decrease the CD to the standard 3s CD or remove all together, it's simply not fair for have such a massive CD on what could be a rather vital trait for the class 

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  6. Spellbreaker is the teamfighter, Bladesworn is the Bruiser and Berseker the condi variant. Only the vocal minority here on the forum hates the bladesworn and really for no practical reason other than personal bias. Broken sustain?....I have many examples flying around that suit that profile: vindicator - renegade - some variants of ranger, chronobunker  and now virtuoso bunker , harbinger, scourge and death line reaper, scrappers and they all fulfill an important role : Pissing people off, who can't get a fast kill..that's their purpose.

    I love to play with an equal playing field, when facing these super tanks like vindi or renegade or while being ganked by 4-5 people...I have bladesworn to jump on





    To the contrary I've heard streamers say Bladesworn is one of the best-designed especs.

    Essentially, it replaces your burst skill with something actually good at strike damage. So you can use it with Hammer or Rifle and still do good damage. (I've personally benched 32k dps on Rifle rotation.)

    While it's true Gunsaber isn't the most interesting weapon, it does have nuances which separate it from the competition. Its ability to both chase enemies and shoot a limited number of projectiles make it very good in PvP.

    I do agree that it could be slightly buffed in PvE. Specifically Skill #2 is undertuned compared to the rest of the kit. I would also consider adding a CC to skill#5.

    However, as a whole, Gunsaber is very well designed when you really consider its uses.

    I agree the utility skills feel very bad, and this is an issue affecting most EOD Specs.



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  7. 1 minute ago, atshadow.8695 said:

    soulbeasts can die very quickly, harbingers are very weak to being focus'd imo, holosmith isn't op and you can dodge their burst fairly consistently, DH is just annoying but also fairly glass cannon.

    idk man I think the main problem is just the game is just unable to make fair matches with the current amount of specializations in the game, perhaps its better at higher rating where everyone plays the same builds but between g1-g3 you can still end up in teams where one look at the other teams comp will tell you that you will just be withered down while your team will absolutely struggle to stay upright in a fight.

    How dare you insinuate the problem is the players behind the class and not the game? Are you suggesting that people never consider their own skill level before commenting?... How dare you?

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  8. 6 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

    no single WvW player wanted a dinosaur npc megalazer PvE event map, let alone one that also killed the servers.

    no single pvp player wanted a badly designed moba clone that you can speedrun in minutes.

    the addition to these modes were badly designed & not what any of the existing players wanted. you can't blame the players. we all played the modes at launch, streamers even casted games for stronghold- but guess what the mode isn't very good & the devs didn't want to iterate, & the players don't want to play it. same with DBL, they removed the Pve lazer to try & fix the lag, but now the entire middle of the map is empty & pointless & all the objectives have terrible flow for no reason at all. oh, & obviously DBL is dead, yeah because the community hates it, but if the entire audience hates something I think that's an indication it might be bad.

    blaming the players is wild, it's like inviting someone over for dinner, burning all the food & then blaming them for not liking it.


    Just open the PvP forum and have a read.....newb with less than 100 hrs gameplay, come here to create nerf threads as soon as they lose...it's sad. These days, players with less than a couple of months worth of PvP, expect to be top tier and will complain their eyes out unless that is accomplished. It's still fresh in my mind when people were complaining about being stuck in bronze after 100 of games....instead of reflecting on themselves they came here to whine and ask for the matchmaking to be changed to what it is today...but no..the problem is not the playerbase....wild

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  9. 10 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

    They called pvp/wvw pillars of their game, it's not my metric.  Also why is there only 4000 people left in this mode? I wonder. Not to dismiss your larger point you're mostly right. But it's easy to punch the kid that's already falling down.

    It's just wasted potential on anet's part. sad.

    PvP was never called a pillar of the game, WvW was and for good reasons...the current PvP mode is unmanageable mostly due to the PvP playerbase:

    1. You ask for diversity....then you call it powercreep even for minor changes
    2. You ask for better matchmaking...then you complain when you don't win as many times as you deluded yourself into believing you should
    3. You constantly non stop ask for nerfs on everything you don't play...everytime you lose a duel

    The PvP forum it's nothing but complaint threads, toxic elitism and not once...not even once, somebody comes and says :"oh kk I got outplayed"...no...it's always because the enemy plays an OP spec

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  10. Because....

