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Everything posted by SirRocket.3516

  1. I just feel the game is at a point where they need to be more thoughtful with what they're implementing in the game. Right now GW2 is huge, there's soo much to do it's seriously incredible. But it's also really complicated to navigate, all these different items, currencies, vendors you have to go to, but only in certain maps, I believe they said the new strikes were going to be in the new zone only? Why not just add to the eye of the north, just have one zone for strikes, it just makes things more complicated for no reason.
  2. This is kind of the problem no? Anet have built a game way to big for them to even support, so why add more content that will develop a community for it to be dropped?
  3. EDIT: To all people that are thinking this is doom and gloom and I'm just stomping my feet because I didn't get what I wanted it's not. I'm just disappointed and wanted to vent. I've spent a good amount of time on GW2 over the years so yeah as a human you get invested. I think EoD is gonna be fun, no doubt a lot of work has gone into it, but I just can't help but feel it's not really adding anything the game needs and that just leaves me feeling a bit 😕 . I'm not trying to push down anyone's enthusiasm for the expansion, all this is, is a personal expression and opinion of an individual. I just can't express my disappointment enough for this expansion. Absolutely nothing is new, it's just more GW2. Eye of the North 2.0 because we need yet another social hub space, instead of Player housing, great, that's going to be fun traveling around such a huge area.... More maps, with meta events and chains we've done a thousand times over, grinding for yet another map currency yay. Another guild hall, no new features that will be empty like the rest. The new elite specs are just boring, really can't get behind them. (Honestly though it's fine as these can change with balance and made better over time so meh) This is hard to write tbh, because I don't doubt the hard work that has gone into making this expansion. The making of the maps , the weapons, the story all of it. If there's one thing that can be said for certain, it's that Anet really deliver on production and polish. I will buy it of course, and yeah It'll be fun on some level as GW2 always is, but I can't deny this is a very bitter sweet purchase and hasn't gotten me excited in the slightest. Really feel like Anet have a lot more work to do with trying to build this bridge between dev and consumer. These streams make them feel so out of touch. Like lets literally just walk around the guild hall showing nothing new. Everything a guild hall has done before, this one does, so they ruin the ONLY thing to discover about the Guild Hall is the hall itself, but we've already gotten a tour of that. "We've haven't played it yet" I hear these comments. Yeah but you've played GW2? because this is exactly that, but with a different theme, I don't know it's just so underwhelming. Like nothing new seriously? You're community have be crying out for Player Housing for YEARS and you think lets make a mastery that's exactly the same, has all the mechanics that would make it possible, but it's like Eye of the North like, why? The fact the map is so big isn't excited whatsoever. Only thing about big maps is flying around on your griffon but that's a novelty at best and not what I spend a lot of my time doing. Of course I'm going to get the expansion, because yeah GW2 is a fun game, but I can't deny how lukewarm this whole thing is. It all feels like it's been thrown together. Also, PLEASE pre-record your streams. Stop doing them live, too much stuff happens that distracts the team etc, just makes it's difficult to watch. I love this game, but this expansion, I just need to express, it's just not there. Anet adding things without improving what's already there is iconic at this point. This game HAS content, so much in the game there's more than enough to do, but the gameplay loop fades overtime, EoD should've been an expansion about improving the whole gameplay loop of GW2, not just adding more content. That's what PoF did and the LW seasons, an expansion is a time to innovate and change things like HoT did. We got DX11 which is incredible, redone rewards system, promise of balance changes, this is all amazing stuff, I want more like this. HUD changes, TP changes, a regular flow of Fractals, Strikes and Raids. Hell bring Dungeons back, DRMs could've been dungeons like for real. Why not? Your game already has all this incredible content that can be utilized, but no let's just add more stuff. New currencies. Why not throw in a PvP map every now and then, can't be that hard to make a PvP conquest map. This is what got me burned out on GW2 around PoF. Once you've played all the content there's little that actually brings you back to the game, the gameplay loop is weak once you're on top and at the end game. With all these expansions, it feels that the game has changed from 80 being the Endgame and is now the start of the midgame, with Endgame being once you have legendries and masteries. Once you have, what then? Your game is just about collections and skins at that point. Yeah you can build craft which is incredibly fun, but without guaranteed content like Dungeons, Fractals, Raids on the horizon it can feel a little pointless. I really just want Anet to find a rhythm that we can all get behind, a workflow and content stream that doesn't burnout the devs and one that provides a nice healthy flow of content throughout the game. I'd love to see 3 Fractals, 3 maps, 3 strikes and 1 raid every year. Just something that I know this new thing is coming out for the game and has structure, a rhythm. We need a balance of content for all these amazing modes in GW2. I could go on ranting and moaning, but whatever. I just wanted to vent. I'm really hoping that post EoD Anet will get their focus in line and really try to understand what GW2 needs and how to support GW2 in the future.
