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Everything posted by Frozey.8513

  1. World of Guild Wars actually has very rich lore, just unfortunately unlike with the original one the people responsible for Guild Wars 2 story used it very poorly. This can especially be seen with how GW2 story wrote off the most of ground work GW1 left for it. There are still vast amounts of unexplored lore left, yet for GW2 we've mainly just been dancing with dragons, and almost always there being clear dynamic of mean and conservative bad guy versus the progressive and good main cast. It's just so boring and bland way of presenting the story, especially since there are no real side quests nor other means to let players dive deeper into the world, your best bet on that most likely being just playing the original Guild Wars.
  2. Why would the GW3 devalue GW2? GW1 is still out there for those of us who want to enjoy it, thus I don't see why GW2 couldn't also survive while 3rd one would take it's own turn in the world of Tyria. It's commendable that players have spent thousands of hours into GW2, but it's not something that should keep the franchise from moving forward. When we hopped from GW1 into GW2 the player base did change quite a bit, as GW2 was nothing like what us GW1 veterans were used to. Still bunch of us stayed due to wanting to experience Tyria on a new age. People will keep investing time and effort into GW2 as long as they find it enjoyable, and perhaps even the GW2 players will get Hall of Monuments style achievement safe to gain some cool extras on GW3 also, thus being able to carry over some cool titles and gear to the next game.
  3. GW3 could also predate the events of GW1 with few hundred years. I would be totally hyped to get a high fantasy MMO without any of the mecha stuff being added in there, as GW2 already struggles to make both science and magic co-existing together believable for the player. Also maybe then we would get a new longbow profession more often than once every 10 years! 😂
  4. You are most welcome to stay in GW2. As someone who initially did transfer from GW1 to GW2, going from GW2 to GW3 feels very natural and something I am very much looking forward to. Fresh start is nice, and who knows maybe the base game will have a lot more QoL than the initial GW2 ever did. I also hope they've learnt from some of their mistakes on GW2, such as poor story and bad game mechanic designs, that it will be very interesting to see how things end up turning out!
  5. Not a huge fan of the pistol's aesthetic with heavy armour, but mayhaps it can be worked around with outfits or so.
  6. I honestly doubt we are ever getting purely new weapons (or races for that matter), seeing the approach they took with Bladesworn's gunsaber. As weapon choices are getting more limited, the dawn for Guild Wars 3 is getting nearer.
  7. Looks kind of disappointing, but hopefully I'm wrong when we get to test it.
  8. Very pog to see Carian Greatsword being implemented into GW2. Better buy melee worthy scepters skins to pair with your shield while the prices are still low!
  9. >First, I said "at the moment", so you can clear out all of those 'soons' Yet as I said, only Ele and Engi count if we purely look at the ranged weapons, especially the ones that could potentially get main hand version too later. Moreover this is literally going to be old information very shortly anyway, so I don’t really see the point in arguing for this as it’s literally just about to change. >The flatbow/longbow/hornbow/shortbow distinction, while not completely insignificant, isn't even a patch on the differences between weapons in GW2. Guild Wars had arguably better weapon customization variety, as you could fully choose every skill you wanted to include with them. If you wanted to, you could even not pick up any and just fully focus on other things. Guild Wars 2 however, doesn’t offer this luxury as weapons come with set skills and set ranges that we have no control over. >if not for ranger they could very easily have just gone with "bow" and saved themselves a skin every time they introduce a new set of weapons Let me remind you that underwater weapons exist if we are talking about useless skins. >Axe is a hybrid weapon - it works perfectly fine on power builds Just because it works doesn’t mean it’s optimal. Just because something is viable doesn’t mean people strive to use it if there are clearly better options available. It’s exactly how Revenant shortbow, while being a full-on condition weapon, is ‘viable’ for power builds just for the sake of how bad Revenant hammer is at the moment. Same applies for Axe here, just that there is no power alternative at all. >In practice, ranger is still the monarch of pewpew. Overall state of pewpew is so bad, that no class offers your full on pewpew gameplay experience. There are no optimal ranger