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Everything posted by sewenewes.4176

  1. I agree with this and greatly enjoy that aspect. Just recently I accidentally stumbled on some behind-the-scenes parts of Tangled Depths I haven't seen before (above the Ley-Line Confluence) by accidentally jumping into some hidden hole at SCAR Bivouac with the springer and it was a delight to explore it. I do wish they would remove some of the more oppressive invisible walls because there doesn't seem to be any advantage to getting into unfinished nooks (at least I never came across anything that let me gain unintended loot or passive event participation) and it's a joy to find little secrets or cool vantage points. Tangled Depths Topsy Turvy
  2. I think that's why the OP (and others in this thread) feel it's mandatory. The average gameplay loop has you travelling relatively short distances between each mounting because you're stopping to gather or participate in an event or because you were forced off your mount. Every mount can be used for that and you can even decide to not mount up at all. I personally greatly enjoy topsy-turvy environments and often just run because it's fun to fight stuff and gather from every node or container I see. When you want to keep up with players however you need to go for what is the most efficient and helps you avoid combat the most or otherwise you risk missing out on whatever is it you are targeting. If it's a completely flat area with zero obstructions and few enemies then you can just raptor leap as the easiest and fastest solution. How common is that however, especially in the expansions? The skyscale is slow but it bypasses all obstacles and enemies by flying over them and doesn't require careful planning or special conditions to make full use of its abilities. It also grants its rider the ability to wait around in any spot without gettng killed by simply hovering in the air indefinitely. Its slowness and penchant for sticking to odd bit of surfaces don't feel like big enough drawbacks compared to how useful and easy to handle it is. The griffon can fly circles around it in theory but in reality using the griffon to its full potential requires planning and quite a bit of skill. I don't begrudge players riding the skyscale because it's the easiest way to keep up with trains, meta events, and try for achievements. If it wasn't, my screen wouldn't be covered in a flurry of flapping wings at every big event I participate in. Sometimes I wish the skyscale would be nerfed just so I could stop getting cluster migraines from the tornado of many a garishly coloured glowing sparkle dragon flapping all over the place.
  3. The reason they don't do this is because they (any company running non-subscription live service games, really) make more money targeting the big spenders and gambling addicts. They aren't bothered that you don't spend ten dollars a month because their whales spend thousands and their dolphins spend hundreds. Gathering tools don't stack to sell you either permanent gathering tools or extra bag space. Preferably both. Experience boosters are fairly easy to come by and they'd rather have you just splurge on the instant level eighty boost anyway. Dyes are part of the system targeting gamblers and it's very deliberate that you can get duplicate dyes even when you spend actual cash on gemstore dye packs. It's not a consumer friendly way to run a game but because many people aren't willing to pay a subscription (or subscribe to more than one game at a time) game studios are left with having to make money from live service games through such methods.
  4. I personally dislike the skyscale not because of how it's obtained but because it feels like pandering to players used to traditional mounts from other games. All the other mounts, griffon included, had their own unique niche and drawbacks that redefinied movement and reinvigorated exploration. The skyscale doesn't really bring anything new to the game. What it does is invalidate every other mount through convenience and efficiency. Why bother with switching between the other mounts and trying to use terrain to your advantage, adjusting your strategy on the fly, when you can just hop on the easy-mode dragon, fly up, and then straight ahead? Land on some surface when your stamina is about to run out then continue on your path. Such strategy, much excitement. I see people bring up that the skyscale is slower than other mounts thus doesn't replace them. Except the terrain in most parts of the game have obstacles that would normally require running, jumping, hovering, portaling, swooping around which means that someone using their other mounts usually loses to the one on the skyscale because the speed advantage is negated by the time it takes to navigate obstacles and switch between mounts. The springer and jackal remain my favourite mounts simply because I love their animations and so I keep using them but it's undeniable that the skyscale is more efficient.
  5. I personally don't care how bots affect the economy of games because the individuals pretending they are playing stock market simulator do far more damage. The real damage bots cause is to the perception of the game. Any game *visibly* infested with them gains the reputation of being abandoned.
  6. No one claimed it was but even the hardest maps in the base game are easier than expansion content. It's not played regularly enough considering the oft repeated complaint of people struggling to get maps completed, hero points earned, or other types of progression completed. Considering your comments on this forum are just a repetition of "git gud" as you tell everyone with any sort of complaint or suggestion that they just need to play better, I don't see the point in engaging in good faith discussion. Feel free to once again remind everyone that you have them beat in the most casual MMORPG. We're all very impressed. Currently, you can solo them. Before HoT, you could do them with two to three people (depending on class and skill level) which I wrote in my original comment. & The final temple events were an exception, of course, but the pre-events could be done with a small group.
