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Everything posted by Jura.2170

  1. Bug reporting is a little confusing. We have 3 ways of doing it. Support ticket, ingame report and forum. Which are we suppose to do first? Or all at the same time? There's lots of bugs I told Support and ingame about, and they never were fixed. Like white lines and invisible buildings in the wvw map on reset. A missing cat in my home instance. Asura dragonhunters get obstructed error when shooting lots of things in wvw. And Path of Fire deleted all my Heart of Thorns mails including Master Brewer, raid and dungeon ones
  2. Please sell a Taimi voice mail pack. When we send a mail, we hear Taimi saying "Hiiiii ! . . . You sent mail !" , and when we get mail, we hear "Hiiiii ! . . . You got mail !" and a Taimi voice backpack that says things like "Oooh, are you going to hit something now? Is that how this game works?" and "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the brainiest of them all?" Please sell a Mini Mouth of Mordremoth and shimmering ascended dyes
  3. I hope it will be fixed soon. It's been almost half a year since it started
  4. Could you please remove the "Your screenshot folder is full" message in yellow text? Or make it optional? I know my screenshot folder is full. I don't need reminders Could we also please turn off the red "Your inventory is full" text? I know it's full, I looked at it before I opened a chest and the Encumbered sign also tells me And please let us turn off the wvw red texts "This is already fully repaired" , "You require more supply to do this" and "You cannot carry more supply" Please let us turn off the floaty glowy balls in the air. They spoil so many screenshots Please stop reward chests and mastery point symbols on the bottom right of the screen flashing, they also spoil screenshots Let us set the frame rate to 15 frames per second and 120 frames per second if we want in the graphics menu Let us use the Home Portal Stone in WvW Let us turn off for all guests the noise the blue and yellow catmanders make in our home instance when they costume brawl each other Add a "Tactivator Trolling" option to the right click report menu in WvW Add a "Golem Stealing" option to the right click report menu in WvW Add a "Supply Stealing" option to the right click report menu in WvW. Some trolls make basic siege next to a supply depot to waste it, or make golems and leave them at another server's keep Add a "Ask a GM to come" option to the right click report menu in all game modes. When chosen, a message box should appear and you can write why you think a GM needs to log on to the map right away and look at a player Add a "The tacts here have been trolled" button to all towers and keeps, so we can tell Anet without making a support ticket Add a tick box option at guild claimed places to only allow guild members to take supply from it. It should only be for max level guilds and only their officers should be able to choose. Once the officer leaves the map, it should go back to letting everyone take supply When one server's players go to another server's keep, they sometimes put food trays on tactivators to stop them being pulled. Please make the area around tactivators special so no one can drop food or banners on them At the top right corner of our screen, there's message boxes for what's happening. If I go to a keep, a box will appear saying I'm in that keep and how much supply it has, and if the keep is attacked, a second box will appear with a countdown. Please let us turn off these boxes, and the personal story one too Change Chilling Fog, Invulnerability, Emergency Waypoint and Airship tactivators so they can only be turned on if the place is contested and has white swords on When an Emergency Waypoint is turned on, it should be automatically announced in Team chat with a link to it Make Auto Turret tactivators much stronger or change them to laser turrets or flamethrowers on walls and doors. Some people troll WvW by putting them into buildings. They don't do anything It's hard for red team to defend Anzalias Pass when Overlook doesn't have a waypoint because there isn't a straight path from their spawn. There's also lots of lumpy terrain and water slowing them down. Most servers don't bother to siege it and put tacts in, or even defend it when it has them. Can it be moved nearer? Or can an asuran jump pad be put in the spawn to lower the distance? Lowlands and Overlook have their banker and repair npcs inside the lord's room. Valley has its outside the lord's room. Please move Valley's npcs inside If someone in a guild is repping that guild and is in a place their guild has claimed, they should get double the Guild Aura buff of what other people are getting Guild claims on places should have a tick box option to lock the claim in place after the claimer has logged out. I've claimed places and when I next logged in, the claim is gone because another guildie moved it Give a small amount of wvw exp for making superior siege and give a small amount of participation for finishing them. Something nice to give to scouts who siege up a place Scouts use expensive siege disablers to delay a zerg, sometimes lots for many minutes. It costs one and a half gold and 450 badges to disable golems for 10 minutes. But scouts don't get anything back for it. Give people who successfully disable siege some xp and participation When we take falling damage, our skills are locked for a few seconds. But if we swap weapons during that, our weapon swap is locked for 9 seconds even though we're not in combat. Please change this When we