builds that focus solely on going only bows. Neither are there on other classes. Maybe Engineer getting the shortbow will make Engi the king of pew pew as they can then easily camp on that weapon the whole time. The issue can be resolved by fixing ranger by bringing it back to what it was capable of doing in Guild Wars, or just giving up on Ranger and making a completely new Archer class to cater for pewpew gameplay. >But in the meantime, there are other, equally valid interpretations There are not. Over a decade of magic and melee weapons is too much for a class that is by heart bows and arrows. >IWAY hardly counts since the whole point of IWAY was to let the pets die in order to "avenge" them You initially argued that pets were not really worth using. IWAY is perfect example of creativity that players could use pets for. Sure there were good Rampage as One builds too, but IWAY is arguably most creative way to use pets in Guild Wars. >Running shortbow/axe or longbow/axe is still viable, though. It's just not generally optimal. See the 4th paragraph. >while rifle or pistol will probably just be another pewpew damage option Rifle and pistols that people have been asking for will give pewpew Ranger finally chance to be optimal after having to have been as backup weapon for decade. >I don't think we need to be concerned about GW2 going in maintenance mode for GW3 any time soon. Guild Wars didn’t go on maintenance for Guild Wars 2. It’s highly likely that Guild Wars 3 will be launched on the side as Guild Wars 2 starts to hit the wall with issues like no new weapons or races having been added to the game ever, and the ever increasing in game bugs seemingly not being easy and quick to resolve for the developers. >They never actually released this, but necromancer and engineer being rare for sylvari were cited as examples. So there is no actual source and it has nothing to do with what kind of races players are picking for their classes. Sylvari Engineers and Charr Rangers exist, so Ranger with gunpowder clearly is very lore friendly. >Machetes have a variety of uses, but clearing foliage in order to make a path is a common one, and a sword or greatsword would also be effective at that. Good luck trying to hack your way through jungle with a greatsword. Besides if our characters are capable of creating legendary armors through crafting, or able to salvage materials while on the road, surely being able to craft your own ammunition isn’t too farfetched. >Halfswording is a historical technique for longer swords that involve pretty much, well, using it as a spear with one hand on the blade As someone who does HEMA, I can assure you that while halfswording is effective to grapple with your armoured opponent in order to guide the tip of your blade in between the gaps in the opponents armour, it is very poor choice for any type of hunting. Spear might keep you at a safe distance from a rampaging boar, but halfswording will certainly put you in harms way, and likely even have you suffer from fatal injury trying to battle the boar with it. Also why in the world would you even try to fight a snake with a sword or a mace? If you really have to kill one, then using traps would certainly be the best option, as in every other scenario you can avoid the snake.
  10. While it's true War's pistol is indeed very short range, I did after some consideration choose to include it among the ranged weapons category for the fact that the pistol itself is still used to shoot, rather than to use it as a melee weapon in form of striking opponents with it.
  11. > Half of the other professions don't even HAVE more than two ranged weapons at the moment! Factually incorrect statement: - Ele: Staff, scepter, (pistol soon) - Necro: Staff, scepter, axe, pistol - Mesmer: Staff, scepter, dagger, greatsword, pistol, (rifle soon) - Thief: Scepter, shortbow, rifle, pistol - Engi: Rifle, pistol, (shortbow soon) - War: Rifle, longbow, pistol - Guardian: Staff, scepter, longbow, (pistol soon) - Rev: Axe, hammer, shortbow, (scepter soon) Clearly every class has access to at least 3 ranged weapons if we are counting the upcoming ones, and even if we disregard those it’s only Ele and Engi who are falling short with only 2 ranged choices. Meanwhile Mesmer is soon to have whopping 6 ranged weapon choices. >The GW1 ranger has been catered for: it used bows, GW2 ranger is the only profession that uses both types of bows. GW1 Ranger used 4 types of bows, while on GW2 there are only 2. Also, while it is true Ranger is so far the only class with access to both of GW2 bows, the weapons do not complement each other’s at all, as one is power and other one is condition based. >And who, precisely, is competing with it? Engi is the only class in the game who caters to purely physical ranged playstyle, mainly due to them not having weaponswap. Ranger however doesn’t have the