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ysnake.3619's Achievements

  1. Exactly the right mentality, the whole game is about doing something you want to do/love doing. You tried something, you didn't like it, maybe revisit it down the line, maybe not. All of us here are guilty of countless "rerolls" to a different profession.
  2. Exactly this, MMOs were not a niche genre back in early 2000s (especially upon WoW release), Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest and whatever other MMORPGs you played were pretty big compared to some other titles. But it has gone down, and even though we are playing a niche genre... we are having a blast doing it.
  3. Unfortunately, I get blasted when playing my Cele Weaver by Cele Heralds, and I blast Cele Weavers on my Cele Herald. People often don't understand that Weavers don't really "control" their condi cleanses (bar Fire 5 and Earth 4) - as they are stance-dancing anyhow. Maybe I suck on both of those classes, but hey, just saying my experience playing Cele Weaver a lot and a very good amount of Cele Herald (quadra swap cheese, not the actual Mallyx condibomb).
  4. Cele Herald is a pretty good counter to Weavers as Chill spam is very annoying and debilitates the Weaver. On top of that, quadra-swap Heralds poop out so many conditions, Weavers cannot reliably remove most of them. The actual counter to Cele Weaver is kiting - Weavers have 1 or 2 gap closers and that is pretty much it (unless they are running Dagger offhand, then it is 3, but they have MUCH LESS utility on 4 and 5 skills if so). Weavers need to be in melee range to do damage and their only stun is Gale (and the Elite use skill). Stunbreak Gale and do not hesitate to do so - if they just used their blink on you > that means they were just in air > that means the next atunement swap a Gale is coming - it is a hard thing to keep track of, but that is how they set up their kills. One of the hard-counters to Cele Weaver is... believe it or not: Spellbreaker - Spellbreakers are literally made to deal with those classes - but, as we all know, playing a Warrior is a miserable experience. But Spellbreaker has all the tools required to deal with a Weaver. Mediocre Weavers WILL struggle against Cele Firebrands, good Weavers will force this into a stalemate. Same goes for Cele Druids and any form of a decent Scrapper (as kiting is all a Scrapper wants to do and Weavers really hate it). Mirage, either Celestial or Trailblazer is also a stalemate (this is ofc taking into account that both players are of similar skill). Thieves can either ignore the Weaver or kill them in a prolonged fight, but Thieves really need to make Weavers use all of their utility prior to being able to score a kill. Necromancers are a good counter due to Chill spam - Weavers REALLY hate Chill. If you dislike fighting them, you CAN run away. If you see them becoming a ball of lightning, turn on them and make sure to punish the Dagger offhand - Dagger does not even offer CLOSE to what Weavers usually run. They will do a lot of damage during Fire atunement, so be vary of that.
  5. What we all hoped for was to have a pretty cool and fluid range spec (why not a kitten Gunslinger of a sort?) - instead we got another "Battlemage" which is VERY clunky and demanding to play. Elementalist shouldn't deal with "clunky" in its base kit due to complexity of it. At this point, only a mid-expansion rework could potentially save a hammer Elementalist... which still sucks imho.
  6. Greetings there, this is not a bashing thread. This is not a nerf this nerf that thread, or a bad matchmaking thread - nope. Now that we got that out of the way, let's dive into the fun thought experiment. PvP game mode is solely reliant on the "Domination" mode, meaning controlling points. At times, sadly, it is purely balanced around this (I know, "balance" is a tough word to throw around these parts). BUT If sPvP lifted ALL its restrictions and became the same balance-wise like WvW (everything, skills, gear, sigils)... what professions and elites would reign supreme in that case? Who would be the best +1'er? Who would be the best duelist? Who would be the best node-holder? Who would be the best support? What would be the best 3v3 or 4v4 teamfight setup? Would the meta change completely? Where do you see the meta if WvW balance came into sPvP?
  7. So this guy makes this post and then: - this as well Get the kitten outta here will ya?
  8. Not to be a kitten, but there have been games who lived up to hype: - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - World of Warcraft: Legion - Valorant - Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty - Overwatch etc etc Now, what happened later is a completely different thing (lack of support or a complete change of direction), but those games definitely lived up to the hype they produced.
  9. Legendary armor, lots of Gem Store skins available (depends on your preference) - there's a buttload of skins that you can get and make your "perfect" armor set.