move the mini map in wvw to a place away from where we are, a lot of times it immediately moves back to center on us after we let go of the left mouse button. Sometimes even when we're holding down the mouse button, the mini map will struggle against being moved and we can't use it to see what we want. Please change this. There should be a menu tick box that lets us keep the mini map where we move it, no matter what happens In lots of big wvw fights, the ground target green circle and mouse cursor can't be seen because of all the flashy skills and people on the screen. Please give us a menu tick box that makes them black and twice the thickness so we can easily see them Hitting white ambient creatures shouldn't bring us into combat and slow us down When siege is down to 10 minutes or less before they disappear, they should turn red . Put Gem purchases in Gem Store History and tell us how much they were bought for and what time Say who a gift was bought for in Gem Store History Let people choose if they want to receive gold and items in the mail from only those on their Friends list and in their guild. If people choose this, anyone who isn't won't be able to send them mail with those things There's a limit of 10 mails we can have in our mail box. Please let us have more, like 200. Sell a Gem Store upgrade for it if you want Let us be in 8 guilds or more Each toon can only add 8 dyes to the Favorites list. Let us have 20 for clothes, and another 20 for mounts Clothes and outfits should have different dye channels for day and night, with our dyes changing in the middle of dawn and dusk We can only have 10 bag slots each toon and 17 bank tabs. Let us have 12 bag slots and 20 bank tabs Put in the guild membership Roster list that's in the guild window, the date someone joined a guild, and how long they've been in it Please increase the decoration limit for guild hall areas. Sometimes I want to put a decoration somewhere but I'm told the limit has been reached Please put a Trading Post npc in all guild halls Some guild trek places and races are bugged and don't give rewards after being completed. And some guild missions like races need too many guild members to finish and get a reward. Change races to be like treks, so if one guildie finishes a race, they get a reward even if they're the only person from that guild doing the mission Guild roster history has had a bug for the last few years. For anyone who joins the guild then leaves, or declines a guild invite, their entry in roster history will be blank for 10 minutes or more. Please fix this bug When someone rejects a guild invite, the guild roster says that person left the guild. Please change what the roster says to "declined a guild invite from" and give the name of the person who invited Let guild officers whisper everyone online in their guild at the same time from the guild window. Some guildies don't read guild chat but do read whispers. It's helpful for when they want to tell guildies about events or missions Guild hero banners and swiftness banners should show the full name of the guildthey only show the guild tag right now In WvW, if you want to repair your clothes, you have to talk to a npc and choose to repair themIf you want to also sell something, you have to close the box and talk to him again and choose it, and a merchant menu will appearYou should change it to talking to the npc should automatically repair your clothes and open the selling menu When you click on a guild banner, it shows a large message saying please enjoy this service. But to get rid of it, we have to move quite far away or click on the X. This should be changed to a small message that automatically disappears after a second When a guild reaches 500 members, everyone with an invite who didnt accept yet gets kicked from the invite listInstead of doing this, they should stay on the invite list, but their guild window accept invite button should be dark and unclickable, with a mouseover message that says until the guild makes space for new members, you can't accept the invite When we buy a new expansion, it deletes all our game mails from before. When I bought Path of Fire, all my game mails including Heart of Thorns and Master Brewer mails were deleted. Please change this so it doesn't happen again if I buy another expansion If we buy an expansion for our main account and then make an alt account to play wvw on a different server, we should be able to play that expansion on our alt account by adding some kind of game serial number or purchase code to the alt account. We shouldn't have to buy the expansion again so we can use gliding in wvw Stop people being logged into 2 wvw accounts at the same time. Trolls sometimes leave their alt toon afk on a map to fill it up and stop real players joining and defending a place because of the map player limit. They also do it to tag watch another server as well as troll tacts and steal supply In wvw, the only way for a guild to unclaim something is to claim something else. They can't if there's nothing else to claim. There should be an unclaim button for all places Double clicking on a guildless wvw place should automatically claim it for the guild you're repping . Asura dragonhunters in WvW can't shoot arrows at npcs on the wall of towers and keeps. It gives an Obstructed message because asura are too short to shoot arrows properly and hit anything. It also happens when shooting npcs and sometimes other players in camps. Can the way asura shoot arrows be changed so they hit things without trouble? Let us swap full sets of clothes and trinkets with one click. At the