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  1. I really like pip concept and energy concepts. This is very interesting to me. I hope when Revenant finally does get an updating pass for several core weapons that are just pure clunk, this could be an explored option. (Stuff like Staff especially felt really empty ever since Healing orbs were removed, and emptier still when they messed with Staff 5 and removed all damage in competitive)
  2. Figuring out PvE rotations for anything really do be likeπŸ€”πŸ“ˆπŸ˜•πŸ“‰πŸ€ͺ That's why I just stick to trusty Staff DE Qdps
  3. I can vibe with Dragon Trigger being more of a meditation state where the Bladesworn can enter to gain immense defensive and evasion abilities. The whole charging thing does feel very zen-like and with a state of heightened awareness, the player being able to reduce and avoid damage would be an amazing gameplay beat. Maybe if they give Bladesworn their weapon burst back then have Dragon trigger as a 2nd burst like Fullcounter, it could work. Merge Trigger Guard and Flicker Step, granting the Aegis when you use Flicker Step. Flicker Step is now more like a dash that evades as you move, then grant Aegis. Blocking or Evading an attack during the charging process will increase the final damage by 10% or something, up to a bonus 50% damage. Then you unleash it.
  4. Dude Spear is fine. It's Spellbreaker. Nerf Spellbreaker already, buff poor Bladesworn. Goddamit.
  5. I thought the point of Thief was giving it simpler skills that interact very directly and making the Thief player plan their optimal combat strategy with their initative in mind for each encounter? What happened to that in favor of packing a ton of mechanics into a weapon to the point it becomes essentially a mini-espec?
  6. Arc Divider bros 🀝 Shattered Aegis bros GETTING IGNORED BY ANET
  7. Didn't know Quickness had that interaction with Sunless. Assassin's Presence still weird to me however. You should have plenty of Fury via Scavenger and occasional Riposting.
  8. I concur with Virdo: I vote for both, as in the cost of the Elite needs to be reduced and the whole skill needs to be reworked entirely. It's just not good in the current game state and for Shiro in general. It doesn't help the player target access better, it doesn't help them finish off targets better, it doesn't help the player DPS against bosses. Perhaps something that lets them 1200 range Reveal and Vuln a target and increase their damage to the target would be more fitting for an Assassin designed skill set over Shiro's aggressive ripping of a fart which is still bad even if you give it more damage because its range sucks, target count sucks and cast time sucks.
  9. Wait, why Assassin's Presence when you already run Invocation? I hope this entry's a legit mistake. Also Sunless Relic is ... meh. Its targeting is horrible because unlike other Elite Skill trigger Relics, it summons the pool on the nearest enemy. If you're going off Spear of Archemorus for the Elite cast, you should go with Citadel instead for the confirmed stun which grants you immense counter pressure upon entering Alliance. A cheap pocket CC is usually what Revenant as a whole lacks and Citadel used with Spear is not only potentially deadly but helps give you the breathing room you need.
  10. Maybe different server. Sometimes trends take time to catch on.
  11. It's just seen lesser, it's a fact and not meant to disprove anything. It's really just seen lesser. Maybe people haven't got around it, maybe people don't like JW expansion as a whole and didn't buy it yet to get at Spears. The PvP community are all about "Okay will buying this expac give me actual meta options for my main class" and they simply don't see it in Spear that can't be achieve with current weapons. And even lesser people play MAT vs playing Ranked. Could be you're the only guy playing it in MAT and no one plays it in Ranked too.
  12. That's because Vindi like Herald are built as platforms. They have great buffs, heals and boons just by breathing. But he's talking about sPvP though. In sPvP Spear really is seen alot lesser. I've been playing a Core Spear build and it's kinda meh when you can spike much harder with Power Herald or Power Vindicator (swords build). In sPvP where there are stat amulet limiting people, Power burst builds are alot more viable than expected than a Condi focused build which Spear offers more than a Hybrid weapon due to its ridiculously mediocre Power coefficients on their Autos and Spear 2. Only Spear 3 (if people walk into the mines), Spear 4 and Spear 5 does actually decent Power damage but even then not good enough to actually make people shake in their boots. The popular Spear Vindi build in sPvP right now is Tyrant Alliance Mallyx. It's great as a ganker and disrupts fights very very well but weak to getting focused, which is a huge risk because you need to be in rather midrange to have most effect with Mallyx.
  13. I straight up went back to Herald. People may meme on Herald but they're the only rev spec that actually received a massive W in the form of Glint TN Cleansing. Can actually duel condi/hybrids on node now because you can actually sustain well enough with the help of Staff. Hammer was overnerfed. I'm sick of weapons nerfed because they refuse to nerf Vindicator's 25% sustained strike damage buff. This used to be Herald too. This used to be Renegade too. Always always the darn Especs causing balancing issues and weapons take the shot to the knee and when Especs are finally nerfed, no reverts. No justice. This is like, a Revenant problem in general too because Anet doesn't even know how the class works half the time.
  14. Been advocating for this forever. On another note: Centaur can use a QoL update to be similar to Specter and Shade. Make their Tablet skills aside from their basic healing pulse also pulse from the Revenant. This has been a long standing issue with Centaur in that they have to sacrifice supporting the stack to expand their range of healing and since Anet refuses to give us a solid ranged healing weapon, this simple QoL would straight up make Centaur and Heal Revenant in general just BETTER.
  15. Probably 30 - 40 Energy since it's a Block and can steal up to 2500 health. Then again, I'm not a balancing numbers genius, but had to throw some numbers up anyway.
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