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Everything posted by SaferMurderweapon.7143

  1. For CM fractal groups Mesmer doesn't have a place. The Firebrand/Ren support meta has taken over, so boon chrono is out. Most pugs wont accept condi dps, so mirage is out. You can in theory use Pchrono, but the ramp up time of phantasms doesn't jive with the short phases of 100CM fights, so its drastically worse than Dragonhunter/Weaver unless the entire group is garbage. Even in raids where Chrono is used, it feels absolutely awful to play with the loss of Illusionary Persona and the CS Distortion merge. Fractals are literally unplayable for me now since all my ascended stuff is tailored to my Support Chrono and nobody wants a Support Tempest or Support Necro either. My only option is to go FB which I only have a shield for >.> So I basically just gave up on the game.
  2. Not before they "rework" the class another 30 times.
  3. I'm for both. We should have the old boonshare SoI Chrono from a year back, but I also believe that we should get a new spec focusing on clones like they're trying to force us to do with Chrono now. Like say... idk.... MIRAGE? The one spec that actually works well with Clones? Every change applied to Chrono could be applied to Mirage and I don't think anyone would complain. At least most going off what I know about how the spec works based on what I played. I'm not a Mirage main so I won't speak for Mirages.... BUT! I do believe that Distortion under ALL circumstances should not be tied with another skill like it is with continuum split nor should it be inhibited by clone requirements. In short, apply the changes to Mirage but do it in such a way that actually makes sense and benefits the class. But keep Chrono the Chrono we always knew and loved. Was it overpowered? Debatable. It was by no means an overpowered god, yet it was held in such regard due to its interactions with the game itself rather than its sheer power. It is the UTILITY class with all the support you could ask for. Keyword right there being UTILITY. In any ANY game, does not matter what it is, utility will ALWAYS be king. Why? Because it does things. And things that create interactions within the game itself between mechanics and abilities are "broken" by design. You have pulls, reflects, distorts, portals, etc... you are everyone's best friend. Your very existence itself is a boon. People love you because nobody enjoys the class but YOU the Chrono. You play the class because you LIKE it. Not because it's broken. There is a reason why "Chronojail" exists. If it was truly broken, EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE would run it like you saw with Mirages in PvP. I mean for Pete's sake, you're playing alt-aholic simulator 2019. There is really no reason not to have one of each class at this point barring the lack of character slots. Chrono is special. It is unique. It is the sole reason I played this game. There is nothing in the ENTIRE modern MMO genre that even comes REMOTELY close to what it was and I LOVED it. Using Portals to increase DPS uptime while doing position based mechanics or doing other such shenanigans with utilities in a creative and well rewarded fashion... it is literally THE ONLY class that actually rewards a tactful and creative thinking imagination. Chrono adapts for NOTHING except to the party it's in and it needs to stay that way. It is not nor should be just an Alacrity/Quickness monkey. Both Ren and FB can do either one of those better while providing great heals and you often run two healers anyway. And most of the time in fractals you'll want a FB because it's always all about that quickness, they got a pull, they got aegis spam and all the heals for those bad pugs. Why bring a Chrono? UTILITY. Except you can't because you're stuck using all three slots for SoI and Wells.
  4. I'll tell you the secret to beating me. Bring Condi-cleanse and or Steal off us and eat a glob for resistance. We can't kill you with glass cannons if you shut down our damage. You know why Condi-Mesmers are "overpowered"? It's because most players don't run condi-cleanse which is an option that exists in multiple traits and skills on every class. :P /wiki conditions Also, if you run stab then you can forget about interrupts. /wiki stability Also, run extra Vit. Condi ignores toughness but Vit is good against both power and condi for survivability. There are damage prefixes that offer vit like Marauder's. There is a way to counter just about everything in the game on every class. But most people wanna be like that guy in Magic who plays against Blue players knowing his spells are gonna get countered without preparing for it and then complains when his spells gets countered when he has options collecting dust in a cardboard box at home. We need more people like you on the forums. Instead of complaining about things you can't beat, you look for answers that can beat them.
  5. Not THE Class mechanic. Simply A mechanic. You could play it fine without clones prior to the changes. If anything, clones just cause Mesmer to get in the way of itself. Prior to changes, you could shatter without clones. It was possible to fit casts into a 1 second Continuum Split. Clearly you played Mesmer as much as you played Elementalist if you don't realize that you CAN in fact play with just ONE element. People do it ALL THE TIME. Ele's Tempest support build basically REQUIRES you to remain in water at all times unless you know what you're doing. As for other builds, most of them only utilize two or three. You MAY choose to utilize all four, but it's not optimal unless you're a skilled Weaver. The main mechanic of Mesmer isn't clones, it's the shatters. Thiefs don't need a resource to steal, Ele's don't need anything to swap attunements, engie's don't need anything to use their toolbelts, but Mesmers need clones to shatter. Classes that do need a resource to use their main mechanic don't lose that entire resource when their target dies like Mesmers do. Also, if you consider people who use CI "degenerates" then what do you call all the forum bandwagoners that whine till something gets nerfed? Instead of actual balance, we have a flavor of the month thanks to that. Above all, there was a reason why the trait that allows you to shatter without clones existed in the first place and it stayed there for years for good reason. Clearly people have forgotten why that is and are starting to find out why the hard way.
