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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. The WV description just says 'a set'; I collected a set of medium Woad and nothing. You would think if it were more it would say 'of each weight'. Do you really need all 18 pieces? If so, lol.
  2. At present I just want to see: Stealth to 2 charges in sPvP OR put Jaguar stealth back down to the CD it was at Unleashed ambush be ranged like axe; a melee one conflicts badly since the radius to be in melee is so small--lot of times you are using spear at range and ambush is entirely wasted Baseline the skills as suggested, and make the stealth attacks remove boons instead, which will buff the spear enough to take over other things--as right now, no reason to take it in competitive
  3. Casuals should be bracketed to their own rank, if that's not working it's a bigger issue than opening up ranked rewards to unranked.
  4. Yeah, if you were near 1500+ your best bet was to decay dodge. Playing into a 20+ loss streak is the downfall of many (including myself). I had opposite happened though, started with a 60% winrate in gold 1 lol, so just quit from there as no point--title isn't worth it anyway with the abbreviated time period leading to the same manipulation shenanigans we always see. In my whopping 12 games I am seeing patterns of all support throw teams, double support 'insta win teams', and 'we just came from fighting Tequatl' teams. Really is a wild west and all the problems of PvP made 10x worse as you are correct, you simply cannot carry a game with the way the mode works. Once that point moves past a certain threshold, there is no way to push it equal distance--so you either stall pointlessly for 5 min or ggwp to next.
  5. I don't, but since you two apparently want me to be... How's quitting going bro?
  6. Only thing I was snarky towards on these forums was Push 🤣
  7. You wouldn't though. In fact, certain high ranking ranger mains were using this when bunker M/M untamed was running wild. Because with that you didn't need to take anything but stunbreaks, no other utility matters. In fact, that's still largely the case, might sub in...oh yeah Dolyak Stance, which is another stunbreak. Utility locking really isn't a good thing, it just promotes bunkers that won't die, do too much damage, and can break/kite out of anything. Least of all when they have a literal second HP bar.
  8. Yep, no bad faith going on in here. Just a disillusioned engi main posting snark.
  9. Keep conquest ranked. Have random ranked Q that could be Conquest, Push, TDM, maybe Stronghold (really don't think that mode belongs in ranked). Have unranked be as-is, can choose what to Q up for.
  10. Tis' not casual then. I think from the stream they said it would only replace conquest if it had more interest, otherwise seems to be another 'off season' game mode. Which means you'd see it a couple weeks out of the year. Guess we'll find out with how many resources they stick behind it, so far it is bottom of the barrel effort.
  11. If you like playing bunker, you can essentially still do it on necro, especially with the upcoming buffs to sustain for them. There's also spellbreaker, guard...lot of bunkers running around. It's not just damage though. If you take things like Untamed, in PvE you get quickness for GM trait (Let Loose), in sPvP you do not, this is as balance decision. You can't just take quickness away in PvE or you lose your qDPS Untamed, and you can't add it to sPvP without causing some rather large balancing problems around unleashed ambushes. Closest you are going to find is WvW. Balance there is mostly same as PvE aside from a few skill changes for competitive. You can still build your super bunkers though as all gear is PvE stats.
  12. What PvE build do you want to use in PvP? You also understand you would have to nerf the DPS output of PvE specs by a LOT, right? You cannot expect to have the same balance in a raid environment as you do a competitive one, even if only looking at damage coefficients. We've seen what this leads to, just play any of the original open world meta events (like Svanir Shaman) in 2024, it's a boring slogfest to balance around power creep.
  13. Which one of your alts did I body again? Keep coping 🤣 Stockholm is strong, keep grinding out those games. I'm sure you at 5.6k posts on the forums is the exact target audience of 'new player' they're looking for. This is what I mean, actual new players can't even test the mode that was supposedly designed to get them in sPvP. There should be no ranked for this, no leaderboards--it should just be a separate Q to even see if people will engage with it. Instead, it's just the GW2 boomers able to test this mode, and of course most of them are going to either love it or accept it as they've played thousands of games of the same map / mode, so any honest feedback is going to be confused bombed.
  14. Don't think expertise matters in the slightest with all the cleanses going around. Back when Ancient Seeds was a thing (long live Ancient Seeds!) I used to run bleed duration sigils, but as time progressed, no point. It's all about condi puke now, spam a ton of them in a short window and somewhat try to organize 'cover' ones first. But really, its application rate + condi damage then running that's way, way more effective than expertise. Concentration though...many boon heavy builds will be affected. Harbinger with its Elixer Elite comes to mind. Hopefully though, this clears the discussion that the smallscale problem in WvW isn't a cele one, it's just straight bad balance.