luxury to camp on longbow or shortbow alone. Axe is really the only awkward option on ranger’s kit to complement shortbow’s ranged playstyle, yet it doesn’t do anything for longbow. >Ranger is already king of physical ranged combat. You don't need five physical ranged weapons to get there. You just need the ones you do have to be good. And they are. Incorrect, as no matter how good you are with either of the bows you can’t camp on them alone. Especially longbow is suffering from this with no real ranged complementary option. >there's nothing wrong with exploring other interpretations, especially since even most interpretations that DO focus on ranged combat often have melee weapons as a backup. I’m glad we agree! Let’s add rifle and pistols to rangers arsenal to explore interpretations of Ranger with gunpowder! >GW1, there was a problem in that they never really were able to get pets to a point where they were worth using There were plenty of good beastmaster builds, and even the very classic IWAY-group composition utilized pets on the original Guild Wars. >most archers, both in fantasy and history, had some sort of melee weapon as a backup Yes, and those were used when ranged combat was not possible anymore. We, however, are talking about catering to purely ranged playstyle to which those backup weapons do nothing for. >I can just recognise that it's not necessarily the top priority Yes, clearly the top priority seems to be changing core Ranger into Druid with lot of access to melee weapons. >this isn't going to be the last weapon ranger gets Hopefully not, however GW2 has already outlived GW1 so talks about GW3 approaching are out there. Also we have been waiting for pure physical ranged playstyle to be catered for over a decade now, and we are infuriated of having to keep waiting even longer for something that may not even happen until the next game. >And one of those is that the race most attuned to nature tend to have less engineers, while the races most associated with technology tend to have a poor relationship with nature. Do you have any sources on this, or is it just something you argue for based on your own feelings? Even if what you said would be true, it just shows that Rangers from those technologically inclined races would have already good basis to pick up gunpowder weapon to complement their physical ranged playstyle. >Machetes, swords still being better than nothing against animals. And guns are much better than either of those against animals. Machete is also a type of knife with other uses for survival. >A spear might be a better hunting weapon than a greatsword, but you can carry a hand-and-a-half at your belt while using a bow as your primary weapon, and with halfswording it can be used as an ersatz spear in a pinch (especially if the blade is designed for it). A spear would be much better yes, but the stretch you are painting to make greatsword fit into that category is pure copium.
  12. Unlike the Ranger maces, War staff is actually looking pretty pog.
  13. Ranger has been always a physical ranged class with a little bit of nature magic as an extra option on their kit, but I suppose that really emphasizes the whole issue of Ranger having been drifting away from core Ranger more and more in favour of Druid and melee weapons.
  14. It's not about wanting longbow 2.0. It's about wanting a weapon to compliment either longbow or shortbow on purely ranged playstyle. For example longbow lacks sustainable AoE, so some kind of shotgun variant could be really fun while allowing you to cycle between the two. Sadly even after waiting a decade neither of those has happened. And as the game almost always relies on cycling between weapons for optimal dps rotation, it makes chances for meaningful physical ranged combat very limited.
  15. Ranger: - Being forced to have the pet. - Lack for physical ranged weapons versus melee weapons. - Class starts to feel more like a Druid rather than 'the physical ranged class' from the original Guild Wars. Necro: -Minions feel often unsatisfactory compared to original Guild Wars. Warrior: -Greatsword feels clunky. -Rifle feels outdated. -No tanking or support builds while being the class with highest health and best armour. Revenant: -Weapon variety feels rather small. -Not being able to choose different utility skills. -Ventari Tablet moving. -Allied Stance's Viktor's skills, especially the elite, need to be made more overall functional. Thief: -Initiative system feels like worse version of Revenant's upkeep. -Initiative makes builds focus on spamming 1 skill only. Guardian: -Willbender feels like it got forgotten after being made. Engineer: -The whole robot and mecha steampunk aesthetic. Ele: -Idea of having to cycle through all of the elements, rather than optimally being able to camp on 1 or 2 only. Mesmer: -Very little functional access to swiftness or superspeed.