  6. Energy limits their skill use. And in a way being unable to dryshatter is a similar resource limitation. Then they might as well have removed it the alacrity from shatters which was not even unbalanced in anyway, but could not even be shared with anyone. You're making a really bad comparison here. The changes might make sense in PvP, but Chrono wasn't and still isn't a problem in PvP. Especially unlike some other classes. There is no merit in these changes. Not only is dealing with clones more annoying than managing resources on Rev which is actually fun and engaging in comparison, but the alacrity you get from shattters cannot even be shared. So the whole point of Chrono getting free alacrity on dryshattering is not only moot... but in the case of support Chrono, that alacrity and Chronophantasma (which you will have clones for to double-dip on Phantasms and only that), are the only reasons why anyone playing support Chrono would even bother with the first two shatters. Essentially it would make sense to remove Distort given what they did because Distort wouldn't be viable if you needed a clone to use it. Yet it still exists on CS and it essentially does not. Nobody is going to CS through something they would Distort through and no one is going to get any use out of Distort anytime they would CS. One second invuln topped with aegis in PvE is invaluable when used properly and the current changes make Chronoplay incredibly restrictive. It also makes CC phases in raids more troubling as tanks because now we can't double our elites anymore like we used to without being subjected to the bad clone resource mechanic
  7. "The loss of IP seems to be the tradeoff for alacrity" Revenant would like to have a word with you...
  8. Can already see it "why did you take away the counterplay, before we could kill clones and negate damage, no clones op nerf please". Counterplay to Mesmers is to whine about it till they gimp it. Nobody wants to bother learning how to play against it.
  9. ...so why then would you make shatters require them? Ever since release many (not gonna speak for everybody) were complaining about having clones die before they can shatter whether it's their health or the target dying. And you expect us to have them ready like we've got some temporal clairvoyance shenanigans going on behind our monitors. Serious question. People have been asking since release for some kind of clone rework that was less cumbersome to use or just done away with indefinitely or made optional. Clones are a resource pool that reset whenever your target dies. Why take this problem and make it worse?
  10. Support Chrono main AKA the "Unicorn that loves Chronojail". ESO is pretty fun. Warden feels more like the Chrono I fell in love with than our current ACTUAL "Chrono". If it can make ME quit mind you Chrono was my reason for playing this game, and if it's not dead already, it will be soon.
  11. They're not treated fairly. They are or they used to be a complex class that rewarded tactful gameplay and clever ability usage. Something that not a lot of people can do or enjoy. So when something comes along that actually requires a shred of thought that stomps you the brainless power/condi burst combo player and you can't kill something, you start ranting and complaining on the forums instead of realizing this entire time that you have CC breaks, condi-cleanse, and other utilities integrated into your class that could solve literally all your problems. Or you could just use common sense and go fight something else instead of expecting to kill everything. It's the same fallacy of "why can't I kill bunkers". Bunkers can't kill you, use your damn head. People are idiots and I assume there are very few if at all Mesmer mains on the Anet balance team let alone in the studio. If there are, they need to speak up.
  12. This is gold. But at the rate we're going, might as well give everyone a stick and remove every skill from the game.
  13. And they just hit Mirage because it's "causing grief". Like people don't know what condi-cleanse and resistance is. "I don't want to learn the game so make it easier for me to win by facerolling my keyboard." If Anet keeps catering to these monkeys, I can't see myself ever coming back.
  14. Because people cry about it in PvP and don't care to bring things that their class has that are specifically DESIGNED to deal with things that cause "grief".
  15. "I don't wanna play smart and learn the game. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh" ffs mate. Don't play PvP then. /wiki conditions /wiki resistance Counterplay is a staple of this game. Stop using brainless tactics and treating this like it's CoD and stop talking about mechanics until you realize that you have everything you need to deal with this and that you're the problem with game balance and why Anet nerfs everything. Crybabies. If anyone's causing grief, it's you lot.
  16. I've seen the balance team do some amazing stuff. But it feels as though there are some people on it making highly questionable decisions and evaluations of certain classes.
  17. I do actually. And that's only from reading the patch notes. Deadeye's Mark is amazing. Swipe is anything but. Like what even is this? I thought the trade-off was supposed to make Core specs better like they did with Rev, not make the elites worse
  18. I would be okay with Chrono getting deleted if we got Quaggan Astronauts as a playable race/class instead.
  19. Nah, they're just gonna keep shitting on support players. Thief doesn't even have a support build and they got a freaking portal.
  20. Everyone will always hate on whatever kills them. Especially when they don't play it. In any game.
  21. I play all of them. Till they nerfed the only elite I enjoyed most of all. Cutting my losses and moving onto another game before they decide to destroy everything I like about the other classes too.
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