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Everything posted by cubed.2853

  1. there was and is only one problem, the team responsible for balancing. they should simply be fired and replaced, otherwise the game will die.
  2. just wanted to log in to do my daily, but what the hell is arenanet matching us against? wsr has waymarks everywhere and you can't even get out of the spawn without being overrun by 25 immortal people....
  3. the complete history of guildwars 2 is a perfect guide on how NOT to balance a game 90% of the time.
  4. So I switched to my core necro yesterday and thought I wasn't seeing right. This is yet another perfect example of the balance team's absolute incompetence. Balance doesn't mean constantly reinventing the wheel, or even nerfing a skill back to it's origin. How can you be so incompetent and constantly change everything completely? Balance is when you make only minor adjustments. Also everything class got stronger since release, but hey, we can just "reset" the trait to the origin of the game....!? Has no one actually noticed that the trait is not completely useless in the pve? What a sh**show.... Is someone specific still drinking enough water over there?
  5. you should get the feeling of participation, nothing else
  6. this actually says everything about this patch...
  7. Please fire your balance team. Seriously the changes are once again just ridiculous....! Never seen in any game such a chaos. Since the release of the game you make the same mistakes, over and over again. One could write a thesis about how balancing does not work featuring only gw2....
  8. since the introduction of the ascended items, the game has been one big grind orgy of database entries. anyone who says otherwise obviously has a questionable perception. for me, this is not necessarily problematic, as i can control myself and such things do not catch on with me. for many people, however, this is not the case, and they spend a lot of money or time to achieve these goals. too much time and too much money. arenanet uses people's evolutionary weaknesses here without regard for health or financial damage imho.
  9. i am now at 5 failures. the people are getting better, but the randomness is just unfair. i don't feel like trying again. oh yeah, and the strike missions aren't fun either... why aren't there nice linear dungeons anymore...? it's all about the grind it seems....
  10. the randomness in it just doesn't work at all.... imho this is a good sample for flawed game design.
  11. this meta event is just awful. i don't understand how to have fun here? it's pure chaos and a single strobe light. on top of that, this expansion is a joke compared to the previous chapters. the story is good and better, but the scope is very manageable. obviously, some priorities were to offer a long grind instead of fun.
  12. that's exactly how i've seen it since the beginning of gw. being able to become invisible all the time and teleport around feels totally like legal cheating... worst class mechanics of all time.so i generally don't play against them, unless the players are too stupid for their builds they copied from the internet...
  13. hiding classes diversity behind a wall of grind and money was one of the worst design decisions. i miss the build freedom from the first gw. i had lots of build and so much fun changing my playstyle on daily base. gw1 was about to play the game any way you want at any time, gw2 just grind, grind, grind or pay arenanet money :/ and when you're done with it, you notice that there are virtually no more demanding contents :D
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