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Everything posted by sewenewes.4176

  1. Being a little hostile there. This bit in particular. I've progression raided in WoW from classic till the end of Draenor. Nice try with the ad hominem though. You know why Blizzard ended up iterating on the talent trees and abilities over and over till they came to barely resemble their former selves from the classic days? Because it was not merely unbalanced but extremely so. Classes that had only one viable specialization, specializations that had only one viable talent point distribution, one button rotations, buff bots, infinitely chained crowd control, and massive MASSIVE differences in performance between people depending whether they fell into the noob trap of making their own builds instead of just copying what was on the Elitist Jerks website. I still remember the boredom of constantly farming that damn mace from the midget dungeom that made playing feral druid actually viable. Shoring up weaker performers won't make them be welcomed in highly skilled organized groups if they lack the ability to communicate and to perform the mechanics (and that's completely fair and jusitifed) but what it will do is make open world content and pick-up-groups more enjoyable for everyone involved. We're not going to get the ability to create private world maps for ourselves and if you don't have enough skilled friends or guildies online at a time you want to do more difficult group meta events, strikes, or fractals then you have to rely on pick-up-groups. You can of course sit around and not accept anyone that can't link 250 LI minimum but depending on the time of the day and the region you are playing, you will sit there for a long time. Currently Guild Wars 2 is suffering from having "too much freedom" as contradictive as that sounds. A year ago when I got back into this game even I made the mistake of thinking I can make my own build work by doing the math and getting shaman armour with magi trinkets and then roleplaying as a healer with my spirits and staff. In reality, my heals were a joke outside of celestial alignment and my mangy pet did more damage than me. I talk to so many players falling into the same kind of noob traps. They usually have good reflexes, dodge things, watch out for hostile and benefical effects on the floor, the ones who played MMOs before tend to understand how CC works, the ones new to the genre struggle with that, but they all make the mistake of not choosing the right equipment stat combinations and the right traits and the right weapons because the game does nothing to guide them towards what is and isn't efficient. Also, I'm not saying we should just give "bad" players some sort of health and damage buff like determination stacks in WoW. Instead, noob trap armour combinations should either be scrapped or hidden behind high level crafting skills. Similarly, talents and weapon skills should be changed a bit. Perhaps make each specialization line focus on improving just one particular aspect of the class (like how the elite specializations already do) with some drawbacks and greatly enhance a stat and two weapons that are meant to be a staple of that aspect. Instead of having everything scattered all over the place. They did try this but then sort of gave up halfway through. That way players would naturally be guided (you could say forced) towards choices that complement each other. They will still not measure up to the top performers but many will stop underperforming so badly that the performance difference is as staggering as it is now.
  2. I use the springer usually because I like the animations and find its ability convenient while exploring. Also, nothing beats yelling "CANNONBALL" over voice chat as your friends rush into a fight and round everything up with their raptors then a second later your fatty bunny spinballs into the middle of it. My problem with the griffon and the skyscale are that they ruin the fun if you are playing with someone who doesn't have them yet and the barrier for getting them is a lot higher than just buying the expansion and flopping around in the Crystal Desert for a few days. Many people I know are active players but haven't yet unlocked the two fliers or even the beetle. Some haven't even unlocked the bunny because they like taking their time and don't want to spoil the story for themselves. Raptor is always an excellent choice for playing with others and generally the best choice if you are doing world bosses or rushing from event to event.
  3. The real problem isn't the lack or addition of a DPS meter. Never has been. People who are interested in and capable of improving their performance have been doing it since day one of the game even before unoffical addons existed. If Arenanet adds an official meter the players making use of it will be the same ones that make use of the current unofficial means. What it will not do is raise the performance level of the rest of the playerbase which is what many seem to hope for. The reality of it is that there are many players, the majority even, who either do not care about how well they perform or are unable to improve their performance due to limitations outside of their control. Arenanet implementing an official tool that shows them how badly they perform will not make them play better. It will make them quit the game because no one wants to spend their leisure time getting repeatedly told they are bad. The company already tried to stongarm their playerbase into collectively improving with Heart of the Thorns which famously led to a huge player exodus. So what is the real problem? The massive disparity between the highest and lowest performers. That is something that can only be solved by the developers. People are desperate for meters and inspection and instanced world bosses because those on the higher end of the curve are understandably frustrated by having to play together with those on the lower end of the curve and getting punished for it through increased failure rates and less rewards while those on the lower end are frustrated by the constant rejection and the seemingly impossible to pass difficulty hurdle. Both sides are justified in their displeasure but the only way this can be solved is by rehauling, to a certain degree even gutting, the gearing and talent system so that all options will result in similar performance. The very skilled will still be rewarded by better performance but instead of performing 150% better, they will perform lets say only 20% better. The unskilled will stop being such a massive drag (numerically) in group content. The average won't see much change in their day to day gaming but will notice and appreciate group content getting tackled succesfully more often. There wouldn't be a constant outcry for official meters because joining group activities wouldn't be such a massive gamble with a high chance of seeing no return for your time investment. The other thing Arenanet can do (and has done before) is to continously decrease the difficulty across the board so that even those of low skill can succeed but it's driving away the highly skilled and even some of the average players.