  7. I don't watch content creators nowdays but I do like to listen to them while I'm gaming. For that reason I prefer scripted videos to streams. My favourite kind of videos are the ones about builds for the different classes, game lore, and funny stories of players.
  8. The whole game was an introductory content? Really? Arenanet designed the entire base game as an extended tutorial in preparation for an expansion that they originally weren't even going to make? When people talk about the base game being easier than the expansion, they mean the whole game. Not just the starting zones. There are very few things in the base game I can't solo and nothing that can't be done with three people. In comparison, many HoT skill points and events require a minimum of three people and to actually complete the big meta events you need a whole squad. For the more difficult ones, you need the squad to also be highly organized. Someone will bring up the nerf to Orr but even before its nerf Orr was doable with a mate or two. No one is saying that group content should be eliminated from the game. People are asking that group content that has become largely abandoned, outside of the occassional organized squad which you may never encounter depending on your availability, to get adjusted accordingly. I haven't seen Verdant Brink reach tier four in years because the dedicated few doing it are not playing when I am. I got the bladed armour set completed for all armour types long ago so this doesn't personally impact me but it does impact people who picked up the game after the popularity of the Verdant Brink meta waned. Same with events like the Anomaly and Serpent's Ire which are even part of the griffon collection. I know people who were happy to play and spend money on Gem Store shinies but trying to get the griffon eventually soured them on the game because they got stuck on those steps and for months couldn't find successful squads at the times they could be online.
  9. People left after HoT and during PoF because of multiple reasons but a major factor was the stark increase in difficulty compared to the base game. Arenanet could of course "solve" this problem by raising the difficulty of the base game and with that cull even more of their more casual or less skilled population which I'm sure would do wonders for their profit margins. That's sarcasm, in case it needs to be said. The peope craving a true test of skill or more punishing gameplay mechanics have plenty of MMOs to choose from so following your logic they should head to those games instead of ruining this one for anyone else - especially since this game started out catering to what you call the lowest common denominator. It's incredibly easy to turn around these kind of poorly thought-out arguments. I very much agree that as more and more maps have been added to the game, an increasing number of them have become mostly barren outside of the few days per year when they are selected for the event completer daily. Same goes for the dungeons and increasingly for the raids. This is the natural progression of expanding online games and not something I blame Arenanet for. However, quite a few things are tied to such "abandonware" content, such as armour and weapons sets, map completion, skill points, and legendaries. It's more than fair to ask for a reduction in difficulty of some content that is past its prime so that it isn't gated behind organized groups or whole squads. Because this issue isn't affecting solo players but also those who play in small groups or in shorter bursts.
  10. Those are some oddly specific examples. I dread to think what the subject of said commission was. I do think the statue is overpriced considering it's all plastic but since we apparently have adults paying premium for statues of cartoon ponies aimed at little girls I suppose the definition of overpriced really is subjective. Lack of taste aside, it's a long-standing problem that many companies in the USA completely forget about their customers that don't live in North America. Best thing anyone can do is support different businesses and individuals.
  11. I would love to see the swimming googles implemented as a toy, complete with costume brawl skills and the ability to do those stunts mid-air as you plummet towards water or even towards ground and certain death. That way you don't get people fighting dragons in literally just bikinis and swimtrunks but still gives an option to dress down for roleplay and fun social events similar to the Quaggan and Choya tonic runs.
  12. One sessions, on average, costs a hundred dollars. If you have more than ten sessions then you spent more on therapy than on a gaming computer. Therapy that addresses and helps with serious issues needs way more than ten sessions. If it's a personality disorder or a major disturbance of executive functioning, you are looking at years if therapy. If you attend just one session a week and we use that hundred dollar average cost for it then a year will cost you 5200 dollars. The usual recommendation, especially when starting therapy, is to attend twice a week since each session lasts only an hour or two hours at the very best but that will cost you 10400 dollars. Living in a country with socialized healthcare isn't a guarantee for treatment either. It's quite common, especially in the poorer countries, that the "free" mental healthcare provided is either bottom of the barrel quality or not available nearly as often as it is needed to actually be effective. Sometimes both apply. So you are either stuck with substandard care or you go private and pay out of pocket. Of course, the average person can't afford going private. It's easy to tell people to get therapy. That takes the responsibility off the shoulders of society. Why reach out to your fellow human and try to support them when you can just tell them to get therapy? Accessible mental healthcare is underfunded and understaffed in the entire world. Even more so than regular healthcare. @SoulGuardian.6203 Keep on keeping on. You'll get back into the game in no time. The living story progressed at a snail's pace and the expansion doesn't seem anywhere near completion so you should have no trouble catching up and rolling into Elona on launch day.
