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Strider Pj.2193

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Posts posted by Strider Pj.2193

  1. 6 hours ago, Zepoolpe.9217 said:

    Because it is a cornerstone game mode...

    In fact it is so cornerstoning that it cornerstoned all the other cornerstones in a cornerstoning movement that is so cornerstony that each and every single cornerstones are cornerstoned like no other cornerstone before.

    It's a philosophy...

    Like balance...

    But yet, they STILL can’t find the missing cornerstone for EK on desert BL..  🤦‍♂️

  2. Short answer:  the class was created to coddle PVE players to have a low effort, high DPS build, with little to no thought put into it for WvW because they view WvW as a numbers game and give no thought to the effect on small groups.  

    Long answer?  Not gonna go there..  🙂


    it has been nerfed slightly, but not likely to change much.  It’s a new expac spec…. They want people to buy the expansion.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Keneth.6490 said:

    I've been playing Guild Wars 2 for well over a decade now and many more years if we go back to Guild Wars 1. I have spent more time in Guild Wars than I have working any job or doing any other hobby. I have interacted with tens of thousands of people from all over the world. I've made some lifelong friends, seen my guild grow and shrink over the years, and went through various stages of my own life as well. It's been quite a ride, to say the least. I want to reflect upon my experience playing the game and highlight some of my hopes for the future and some things I think were done poorly or well. I've done something similar at the end of BWE3, way back in July of 2012, just prior to the game's release, and I'm happy to see today that most of my concerns have been addressed, at least in part, since that day.

    This is my love letter to Guild Wars 2. It'll be a long one. I don't expect anyone to actually read it or comment on it. It's not a suggestion thread, though I'm sure there might be a few kernels of wisdom in it. I'm making this thread for myself, so that maybe in another 10 years, if I'm still around, I might look at it and say, "Nice! We've come a long way since then."


    Tengu playable race & Dominion of Winds

    This is probably the least likely content update that's going to happen in the game, but I've always hoped that we'd get tengu as a playable race, hailing from the Dominion of Winds. Unfortunately, due to the sheer amount of art assets currently in the game that would need to be adjusted to introduce a non-human-like race this far down the line, I understand that we'll likely never get to play a tengu. Still, a man can dream. I would at least like to visit the Dominion of Winds at some point.

    Spears on Land, Greataxes, Polearms, etc.

    Historically, spears are one of the most widely used and effective weapons used on land. The fact that we can only use a spear underwater has been a thorn in my side from the beginning. I got excited back when Heart of Thorns was announced and we got a video of some spear-wielding characters, only to be let down when I found out it was just a staff with a spear-like appearance. With the addition of specializations, enabling the use of spears on land for a class or two shouldn't be that daunting.

    To that note, the recent addition of the Devil-Rending Greataxe hammer skin also made me wish we had actual greataxes and other polearms in the game. Alas, I think that while some of the classes still aren't able to use certain weapons, we won't be getting any new ones, but maybe someday...

    New Guild Content

    Guild missions and other guild-centric features haven't seen much love in years. They were fun for the first year or so, but without seeing any fresh content or having a good reason for doing them, people got bored and stopped coming after a while. While there are plenty of things for the dev teams to work on, I really do wish they'd focus a bit more on the Guild part of Guild Wars. We could use things like event scheduling and a notification system, besides more missions and content.


    This is a feature that I'm sure we'll never see again, but I do so dearly miss the bartering system from GW1. I think natural trading that does not need to rely on a single currency (coin) is healthy for the economy, but I do understand that free markets are harder to monitor and regulate. Plus, the endless chat spamming with sales and third-party auction houses just made the whole experience less satisfying for the casual player.

    More Super Adventure Box

    I think SAB is some of the most fun content in the game. Some people love it, some people hate it, but it's unique and challenging, and I firmly believe it deserves more attention. I am aware the devs are slowly working on W3 and W4, so this is just my affirmation that I hope to see that content soon.