  4. Ah, people are experiencing a slice of the hearing impaired life. Going to grab this opportunity to campaign for better readability. Back when we had the talking heads in front of a tangentially related background, I could actually read the dialogue and keep up with the story. Since that got done away with I'm trying to keep one eye on the chat window (forget about constantly angling the camera to see the chat bubbles above the NPCs) and one eye on the combat or other important visuals so I keep missing story beats. Could we get some improvement in this regard?
  5. The build storage is currently half off for me. The build template and equipment template are indeed not on sale. This is actually another point I wanted to mention. Why are these split into three different unlocks? Needless complication. I would say it's hard to pin down the price of convenience but in its current iteration the feature is not really all that convenient anyway. Essentially all this build template business seems to do is shave down the time spent manually swapping gear and traits. If you ask ten people how much this is worth to them you'll get ten different answers. Possibly more. Now imagine that with thousands of people. Not saying I like the price but I also understand the realities of free-to-play monetization.
  6. I came back to the game after a few months of absence. Saw these build templates and gear loadouts on the gem store and they were even on sale! So thought I'd check out this shiny new feature and grab myself some slots if it's any good. Honestly? They're confusing. Not intuitive at all and require far too much switching and clicking around. Found it more frustrating than useful. After fiddling around with it for a good two hours on a ranger and a revenant, I ended up abandoing the whole thing and haven't looked at the feature since. Needless to say, additional loadouts were not bought. Also noticed some bugs (or intended features?) like revenant skills swapping positions and ranger pets not switching out. I'm not going to address the price or the fact it's not an account-wide unlock. Others already did and I personally don't mind either way. If I like something, I'll pay for it unless the price is truly insane. However, there needs to be a better explanation for this in-game. As a personal preference, I'd like to see something similar to (or exactly like) the build editor website gw2skills.net.
  7. Arenanet actually monitors these things diligently. I'm sometimes very critical of the company (regarding other matters) but I can find no fault in the way they handle addons. There are few that are even allowed and even those have to adhere to a guideline. The developers of these addons get warned if a feature oversteps any of the boundaries and are given a grace period to make adjustments. The users of said addons are also given the same courtesy. As an addendum, Arenanet doesn't design the game around addons unlike Blizzard thus addons aren't required. Try doing any competitive content in WoW without the mandatory ones like DBM, BigWigs, WeakAuras, VuhDo, Simulationcraft and a few others. It won't happen because Blizzard has been intentionally creating and adjusting their raids and dungeons around the readings and cues that those addons provide.
  8. Having to contend with delayed gratification. = Getting spit in the face. Some world we live in. Yes, completely ignore the reason for his comment and only reply with your one-liner after misconstruing his reason for being upset. Some world we live in.When someone exaggerates to that extent, any point they may have had gets lost in the drama llama style presentation. Arenanet taking longer than usual or expected with this episode and then time-gating one of the biggest selling points of it can be classed as an unwise decision or a financial mistake. We can argue that the disappointment caused by the time-gate makes people less inclined to purchase gems but we can also argue that this could be offset by the people who are not deterred and may make additional purchases due to the game nudging them to play more frequently and in the process look at the gem store offerings. There is a discussion to be had here. What it can not be classed as is "a spit in the face" because that undermines both the point the poster was trying to make and reduces the work put into this episode, from the gameplay and writing to the visuals and music, to an act of spite. Writing that doesn't open a discussion and doesn't work as criticism either. It's the written equivalent of a tantrum. Also, don't take time off from work for online games. It never ends well.
  9. Having to contend with delayed gratification. = Getting spit in the face. Some world we live in.
  10. Considering how many people breed with no sense of responsibility and with no love for their children, that would be an improvement. It's absurd that driving a vehicle requires a license or that alcohol and tobacco are regulated but popping out kids is a free-for-all bonanza resulting in millions of children growing up neglected and abused. It's disgusting and frankly speaking should be the main focus of any movement using the "but think of the children" argument.
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