moment if I want to, I have to double click 11 times and find them first in my inventory or drag them across to the box in the Hero window Let us swap builds with one click. Some people use four. One for wvw zergs, one for wvw roaming, one for fractals and one for pve Blue team players in Eternal Battlegrounds can't move their mini map down to their spawn waypoint so they can click it. The mini map always gets stuck on something. If they want to waypoint there, they have to open the full size map to do it. Can this be fixed? Please add a wvw tactic for Sharks with Lasers on their heads for Bay only ^^It should go in a special slot for Bay only Change Quentin Lake to Quaggan Lake and the hylek village next to it to a quaggan village ^^ Make a Fireworks Confetti wvw tier 1 tactic that lasts a minute and gives Confusion and Daze Change npcs in keeps and castle so they run to the lord's room to defend and contest the circle once the lord goes down. Or make it a tier 1 wvw tactic Change the Hardened Siege tactic so it also lowers damage to player siege inside a keep by half Friendly npcs in wvw should res you if you're downed or dead and they're not in combat Please let people tagged up in wvw use voice to talk to everyone near them, or everyone in their squad, or the whole map if they want Let us have a tick box option in the menu for if we want auto target and auto skill target to choose ambient creatures and wvw keep walls Make wvw loot bags dropped on the floor disappear after 5 minutes so we have enough time to run back from spawn and collect them Let people who open the Enormous Mistwrought Chest in the wvw alpine map jumping puzzle and obsidian sanctum have a chance to find an ascended clothes or weapon box Let us make big guild hall messageboard and whiteboard decorations with lots of space to write messages. At the moment if we want to leave a message for guildies, we can only use small decorations like flagpoles or stones, which most guildies don't know have messages in them, or put it in the guild window's message of the day, which no one reads. If guild officers had a big messageboard to put in the hall for what they want to say to the guild, and also a whiteboard for guild members to leave messages for everyone, it would be nice Please add some jumping puzzles and hidden areas to Windy Haven guild hall Let people map break and explore maps without being killed for leaving the playable area. It's fun and nice to explore Please make the playable area in the asura home instance bigger. At the moment if we jump down to the river, we die If we fly down to the bottom of Rata Sum map, we get teleported to an asura peacemaker prison. Please let us reach the bottom. We don't mind if it's an unfinished area. It's just nice to explore Lost and Gilded Halls each had a hide and seek place that was nice for relaxing. They could both be found only by swimming and were lovely easter eggs. When Path of Fire came out, they were walled up and we couldn't go to them anymore. Please let us back in Tarir had a hide and seek easter egg place that looked like a big blue starry curtain. The way to it was blocked when Path of Fire came out. Please let us back in The asura home instance has a really horrible high pitched sound near the tree in the fountain and wintersday present tree. It spoils what should have been a serene place of peace, relaxation and reflection. Please turn it off Waypoints have a loud sound that's part of environment sound. It spoils immersion for people who like to run around with music and effects turned off and only listen to environment ambience. Please change the sound so it either can be turned off with a tick box in the menu, or make it an effects sound Please make the sound made by holodancers in guild halls an effects sound instead of environment The black lion home garden in the asura home instance looks really out of place to the rest of the instance. Instead of having a triangle garden sticking out over the edge, can the plants be planted on grass somewhere else in the instance? When Heart of Thorns came out, we got a desert wvw map. When Path of Fire came out, we didn't get a jungle wvw map. Can we please have a Heart of Maguuma wvw map like Auric Basin or Gilded Hollow? There are a lot of trophies and junk items that are soulbound, like dandelion blossoms, spikes, and path of fire collection and reward track trophies. They should all be account bound instead There should be a way to queue for full maps for people on overflow maps The Black Lion Trading Post only lets us see the last few months of our items bought and sold. Can it be 6 months or longer? When we cancel an order in the Black Lion Trading Post, the money should go straight to us. We shouldn't have to collect it from an npc When we add a skin to our account wardrobe, it shouldn't disappear from our inventory. It should stay in our inventory but become account bound When we transmute something to a skin we added before to the account wardrobe, the original skin shouldn't disappear from our inventory if it's still there. This happened to me once. I transmuted something on one toon, and the original skin in another toon's inventory disappeared instead of using a transmutation charge The dye preview window in the Hero window only shows what our toon looks like in one kind of lighting, not what our toon would look like at the time of day it is now with all the light coming off the ground and walls. And to see lots of dyes, we have to left click them, then left click the dyeable clothes boxes, move the mouse to click apply, move the Hero window out of the way