    1. Always a solid option
    2. Can hold his own against any class
    3. Doesn't fold easily when ganked, contributes greatly to team fights
    4. All 3x elite are viable and offer different gameplay from group play to solo and PVP
    5. Can be played in all gamemodes with success
    6. Easy to grasp
    7. The highest base HP allows to use of any gear combo
    8. Negligible weaknesses at this point
    9. Fun to play
    10. The heavy armour archetype always looks good in this game

    People may disagree with me ofc, but I find the current balance for Warrior, the best it has ever been in ages and it's a joy to play the class, The natural sturdiness and easy-to-grasp basics make it my to-go choice over other heavy armor professions.

    ...I do hope that staff will offer better team support options with a tad of dmg for frontline support gameplay, which I enjoy a lot on SB, but could be better

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  11. PvP is not dead...yet but it's not worth playing...it's unfun and unrewarding, the reasons are also simply to discuss:

    1. Extremely low build diversity, it's pathetic, in GW1 every profession had at least 6 builds just for PvP...in GW2 there are maybe a couple of builds in the best-case scenario that do exactly the same thing...pathetic and sad despite a bigger build diversity was promised. Builds get constantly nerfed out of viability to shut up the whinging vocal minority
    2. We started with a lower rating given to new starters but newbs literally were unhappy why they were still bronze after months of playing..rather than look at themselves, they came to the forum and cried..so they removed the original Matchmaking and added the new one, where players are mixed up and newbs start from 1200 rating...This has caused vet players to gradually leave the game, Imagine being forced to play alongside new players every time..and the game expects to win games on your own....stupid
    3. The Gw2 player base is extremely uncompetitive ...more geared toward instant winning and gratification than actually getting "good"...you can't build a solid PvP community with that sort of mindset in place.

    Anet can't do anything...the GW2 player base is the biggest issue

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  12. 14 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    The main problem was always access to cleanse wasn't it? Even now you either try and trait for it or use your one utility to cleanse. 

    Saying that the power builds are a fine. We now have Sword as another great option. In terms of Condition builds, they are not very well understood by the PvP community. I mean I'm gold 3 with a condition Untamed build and I have never seen anyone run anything close to what I use.

    Sometimes I see a few Power Untamed builds but condition is unheard of most of the time. People have no idea the synergies you need to play it. They also hate the Shortbow Ambush. 

    Wise people keep their builds hidden for fear of them becoming popular and then getting wrecked by nerfs only because Timmy and Jimmy lost to it in some dark corner of PvP silver rank match. 


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  13. 18 hours ago, Absurd.2947 said:

    Yes, you can dodge, or block or whatever the application, but you can't dodge a condi tick which, in many cases, can tick harder than a hit from a power skill. 
    Then there's the issue of effortless reapplication of condi skills on builds that literally only need to auto attack. 

    I mean, does anyone even roam without a sigil of cleansing these days?

    I thought the sigil of cleansing was like a part of the build template itself, every build I make has the sigil automatically so..can it be called sigil if it's literally part of every build?

    • Haha 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, Norseman.4280 said:

    I think another actual big deal is the fun factor in playing ranger. It's rarely been top of anything. But it was FUN!

    The mobility, the options etc. are all being gutted. The flipping and jumping around playstyle, which was quite effective in some game modes (pvp) is largely gone. The variety of DPS and defensive options in competitive gameplay are largely gone.

    They gave the big fat Guardians a jump around agile spec, but took it away from the foresty, natury, lighter armor Ranger.

    I find myself standing there more and more. It fact in PVE open world and meta stuff I just run a Hammer Smasher. I can just stay still and bash away with little problem. If it is a problem, I walk backwards and pull out the bow. Meh.

    This is whwat I mean:

    Sic'em meme videos and then everything around it get nerfed...I wish they'd delete sic'em from the game

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  15. Literally, all the damage coefficients are being gradually decreased...like this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Sic_'Em!" comes with every ranger build as F5, and the end results: you can't run a balanced build without losing almost all damage, you can share the same stats as other professions and without sic'em and all other damage modifiers, you will end up doing 1/4 of their dmg and you do that just, to barely reach them on the sustain totem.