  16. Rifle and pistols are the only other physical ranged weapons out there, yet Ranger has been denied both of them in favour of weapons that have outright nothing to do with being a Ranger. If you want to treat ranger as some sort of stick wielding shaman who loves animals and hates gun powder go ahead, but that factually has nothing to do with where Ranger as a class is coming from. It's fine to have other weapons too, but it's too much when most of the weapons we have are NOT physical ranged weapon anymore. To bring back Ranger as king of physical ranged combat we need to have rifle and pistols added to the class. That is purely your interpretation of what Ranger is, and again factually has nothing to do with how Ranger was designed in would of Guild Wars. Even on Lord of the Rings Aragorn is called a 'Ranger', yet it's totally different role he is playing compared to Ranger we are supposed to have or even ended up with. Ranger pets were designed as optional addition to being a ranger. And guess what? Every other class could also pick up pets due to the multi-class system! Thus you sir are outright factually incorrect in your statement. There are hardly any Ranger builds that focus on you solely playing physical ranged, and rather have you either purely on melee or switching between melee and ranged. Thus to bring more variety to pure ranged combat options rifle and pistols are mandatory addition to Rangers already thin physical ranged weapon arsenal. Why are you so afraid to have people who want to play Ranger with rifle or pistols being catered to? It's something that people have been asking for over a decade now, and definitely something that should be addressed as soon as possible, rather than continuing to convert core Ranger into a Druid. There is no reason to point out that Salad people choosing to become an Engineer is a rare choice, or that Charr wanting to be spell caster being an odd choice, as neither of those doesn't invalidate at all Ranger needing to get rifle and pistols. You can even be Charr Ranger already and get access to perhaps the biggest gun in the game, Charrzooka, so there is no lore reason at all to deny gunpowder weapons from Ranger. Also yet again there is little to no use in having swords while being in the wilderness at all. Guns however provide tremendous advantage when it comes to hunting or personal safety, even if their ammunition is harder to produce, yet still totally possible. Just look up how musket balls were made. It's fully reasonable choice of weapon for the wild, and one which suits Ranger way better compared to sword, greatsword, mace or hammer.
  17. If real life logic doesn't apply due to it being a fantasy game, surely it invalidates nature connections too from keeping Ranger having rifle. Besides it's not like Rangers are some sort of boomers samurai who refuse to use gunpowder weapons out of principle. Again, Rangers aren't boomers refusing to utilize latest technology. If literal Walking Salads can be Engineers, then surely Rangers can also be allowed to use guns.
  18. If Ranger is supposed to avoid unnatural weapon, then what are we doing with Sword or Greatsword? Those are literally only designed to kill other humans, and have nothing to do with surviving in the wilderness. Same argument applies to Maces and Hammers too, cause undoubtedly they are not hunting weapons even for cavemen as spears would have been their weapon of choice.
  19. >how many ranger builds did YOU see using rifle in GW1? None because the weapon didn't exist as Guild Wars is high fantasy game, rather than Guild Wars 2 which is set on fantasy/steampunk setting. >melee rangers absolutely existed in GW1. They did, however they were a small niche while 90%+ of the Rangers opted for bow. You could also pick bow on other classes, but you could never use it to an extent that Rangers could. >D&D rangers didn't even have anything special to support ranged combat. D&D Rangers are not Guild Wars Rangers. >intention was to balance ranger with the pets. What ever reason was, it was weird to force it on the physical ranged class as it started to drive the class further away from the original Ranger design.
  20. GW2 took Ranger, an original GW1 class, towards a very different direction than it was in the original game. In GW1 as Ranger your main weapon proficiency allowed you to achieve higher results with bows than any other class, making Ranger the king of physical ranged combat. And you even had 4 different kinds of bows to choose from. Back then you neither had to have pet around, as it was rather something you could choose to do investing points into beast mastery. Now Ranger getting maces in GW2 is, alas, another sign of how developers are disregarding the original design of Ranger in Guild Wars by slowly redesigning it towards a druid or shaman archetype. All of this is ultimately the reason why Ranger is drifting into something that is very different than it was originally intended to be, and it makes a lot of original Guild Wars players infuriated with how the Ranger is getting pushed away from being the physical ranged class it was always meant to be.
  21. For me ever since GW1 Ele has always been the King of AoE. That is what has defined the profession for me. If Ele should be changed, I think this goal should be kept in mind. That being said I must argue to all the people in this thread complaining about how Ele is not good at anything anymore, now that Thief took the top single target dps spot, that Ele even in it's current state is doing rather well. If you want to talk about professions that actually need reworks just take a look at Revenant or Necro.
