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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Still waiting on my pet Aataxe. They'll never make pets 'good' though, too many complaints. It's the reason we eventually got Soul Beast in the first place. Way, way back there were a few devs who thought that a Ranger could solo dungeons (yes those things people used to run) with just the two pets they have. Then there was a whole player fiasco about pets being able to chase people down across PvP and EBG (the days where people cried about stealthed stalkers of all things). That led to the great pet damage nerf and leashing, but then it was discovered pets can't actually hit anything and die instantly in AOEs (they can't dodge). So we got Soul Beast, and now doubled down Soul Beast to where you basically have a single pet (can't swap in combat). So I don't even know what they do with expansion content at this point. If you give a spec with pets, you run into the issues Core/Druid has, being useless at group content because the pet is a liability. Also the matter of squishier pets being insta nuked by burning stacks and disco balls. Running both pets simultaneously is probably out because people would really complain then. I mean I hate to say it, but not really looking forward to the expansion at the moment. I believe Ranger has mostly reached the end of its lifespan as far as the game is concerned. With the power nerfs and 'tradeoff' nerfs with nothing to compensate, and the previous history on pets...it doesn't look great.
  2. Nice, but I think that just confirmed my suspicions that ranger is just super underpowered in WvW in general. It takes so long to kill something, and being locked in to LB only works really well if your opponent doesn't call your bluff (Reapers, Berzerkers, and any flavor of burn Guardian can wreck your day in seconds). I've tried survival builds to overcome this and they do work--can run from pretty much anything; but they also can't kill anything either. I myself am trying a power SB, currently with leadership runes to try and mitigate the rampant condi spam (i.e 4-6k burn stacks per second). Working only some of the time if the other player isn't all that competent--or stalemating at best if they are. I'm almost exactly opposite of this as I'm running all melee, which surprisingly does work for as I said above--survival / kiting / being annoying. I want to roam again, so really tempted just to yolo it with something similar to scholarship runes and Maurader/Berzerker gear--but have a feeling every reaper and their mother is going to wreck my day. Maybe go back to Druid like you did, as immobilize is fun for those not expecting it, and celestial shadow is probably our best 'oh crap' button. Hate losing the condi mitigation from second skin though (and Dolyak stance)...
  3. Wait, did I go back in time five years or did everyone that knew how to play WvW leave? Druid in WvW?! Ancient Seeds...OP....they haven't updated the skill since it came out in 2015 so it can't be that. Can't every class besides other rangers not equipped with a stun break (i.e. lighting reflexes) easily break out of that? Otherwise you must think Entangle is the most OP Elite in the game, besides being able to literally walk out of it. Combine the two and you should win WvW (except you won't). I haven't been around in a few years so I dunno if they nerfed boon ranger to the ground so bad that people reverted to using Druid, or if the OP maybe has never seen a Druid before and thought it was somehow OP...but let me tell you they're really not, in fact they're pretty terrible in WvW outside of groups. If you spec right you can survive and kite pretty good, but forget killing anything without a lot of knowledge about how it works, and that isn't your general WvWer.
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