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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. More I think about this, realized too that it is very hard for an opponent to tell what state an enemy Untamed is in before it's too late. We need some kind of visual tell on both ends.
  2. Only 1-3 are wintraded, remember....this was #4, no way could be wintrade!
  3. W key was a misnomer btw, I don't use WSAD. Anyway, who knows--but they did get bodied by my pet, and with a title like that--yikes. Guessing I interrupted some sort of wintrade session, but with the entirety of their team also being literal bots, I have no idea.
  4. Nah, from 8:18 on could only strafe--or did you miss all the camera trickery to even get back onto the point lol. Have a vid directly after that when zone back to LA and can move fine, never have had problems since. Was very weird, indeed.
  5. They should. At least for April fools, to see how it goes, but this would be hilarious.
  6. Is it something that prevents your char from moving forward? Had a game where that happened right at the end: I don't know what in the wintrade cartel was going on in this game, but being unable to use my W key was something else.
  7. Mesmer just have to look for the one that's trying to act like a clone (and also has buffs on its bar) and hope you get lucky enough to actually manually click it.... Yeah, it's annoying.
  8. It should be 0. Negligible also does not mean 'none', which you are now directly stating only what, rank 1-3 now is wintraded / duo boosted / etc. Which is impossible under 'negligible' amounts, meaning more than just 1-3 is boosted. Of course, I had a feeling I was debating an alt. Not just because the name is a seemingly random ref to a Russian pop song, but the overall defensiveness screams of hiding behind an alt. Why can't you just post under your main? Should probably ban alt accounts on the forums too, but that's a different discussion.
  9. Bro... Lemme break this down for you since you don't seem to read what you write 😂 This is just 'people with pvp titles', not god of the arena--no one mentioned god or demigod of the arena. In fact, I very specifically named princess (rank 4) and baroness (top 100) of the arena. To summarize, this makes you saying only place 1 and 2 are wintraded / RMT'd laughable, btw. What was your main account, if I may ask?
  10. Bro...are you sure you're ok? Baroness of the arena is a top 100 title my dude, specifically one I was referring to in my post about the princess/baroness duo, one which you said 'the people with those titles probably aren't good'. Think you've been alt'ing too long. Only joined in January...suggests a ban of some sort? Clearly not a new player.
  11. This: Implies most of the Top 100 would buy titles, no? If only 1-2 people buy titles, good chance I run into someone that didn't buy a title and thus was actually good. We're also in a matchmaking abuse topic...or multiple merged ones at this point. So yeah, the chance of the Top 100 not only being mostly alts but a good percentage wintrading their titles (for money, clout, whatever) is very likely.
  12. You're implying most of the Top 100 do this. I offer up a video of beating titled players, and you counter with 'they probably aren't good and bought them, but its only 1-2 people'. Which is patently false as this isn't the first pair of titled players I've run into and done well against--but there are also titled players I know are good (like Eura) I've run into, beat in a game (one time lol) and actually felt a good challenge. To get back to the point, still getting matched with these players at a gold 1 level. This means matchmaker is not working anymore, blame it on population or what, but the statement about win streaks and loss streaks doesn't hold. There's you get lucky and go on a winstreak, and then there's the matchmaker + unlucky puts you in some insane games until you go back to 50% winrate, no matter if you are in bronze or plat.
  13. You posting in a topic about matchmaking abuse with this statement. I wonder how do the top 100 have a winrate of over 50%? Sometimes even up to 90%! Then to top it off immediately follow with: Again, if you have way over 50% winrate in Top 100 and 'aren't good' then what could be going on here? Based on your previous statements these players played into their natural bracket, have essentially no one higher than them, but...aren't good. So, to boil it down, the matchmaker works fine but Top 100 aren't good and titles mean nothing...possibly because you are one and want to stay up there uncontested using some interesting means? Plainly, pretty sure you may be an alt at this point.
  14. This just isn't true in current landscape. I know, because I can literally post videos of facing a double mesmer princess of arena / baroness of the arena duo when I was at 1290 and 49% winrate? Thing is, we won like 500-50--not sure if this was a throw game or they were playing badly comparatively to possible plat alts on my own team. Anyway, I could go on a 10 winstreak, shoot up to 1400 and still have the exact same matches as at 1290. The population is too low for anything to work properly. Even if it DID work properly, the 'win and gain +10, lose and lose -15' that this game does will always ensure higher ranked players in lower brackets simply due to bad games here and there. Win and lose streaks don't mean much except for what many have witnessed, in that the matchmaker tries to force you to 50% no matter what, so will put you in games on its own to either throw or carry to get you there.
  15. How does the number of possible throws on a team mean wintrading is easier if you soloq? Throws can be afk's, ragequit, etc.---it's not guaranteed to go the way of the wintrader here as you have zero control when you solo q. It's the opposite of your list for wintrading, 5-man you are guaranteed to be able to do it as can all throw by standing at spawn or should be guaranteed win against a non-comp'd 5-man (if it isn't something is very wrong) and then so on all the way down to 1. I only soloq and couldn't wintrade if I tried, couldn't even get someone that rage afk's every game to leave once and a while so not lose rating, they just stay and swear in chat 😂.
  16. Haven't seen that yet--no afks in any games, even the ones with clearly low ranked players. Also, no casual is putting 15 games in a session or winning 7 'by accident'--engagement would be there for at least 1-2 days out of the 4-5 day rush.
  17. We sure about this? It does remember MMR from season to season. Not confirming or denying OPs theory, but I've also had some pretty volatile matches the past couple seasons--I typically sit around mid-1400s, but this season can't seem to get past 1350 without some wild matches happening. Same seems to hold true for a few accounts here that I noticed are in low 1400's despite usually sitting mid-1500s.
  18. It doesn't make bad matchups despite specifically being proven that it makes bad matchups. It's based on Glicko kitten. I don't know what to tell you, but 'it doesn't make bad matchups' is nowhere near true.
  19. PvE has enough RMT of its own with people paying for raid runs. Or used to, may be less now that open world legendary armor is a thing.
  20. Which one? Swapping classes pre-match or duo q has little do to with the matchmaker making bad matches on its own. That was what I was replying to, as sure swapping classes pre-map load or pre-game creates some imbalanced setups, but even if that doesn't happen the matchmaker still tends to make some awful matches. So, you can't say 'the matchmaker doesn't make bad matches', as it's patently false.
  21. Gotta change the forum avatar to rev and spam in all caps. It worked for getting soulbeast neutered.
  22. lol, it defo does. When you Q it tries to match you with your class on opps, that alone leads to people abusing it and switching to counter classes after match start. Downside of this is if they remove it, we gonna get like 4-5 one class teams against none of that class, which is equally as bad. Middle ground may be letting you see a comp prior to spawning into a map. No changing classes after / mid-match either, let people see before then lock it down once game starts. At least then when people try to game the matchmaker it won't take up precious time waiting for them to come back as the match start timer counts down.
  23. Can agree on this. Played three games tonight, all of them seemed reasonably well mannered, which...was weird.
  24. Someone's on an Eastern time zone with this take.
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