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Posts posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. @Obfuscate.6430 said:I would have added Mist Lock to this list because it used to load faster than Lion's Arch and be incredibly convenient. It now takes longer to load and causes lag. Now I just go to the Grove or Eye of the North.

    other places like Lava Lounge and Noble's Folly have significantly less people compared to other lounges and they load really fast compared to mistlock.... though you'll miss out on fractal features and the permanent passes for these 2 themselves rarely become available for sale.

    armstice bastion is decent too and great if you do wvw.

  2. useful things i purchased:account upgrades most of them: character slots, bank tabs, material storage, share inventory slots, unlimited gathering tools, unlimited salvage, lounge pass.

    things i regret purchasing:the many hairstyle kits and total-makeover kits i used and spent real on before i got my permanent self-style hair kit.bag slots after the update that made almost every drop an Unidentified Gear.

    • Confused 1
  3. @SoulGuardian.6203 said:Can one manage to find enough players for triple trouble?

    yes, they are still being done and reliably being cleared (you still get that bad run once in a while -- but that's mostly just because people don't listen-to/read the instructions of the people leading the fight)

    there are guilds dedicated to organising and clearing TT. you need to look out for people shouting in maps like LA (and having multiple squad LFGs/taxi up for each lane) when they are organising a run and they run a fixed schedule for it. if you don't play at the time they regularly schedule their clears, ofcourse you wouldn't see them and think no one's doing TT and succeeding

  4. i love how this game respects your time and doesn't demand you play it more.

    (i mean if you no-life / binge on the game, it's on you)

    you wont fall behind other players in terms of character gear/progression/power just because you didn't login for today's dailies or complete the weekly token/currency caps of the week ---- once you get to endgame, you'll always be at an equal playing field with other people at the endgame

  5. no because the game is an mmorpg. if it was a singleplayer/2~4player co-op game, sure why not.

    besides the games that do have AI followers like SW:TOR or GW1 -- you can't really make them do group mechanics and mostly the AI is just set to blindly follow you and attack your targets. i wouldn't expect arenanet to provide more functionality for micro managing them such as hold-position, move-to-location, interact-with-object, attack-target-queue, etc. (imagine doing a dungeon/fractal/instance with multiple mechanics requiring 2 people to constantly position/interact with things and also having to deal with a boss/trash mobs... it would be a nightmare to micro-manage all of that + dps in the fight)

    maybe when we're down to <500 players per server region, sure add AI followers for content. but otherwise no -- people just need to find a good guild, a good community or meet someone ingame to duo/trio/etc. with

  6. @"Junkpile.7439" said:Anybody else dx12 user have this problem that game crash when you for example teleport in keep with big zerg in wvw?

    without the d912pxy logs we can only guess, my advise is to join their discord or in github, reproduce your crash and send them the logs/make a bug report over there.

    doing a quick guess (without knowing your system specs, etc.) i assume you might need to edit the default configuration and allow d912proxy to utilise more of your hardware -- but it's just better to ask the devs directly as this is more of a mod issue than an issue with GW2 itself



  7. @Talindra.4958 said:secure their players.

    more like they're being too secure and paranoid with their automated security that it starts soft-blocking a small of the portion of the playerbase who are legitimately just trying to play

    seriously they need to disable that automated security sweeps of theirs and just stick with 2-factor authentication or atleast let it kick in only when there's multiple failed attempts to clear 2-FA

  8. @Joote.4081 said:Strange game in 2021. My rig can run the game with everything maxed out but the game looks ****.If I turn a lot of stuff OFF and/or turn other stuff down to low the game looks a lot better. Go figure.

    in my opinion the built-in post processing sucks for the most part. like atleast the bloom effect is bad in certain areas (like some places in core tyria for example)

    better to just use a post-processing layer like reshade or vkbasalt (if on linux) and get better effects

  9. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:"Better looking" graphics don't make a better game. Start listing the problems this game has that requires a newer engine or overhaul and then we can talk productively.Moving to DX12 wouldnt magically make it look better either so there you go.

    i dont even want "Better looking" graphics or a better game -- i just want a better performing, optimised game for new/modern hardware. the fact that this game can reach a low crawl of sub-35fps on the newest, mid tier~top of the line hardware speaks volumes of how badly designed our engine is with regards to hardware utilisation. it's sad that we have to use third party rendering via dxvk or d912pxy just to partially remedy the performance issues this game is suffering from.

    im not even wishing for directx12, like just directx11 with proper multithreading support might already be a day and night difference.