  22. Why do we have to give up Legend swap to have one decent heal skill? Also, robbing it of Legend swap pretty much means that Elite has to be one hell of an Elite because picking that Legend would be pretty much that one Legend and nothing else and if you can't build decent builds off of those extra utility skills then we are looking at a wasted Elite. I think removing Legend swap for an Elite spec gives us less variance, not more. Because we currently have access to 2 healing skills, which has lead to them being weaker than those of other professions due to obvious reason of not making Rev better than others in that sense. If we also have access to only one heal it would have to be on par with those of the other classes. Also with one Legend they could just make it so you Energy always refreshes to 100, and doesn't start at 50. I do agree that the Legend would have to be designed very well to work out, but in the current state of Rev I doubt it would be that hard thing to pull off. I don't really care if we get more variance or not, I just want a working Elite so we can finally forget Kalla ever existed. What you propose locks Revenant into one build and one build only and that build would have to be awesome and amazing for it to be worthwhile. Also, I have seen nothing that indicates that having access to two healing skills has lead to them making them weak skills. Energy goes to 100 in combat so that's not really an issue in most cases. There is also the fact that being stuck in only one Legend doesn't give them any reason to have Energy at 100 at all times. What you propose limits Revenant in worse ways than the profession already faces. If they don't make it into the Legend to be all Legends then we would have just another wasted Legend. I don't want that. Not being locked into a single Legend gives people a chance to actually engage in designing unique builds and not just one build that everyone has to play. What you propose limits the potential Revenant and would lead it to be more subpar than it is currently felt to be. Also, Kalla is fun. I don't see at all how being able to choose your 6-10 slot skills could in anyway limit Rev into one build and one build only. Also what comes to the healing skills they are not as strong as what other classes have, for the obvious reason that we get 2 of them. Being able to choose all your utility would only make Rev more diverse, rather than limiting it to one build as you stated. Energy goes to 100 in combat yeah, but it starting from 50 instead of 100 lowers the burst potential initially. Starting from 50 with a legend swap makes sense but having one legends shouldn't need such limitation. Perhaps in this case also giving extra energy regeneration options could be possible. You don't want this and that is totally okay, but that doesn't mean everyone else feel the same. And yeah Kalla is fun, it's just not working. Other professions have a variety in builds due to the fact that they are making use of all their mechanics in order to build their differing builds. What you propose pretty much locks Revenant into a singular set of builds that don't interact with the rest of its mechanics like the other professions do. Other Elites allow a profession to build on top of what the core offers. This offers only building with the handful of skills it would have without any true interaction with the rest of the profession. That automatically limits the number of possible builds to pretty much be whatever the build the Elite had in mind to support. There would be no tinkering or experimenting. Just whatever those 6 or so skills offered. The Elite would lack synergy with the rest of the profession mechanics. Which is why it would be locked into only one build. Those skills would have to be focused tightly on the role of the Elite. You need those 6 to 10 utility skills to be tightly focused in order to get a working build. If they waver too much from the core idea of the Elite then you are just going to have 6 to 10 subpart skills. This problem would be heightened as those 6 to 10 skills need to have synergy with just themselves and nothing else, unlike other professions that have more wiggle room. And with only 6 to 10 skills to work with you really are only looking at 1 or 2 builds. As for your healing skills, that's a guess not supported by much of anything. It could just as easily be the case that you feel the healing skills are subpar due to the fact that one of the Legends is pretty much nothing but healing skills and if healing were really an issue a player could swap into that Legend. So no, it is not obvious reasons. And I have some serious doubts that having energy starting at 50 prevents burst damage. Limiting the profession to just one Legend in no way creates more diversity as you lock the profession out of the entirety of its other Legend mechanics. Reducing Revenant's diversity to just utility skill choice limits the profession as it wasn't built on the idea that utility skill choice creates the diversity but that the skill/Legend interaction created its diversity. Which brings me back to, this would have to be one hell of a Legend or it would be a bigger wasted Elite than what Revenant already has. You can't remove 80% of the profession and then say the remaining 20% is actually more diverse than it would be had it remained at 100%. You are welcome to feel that way, but I hardly can agree on any of your arguments. One