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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @Murshid.9854 said:Since I can't get tyem through laurels I will get them through living world but I don't know should I get the season 3 or 4?

    You can also farm the homeinstance nodes once per day. If you only farm the 6 nodes of LS3 (and do nothing else), you could buy 5 ascended trinkets and one ascended backpiece within 60 days.

    Because every node costs 50 gold and 10000 magic, I do not recommend that you purchase them yourself at the beginning. Just find a friend or someone from your guild that has them and farm them in his/her instance. Or look in the LFG-tool and in the map-chat of the 5 cities (not lions arch) where the home-instances are located - there are often players that let other players farm their home-instance.

    If you go the the maps of S3 and S4 were the actually daily is, you will find more players. Bitterfrost is (most of the time) also popular, you can farm winterberries with several characters the same day. Bjora marches is also still populated (S5E2 will be released today and will extend the Bjora marches map, so it will be very populated with other players) and also the dragonfall map (on Dragonfall, do the map-meta with all events and afterwards the bonus-bosses with the zerg) is most of the time quite populated. In Bjora marches is a vendor for currency conversion and in dragonfall is a vendor for map currencies.

    If you want the trinkets as fast as possible (and you have a lot of time) I would recommend to farm all of the home nodes and also doing farming/events/hearts/dailies on all season 3+4 maps and also on S5 map Bjora and don't forget to use the curency vendors every day.

    And after a few days you will see which currencies/magic you get the fastest according to your own playstyle, and then focus only on the 5 trinkets and the backpiece where you get the currency the fastest. And it will be probably the fastest for your first set, if you combine the trinkets from S3/S4/S5.

    If you have not unlocked S3 and S4 and you only want to buy/purchase S3 or S4, I would recommend S3.

    have fun! :)

  2. @"hugo.4705" said:hIpkBdp.jpg

    The map is surely that big. We saw the Wolf Spirit Shrine in the trailer, Drakkar too in addition of dwarven ruins. For the other things we will see.

    I fell through the map and travelled the west,north,south borders.


    Its a little less to the west but otherwise your estimations are quite right.

  3. @"Trise.2865" said:When you're playing that or any game (including GW2), are you thinking about what you're doing? or what you're going to do? Do you think "I love this activity/action and I hope I get to do that again/longer." or are you thinking "I wish I could just get through this so I can finally get/do/make that thing I want and be done with this!" One of those is a positive growth experience that brings joy. The other is an assigned task holding joy hostage from you to make it look bigger.

    It is usually not this black-and-white, not in-game and not in real-life.

    If I am good in some sport, and it is fun in general, and I want to win an olympic medal, I have to excercise for this a lot. Even if my sport is fun, training not (always) is.

    For some people, the joy of achieving/mastering something is fun by itself, even if not every step on the road to this goal is fun (and sometimes it is frustrating because it is hard).

    For some people, building a legendary item brings joy by itself, for some having a legendary item is joy and justifies the not-so-fun parts that are required, and for other people nothing of this brings joy and they just ignore legendaries (or they want it badly and find it hard work and grind doing so).

  4. @Zok.4956 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Cyninja.2954 said:Just farm the gold and buy the nodes, its a hard investment but you'll get a full set of Ascended trinkets every 30 days once you have all the nodesSo I think your statement "a full set of Ascended trinkets every 30 days" is an exaggeration.It's only an exaggeration in that it takes up to maximum 50 days for a full set of ascended trinkets

    50 days is nearly the double time than 30 days.

    … and in fact it is 60 days, so even the 50 days were not really true.

    If you have the 6 nodes from LS3 and start from scratch you need 60 days until you have enough map-currency from the nodes to buy all the 5 trinkets. At least you have than enough magic, that you do not need to convert unused currency to magic. And you would have enough orrian pearls you could buy a back-item with pearls and karma. And you would have some unused map-currency left.

    Of Course, someone can speed up things a lot if you go to the maps and collect, do events etc.

    But if someone wants to do this as fast as possible in a few days he/she did not really should buy the 6 home-nodes for in total 300 gold and 60000 magic for this. The home-nodes are more of a mid-term/long-term "investment" and especially useful if you have alt-accounts or guild-members/friends that will also use this nodes in your home instance.