    @ topic/OP

    and no i don't want UE3/UE4 or the upcoming UE5 for GW2, if you look at most mmorpgs released using the said engines, they all failed (don't know exactly why tbh or if related at all to UE but they all seem to be korean grinders) or if still existing, are completely devoid of players.

    and i do believe the engine itself (UE) is a poor choice for MMORPGs like if your game requires displaying many pcs/npcs in one scene and the netcode for it isnt designed to handle the load an openworld mmorpg requires. it's much better suited for lobby/instanced/hub games where the worldsize/mapsize is very small compared to GW2 or any mmorpg with a proper open world.

  10. @Vegeta.2563 said:The problem is routing from Australia is a hit or miss. Sometimes Ashburne1 has better connection than 2 or 3, and sometimes it doesn't. However accounts with 2FA attached to the them have to allow the use of those IPs to access. Normally locking accounts cuz an unwanted IP address got into the account would be perfectly fine, but the fact that accounts with 2FA are getting locked is a poor design in place.

    exactly! the only time you should get a 3023 error or get your account temporary blocked is if you fail the 2 factor authentication (either the email or sms code).

    that's what the system for is anyway but the fact that some people suffer even if they confirm account security is just bad design to be honest.

    • Like 2
  11. @"Vegeta.2563" said:Seeing a lot of Locked account posts spring up recently due to people just using a VPN to lower their ping from being in other countries.

    One of the most popular ones is Exitlag. Most of the OCX players I know use it. A VPN is basically a necessity at this point for any OCX player to enjoy this game properly. Whatever security checks are in place need to be looked at. I'm sure support is already sick of getting these tickets and their time could be better utilized with more serious matters.

    the error 3023 (account blocked due to getting caught in security sweep) is really a random thing as long as you made your account (and bought your expansions) from your country --> then logging in from another country or another IP address can trigger it.

    my suggestion is to not try switching servers/nodes often and just stick to one that works and has the best ping for you in your VPN but even then you still risk getting "soft-banned" and having to contact support to unlock it -- i use a paid VPN that isnt made for gaming but more for privacy (Mullvad) used only 1 location/node and i still got hit by the block back in 2019.

    ever since then i just used my actual IP just to play gw2, everything else i do goes through the VPN

  12. @Leap Of Faith.8263 said:Hi guys, can we discuss pros and cons of using staff? The goods and the bads. In any game mode, nothing specific. How/if you use this weapon?

    for open world pve atleast, the staff/staff condi mirage build is nearly unkillable (the dps sucks but you can solo most champs and some legendaries -- just takes a while)

    look up lord hizen's open world condi mirage pve build or metabattle's openworld condi mirage build for staff/staff

    basically it's just spamming and stacking conditions and abusing infinite horizon and ambush 1 on staff

  13. @Mortifera.6138 said:

    @Redfeather.6401 said:Someone here said that eso has a system like gw2's wardrobe but for stats. The system is different than that.I won't spend time describing it. There is articles and videos talking about it. It is referred to as ESO's Stickerbook. That system was created to give people tons to do and make dungeon running relevant again. That system did not require a new currency, vendor, mini game or collection for a particle effect. I just think GW2 could use systems like that to feel less grindy and keep people engaged.

    I love Guild Wars 2, will I love ESO?

    if you like horizontal progression system, ESO might be your thing too.

    honestly, in my opinion, the combat in ESO is inferior to GW2's but still better than FF14's -- but your experience might be different :)

  14. @"mindcircus.1506" said:its important to remember that the developers themselves have stated it's much easier for them to track these requests and the discussion over them if they take place in a central area rather than being spammed out across multiple threads.

    we can atleast thank the silent moderators who merge all the redundant threads into the respective [Merged] thread.

    i just wonder why there isnt for all these "new race" // "add x race" discussions i've yet to see a "add this/that race" megathread/merged thread here

  15. @Soul.2710 said:Have You tried geforce service to compare it? for me it's a little bit hard because unstable connection but it's possible.

    that's literally the first thing the OP tried according to their post. that's how they ended up with bootcamp windows and then later on, shadow pc.

    according to the OP the experience wasn't really good:

    @MikeS.3607 said:Like everyone else I have been playing Guild Wars 2 since beta on my Mac, love this game. Was devastated when they said they were canceling it for the Mac. So like everyone else I was scrambling trying to figure out how I was going to play this game on my Mac. The first thing I tried was GeForce Nvidia now my experience with that was not the best, I just did not like the way it performed. I'm running on a 2019 5K iMac. And with GeForce now I had to run everything on low and it just looked terrible so I scrap that.