    New Mailing System

    To put it simply, the mailing system is functional, but just barely so. It is extremely limited: there is no formatting, you can't see the account name of the sender, the inbox is minuscule, and the throttling is ridiculous. There are technical reasons for much of that, I know, but the fact that I can't mail a reminder to a large group of my guildmates or even figure out who I got a mail from because they've deleted that character the next day makes the mailing system all but worthless aside from getting stuff from the store or events. It needs a serious overhaul.

    In-Game and Out-of-Game Chat Integration

    This has been on the docket for the API team for years and is another on the list of features that could bridge the divide between in-game and out-of-game communities. Currently, we all have our own discord servers and forums, but it would be nice if there was some integration between the two aspects of each community. Hell, at this point, with the prevalence of Discord, it might even be a good idea to integrate with Discord from the game, rather than trying to find a way to do it the other way around.

    More Underwater Content

    I know this topic is taboo, but I really love exploring underwater environments and I had hoped that with the water dragon expansion, we'd see more of that. Since there isn't really a good way to handle underwater combat, there's only really been a sprinkling of underwater stuff in recent years, but I do still think that a few masteries and skill updates could go a long way toward making the underwater world a fun place to explore for everyone.

    Weapon Skill Order

    This is something I had hoped to see since the beta events. Over the years, I've come to terms with the fact that weapon skills are fixed and all the regular updates and new specializations have ensured that things don't get too monotonous. However, one thing I still want to see at some point, is the ability to change the skill order for each weapon set/build. It would help a lot with improving skill rotations and just general comfort.

    Name Generator

    Another feature I've been hoping to see for many years is a name generator. Being able to generate race-appropriate (and maybe even class/warband/whatever-appropriate) names when creating a character would be really nice. I waste so much time on finding a decent name for each of my characters and finding third-party name generators is a pain in the foot.

    Settings Presets

    I would really like to see an option to save a preset of all my settings locally. Being able to switch my keybinds, audio, and graphics changes to a preset with a single click would improve my overall experience by a lot. I know I'm not the only one who wants this feature since I've been debating it with players for years.


    Combat Speed

    I've never liked the "combat speed" mechanic. Ten years down the line, I still don't like it. I'm not sure if it's a technical issue or something else, but I see no good reason why characters would need to slow down when entering combat. The addition of mounts and the many movement skills, both on player and enemy side, have done a lot to improve the dynamic nature of combat (and out-of-combat exploration), but I still think this was a flawed design from the start.

    Crafting Material Accessibility

    Although efforts have been made to improve the accessibility of certain materials, I think more could have been done by now. Messing with the economy is a daunting process, but low-level materials shouldn't be worth more than high-end materials and there's no reason for leather to be that much rarer than wood or ore.

    Legendary Collections

    Originally, precursors were only rare drops. If you were lucky enough to get one, you could craft a legendary weapon for a small fortune. If not, you had to amass another small fortune to first buy a precursor on the trading post. This was an unpleasant experience for a lot of people and the ability to craft legendary weapons was supposed to be a remedy for that issue. Rather than throwing away a massive sum of gold on the trading post, you were supposed to invest time and effort into completing different collections for intermediate stages. Unfortunately, the cure ended up being worse than the disease. In an effort not to tank the value of precursors and legendary weapons, the crafting process was made in a way that requires an absolutely ungodly amount of materials that ends up costing you more than the item you could just buy on the trading post. And no, the real treasure isn't the friends you make along the way. I think what was done for Prismatic Champion's Regalia was a much better way to go about it; It was rewarding and pushed people back toward older content that may have lost its popularity.

    Gem Store Prices

    This too has been a long-standing gripe of mine, but when a single mount skin costs more than an expansion's worth of game content, you're blissfully missing the point of what micro-transactions are supposed to be. And don't give me the "we have to pay our artists" schtick because the prices don't even remotely justify the effort of creating the cosmetics and you know it. Chalk this one up to either corporate greed or the inability to balance gold-gems exchange rates. Either way, I tend to stay as far away from the gem store as I can, which is unfortunate.


    Fractals, Strikes, Raids, World Bosses

    End game content has come a long way since the original dungeons. From stacking in a corner and spamming skills to challenging encounters that require coordinated efforts. It's been a long road, but I believe we now have something for everyone to enjoy (at least in PvE) and I absolutely can't wait to see more content in any of these areas.