  5. @"yefluke.3168" said:Will 3rd Expansion happen at all?

    Since MMORPG games are in the age of decline, and new expansion will most likely release in late 2019.It is almost 1 years and half from today, (and 2 years might see drastically change in game trends, popularity of certain kind of game and technology)

    I'm not very sure if GW2 will invest in new expansion...(they started but might not release...)Do you guys think of how much % that it will not happening?

    For me it is 30%. that it won't happen...

    Anet was in the past experimenting with a lot of new things, others before have not tried before. This lead to a lot of things that made GW2 outstanding to other MMOs, but not everything was a "hit", there were also "misses".

    If I remember correctly, during S1, Mo said, the Living-world episodes, a really changing world, will be the way to go. Expansions are so old-fashioned (and happen only every few years, in between players have not much to do...) but GW2 will deliver a constant content stream with the Living World and everything that would be in an Expansion, would be delivered with the Living-Word.

    In my opinion, this base-idea (not every episode and not the writing itself, at the beginning) of S1 worked well. It was a bold idea, that you have to be present, to play the content. It worked in a way, that no Living-world episodes that came later felt so "epic" as some of the S1 episodes. However, players that missed an episode or new Players that came later to the game, could not play this content. The massive work/investment/content from Anet for S1 was lost and players started complaining "there is no content". So, commercially it seems, how S1 was delivered, was a very costly decision.

    In the end with S1 and later in S2 there were usually new living world episodes/festivals every two weeks. It was a lot of content that was delivered in a fast pace and with S2 a lot more of the story happened in instances, that could be replayed. But a lot still happended in existing Maps (when I remember correctly, the only new Maps from S1 and S2 were Southsun, Dry-Top and Silverwastes).

    However, somtime during S2 Anet made the decision to make an expansion (HoT). They announced this January 2015 with the last episode of S2. And because all devs at Anet now worked for the expansion, non were left to create more livin-world episodes. This resulted in nearly 10 month of no new content before the release of HoT.

    I do not rember a statement from Anet, why they changed their mind and created an expansion.

    With the release of HoT they did not want to make the same mistake (content draught) and when they started with the work for S3 they also formed parallel Teams that worked on the next expansion (that came after S3 and became PoF). For S3 they also created a new map for every episode. The wanted not to change the core maps anymore to overcome phasing problems etc. with the Living-Story, so every episode has its own new map that is frozen in time of the story of that episode.

    There were some updates after the release of HoT but it took nine months after the relase of HoT until S3 started. However, PoF was realeased only two months after the end of S3.

    Because, simplified, half the company worked on S3 and the other half worked on PoF, the Living world S3 was not released every two weeks anymore, but around every 2-months. There was now a new map with every Episode of S3, but the two-monthly cycle felt as "not enough content".

    The first episode of S4 was released two-month after the release of PoF. This was much faster than the nine-months waiting time before (from HoT until S3).

    From the time of the release of PoF, or shortly after, I remember some statement from Anet, that their planning will be: S4 will lead into S5 which will lead into Expac-3.

    From the amount of content that was delivered with S4 (compared to the past) it was clear, that Anet also had to work heavily on other things (i.e. expac-3) with thelarge amount of devs they had (and the head count increased more and more).

    During/After the layoffs in 2019 it shine through, that an unannounced big-sideproject was cancelled (mobile game or console game), because it was delayed again-and-again and that also Mo worked at early stages for a GW3. Maybe the "big-sideproject" was GW3 and Maybe S5 should lead not to an expac but to GW3.

    However, MikeZ of Anet stated sometime in 2019 (after the big layoffs) that they now will be focussion completely on GW2, but also, that they are actually not working on another expansion and that season 5 will be called a "Saga" and will be content like an expansion ("expansion-worthy", or something like that, forgot the exact wording).

    S5E0 (Prolog) was small-content, but has fun/great elements and it was not the "official" first episode of the saga.S5E1 (Whisper in the Dark) was also small, story/content wise, and it felt not-finished. It definitely could not deliver the promise from the stage-event from Anet.Maybe this episode still suffered from the layoffs and was planned bigger but did not finish in time, so they released half of an episode as S5E1 and will deliver the other half as S5E2.

    So, now to the original question "Will 3rd Expansion happen at all?"