  10. Yes, make sure whoever made that idea is now jobless because their whole purpose was "yo i got ideeea, barriur" You people are scum. What they need to look at is overperforming specs, why are they overperforming and would "nerfing" that overperforming ability put them in a good state or in an unplayable state, or a really dissatisfactory state - where it just doesn't feel good to play that profession. The entire community agrees that several specs are overperforming in sPvP - that would be Holosmith, Support Guardian, Core Necromancer, Thief (and all its variations) and Power Heralds. Why are they overperforming in sPvP? (besides Support Guardian) - because their kits are overloaded to how bare-bones sPvP is. It is literally a stripped down version of everything the game has to offer, because how sanitized with stats it is - and there's not a lot of build variations, everyone's running the same thing - maybe someone runs a different utility here and there, that Weaver is not running Blink but instead the Barrier pumping stance-thing - wow, the variety is just mind-boggling. sPvP is played by the LEAST amount of players (mind you, most of these players do not really spend money and ArenaNet graciously never made sPvPers spend money, perhaps some Char Slots and Bag Slots, that's pretty much it), but alas, it is played by the most VOCAL minority since WoW Mythic Raiders (which are also in minority, but reading the forums would make you believe everyone and their dog is playing Mythic runs 15 times a week on 4 alts). Players like you Agramon, yes - just like you - are the sole reason why sPvP is in such a horrendous position and why most of the playerbase simply ignores it. I would love sPvP to be a proper competitive gamemode, I would love that all the skillful players that ARE playing it have their fun - I would love to see amazing videos of pure outplays, tournaments even of just pure glorious sPvP action. But the cries for nerf this nerf that left the sPvP in this position - because it is such a delicate thing to balance due to the gamemode everyone is forced to play. If you don't like it, don't play it - that's my motto.
  11. Nothing new for Warriors, I'm afraid - always getting the short end of the stick. I honestly wish Warriors were good at something other than 7sec stun Berserker cheese Burn and running away with Greatsword.
  12. That's the thing, we are currently not stacked for obvious Alliance reasons - FoW is indeed carrying GH. I am not here saying "my server's kitten is bigger than yours" - on any pairing, we were usually #1 or #2 (Germans tend to run late-night groups). But currently, in Alliances, it is simply all stacks of players everywhere (I did not even choose an Alliance) - and small groups of everyone everywhere, meaning solo roaming, or, at times, small group roaming is neigh impossible. The question still remains though: What is the point of Alliances? I am genuinely curious - not bashing or ranting, genuinely asking the question.
  13. View from it from this perspective: some professions and elites couldn't benefit from Trailblazer while essentially wanting to do the same thing: stack conditions and be tanky. Trailblazer Tempest/Weaver PALE in comparison to, for example, Trailblazer Mirage, Soulbeast, Druid, Necromancer - however, Celestial "allowed" these builds to be played as Elementalists really need the Healing and Concetration stats due to their squishy nature. Do we need more "Trailblazery" playstyles in WvW? Not really - do we really want WvW to be a bunch of cheesebuilds with 1shots? No, not really (at least I don't) - so, this is an okay middle ground.
  14. Greetings there, No - this is not an alliance-bashing thread or question, I am simply asking a very simple question: Why do we need Alliances? I am on EU on Gunnar's Hold - mostly paired with Fissure of Woe, and the action and the server balance was USUALLY 40-30-30 whoever we are matched against (there is always an overperforming server and the other two are kinda there). Also, it was very solo-friendly (except if you stumble on keeps during prime time obv) - I've been playing for quite some time in WvW now and it is rather infuriating to attempt to play as a roamer on almost any map (unless you're Home flipping some camps). So yes - why are Alliances deemed necessary by ArenaNet and consequently by the community as well?
  15. This isn't due to Cele (Cele Mirage isn't really getting as much benefit from it unlike Elementalist is, for example). Mirage is even more broken when running Trailblazer (their sustain is almost untouched and their condi cleanse is still the same), they do not benefit much from Cele buff. Scrappers are annoying, sure - but no Scrapper was running full Berserkers or Marauders anyhow, everyone I know has been running Diviner here and there. So, not much has changed there. Core Necro is even more busted with Trailblazer, the whole strength of Core Necro is ridiculous Life Force generation, so no, Cele did not buff them either. Bunker Rangers, yes - this is where we get to the "Cele buffed" part, bunker rangers are definitely benefiting from the Cele buff. HOWEVER, Trailblazer Rangers (who are already Bunkery af) are even worse due to root spam. Especially Druids. Mallyx Heralds, they are walking Condibombs. Yes, you need a massive Condi Cleanse to get rid of it, but... Cele Heralds RARELY run Staff (it's usually quadra swap sigil with mace/axe and sword/shield). But they do drop VERY fast when they are not in Glint (and even then, everyone has gotten used to Heralds that they rarely simply heal you up). But yes, Heralds have definitely benefited from the Cele buff - and tbh, that's only Herald, Renegade is perfectly fine (a bit undertuned, but it is still fine). Cele Tempest/Weavers - yes. The pen-ultimate beneficiary of Cele buff - they are quite annoying and in good hands, neigh impossible to kill. However, as they are Elementalists, they all suffer from the same core problem: getting bursted or outpressured. The one you did not mention, for I don't know what reasons: Cele Firebrand - the ultimate beneficiary of the Celestial buff were Firebrands. All six gods know we don't need Firebrand running a show in another game mode, but in terms of roaming - the annoying Burn-stacking craplords are indeed the best Cele profession out there. And, quite frankly - I don't mind that. (I play Cele Renegade, Cele Weaver, Berserker/Captain Scrapper, Marauder Reaper, so freely bash my choices of not playing a Berserker-only Berserker with Torch as its only weapon because that's what real pros play)
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