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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. This would make sense if it was 2010 and Demon's Souls / Dark Souls type games had not come out yet. They share the same 'MMO + PvP' that GW2 has, but in a less structured format (I would love to invade random PvE'r worlds though). But it's 2024 and some of this stuff should be pretty obvious now. Maybe should start with not making skills that do 10 different things.
  2. Wouldn't underestimate fashion wars and selling expansions to get the new specs. I've spent a lot on both and only really do competitive--just bought some storm gloves a few minutes ago in fact. We could go round all day, as technically open world PvE is what attracts and potentially keeps players around, not instanced PvE which is just as toxic as competitive is, only you aren't able to PK your fractal/strike/raid group. Anyway, let competitive folks have Obsidian armor and you can play salmon hunt and Frogger in PvE for Woad armor.
  3. Look, first of all, the gemstore funds the game and it isn't mode specific. Diehards are the least important piece of this puzzle, most important is the new player buying all the old content or the fashion wars player that buys cosmetics but might not touch a ton of PvE. You can shine bright like a diamond in any mode, and give anet money--regardless of if you are hitting bears with spears or throwing siege on people while glowing like the sun. Anyway, if you nolife the expansions and run out of content in a week--that's on you. That alone isn't healthy but for reasons beyond the scope of the topic. Regardless, competitive is a part of the game. Here, pretend Spirit Watch is Janthir or something and LARP in unranked until you get you rewards, it'll be faster than typing walls of text about how you will boycott a game over some basic kitten looking armor.
  4. Isn't this the same as making confusion stack based instead of duration? More stacks means more damage (over time), but each activation removes a stack. I'd like it more if confusion actually did something as its name implies, not another generic condition. Torment made sense prior to the change as moving around would cause 'more torment' or more damage, so it was thematically appropriate. Poison reduces healing because you're poisoned, burning is kind of generic damage because you are well...on fire... Confusion however, like bleed, has no theme; it's just generic damage, with confusion being far more punishing in any iteration due to it proc'ing on skill use. Could be interesting if they fused confusion and taunt somehow, essentially leading to being CC'd by having to auto-attack like taunt or being unable to direct target something, but not really dealing damage anymore.
  5. You do know you can obtain it in sPvP too, right? Takes two-three hours max if you actually win games. Especially with the events going on--to make it go even faster, I'm running the track in both WvW and sPvP with no boosters and already have 4 of 6 pieces of one weight. That is, I'm not even trying and its mostly done for a somewhat average looking set. Regrardless, you have two other PvE exclusive armor sets (from just JW, many more including SoTO) and an entire house to decorate. But still threaten boycotts...interesting.
  6. Difference between prestige and exclusive. Prestige skins belong only really in Raids, Strikes, and Ranked sPvP, places where there's a demonstrable goal. Exclusive skins can be anywhere, from open world PvE to WvW, places where you can roll your face on your keyboard for long enough and still obtain it. There is still merit to the exclusivity though, even if by theme. As an armor set earned by a warrior in the mists makes little sense to be craftable in open world, and vice versa. Maybe, but as devil's advocate, there's 'easy competitive' in WvW and 'hard competitive' in sPvP, which is why when a vast majority of the board says 'competitive' they mean WvW. If you could say only get Gift of Battle via ranked PvP then you would see a LOT of complaints from both PvE and WvW players, I assure you 🤣.
  7. What if there was a system, where there were worlds, and they had distinct names? Then, guilds could join to those worlds, and solos as well--and everyone would have a stable place to form discord communities and other identity? Naahhh, that could never work.
  8. Ranger builds don't last very long before getting demolished. In fact, they are pre-demolishing them now (see: stealth nerfs three minutes after the expansion launches). You gotta wonder how they didn't see Staff/Spear being broken on War and Guard. I guess the same way that support chrono goes untouched. Sometimes they willfully ignore an overperformer just to keep things moving.
  9. I don't know where 'here' is, but Holiday month's where I live are winter (the US), meaning Thanksgiving-Christmas. Why does that matter? To me it doesn't, but it's what we're reduced to with posting 'neutral facts'. 🙃
  10. In the span of the two years since I wrote that and now, I have indeed tried arc, and it has indeed broken with every patch they do, in accordance with: Note to users of third-party programs: The game may not launch or work properly after we release a new build if you use a third-party program, due to possible incompatibilities. ArenaNet cannot offer support if a third-party modification breaks, interferes with, or prevents you from playing Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2. Our policy regarding third-party programs can be found here. So, I just uninstalled arc a while ago as it doesn't seem to work in sPvP anyway and that's more what I do now. Was only really using it to test output on WvW roaming builds but have somewhat lost interest in WvW with each change they make.