    Anet stated, that they are not working on a 3rd expansion. So, actually, it will not be in the near future (probably never). But they also said (before HoT), they did not want an expansion and then developed HoT later. So Anet can change its direction and could do so, again, in the future.

    However, if the amount of content, that will be delivered with S5, does not increase in the future (they created more content in the past with few people), it is clear (to me) that large ressources of Anet are still put into other (side-)projects and if this will not be an expac-3, maybe it will be GW3 or some other mobile/console-game and this would mean, that they are doing with S5 only so much, that they hold enough players for the gem-shop until that side-project will be delivered and makes-money (and then, at last, GW2 will be on maintenance-mode).

  6. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @"Zok.4956" said:So I think your statement "a full set of Ascended trinkets every 30 days" is an exaggeration.It's only an exaggeration in that it takes up to maximum 50 days for a full set of ascended trinkets

    50 days is nearly the double time than 30 days.

    And this does not include the back-item (which is not named as a trinket but it is also not a "normal" amor piece, so it is partly armor and partly trinket and it is in the GUI like a trinket) which can be bought with map-currencies like the (other) trinkets, so I would include it in the list.

  7. @"Hannelore.8153" said:Just farm the gold and buy the nodes, its a hard investment but you'll get a full set of Ascended trinkets every 30 days once you have all the nodes, two sets if you get the LS4 nodes too and buy extra currency from the Dragonfall vendors every day.

    Otherwise you're looking at alot of heart farming in your future if you have more than one character.

    The items cost usually:

    • a ring costs 100 map currency and 2000 magic
    • an amulett costs 125 map currency and 3000 magic
    • an accessoire costs 150 map currency and 4000 magic
    • a back item costs 200 map currency and 5000 magic

    The map-currency prices for the items you can buy in Bitterfrost are doubled (200 for a ring etc...)

    And of course, there are items that can be purchased without magic and only with map-currency and Karma

    • amulett in Bjora Marches (125 map currency, 56000 karma)
    • back-Item in Sirens Landing (200 map currency, 315000 karma)

    The S3/S4-home instance nodes give you each 3 pieces of map-currency and 13-15 magic. With the exceptions of Perls (9 pieces) Winterberries (5 pieces) and Chili (1 piece).

    So, with 3 pieces a day and 14 magic in average, the 100 pieces for a ring (the cheapest item from the trinkets) would take (100/3=) 33,3 days and the required magic for a ring would take (2000/14=) 142 days.

    It is a little worse for the items from bitterfrost, because the items cost double map-currency, but the home node only gives 5 (instead of 6).

    On the other side, the amulette from Sirens Landing is faster: It requires also only 125 map currency (and 3000 magic), but the home node gives you 9. (125/9=) 13,9 days. But the magic it requires would still need ( 3000/14=) 214 days.

    And if you have enough karma, I recommend the amulette from Bjora and the back-items from Sirens Landing.

    So, of course, if you have all the home-nodes, you can combine them, exchange some currencies for magic or other currencies.

    But if you are starting from scratch, and use all home-nodes of S3, you can not even get the cheapest item, a ring, within 30 days with only the home-nodes.

    So I think your statement "a full set of Ascended trinkets every 30 days" is an exaggeration.

    The home-nodes can help to speed-up things a little, but are more of a long-term investment.

    You also need to collect/farm magic and map-currency in maps (events/hearts etc). The most S4 magic (Volatile Magic) in my experience can be farmed in Dragonfall doing events and the meta. I do not know the actual best way to farm S3 magic (Unbound Magic), maybe farming the map where the S3-daylies are.

  8. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @susana.7814 said:price reasonable yet?

    No. The price is far from reasonable.

    Two build template expansions/slots (300 gems each) and two build storage expansions/slots (500 gems each) cost in total 1600 gems.

    For half the price (800 gems) you can buy a new character slot that already has the above slots and much more and with the large amount of leveling scrolls I have and the skyscale it is now very easy and fast to collect the hero points for the elite-specializations.

    If I ever would need more loadout/storage slots for a specific role, I would use one of my several other characters for this role.

    Watch them triple the character slot prices for every slot past the 9th.

    Don't give them such ideas, please. B)

  9. @susana.7814 said:price reasonable yet?

    No. The price is far from reasonable.