    I've always been more of a fan of lateral progression, rather than vertical. I think masteries were a great addition to the game and a good way for people to feel like they're still advancing, even after reaching max-level. It also allows for content-focused advancement without affecting the overall balance of the game.


    I think specializations are a great way of introducing new class mechanics without introducing new classes. Getting the use of new weapons and skills to change the role of a class is a very natural way of adding build variety to different classes and reducing the need to run very specific class/build combos in every group.

    Regular Rebalancing Efforts

    I might not always agree with the changes, but I think the team does a great job of balancing the skills and traits and making sure the meta doesn't get too stale. For a game to have a long shelf life, this is absolutely vital and I'm happy to see that the process is ongoing.

    Hello fellow decade-er!  Several of the things you wrote I would agree with and other disagree with.  But my reply is just to say it’s great to see another player enjoying the game for as long.  Hope to see you out there!



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  4. 7 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

    🤣hahaha that went right over your head didn't it? Escorting a dolly wasn't brought up by me and it is about the only thing you can do that boosts participation and doesn't involve killing or capping anything, but you seem to be unaware about both the time extension granted by it and the requirements to get credit for it. 

    Your suggestion you would be able to get 25 sentries in 5 minutes is another pearl hahaha


    12 minutes ago, BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

    Provide proof of a recent duo completing 10 man content without exploits, gotta back up your claims with proof. And again if they did it without exploits they put in a metric ton of effort again effort the thing that rewards are based upon..

    Private messaging is a thing.  

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  5. On 10/24/2022 at 8:53 AM, MintyMin.2718 said:

    I agree, The presence of a single mini will get a 50 strong squad wiped. No minis please.

    Regardless of the hiding minis or not, if one mini gets your 50+ squad wiped, you were going to get wiped anyway.  

  6. 3 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Most servers are force into T1 due to other 2 servers stop playing from mid week.

    So the server with most VP has nowhere else to go but pushed into T1.



    Still a choice.  Your server chooses to continue playing.  

    I am not arguing that it seems like a counterintuitive system:  Not playing in order to lose which allows you to ‘win’.  



    Obviously someone on the server that moves up cares to push it to T-1.  It’s quite easy…. Bag farm and don’t cap.  Participation continues, but you don’t gain points.  Servers do it now.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

    Hey 👋 This is all because changes Anet implemented around HoT. Roy did play game on Piken back then, so he should be aware that the game has changed, not sure why he is not. Perhaps he just forgot that WvW used to play out completely differently.


    Non-zerg scales of WvW died ☠️because:


    • Claim buff (Biggest offender): Naturally killed competitive scenes (Roaming, Dueling, Top guilds) since 13% damage and 20% ((friendly vs enemy buff) survivability swings NEAR any objective with no siege involved just decide fights at that level
    • Massive reduction in upgrade times and increase in supply: Obviously smaller groups have more trouble with T2 and T3 keeps and castles filled with supply.
    • Wall/Gate HP nerf, Shield gens and siege vs siege damage reduction: Shield gens block all siege, meaning larger attacking groups are unstoppable from getting in. You can't even buy much time compared to before. Walls/Gates have less hp thus you have less time to wait for reinforcements as well.  Siege does less damage to siege now so you also take longer to deal with attackers
    • EWPs, Packed Dolyaks, Dolyak Escort buff: Well Dolyak escort buff is a great example where defender always wins. Their dolyak has 90% damage reduction so you can't snipe it anymore and it is unlikely you can kill the minstrel player either. So if defenders have 2 players, they can stop any roamer from taking anything. Packed dolyaks are just superior speedy dolyaks since you can also speed them up and they count as 2 towards upgrade. Emergency waypoint/Dragon Banner after spending 15 minutes to get inside somewhere with limited supply of smaller group, is guaranteed ragequit from the game.
    • Minstrel stats: Well Minstrel is just dominant and not fun to play against. New cele is also similar big offender.
    • Gliding in combat: Obviously if you lose a fight or misposition, you should die. High grounds should also be viable spots for attacker to kill enemies. Especially roamer fights within keeps or high spots should be more cutthroat and outskilling attackers should be rewarded with more kills