  4. Just a small thought about the ally buffs. Switch the specter and shroud 1,2,3 skills so that Shroud is the one offering the buffs. Making shroud is where barriers and boons are distributed.
  5. This is mainly a reply. Alt tabbing's fine, for sure a more miscellaneous request. Not that bad of a thing to have to do. It's just I've found the companion app far more helpful with boss timers, bank, items on my characters, rather than alt tabbing to check times and while having all these tabs open. Would like to just have an all in one place to access this information on my phone. Not to mention if there was a build template, I would love to just mess around with builds on the bus or something, but using the internet on the phone isn't ideal, it's super slow and doesn't work too well. I use addons, and they're amazing, but are prone to crashes and performance problems. I'd love to use them more and have them in the game officially, but that also seems to be an 'iffy' subject. Of course there's always 'it's a lot of work' angle but everything in this game is. Sure it's more about allocation resources and if it would even be something worth investing in. Perhaps not, but I for one would love to see something akin to a companion app.
  6. Hello 🙂 The Feedback: Harbinger trait: Twisted Medicine Elixirs buffing allies shouldn't be a trait and should be tied to how they work as a mechanic. Maybe instead, sacrificing applying conditions on enemies with Elixirs for buffed effects to allies. Really loving it overall and super interested to see where you take this spec 🙂
  7. I know you're all working hard on EoD right now and I can't wait to play it, it's seriously looking amazing. Now It's probably a tired request, but is something I would love to see sometime in the future. You can download some really well made fan-made companion apps (I highly recommend) , though I would love an official one. I'd love an app to access all things GW2: Inspect my account Event timers Trading Post Forums/Patch notes Build editor (like GW2 skills) Guild chat The last few might be a bit of a dream, but I think it would be amazing. The fan made companion app already has Account Inspection, Event timers and Trading post which is incredible. Yeah you can do this stuff in the browser, but c'mon it's not the same is it now 😜 Fingers Cross we get one, one day 🙂
  8. Amazing post, loving the ideas behind these changes. Cant wait to try.
  9. QoL: Custom outfits. Please let me save an outfit with the dyes and transmog. It's kinda of annoying when you have to swap gear but can't replicate and/or have to reference the old template. Let me just save the outfit please 🙂 Thanks have a grand day ahead 🙂
  10. omg you're right, I always get those confused XD My kitten got them mixed up.
  11. So Elite Weapon Skills. These would be additional skills for weapons a profession already uses. Granting them new weapon skills that can be swapped around, like with utility skills. Each weapon would get another set of skills equal to what they have and if it's main or off hand. So a main hand sword would get 3 new spells to choose from. I think this would be a nice way to add more depth/variety to Build craft without adding power creep. Pretty much sums it up, pretty simple, in concept of course. Thought I'd see what the other Tyrians think. Have some fun with it, and wishing you a grand day 🙂
  12. Guilds are essentially 'RP servers' I've found which is nice, but there's not a lot you can do in this game outside combat, so seeing fishing is nice for me. So having more instances in which guild members and such and be in would help a lot. (Also shout out to the instruments which are amazing, I wish they were unlocked through achievements though:( ) Yeah more emotes, player housing, more 'life skills' like hunting, gathering, maybe stables for mounts. More things to build within the guild, maybe some mini-games more customization within the arena. A library to store trophies and books for lore. Speaking of mini games I've always loved the idea of GW2 have a little card game or something that you could play in-game, think it would be really fun. Maybe have a magic box you can place down and play a game with someone. There's loads they could do and if they are smart about it could incorporate into gameplay well. Making the new hunting/gather skills could be about upgrading your houses facilities with the home instances, they already have nodes, why not more? So the base line really is just more variety outside of combat. Of course Anet seem to be very focus on a lot of things right now, it's just I would like to see content more related to RPing in the future, could make a great LW season drop. I still love the game regardless 🙂
  13. Honestly just wanted to take a moment to say that blog post was great. Super informative and just over all brilliant. I know it seems lame congratulating over a blog post, but it's been great to see such regular updates and feeling more informed on where the companies general vision is and how they're looking to change things. If you have been with the game for a while you know that it hasn't always been this way. So I wanted to make a post to show my appreciation on the efforts that's been made to inform the player base on plans/changes and just vision for the game. Because I don't know how else to show it. I assume someone maybe reading through the threads who works at Anet, maybe, maybe not. But thank you for the effort and you're doing a great job 😄 It's great to be optimistic about GW2 again 🙂
  14. I never said I wanted more DPS rotation. I said rotation broadly representing skills and gameplay. That's why I said making warrior more interesting to play. cause yeah right now warrior's just banners and it's boring. All those weapons and there isn't anything else warrior can do? Warrior needs something more.