way to take existing skills into this is make the legend be able to choose from all of them, with legend adding some nice effects making them better to justify over having 3 utilities instead of 6. I never once stated in my previous posts I would limit this legend to only one elite, they should take multiple ones unless they can come up with something so universally great that it works with everything. Saying my healing skill argument is just a guess not supported by anything is fine, but can you backup that claim by facts? I doubt you can. Boosting Revenant to be able to focus on just one Legend with some actual choices of what you want to make your build for would in my opinion make Rev more diverse, unlike what you make claims for. I suppose we have to agree to disagree on this matter, but I'm glad you took your time to write your opinion over this suggestion. Thanks. Aaaaaaaah I get it. You want Revenant to stop being Revenant. Gotcha. Strip Revenant of everything that makes it Revenant by giving it one mega Legend that gives it access to everything that the profession has (including other Elites which other professions don't get access to but hey who cares about game balance when we are tossing out how the profession actually works). Why bother playing Revenant if you basically want to rob Revenant of the things that make it unique? It certainly isn't for game balance. Also, I really don't need to back my position on healing skill with facts. The burden of proof on the matter is on you since you are the one to make the claim that having two healing skills was the reason why healing skills were subpar. I just challenged that position and offered up an equally plausible reason. I really don't need to prove that point since I didn't make the initial claim about why the healing skills worked the way the did. The only person who would need facts on that matter is you. I just have to question it. I'm sorry if my post triggered you in anyway, reading your respond makes me feel you might be a bit upset because of it. Alas as I previously already stated, it's very clear we don't agree on this matter so without further arguing let's leave it here shall we. Thanks. Why would I be upset? There is exactly zero reason to be upset over an idea that would never see the light of day. I'm merely pointing out the flaws in the logic presented thus far. It's fine if you can't defend the idea but really why suggest an Elite that pretty much strips Revenant of everything that makes it Revenant if you can't justify the logic being used? I just naturally assumed that you could defend your idea since you posted it for others to read and judge. I made my points in my previous posts already why I think it's good and why I don't agree with the arguments you made before. Since we clearly don't agree even on the basics I don't see any point trying to change your mind on the subject as you haven't been able to change mine either. It's not about not being able to defend, it's about choosing not to point out same arguments over and over again in a thread dedicated to a completely different Elite spec suggestion. We don't agree and that is fine, my opinion on the matter has not been changed by your arguments. So let's leave it here, thanks.
  23. Why do we have to give up Legend swap to have one decent heal skill? Also, robbing it of Legend swap pretty much means that Elite has to be one hell of an Elite because picking that Legend would be pretty much that one Legend and nothing else and if you can't build decent builds off of those extra utility skills then we are looking at a wasted Elite. I think removing Legend swap for an Elite spec gives us less variance, not more. Because we currently have access to 2 healing skills, which has lead to them being weaker than those of other professions due to obvious reason of not making Rev better than others in that sense. If we also have access to only one heal it would have to be on par with those of the other classes. Also with one Legend they could just make it so you Energy always refreshes to 100, and doesn't start at 50. I do agree that the Legend would have to be designed very well to work out, but in the current state of Rev I doubt it would be that hard thing to pull off. I don't really care if we get more variance or not, I just want a working Elite so we can finally forget Kalla ever existed. What you propose locks Revenant into one build and one build only and that build would have to be awesome and amazing for it to be worthwhile. Also, I have seen nothing that indicates that having access to two healing skills has lead to them making them weak skills. Energy goes to 100 in combat so that's not really an issue in most cases. There is also the fact that being stuck in only one Legend doesn't give them any reason to have Energy at 100 at all times. What you propose limits Revenant in worse ways than the profession already faces. If they don't make it into the Legend to be all Legends then we would have just another wasted Legend. I don't want that. Not being locked into a single Legend gives people a chance to actually engage in designing unique builds and not just one build that everyone has to play. What you propose limits the potential Revenant and would lead it to be more subpar than it is currently felt to be. Also, Kalla is fun. I don't see at all how being able to choose your 6-10 slot skills could in anyway limit Rev into one build and