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  1. Nice... censorship on the official forums without explanations... I think that just about marks my final post on here. See you all in-game!
  2. Hm, just curious, can you see my post any more? It's gone and I have no notification that it was deleted or an infraction or anything...
  3. I second all those posts asking for different types of homesteads... I appreciate the big plot of land we're getting up there, but for all commander PCs to suddenly be forced to take up residence in the same spot of the world map feels forced... so I hope a later update will let us move our homestead to e.g. the racial cities, or even Lion's Arch, Elona, Cantha, etc. I think the ultimate player housing experience I had was in Archeage with the open world housing, I know I know, it's technically not possible here AND the AA housing feature also had its huge flaws, but simply for comparison of player housing experiences, here are my thoughts; AA had a huge open world map, and when housing opened, players rushing to grab land plots for their houses and even having to negotiate the upkeep to retain it over time, which was nice for actually circulating some plots over time as players leave the game and new come in (and obviously flawed because of limited availability... and the casual community would go off the hinges in such a setup, but again, humour me for the concept, not the "PvP"/first-come-first-served flaws. But the housing areas just felt so alive, going through huge areas in the world with very varied buildings and designs owned by the player base, and not having to enter an instance which is all so uniform and forced into the same environment. Almost complete freedom of placement of stuff on your property, growing stuff, etc. Are we able to change the look of the actual houses in our homestead or is it Norn huts for all of us?
  4. I need a library where I can deposit all the books, journals, recipe containers that I've got stored on my alts. I would also appreciate a "wardrobe" which would let me trade in skins that I have already stored in the wardrobe but remain in my inventory. Add a merchant to trade these in for 1 transmutation charge per skin, please. After all, if you have them on your character and intend to use them, you get a free transmutation, but they're already in your wardrobe, so give us an option to get rid of the excess skins. Not necessarily in the homestead, but yeah, just figured it'd be a place to keep a wardrobe ๐Ÿ˜„
  5. That would be hilarious, with JW arriving straight after we've all gambled away our low tier materials in Labyrinthine Cliffs๐Ÿ˜„
  6. Let's not forget the hummingbird skimmer, which after we got skimmers that could travel underwater is just hilarious! But that pegasus is one of the strangest they've ever made; something is so wonky about the horse head/face, and generally every other pegasus model I've seen seems more like a pegasus than the one we got in the gemstore ๐Ÿ˜„ In the words of the Ben Gesserit mother in Dune pt. 2: "Abomination!" As for lore; I'm not fussed with mounts requiring lore background for each skin... then this goat warclaw would not be the first on the list of candidates I'd require an explanation for.
  7. Knowing this forum I'm expecting a 50-page long thread outraged that not all the alts can be parked there๐Ÿ˜„
  8. I think JPs were probably originally intended to be ran from start to finish; but a small percentage of the player base has been parking alts on end chests simply to log their alts for quick rewards. And with homesteads and alt parking simply to show them off, you even get the rested bonus and option to still park wherever you want and simply click the 'exit instance' to get back to wherever you were in the world... I think one extra mouse click is as player friendly you will get if you're expecting to reap the "rewards" of both JP reward chests AND the new homestead alt show-off feature.
  9. I guess third time is not the charm (for you) then... I managed to pick it first time around. Being a bit careful about opening these multi-choice containers, it's really rather easy and I've never had an issue either with dye packs or other weapon/armor containers.
  10. So... you didn't try this chair thing and get kicked after 5 minutes, then come to the forum to complain, you just posted a "rage post" about it first?
  11. With homesteads coming - and not knowing which locations they will be available in - I see no point in the home instance any more. Add all the home instance features (gathering nodes + krait / HP) to the homestead and simply make it possible to enter your homestead from all the entrances to the homestead too. Then the home instance can just remain as an instanced location and part of the personal story online.
  12. Alternatively, 5 xpacs in we would have 27 professions, with 6 elite specs each, and everything would be so watered down and bland because there's only so much diversity in gameplay mechanics related to skills/traits/etc. they could add... Remember AA with its bazillion classes from choosing 3 skill lines... 95% players played about a dozen of them that became meta, the rest were mostly fluff... Broadly speaking ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. True, but Livia also goes on to say so for them to suddenly be the focus of the next xpac up in Janthir area (if that's where we're going), that just seems an odd turn-around.
  14. There's one reason I will not tolerate more Mursaat focus in GW2: In the finale of LS3, we ultimately defeat and kill Lazarus, and with that, the last of the Mursaat died and they become extinct. For Anet to suddenly turn around and bring them back too.... nah, I'm not ok with more Mursaat. I'd be happier if this 5th xpac covers the Kodan and perhaps a new local danger in the forest areas north in Tyria, perhaps a bit of "water" content near Isles of Janthir too... who knows; give us more on Kodan and Largos, and origin stories on the Eye of Janthir. Even so, the Eye of Janthir disappears with the extinction of Lazarus - and only Mabon remaining of the race, obscured from the Eye of Janthir's view by some, unknown barrier in the Astral Tower or such... some unanswered questions there. But we see the Eye of Janthir again facing off Eparch; so could Mabon somehow still be alive then?
  15. I would pop out all my mounts and feel how it is riding; teleporting with a jackal, a helicopter dragon, diving with the griffon, stomping with the giant turtle, hop hop hoppping with the bunny, speeding the beetle, etc. Then I'd stab someone just to make sure they can respawn, then stab myself and see how it feels to respawn, and then just go mad exploring the world ๐Ÿ˜„
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