    Solutions ☑️

    1. Rework claim buff in following matter (all stats and movement speed removed, +5 supply and Magic find stay):
      1. 10% (20% with Presence of Keep PoK) extra wall/gate HP
      2. 15% (30% with PoK) increased siege damage to siege,
      3. 15% (30% with PoK) out of combat movement speed
      4. 10% (20% with PoK) reduced supply costs to siege,
      5.  10% (20% with PoK) reduced tactivator cooldowns.
    2. Rework shield gens so you can only place 1 in 900 radius and the abilities occur in radius around shield generator rather than being placed. Make shield gen 1 ability apply aegis in radius (5s cooldown) and shield gen 2 have a shockwave that knocks down enemies for 2s (can jump over or dodge through) (10s cooldown).
    3. Increase dolyaks required to upgrade keeps by 100% and castles by 200%. Reduce amount of supply dolyaks carry by 10.
    4. Packed dolyaks shouldn't count for 2 towards upgrade and instead carry 3x supply. Dolyak escort buff should be reduced to 50%. Dragon banner should only last 3 minutes, instead of 15. EWP 15 seconds instead of 30.
    5. Concentration stat should be nerfed from 1% boon duration per 15 concentration to 1% per 21
    6. Gliding shouldn't be available in combat


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  8. On 10/26/2022 at 5:05 PM, Timelord.8190 said:

    Yes, I meant worlds when i wrote alliances. WvW was more fun when we didn't have french or german filling up the chat window. Now there is not the same teamwork as it was before. It's ruined. 

    Ok.  Bring another 4-5000 people that speak your language into the game mode and you’ll have servers that are active and not ‘ded’.

    Otherwise, you are going to see it MORE frequently.  🤷

  9. 1 hour ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    Yes. Because you already got the 3 armor sets everyone else should feel like you want them to.


    All I do is wvw and wvw has disgustingly poor rewards.  All the good expensive drops are pve. 


    It is a super easy fix but either anet is lazy as"f" or they just don't care. Even if it was just extra money per chest, at least the extra coin would help.


    I killed a treasure mushroom and got the invisible shoes so I sold then on the t.p. nothing like that ever drops in wvw. No infusions, no nothing. 

    But ‘getting the armor faster’ isn’t ‘better rewards’.  That’s my whole point.  

    I am all for better rewards which, my posts in this thread detail.  So, maybe don’t focus on the part you did?


    The armor acquisition process has been sped up no fewer than 3 distinct times.  It’s fine.


    There needs to be rewards that are consistent and consumable/rewardable from a gold perspective.  

    Or, give something else to spend the tickets on.  

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  10. 53 minutes ago, Moriartiy.6753 said:

    If "nobody" cares about rewards nor about the match what do "WvW" palyers actually care about in your opinion? 


    Why do you think every WvW player universally agree that a more rewarding expierence would be a bad thing?

    More rewarding experience for this of us that are long term players usually does not equate into more tickets faster as many of us have nothing to spend them on.


    Some players would like more liquid gold, or a use for emblems or something to buy with excess tickets


    Also, more of a ‘reward’ for many of us would be a change in the population balance, which, for many would come with alliances.  But we’ll see how soon that gets here.

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  11. OP:  I think a valid question to you would be


    ‘Do you care about WvW?’


    I get you care about the armor.  Which was initially a long term reward for WvW players.  It’s been sped up more than 3 times since it’s inception, either with the amount of tickets earned or the speed with which you can acquire Pips per tick, along with a drop in the requirements for the ‘top tier’ WvW armor.  

    Having three weights of the armor, I don’t need tickets anymore because there is nothing to spend them on.  

    So, what else would you have for the tickets?  What new item should people be able to buy?


    Stay a while, enjoy the mode.  The tickets come.  

    If it’s a chore, I would ask you why would you want to play a mode that isn’t fun, for an item that isn’t needed..  


    Good luck out there!