one build only. Also what comes to the healing skills they are not as strong as what other classes have, for the obvious reason that we get 2 of them. Being able to choose all your utility would only make Rev more diverse, rather than limiting it to one build as you stated. Energy goes to 100 in combat yeah, but it starting from 50 instead of 100 lowers the burst potential initially. Starting from 50 with a legend swap makes sense but having one legends shouldn't need such limitation. Perhaps in this case also giving extra energy regeneration options could be possible. You don't want this and that is totally okay, but that doesn't mean everyone else feel the same. And yeah Kalla is fun, it's just not working. Other professions have a variety in builds due to the fact that they are making use of all their mechanics in order to build their differing builds. What you propose pretty much locks Revenant into a singular set of builds that don't interact with the rest of its mechanics like the other professions do. Other Elites allow a profession to build on top of what the core offers. This offers only building with the handful of skills it would have without any true interaction with the rest of the profession. That automatically limits the number of possible builds to pretty much be whatever the build the Elite had in mind to support. There would be no tinkering or experimenting. Just whatever those 6 or so skills offered. The Elite would lack synergy with the rest of the profession mechanics. Which is why it would be locked into only one build. Those skills would have to be focused tightly on the role of the Elite. You need those 6 to 10 utility skills to be tightly focused in order to get a working build. If they waver too much from the core idea of the Elite then you are just going to have 6 to 10 subpart skills. This problem would be heightened as those 6 to 10 skills need to have synergy with just themselves and nothing else, unlike other professions that have more wiggle room. And with only 6 to 10 skills to work with you really are only looking at 1 or 2 builds. As for your healing skills, that's a guess not supported by much of anything. It could just as easily be the case that you feel the healing skills are subpar due to the fact that one of the Legends is pretty much nothing but healing skills and if healing were really an issue a player could swap into that Legend. So no, it is not obvious reasons. And I have some serious doubts that having energy starting at 50 prevents burst damage. Limiting the profession to just one Legend in no way creates more diversity as you lock the profession out of the entirety of its other Legend mechanics. Reducing Revenant's diversity to just utility skill choice limits the profession as it wasn't built on the idea that utility skill choice creates the diversity but that the skill/Legend interaction created its diversity. Which brings me back to, this would have to be one hell of a Legend or it would be a bigger wasted Elite than what Revenant already has. You can't remove 80% of the profession and then say the remaining 20% is actually more diverse than it would be had it remained at 100%. You are welcome to feel that way, but I hardly can agree on any of your arguments. One way to take existing skills into this is make the legend be able to choose from all of them, with legend adding some nice effects making them better to justify over having 3 utilities instead of 6. I never once stated in my previous posts I would limit this legend to only one elite, they should take multiple ones unless they can come up with something so universally great that it works with everything. Saying my healing skill argument is just a guess not supported by anything is fine, but can you backup that claim by facts? I doubt you can. Boosting Revenant to be able to focus on just one Legend with some actual choices of what you want to make your build for would in my opinion make Rev more diverse, unlike what you make claims for. I suppose we have to agree to disagree on this matter, but I'm glad you took your time to write your opinion over this suggestion. Thanks. Aaaaaaaah I get it. You want Revenant to stop being Revenant. Gotcha. Strip Revenant of everything that makes it Revenant by giving it one mega Legend that gives it access to everything that the profession has (including other Elites which other professions don't get access to but hey who cares about game balance when we are tossing out how the profession actually works). Why bother playing Revenant if you basically want to rob Revenant of the things that make it unique? It certinatly isn't for game balance. Also, I really don't need to back my position on healing skill with facts. The burden of proof on the matter is on you since you are the one to make the claim that having two healing skills was the reason why healing skills were subpar. I just challenged that position and offered up an equally plausible reason. I really don't need to prove that point since I didn't make the initial claim about why the healing skills worked the way the did. The only person who would need facts on that matter is you. I just have to question it. I'm sorry if my post triggered you in anyway, reading your respond makes me feel you might be a bit upset because of it. Alas as I previously already stated, it's very clear we don't agree on this matter so without further arguing let's leave it here shall we. Thanks.