    We are already at a point where you either run one of these one-shot meme builds or ..you run a condi build, anything in between gets quite simply out-sustained and outpaced with rather simplistic tactics. The class is being gradually pushed into a corner without much improvements on the gameplay spectrum:

    1. Struggles during team fights
    2. Easy to CC
    3. Disengage options getting gutted as time passes by
    4. Low access to active defence....where the GS block and stealth provided by smokescale are the only options to avoid getting killed almost instantly

    Unfortunately, it's not really possible to suggest anything without triggering the rabid DPS crowd so.....

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  16. 57 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Builds like this are fine.  They come with the tradeoff of having low survivability (atleast they should have that tradeoff)

    But Skills that arent split between Pve and PvP are not fine.

    I just want them to balance the boar maul.   Thats all im saying.



    Even without the boar maul Soulbeast will still be able to 100-0 people with the ol´reliable OWP+WH4+smokeassault combo.

    Its just the fact, that the boarmaul has more than double the damagecoeff than any other skill in spvp xD


    I struggle to see how somebody on ele can die easily to a ranger and do fine vs engy grenades or chrono shatter. The latter compared to the first don't even need to face you, they can run ahead and pull bursts on you from 1200 range and way more frequently than a ranger waiting for 60s CD elite plus 2x utilities, both can do that from stealth and have 3x more block uptime than any ranger build, while even WH4 needs the ranger to be facing you and it's a channel skill, doing the first or even the second tick would nullify the rest. It's so so much easier to negate a ranger burst than an engi one. I mean if a tournament team won with double engi that must be a reason and double chrono bunker was not too long ago..

    Ranger burst seems more a one trick pony build that requires full team support at high level to accomplish anything and may work well at low levels, while engi grenade only requires a single utility to do all the burst..the rest all slotted in sustain. Any ranger build technically has way less sustain than engi/mesmer variants, and reason why a vet player may seem unkillable on ranger, it's because he's well versed in avoiding dmg with kiting...where an engi can simply start to run ahead with supespeed throwing grenades behind him...or use the hammer aoe CC or elite CC...all without even facing you and you can't do any of that on ranger, you need to be facing the enemy, that's why it's much easier to deal with rangers than engis...on ele it's not hard to catch up average rangers while it takes less than 0 skill to slot the superspeed trait , run and start throwing grenades behind you from 1200 range.

    Again, I am not against any nerf to one shot bursts...it's just the principle, nobody in good conscience can tell me that an engi grenades or chrono bunker shatter are more healthy than a ranger burst.


    You just can't tell me that this is any harder to play

  17. 2 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    I am interested in discussing this game tho... thats what i am doing here.

    if youd read this thread, you may discover that i explained what is out of balance, and you will discover that i also suggested fixes to this.

    Right now the boar is using pve damagemodifiers.  The F skills are not split between PvE and PvP. That is a clear oversight on anets part.

    All they have to do, is split the damage coeffs between pve and pvp.  a x(2.2) damagemodifier is quite alot even for PvE standards.

    Thats all we are saying.  That is all we are asking for.


    Yes! the forum wants to nerf everything.   Yes! the forum cries everytime. Yes! 50% of people here lack any form of understanding for the game... You are totally right with what your saying.

    But this time.... its a simple oversight from Anet that the community is pointing out...... There is no denying this. 

    A skill that is not split between PvE and PvP is CLEARLY NOT RIGHT. Its a oversight.

    and here you are.... defending it...  

    You make good points but...the community well know of specs using the same gameplay as this one-shot SB, and my question is: why are those other builds allowed to exist while Ranger should be removed?.

    I would have no issues removing this sort of gameplay but the main issue is that "balance" gets applied based on selective memory. We still have builds like:

    1. Grenade engineer
    2. Chrono Shatter

    And I have only mentioned builds with equal if no more access to stealth burst than ranger, could have mentioned other obnoxious oneshot builds equally as cheese. Also the big giveaway here is that both those builds are AoE burst.

    Grenade engineer is truly kitten to face, especially when there are 2 x of them in the enemy team, something already showed by winning MAT team, then distortion into shield block into stealth into teleport into 1200 range burst mesmer is far from being equally kitten

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