  15. Nah don't assume details, it ain't my connection because it works fine any where in the game. I don't disconnect it's usually only with story instances. Some are long and yeah maybe not a long time, but has and have had this happen to me multiply times and I'm sure it happens to others. Would be a massive QoL and would just help the playability of the story missions. Especially if connection is spotty.
  16. I'm REALLY hoping this isn't the case, but you're probably right. I would love to see Warrior get a spec that gives it more of a rotation. Warrior was a good profession while learning the game for me, but would love to see some specs that make it more interesting to play.
  17. Alright. It's 2 am I should be asleep but I'm playing this damned game so I'm gonna moan about it. Picture the scene, you've gone through a whole instance heard the dialogue, fought the boss, done it's little mechanic, you reach the end aaaand Disconnect. You gotta do it all over again. This can happen again and again, until it randomly works again. This has happened to me sooo many times and is currently happening again on the 'Frozen Out' instance in Season 3 and always in the same spot. Right at the end. There has to be a better way to do this. There needs to be. Playing through the story can already feel like a chore sometimes, but when I'm playing and I'm actually starting to invest, Disconnect. Maybe have an option to download the instance to play 'offline' or have those check points save your progress at that point some how. I don't know, something, anything. There's need to be a pillow to land on, because this is rogue design.
  18. I'm guessing it's warrior with off hand pistol. This much most of us know, but my speculation/idea is that it's a pistol blade. Each blade is a utility skill that changes your first 3 weapon skills depending on which utility skill you activate. Probably not, but hey it's all in good fun. What do you think?
  19. QoL: Please add a Profession skill tab that has all the unique skills that profession can perform. Would just be easier if I could see all the skills my profession can perform under skills that change my weapon skills. Like Necros Shroud or Litch form which are time limited. Would be amazing if that could be added to the build tab 🙂
  20. With CMs coming to strikes I couldn't help but be reminded of this idea I had a while back with CM modes. It would work like this: Before entering a dungeon/fractal/strike/raid you would have selection of difficulty modifiers like Condition resistance for enemies More champion/veterans spawn More Health Slower Endurance Regeneration etc The more challenging you go the better the rewards. Add this with leaderboards on each content for added competitive spirit. I've always enjoyed these modifier systems in games like halo that have skulls or other games with 'Mutators' and the like. There's waay more you could do with it . Depending on the modifiers it could even open up a whole new approach to build craft activating certain modifiers could make certain builds more viable. I think it would be a system that would work really well with the way GW2 is set up Allowing people to better customize how machoistic you want to go. While adding re-playability to the content people most enjoy. Let me know what you think or what modifier's you'd think would be interesting to see 🙂
  21. I did, dropped 2 wells and an elites skill that dropped the CC and broke the bar then a couple of auto attacks then we slowed down and I just occasionally dropped an auto attack. If that's not enough then next time I won't bother waiting and will just go full Golem mode on it. Because it's health was going down fast. So we had to be slow. I did enough, It should've ticked. Honestly really pissed me off massively, only reason I'm in the Silverwastes. I want to get my masteries all ticked off before expansion and I'm not going to be able to play a lot in the coming months so have been playing it recently to get up to date as I've wanted to get core Tyria done for ages. It's kitten, think what you want, but I know I did enough for it to tick.
  22. We weren't going for DPS because we had to wait for everyone to come. I still did damage to it should've counted.
  23. I've been farming nothing but this map waiting for these legendries to spawn. This one taking the longest. It finally spawns I do damage to it, we wait a little bit for other people to do damage and nothing. Other people got the achievement but not me. This would've net me 2 mastery points 'The Be-All and the End-All' of course 'The Executioner. Finishing my core mastery track. This has really tanked my motivation. You can be all 'Just go do something' but I feel cheated. Please can I have this fixed.
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