  15. The more I think about it, the more I don't understand it. A brand new PvP mode, but literal Alpha with missing textures, no sound cues, and entirely reused assets. How is a new player supposed to react to this other than 'what the hell?'. I'm not sure I've ever seen this done in another game--and I know GW2 philosophy is no test servers, and the players do all the live testing, but this is a step beyond. Now, you take all of that and then add it as a RANKED option. The thing that casuals detest slightly less than GoB farming in WvW. The mode is made for casuals, to 'introduce them' to...conquest...(???) but you have no casual metric. Just thrusting them into ranked under the guise of 'team deathmatch' because we gotta be so alpha the name is even incorrect. But as an introduction to conquest? These are WvW mechanics of 'stack' and 'spread', not conquest. Really though, why this rough of a state? I know CMC seemed afraid at wasting too many dev resources again after stronghold, but seriously, who couldn't tell stronghold was a dud? Even in internal testing that mode couldn't have been fun. Even if it was fun to like one person it is so insanely scope creeped with what you would need to do to it to make it like LoL that it should have just been canned early. Push however, seems like something you kinda want to test internally to the point of at least having some art assets and sound cues. Well, sound cues other than cloud god screaming bonus powaaaa!!! with absolutely no explanation of when you get it, or what it actually does. In this state, simply from a PR standpoint it is utterly confusing. It feels like some mode made on someone's private server that's 'going to be good one day'. It should not feel like a private server.
  16. They probably shouldn't have their community alpha test in ranked. At this point I'm almost expecting them to ask for kickstarter donations 🤣. Ah, who am I kidding--it's anet, the same company that loves mid-season balance patches and 'ad hoc brat vibe' streams.
  17. Possibly even better is the fact the Ranger dev was playing Necro on the Push beta stream, and didn't die a single time--or really even come close to dying. Sure, they let him freecast, but when he was in trouble, the number of defenses Necro naturally has got him out of trouble and illustrated why Necro does NOT need buffs. Eles not exactly underpowered at the moment either in most situations, certainly not dagger. I think CMC is an ele main though, or was?
  18. It doesn't, if you die within the 10 second timer you respawn 10 seconds AFTER that one. So somewhere between 10 and 20 second respawns per group. Worked very well for TF2, which arguably is where this mode got its start.
  19. Downstate always contests a node though, even in conquest. It's one of the reasons I tell new eles NOT to mistform off the node when they go down in a 1v1 scenario, because even if they die on the node, it will still contest it for that much longer. Respawn issue could be handled by making respawns in waves, believe it's been mentioned in another topic. Basically, if you die, it starts a 10 second timer and anyone that dies within that timer window respawns with you in the wave after the next. Games like TF2 also scale this, so if there's less players alive, the wave time is shorter. Think 8 v 8 or 10v10 would make more sense with the mode to allow people to actually play the point and get objectives, instead of one or the other. Might as well say if it's 8v8 then two duos per team are allowed and three for 10v10, if they don't want to go and just make it an 8- or 10-man Q only.
  20. Yes, seems something does work differently here. Every season I start the same way as solo q only on non FoTM build, but always place from 1350-1380 with same winrate. Not 1200 level. Clearly not, I'm going to need about 5 more alt accounts.
  21. Finished placement games at 6-4, and...end up in bottom of g1? Like 1208. My last season MMR was 1380 I finished at, even if it started me at 1350, or 1250 even, should be at bottom of Gold 2 at least with this winrate. Starting this low means zero chance of ending up in the 250 with time allotted, even if I keep a 60%+ winrate, which is pretty much impossible. It's not even just ending in Top 250, its the quality of games I'm going to get here is, no thanks. Oh, and I also have friends on my list that are very near 50% winrate (like 8-7) hovering at 1300+....I couldn't get there right now if I went 8-7, I'd end up in silver 2 lol. Guess my beta test is over as don't need the gold from it, and really am not going to suffer through very low-quality games to...well accomplish nothing.
  22. I have no idea why they didn't just use the score counter for this. Even if it's hard set at 500 being a win, then it could just show who is closest to 500 at that point---doesn't even have to be dynamic if they for some reason can't decrement it (to show how near a win you are in real time). Seriously though, it should be possible even if they tied it to the node moving, basically you tick points while in the circle, don't tick if neutral, and stop ticking if enemy moving. Already have flags to set markers, so it would just not tick again until you are past your last best flag...
  23. The buffs are powerful, and as long as one person drives the node the other 4 can do really whatever around it. As long as a big teamfight isn't going on, it's not super important to be in that circle. I do think kills should still award points (even if it's like +2) and disable rallies. It may alleviate what you are seeing in that people are fighting for the sake of fighting. Put a little more consequence on that, and they may stay closer to the node.
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