  11. Just FWIW, they will run you in circles with fence sitting. As a sort of last with you: You seem to write things and then immediately forget them, going with a line of reasoning that you put opinions on forums that don't mean anything, they are just your feelings. Since forums are inherently debate oriented (thus the name), it makes it very difficult to debate when you for instance go 'oh, negativity is a forums thing' then 'oh, well no, negativity is just my vibe of a forums thing'. This extends to every other interaction we've had--while I'm initially game for it, it does get tiring to wait for my notifications to blow up only to read 'you can't control my feelings!' or something of that nature. Which is why I'll agree to a ceasefire as we're just going down the road of me violating a safe space or something, which is a dubious proposition. How can you even do that when we've had on and off betas for five years? Betas where they ran events each and every time which skews numbers? Would we need to look into community discord activity too? Essentially, are people really getting more hyped now that it's a GvG enviro vs. server pride days?
  12. Which ironically, helped lead to definite proof that WvW is dying off because of WR and anet treating it like a GvG environment. Your initial post was 'this is a forums thing' and you have yet to say, 'oh my bad, maybe it isn't just a forums thing'. You can keep relying, but the copium grows deeper with you.
  13. Ok, after reading the post history I may stand semi-corrected.
  14. Oh well, that's...amazing. I'm sure it's on the 2025 hotfix list.
  15. They kind of tried this with Edge of the Mists...it's currently a barren wasteland. It's a fundamental GW2 thing, you either structure an activity into small groups (sPvP, Dungeons, Fractals) or large ones (Open World Metas, Raids, WvW)--there is no in-between. So that would rule out any instanced map other than what we have. The other options is PK areas in actual PvE, and oh my would that cause a nuclear explosion with the actual PvE crowd, as for most of them even grinding out a Gift of Battle is far too much. Holy Ad Hominems Batman
  16. Except for you keep going in this very topic about API endpoints and calendar months, all to prove a point which is simultaneously being disproven by the numbers posted in this topic. To break it down for you, screenshots are called testimonials, it is what is used between your feelings (anecdotal evidence) and actual hard numbers. When I asked for testimonials, we didn't have any hard numbers, just people saying it's the forums being the forums and everything is fine--we now have hard numbers, so I no longer really care about testimonials as the point is proven. I also don't care about the other user with 6 posts, it screams alt to me so I'm ignoring them. You were just collateral as happened to echo a similar statement to the other user, but did not have me feeling like you are a bot / alt. I'm happy with the discussion as-is now, no real reason to go in circles when we have proof that WR surely isn't helping matters.
  17. Spear Swipe? At least I think that's what it is...holy hell have I been knocked back a lot (and into a lot of DH traps like a pinball) in the past couple weeks. Cause that couple secs of stability on my Druid build is...definitely not enough for this lolol
  18. People will also literally report you for match manip. Which is really fun when you are trying to make legendaries and forced to multiclass--when I did, I had to go out of my way not to play engi as I am so bad at it, and was getting the same couple accounts call targeting / threatening to report for manip or whatever every game lol. I just settled for thief and warrior, as at that point DE and Bladesworn were so broken they required 3 buttons to stay at 1480 for an entire season. Anyway, tldr; people are way to happy to report in PvP, like 10x the amount they do in WvW for 100x less actual hacking and sus stuff. It's wild 🤣
  19. I gotchu bro: Now you can fight with math and tell me how these numbers are a 'forum only' thing. It's not flawed. The evidence is above, there's a sharp drop in activity, to mask this they make up a new scoring algorithm to keep things close. This isn't hard.
  20. Wow, if only the Top 10 knew this. Oh wait...
  21. What's weird is you quoted yourself above then immediately forget what we're talking about, interesting. For those keeping score at home, I bolded it for you; maybe it is a language barrier thing since you apparently cannot remember what you are typing (or too many for the road 🙃). To be clear, "Echo chamber" was what the other person used but same thing here, you are saying it's a forums thing--meaning only the forums complains. That's not the case, there's objective evidence--called way less population activity in WvW compared to any time prior. They don't just change a scoring algo 'for fun', they change it to mask a bunch of blowouts because blowouts are pretty bad look for PR. For a system that was in beta for literally like 5 years, it's not a good look. WR turned server stacking into guild stacking, but this time with less community options, because now it literally is a giant GvG playground. Great for the guilds, bad for everyone else.
  22. Let me be clear, you going on the forums saying it's an echo chamber while saying that in game is different with zero evidence, is...pointless. I got a lakefront bridge in Arizona for you too.
  23. Yes. You are saying this is just a 'forum thing' with no backing up whatsoever. It's called anecdotal evidence--what I'm suggesting is have actual screens or vids of people being happy about WR. This is my feeling as well, but also based on only team chat activity as my guild is small to begin with (there are usually 5 of us on at any given time). I'm sure if I log in closer to prime time I'd get more actual hard evidence of people being annoyed, but the feeling is there anytime I go into WvW. In today's terms, WvW no longer passes the vibe check.
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