  24. Why do we have to give up Legend swap to have one decent heal skill? Also, robbing it of Legend swap pretty much means that Elite has to be one hell of an Elite because picking that Legend would be pretty much that one Legend and nothing else and if you can't build decent builds off of those extra utility skills then we are looking at a wasted Elite. I think removing Legend swap for an Elite spec gives us less variance, not more. Because we currently have access to 2 healing skills, which has lead to them being weaker than those of other professions due to obvious reason of not making Rev better than others in that sense. If we also have access to only one heal it would have to be on par with those of the other classes. Also with one Legend they could just make it so you Energy always refreshes to 100, and doesn't start at 50. I do agree that the Legend would have to be designed very well to work out, but in the current state of Rev I doubt it would be that hard thing to pull off. I don't really care if we get more variance or not, I just want a working Elite so we can finally forget Kalla ever existed. What you propose locks Revenant into one build and one build only and that build would have to be awesome and amazing for it to be worthwhile. Also, I have seen nothing that indicates that having access to two healing skills has lead to them making them weak skills. Energy goes to 100 in combat so that's not really an issue in most cases. There is also the fact that being stuck in only one Legend doesn't give them any reason to have Energy at 100 at all times. What you propose limits Revenant in worse ways than the profession already faces. If they don't make it into the Legend to be all Legends then we would have just another wasted Legend. I don't want that. Not being locked into a single Legend gives people a chance to actually engage in designing unique builds and not just one build that everyone has to play. What you propose limits the potential Revenant and would lead it to be more subpar than it is currently felt to be. Also, Kalla is fun. I don't see at all how being able to choose your 6-10 slot skills could in anyway limit Rev into one build and one build only. Also what comes to the healing skills they are not as strong as what other classes have, for the obvious reason that we get 2 of them. Being able to choose all your utility would only make Rev more diverse, rather than limiting it to one build as you stated. Energy goes to 100 in combat yeah, but it starting from 50 instead of 100 lowers the burst potential initially. Starting from 50 with a legend swap makes sense but having one legends shouldn't need such limitation. Perhaps in this case also giving extra energy regeneration options could be possible. You don't want this and that is totally okay, but that doesn't mean everyone else feel the same. And yeah Kalla is fun, it's just not working. Other professions have a variety in builds due to the fact that they are making use of all their mechanics in order to build their differing builds. What you propose pretty much locks Revenant into a singular set of builds that don't interact with the rest of its mechanics like the other professions do. Other Elites allow a profession to build on top of what the core offers. This offers only building with the handful of skills it would have without any true interaction with the rest of the profession. That automatically limits the number of possible builds to pretty much be whatever the build the Elite had in mind to support. There would be no tinkering or experimenting. Just whatever those 6 or so skills offered. The Elite would lack synergy with the rest of the profession mechanics. Which is why it would be locked into only one build. Those skills would have to be focused tightly on the role of the Elite. You need those 6 to 10 utility skills to be tightly focused in order to get a working build. If they waver too much from the core idea of the Elite then you are just going to have 6 to 10 subpart skills. This problem would be heightened as those 6 to 10 skills need to have synergy with just themselves and nothing else, unlike other professions that have more wiggle room. And with only 6 to 10 skills to work with you really are only looking at 1 or 2 builds. As for your healing skills, that's a guess not supported by much of anything. It could just as easily be the case that you feel the healing skills are subpar due to the fact that one of the Legends is pretty much nothing but healing skills and if healing were really an issue a player could swap into that Legend. So no, it is not obvious reasons. And I have some serious doubts that having energy starting at 50 prevents burst damage. Limiting the profession to just one Legend in no way creates more diversity as you lock the profession out of the entirety of its other Legend mechanics. Reducing Revenant's diversity to just utility skill choice limits the profession as it wasn't built on the idea that utility skill choice creates the diversity but that the skill/Legend interaction created its diversity. Which brings me back to, this would have to be one hell of a Legend or it would be a bigger wasted Elite than what Revenant already has. You can't remove 80% of the profession and then say the remaining 20% is actually more diverse than it would be had it remained at 100%. You are welcome to feel that way, but I hardly can agree on any of your arguments. One way to take existing skills into this is make the legend be able to choose from all of them, with legend adding some nice effects making them better to justify over having 3 utilities instead of 6. I never once stated in my previous posts I would limit this legend to only one elite, they should take multiple ones unless they can come up with something so universally great that it works with everything. Saying my healing skill argument is just a guess not supported by anything is fine, but can you backup that claim by facts? I doubt you can. Boosting Revenant to be able to focus on just one Legend with some actual choices of what you want to make your build for would in my opinion make Rev more diverse, unlike what you make claims for. I suppose we have to agree to disagree on this matter, but I'm glad you took your time to write your opinion over this suggestion. Thanks.
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