to see our toon, then move it back to the middle to change to a new dye. It can get really tiring quickly. Let us with a double left click on a dye in the dye list, dye everything we're wearing in that dye without needing to confirm. So if I double left click white, everything my toon is wearing right now becomes white and the Hero window also moves itself to the left or closes. And if I left click a dye and left click on the clothes type box, the one left of the dyeable boxes, it changes all dyeable boxes in that clothes type to that dye and closes the Hero window or moves it to the left. And if I right click a dyeable box, any left clicks on dyes after that should change that dyeable box to the dyes I'm clicking on without being asked to confirm the change, until I close the Hero window Sell passes in the Gem Store to map instances of old Lion's Arch, Lion's Arch during the fight with Scarlet's Army, and Lion's Arch while it was rebuilding. Put in all the npcs like banker, guild banker, trading post and crafting stations At the end of Halloween, I was a few seconds away from finishing Mad Memorial and getting the Emissary title and Mad King purple backpack. I had the dialogue box open for the last npc I needed to talk to and was halfway through. The npc and dialogue box suddenly disappeared, and I have to wait a whole year to get it. Please give us a one hour warning when you are going to turn off a festival, and let npc dialogue boxes stay open after time so we can finish achievements When the game came out, we could put minis in storage collection. When the account wardrobe was made, minis still in storage could be taken out but couldn't be put back, and we couldn't put new ones in. Let us put minis into storage collection, and also let us withdraw account bound copies of minis from our wardrobe to put in our inventory. Let us make a favorites list for account bound minis in the Minatures window Please add something to the customer support FAQ about what we can do if we're double charged for buying gemsIt's happened to me a few times and I don't buy gems anymore If we take a really good or unique screenshot ingame and want to turn it into a mousepad, poster, calendar or other merchandise at the Guild Wars 2 Fan Forge, there should be a way to get permission from Arenanet for it Have a forum thread open and sticky'd at top for making suggestions to the Current Activities Team for events and other things like the hungry cat hunt, and let us tell them about problems too. One of my cats has been missing from home for more than 2 years and I haven't been able to tell the devs directly Please accept donations from people to make Super Adventure Box World 3You don't have to rush, but it would be nice if it came out in 3 years or less Let us repeat a music track that's playing right now by ticking a box in the sound menu If we have Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire, we should be able to choose which login screen and music we want Add a tick box option in the menu to show character names on top of pictures in the login screen. At the moment if we want to choose a toon, we have to move the mouse cursor over each one to see who it is A support ticket should stay open for at least two months from the last reply before closing, or stay open forever until the problem is fixed Some people use things like ReShade and Hook to improve how the game looks, but they aren't supported by Arenanet. And some people want the game to look nicer but don't want to put those things on their computer. Can Arenanet increase the number of graphics options in the game menu so the game can look as nice? Some people use Launchbuddy to choose the least laggy login server with the fastest ping, but it isn't supported by Arenanet. Please change the game login page to let us do that If we want to buy the Guild Wars 2 original soundtrack for GW2, Living Story, Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire, we can only buy them in mp3 on Amazon and iTunes. Please sell them on Bandcamp in lossless Flac, and also make a CD and SACD with nice cover art we can buy from the GW2 website When Heart of Thorns came out, choosing "The Music of the Golden Chambers" in the Guild Hall put "The Golden Cave" track on repeat. But after Path of Fire came out, it changed to a variety of music tracks. Please change it back to just "The Golden Cave" and add in an extra option for "The Music of the Golden City" (Auric Basin) tracks
  5. I tried to sell some items a few days ago and they disappeared. I pressed Sell and waited a long time, then got an error message about can't get access to the login server. When I looked at my inventory, the items were gone, but they weren't in the Trading Post's Current Transactions and History tabs I never got money for them
  6. A lot of times when I go to a WvW map, all the borderlines are white and none of the places like towers and keeps are showing their circle I can't click on them to see which guild has claimed them Last week, I was in a WvW map for more than an hour and the white lines were there the whole time
  7. This was happening to me a lot last month. Every few seconds it would alt tab to desktop, and it also flashes every time there's a map change. Made it completely unplayable
  8. This bug has happened to me a few times with Bear Lope race and other races Other people in my guild also said at times it happened to them We finish the race but don't get a reward chest Also the Magihedron trek place in Rata Sum is bugged and hardly ever gives a reward chest
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