  16. @Winderly.2718 said:i'm posting that comment just in case someone else would have the same problem.Vox on the french forum figured it out for me.I was using a recently published version of WINE (6.3) which is bugged.He suggested me to use 5.7 which i didn't find, so i used 5.0 instead which seems to work flawlessly so far.

    oh if you're using wine on linux then i've found that 6.1 and 6.2 staging (the wineHQ builds // not tkg/lutris/ge/etc.) works for logging in.

    based on my testings error 42 on login happens on wine 5.19 up to 6.0rc4 (and the latest 6.3 staging). every version before that and 6.1 and 6.2 staging works fine.

    and if you're using arcDPS, avoid wine 5.19 and up (only 5.18 and older builds work)

    just letting you know incase you want to use a wine version other than 5.7

  17. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @Game of Bones.8975 said:The Thief had Steal, changing to Swipe with the Daredevil, and Deadeye's mark with the Deadeye. These all deal damage/conditions to a single target.

    Sticking with that theme of affecting a single target, I think the next profession mechanic should target the opponent's non-used weapon, strapping it down preventing weapon swapping for 30-45 (or even 60) seconds.

    Because Elementalists and Engineers can't weapon swap in combat, this mechanic would affect any skill that is triggered by swapping attunements or kits.

    While I wouldn't mind it, there would be absolutely 0 value in PvE for such mechanism. Personally I think the probabilities are higher that thief get a gap opener instead, following this trend:
    • Steal: 1200 close gap
    • Swipe: 600 close gap
    • Deadeye mark: 0 close gap
    • [insert name]: 600/1200 gap opener

    This would make the mechanism purely defensive for the first time. Beside, stealing and then get the hell out is quite a logical thing to do, isn't it?

    i like this idea, kinda like the reverse of what steal does for core thief. gap opener + random debuffing skill

    though i can't help but think it'll be more suited to a ranged dps or ranged gameplay (i prefer it if we got a nice melee dps spec for EoD such as something with a greatsword or offhand sword)

  18. @"Jazz.7123" said:My account (and my alts) were blocked recently (playing from SEA) as I had used VPN to circumvent the international cable issue.They were unlocked after anonymous tickets to support, but now I am not sure if I want to risk another block / ban if they catch me a second time.I literally just struggle through whatever dailies now (if I am even able to log in) and log off. Game is not playable, I had also paid for the VPN just for GW2.

    I did ask support if I should continue to use VPN but did not get any conclusive advice.

    yes this is the sad truth. if they advise people that VPNs [1] are an alternative option to resolving client-side connectivity issues, then they should be able to support the client/user logging in from different IPs.

    the "random security sweep" they do is too strict. to be honest it should only come into effect and block your account (error 3023) if you fail two-factor authentication (either via SMS or email or both) when logging in with a new/foreign IP -- that's what these systems in place are for. as a provider you don't just soft-ban people out of the blue just because they used a different IP address (either via VPN or if you happen to travel and play abroad).

    [1] as per https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045462814-Network-Connection-FAQ-

  19. @"Solanum.6983" said:I'm surprised they haven't done it already to be honest, Furniture could generate a lot of money in the gemstore as well as add in some interesting drops in game. All the tech is there with guild halls.

    yeah all the tech is there, they just need to create a small instance that you can use decorations on: like as small as that small bar instance they used in season1 if it was for example, a studio type apartment. significantly less dev resources to create compared to another gigantic guild hall (assuming the argument, just use guild halls as a house)

    the dead end barhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Dead_End

  20. @"Game of Bones.8975" said:I still don't know what "housing" will give us that the current "Guild Halls" and "Home Instances" don't have.

    Maybe I'm just missing the point.

    i think the argument is that they don't feel personal in general. guild halls are too huge for a 1 person "house/home"... and you don't really have a "home" specifically marked as yours and no object/decoration customisation of any kind (apart from nodes, cats, etc.) in the home instance

    they can partially solve the housing issue by making it so you can use guild decorations at your home instance (the rest is up to imagination and RP-ing), but if they were going to do that, i'd rather they just give us a proper housing ward or apartment to use

  21. @Linken.6345 said:

    @titje.2745 said:would be nice, i am saving money for permanent hairstyle kit, and i am always out of transmute charges, make me mad that wvw and pvp get them by things they like and very often, and for pve we have to complete a whole map for only ONE 1 transmute charge, the time and reward is not balanced here (between game modes). i like pve but i hate completings maps, it takes hours. even completing city's takes too much time. gaming must be a relax thing near work but don't look like.

    Completing the Grove takes 8 minutes.

    if you mean farming the grove with a new character and deleting it, remaking it, rinse and repeat.

    it will take more than 8 minutes each time: you factor in character creation, a cutscene or two you can't skip in the tutorial mission, tutorial itself, teleporting/walking to the grove, with all loading screens compounded it's
    probably closer
    to 15minutes more or less depending on how fast one is

    You can skip it, if you got a pass like the mistlock sanctuary one for example.

    oh i see, so some passes let you in from level 1 lol! that's good to know. some lounge passes like the lily of elon invite (the one i have) require a level 2 (to finish the tutorial) to use.

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