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Everything posted by Daredevil.2745

  1. They don't want our money, devs are waiting until the gamemode dies completely to finally delete it from the game. GW2 has a bad reputation because of wvw due to its disbalanced, unfair gameplay resulting in discrimination of people according to their server identaty (giving no links, good or bad links is a good example of server discrimination and racism towards certain groups of people that got unlucky to be on the WRONG server)
  2. Let's all stack Maguuma and decrease their kdr until they abandon this server and move somewhere else
  3. Like for real, i've never seen so many complaints about any game in my entire life as i see here about Guild Wars 2 WvW. ArenaNet, maybe it is time to think about the amount of negative feedback??? Everytime i want to return to the game, i open wvw forums first, read threads on the 1st page and decide not to install it every single time.
  4. You should take is as an honor to fight against elite players instead of complaining here about being spawncamped.
  5. What about you teaching players on your server to get better? Mag players spent time training and getting better, now they are the best, the most skilled players in NA. And they don't want to play somewhere else carrying low skill garbage from other servers. They are the best and have the right to farm you until you learn to play and press buttons. Kill them or get spawncamped again and again.
  6. i will call 5 more players and roflstomp you, skilled players don't play alone in this game.
  7. Just transfer to Maguuma and you will win. Skilled players know where and when to trasnfer to be the winner, they learnt this game well.
  8. wow you are a pathetic bandwagonner. What's the point to fight for the glory of some german server?
  9. Maguuma has been already dealt with. Blackgate showed them their place which is in tier 2 now with other garbage servers.
  10. since when nuek has become a skilled guild? Have i missed something?
  11. You know what could possible balance the scoring system? Use such method: total points earned by a server * kdr = final points for a server. For example, server A that is ppting like therei s no tomorrow at deep night and morning while everyone is sleeping has a lot of points. for example 300k points. but they have 0.5 kdr. so their final result will be 300k*0.5=150k points Server B has 150k points and 2.1 kdr = 150k*2.1=315k points Such scoring system will be much more fair, so the low skill nightcapping garbage couldn't win mathcaps while having low kdr.
  12. I will pewpew non stop Hunt players with my friends thieves helping me running away in stealth in case of danger.
  13. Who should be removed? I propose to remove servers with the lowest kdr like the 2 mentioned above.
  14. What's wrong with that? As i see both opponents of WSR (Piken and Deso) have 0.5 and 0.6 kdr, it means thay are simply garbage in terms of skill. So they shouldn't have chances to win ppt as well. Everything looks ok, pve servers should be in lowest tiers while wvw servers like wsr go up.
  15. this video perfectly shows the general mentality of the playerbase in this game, most of the people play it to bully outnumbered servers and Anet promotes such behaviour by doing nothing for 10 years.
  16. I will be there on my ranger pewpewing one of the teams while you are fighting. I will ask my thief friend to come as well to kill players of the team i don't like more effectctively.
  17. Mag is a recent bandwagonning place without history and achievements, thay will never be equal to Blackgate.
  18. The only thing Gankdara capable of is ganking, you will never be among the top servers like my server.
  19. We are far superior players than you, simple as that.
  20. People who left also played at night only, 90% of their community play only when there are no enemies, this is useless server and i'm just sorry for Blacktide that they will have to deal with them. So if Anet decideds to cut the tiers, the 1st option for deletion should be Deso, definitly not Gunnars as mentioned in the 1st post.
  21. They do that becasue of the way your server plays for years. Keep nightcapping like there is no tomorrow, outnumbering linked server for the whole night, and you will always be full and other server will always have revenge during normal play hours. Don't be surprised when they focus you after that and keep sleepign during the day.
  22. I agree, but instead of deleting Gunnar's Hold i suggest to delete Desolation. Gunnar's at least provides good activity at normal hours close to prime time when the majority players on all server play. Desolation is simply useless server which prefers to sleep during the whole day and plays only when 90% of player in EU are sleeping.
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