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  12. 1 hour ago, Riba.3271 said:

    I mean you can't really take upgraded stuff from better servers by doubleteaming them these days. Defending is so stat heavy these days that attackers just get 1 pushed by bigger defending group with no way to buy time.


    Unless your whole purpose of logging in is to dodge fights and keep feeding keeps hoping that enemy won't scout you or react. I do not believe that is very fun.


    The thing is, attackers can deal with siege by taking their time or rushing in but stats and ewp are not circumventable. So once this "mag" server has upgraded things and better players, they can just keep farming you.

    No.  Defending ISNT stat heavy.  And yes, you can do it.  You need numbers, coordination and, like @Xenesis.6389said, the second server.


    The stats are negligible when talking about a comped group.  

    The main problem is people don’t want to coordinate, synergies their builds (yeah boon blob blah blah blah) and work together.


    Get into inner, clear siege, come back, go back in and clear siege.


    If people can’t be bothered to do that, then they need to attack other undefended targets.  

    What Mag has, is persistence.  Most others can’t be bothered.  


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  13. 5 hours ago, Absurd.2947 said:

    Someone record the spawn camp. Watching a clip of you guys trying to push out of spawn could provide some insight. 

    To what end though?  The people being recorder have to be willing to take advice,  


    Honestly, if they are running out in groups of less than 20 then not sure if they are going to listen.


    Other borders would help them more.

  14. 1 hour ago, Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:

    I think you might have some misinformation as sbi is currently linked to Darkhaven. Mag and Bg I believe are full.

    Oh i see you got the link thing backwards. I mean idk why that's relevant but whenever anybody is against mag or bg the other servers just don't log in cuz everybody knows they are stacked.  So even tho SBI is full and link is very high it might as well be low. You forget about the players that don't log in out of fear. But this isn't about the present anyway. Its about overall since Anet has started the whole linking system. Everybody knows bg was allowed to get stacked and stayed in t1 for years. Now mag has been allowed to stack and both now have links servers that are high. SBI is full but that doesn't mean they are stacked. which is probably why anet put them with a link that is very high. to try to counter that. But as we can all see, that failed. Mag even over blobs over the bg blobs when they matched up. That's how stacked they are. But you know, I guess mag players have inflated egos and don't want to admit that their success is only cuz of numbers and not cuz of actual skill. I mean there's a reason I have a million name list of mag players skerrred of me. 

    It’s ok being confused.  It’ll improve with age.  Oh wait..

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  15. 1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Yea Sit was the one to be accused of hacking, probably because he was the only one to get any real kills for a while lol. I mean normally it's the enemy that makes hacking accusations but why on our own server? I guess people like being spawn camped, in this case there is no issue.

    I dunno why nobody does any damage, though we made progress when I kept spamming do reflects and stuff.

    Hush with that tactics and stuffz.  Can’t talk about strategy in here.  🤷😏

    • Haha 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I know this is a joke but, minus the bomb collars, that used to happen in Ultima Online. People would stand around the bank (where everyone went to trade) and instead of selling things they already had they'd sell their time and skills. Someone would pay them for a pre-agreed amount of time and then they'd do whatever that player wanted until the time ran out.

    It could be carrying them through a dungeon or something, or going out and gathering specific materials, or refining materials they'd already gathered, or whatever the 'employer' wanted and the 'employee' could do.

    Some of that already happens in GW2, like people paying for raid clears, and in theory there's no reason they couldn't pay for another players time to do other things as well. Although I suspect the reason I haven't seen it since I quit UO is it's more practical to advertise for specific things than general purpose availability.

    Had runners in GW1 as well.  

  17. 33 minutes ago, Timelord.8190 said:

    Yes, I know that which is why i make this thread. I want an alliance system that makes takes language into account. Keep only english speaking players into alliances with eachother. So we don't get less language problems on alliances. 

    Like @Xenesis.6389said, you are confusing an alliance with a world.  An alliance will be approximately 1/5 of a world.  

    So, you ARENT going to get same speaking players on your world every time.  It just isn’t feasible if we are truly looking to make an actual attempt to balance population.

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