  13. To be fair, buying a decent computer to run this game costs aboout a thousand dollars. Therapy costs tens of thousands. The average person can't afford proper therapy. So the best they can aim for is finding enough distractions to get them through life.
  14. I find it funny that Trading Post interactions involving potentially hundreds of gold require zero confirmation beyond the clicking of one button (which is quite an easy mistake to make due to how incredibly laggy that whole interface is) but we can't delete a big assortment of worthless items without typing out their names first. Very well-thought-out system that we should definitely all defend to our dying breath as well as shame the original poster for suggesting it could perhaps use some change.
  15. It's not that they aren't willing to spend money but if they are playing the new FF expansion when EoD comes, they will likely not want to switch away from FF until they exhausted the gist of the launch content. However, if they miss out on EoD's launch by a lot (lets say by over two months) they might not bother buying and playing the expansion at all because the hype is gone and the initial zerg have moved on and spread out across other content.
  16. That's actually brilliant. Didn't consider it despite being used to animation cancelling from ESO. Completely agree with this. A redesign of Mallyx would be very welcome but I know big overhauls are usually reserved for expansions. I like Kalla but unfortunately she isn't as strong for condition as Mallyx. Her utility skills are also meh in WvW as the warband members can be chain crowd controlled and killed before getting anything done. I might just have had a really skewed experience as I keep seeing both a lot of condition heralds and a lot of condition renegades (not so much base revenants) in WvW and have chalked it up to the condition bomb reverse uno card tactic being popular.
  17. I'm fairly sure everyone can think of alternative uses. The issue is more that Mallyx was the only legend granting condition focused utilities to revenants and heralds. The changing of retaliation and the nerf to the revenant's ability to dish out torment are going to make Mallyx feel like a waste of a legend slot outside of open world content and push even more revenants and heralds into playing renegade. I don't want to keep the skill in its current form (because it really is too easy to exploit) but the new design doesn't really cut it either. Maybe just keep it as a stun break at the same cost and throw in five stacks of might on top as a consolation prize. Don't make it pull conditions from allies. With the changes going ahead it will just become a worse version of Riposting Shadows anyway.
  18. The absolute state of humanity. Reacting to someone's grief with stickers. I'm not saying the internet was a mistake but it sure did a number on the socialization of newer generations. Case in point: the original poster who considers emojis harrasment. We are headed for extinction.
  19. With this change that skill simply can not be used in many situations without killing the user near instantaneously. The pay-off won't be worth the significant risk even when you manage to pull it off without dying. I would say that having an utility skill that has to be actively avoided and that you can not switch out for something else is pretty bad.
  20. I agree that fortitude or resolve would have been a far better word. Most people associate resolution with hastily and often drunkenly made promises on New Year's Eve.
  21. I'm going to go against the mold and say that I don't think they ever could have done Primordius justice, no matter the time and budget. He has been built up for so many years now but is essentially just a mindless force of destruction. How do you do present that in a compelling way? It would be like writing a story around an earthquake or volcanic explosion. Not about their effects on the land, the wildlife, and humans but just solely about the natural phenomenom itself. Primordius has no schemes or goals and doesn't care about anything except consuming magic. His minions are an extension of that mindless chaotic energy. The real mistake was trying to condense him into a generic dragon shape that can be fought with. Should have left him lurking in the depths. By now he became so powerful and large that it would have been feasible to say that he permanently fused with the land itself and can not leave it nor can be killed without killing Tyria itself. His narrative strength was never in him being an active antagonist but in what his mere existence caused. They could have completed the arc of the countless characters who fought alongside us throughout the years and made them part of a unified order dedicated to keeping the destroyers at bay and dealing with natural disasters that Primordius causes. Might have been a good catalyst for the next expansion as well. Setting our sights on Cantha in search for a better solution.
  22. I'm on a laptop and there's too much white space. Nothing to do with hardcore gaming.
  23. Too much unused space. The amount of white is searing my retinas. Having the twitter feed on the side is of little value to forum users and distorts each page.
  24. I would like to see Trahearne as a legend. He can say "This won't end well... for you!" when activated, as well as "Commander, a word?" every ten minutes while you're idle. You will be able to wield a greatsword and it will top the DPS meters till the heat death of the universe but all of its skills will have a knockback effect attached to it. Perfectly balanced.
  25. What's unclear to me is whether you have a working deluxe code or not. Because you seem to indicate that the website accepted and used your code while you already had PoF active on the account. Considering the support said that it's not possible to upgrade to deluxe that way, your deluxe could should be intact and useable by another account. In which case you can try initiating a chargeback from amazon (since it won't impact your account) or sell the code to someone else. If the code has been used up (and will not work on another account) then ask for the ticket to be escalated and get them to either give you the code back or give another working code if the current code can not be detached from the account.
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