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  1. Are we really going back to "Spend 3 Adrenaline to get nothing" anti-synergy between Berserker and the Berserker Power trait?
  2. 2. Actually, you CAN still use the F1-F3 in downstate. The UI vanishes, of course, but the pet still responds to commands. I used my fire wyvern to keep a pack of trash busy while I Downstate 4'd myself to life again after diving into a pack of veterans in Echovald. 4. And the differences IMO make it worse, Can't CC when unleashed, Can't do damage when not.
  3. The Trident legendary weapon is Kraitkin, with three serpents as its head.The spear is an unpronounceable mess that's themed around Sharks.The speargun is Frenzy, themed around Barracudas.
  4. It's simply trading time for golds and viceversa. There's no point in the discussion itself, cause crafting a legendary ( and a precursor, through the achievement epic run ) is meant to be something that somebody would achieve over the weeks/months, and not instantly. You want to skip and get your item without waiting?You can, but you probably will pay a higher price. So basically this sounds to me that if i want something faster,and i dont wish to spend an eternity grinding i will be effectively punished with a greater cost of the precursor i want to craft?This sounds really familiar to me, almost like some new mounts that got released quite recently, isnt that what they responded to their official answer? A goal to work towards?. Guess anet never changes...Legendary weapons are designed to be a rare, long-term investment. Also - they can be acquired through 100% in-game methods, instead of requiring you or someone else to spend real-world cash on the game. (Gold to gems requires someone else to spend money on gems to gold)
  5. Gold to Gems is only a thing because Gems to Gold is a thing. And it absolutely murders the game's reward structure. Being able to get Gem Store cosmetics from playing the game should be a 'nice thing' the game offers. NOT the be-all-and-end-all of the game's endgame. In short "They will do nothing, but double down on the bullshit" The player base doesn't put the game in a bad light - the developers not paying attention to the market and public opinion does.The players CAN'T put the game in a bad light as long as they're not lying.
  6. This game is going to continue to go down the drain until the developers actually look at what gamers expect. It sucks that the community's been conditioned to accept "No in-game mount skins", when this is the ONLY MMO on the market that has such an oppressive cash shop. Yes, I've played those that are "Pay To Win" - and even they manage to provide more on the in-game cosmetics front. Having all but the most basic skins locked behind the gem store flashes this game's asshole at the rest of the world.
  7. If these boxes had been available as in-game rewards found just by playing (Map completion, meta events, skritt chests, buried treasure, etc), this would have been possibly the greatest addition to the game. Instead, they shat the bed with it by locking it behind the paywall, so players don't get an "Aww! That's cute! I'm gonna use it!" when they get a random mount, and instead feel "I wasted $5+ on THIS garbage?!"
  8. It should be 600-800 for specific skins. The RNG should be left for those who want something new or for a gift, not a gamble for the one you want at a lower price.
  9. I love all the new mount skins. I hate how the Gem Store is stealing content from the game. These mount skins belong as rewards earned in the game, NOT as something walled off behind a paywall. For the item itself - I absolutely love it, and I've bought 20 for myself, and 1 for a friend. For the most part, I love all the skins - there's a good variety of them for all sorts of tastes - Subdued, natural ones, a few jokes (Jerboa and Shiba), and then the nice sparkles. Being a skritt-brained whale, I bought them all because I want them all. But I can see how others find it predatory, because it's impossible to buy just the one you want, if you only want one. And, the price attached to them change the thrill of "EEE! IT'S CUTE!" of getting a random pet to "I Just wasted X money trying to get what I want, and can't", which really hurts the item. However, I have two big issues. First off - These contracts need to be pirated and scattered throughout the desert, as a possible reward for Bounties, Map Completion, Treasure Hunting, Event Completion, and other rewards for actually playing the game.
  10. My main: So shiny and pretty, I needed to commission a painting of her: I also have a few outfit warriors - best looking one I got was my Sylvari Ranger: But then... I have my Elementalist, whom viewing may be considered a war crime in Fashion Wars:
  11. We still need Lord Faren's Maguuma Explorer outfit. Furry loincloth for males+Charr, furry bikini for females. just because an Outfit is designed to cover torso, legs, feet, hands, shoulders, and head, doesn't mean it HAS to!
  12. Biggest problem with Renegade is the Warband mechanic. It needs to be changed to be like Herald, so each skill has a 'flip', because the current nonsense does NOT work for Revenant. Frankly, I think they should invert the Herald's design. Where herald has the homogenous skill as the opener, and flips to the 'real' one, I think the Renegade skills should provide a skill based on the Warband member's abilities, then flip to conjuring that warband soldier (And flip back after a second or two if unused). Shortbow... I'm still messing with it, but all it really needs is some sort of gap-opener (I thought SB 5 knocked enemies back in a cascade, but it just knocks them down). I can't remember if Sevenshot pierces without the trait, but it's actually a pretty nice AoE (They should probably buff the damage, though) - You put the "Big" target at the maximum range, where your arrows converge, but the spread handles the adds between the boss and you. Skill 2 feels weak, but allows you to hit your target while moving away from them to reposition. I'm still trying to figure out 4. Overall, though, the shortbow is great at tearing through hordes of enemies at range. Unfortunately, Kalla is trash because of the aforementioned terrible homogeny of skills, so I find myself running Shiro/Mallyx for the mobility I need.
  13. I love the impact and flexibility of the Dragonhunter. It feels so great on Charrdians. FIrebrands are... just kinda there, farting out boons and burns. Dragonhunters, however, have a really physical presence I love so much - they stab people with a spear made of fire, and can pull them in to a pain zone. They heal their allies by physically leaping into the fray and exploding. They protect their allies by throwing up a massive shield, and they dominate wherever they land with powerful PBAoE, though apparently it's possible to pre-set those. Firebrand lacks that punch to it.
  14. https://imgur.com/gnFN9Xb My Sylvari ranger and his Fern Hound in the Heart of Maguuma!
  15. Can we please report every instance of major Charr Tail Clipping here?Minor clipping to me sounds like Banded Shoulders clipping through the character's shoulders/arms at certain angles, and odd armors interfering with each other (Usually extreme spikes) But outfits and armors completely ignoring a piece of anatomy (Especially since so many similar make an attempt to avoid it) seems Major.
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