    Two build template expansions/slots (300 gems each) and two build storage expansions/slots (500 gems each) cost in total 1600 gems.

    For half the price (800 gems) you can buy a new character slot that already has the above slots and much more and with the large amount of leveling scrolls I have and the skyscale it is now very easy and fast to collect the hero points for the elite-specializations.

    If I ever would need more loadout/storage slots for a specific role, I would use one of my several other characters for this role.

  10. @"t sakacs.7568" said:Hello! I just came back to the game after being gone for what feels like 30 years. Everywhere i go i see tons of people everywhere but no one ever even utters a word at all. The first thing i do when i enter a zone is say "Hi" and i can count on one hand how many times someone replied. It used to be there would be people chatting /map all the time. I am just wondering what has changed? Maybe people are just not very social in this game anymore, i don't know :D

    A lot of the "old" map-chat disappeared after A-net introduced the megaservers and removed the servers in PvE. After that, a PvE-map did not belong to a server anymore (so you could not talk anymore with members of your own server in map-chat) but every map is since then only an anonymous "overflow-map".

    And I think in the past, when people had private conversations in map chat, a lot of them were not "social", but they just did not understood (or did not care about) the difference between map-chat and whispering (and group-chat etc...).

    If you still want to experience a map-chat (and team-chat) that is used for private conversations (more often than it should), go to WvW. ;)

    P.S. I still write a "Hi" in chat after I log in. But I never do this in map-chat, only in guild-chat.

  11. @"Ayakaru.6583" said:To reference: most of the bosses since LWS2 have been INVISIBLE when character model limit isn't set to highest. Because bosses and mobs are somehow always at the bottom of load order.

    funny thing by the way: Todo I was late to the event-party in Bjora Marches and was running with my raptor in the direction where the "icebrood construct" boss usually should be, but I could not see it. Gladly there were several commander lamps, and so I dumped my damage on them and a few moments later the construct became visible.

  12. @ugrakarma.9416 said:

    @"Josiah.2967" said:This new video has me so flustered. This guy is useless. He's like the abusive drunk we keep around....but don't know why.Nothing can redeem him. Please do not give him an "I Win" power/ability. If his ability makes me feel useless, or if I am dependent on him... I'm out.look at good-side: this can be like a farewell to him soon!

    You mean, he will save the day like Trahearne? ;)

  13. @Booman.6071 said:is it worth buying the expansions and getting back on. Is it worth it?

    Definitely yes in my opinion.

    There is a lot to love about GW2 and a lot to hate. Of course not everyone loves/hates the same things.

    But it is still GW2 and the expansions feel also like GW2, there are new beautiful and stunning maps, travelling is so much more fun with gliding (and mushrooms, and the spiderman-skill, and , and and,...) from Heart-of-Thornes and of course the mounts (from Path of Fire) and the new Elite specs extend the core-classes a lot.

    But there is one exception: If your main game-type is only WvW: This game-type seems like it is mainly abandoned by the devs/Anet and this is only a shadow what it was years ago.

  14. @"Raknar.4735" said:Yep, the next mount is going to be the bunny. You'll most likely unlock them in this order:Raptor -> Bunny -> Skimmer -> Jackal (Heart Vendor, costs 30 gold, make sure to do the renown heart to get it for 20g instead)

    The Story will not lead you to the Jackal. You'll have to locate the vendor.

    After that there's also 2 more "exclusive" mounts: The Gryphon and the Skyscale. Those are costly (Gryphon 250g + doing some stuff, I'd say Skyscale costs around the same and is time gated)

    So you'll have to find other Mastery points to unlock, since the quicksand one is out of reach at the moment.

    Edit: Completely forgot about the Roller Beetle. He's available through a collection from LS4 Ep 3 Long Live the Lich. He's pretty easy to get an very useful when moving through flat terrain!

    When I tried to unlock the Skyscale for another of my accounts (that has never played/visited Hot,PoF,S3,S4 maps) I took the following "mount-route":

    First the raptor than the springer each until level 3. because they help a lot travelling in the Dragonfall map.

    And then I went to Dragonfall and did all the things for the Skyscale collections (and gained more experience for the Raptor and Springer, but did not spent any more mastery points in those until I had enough mastery points reserved for the Skyscale).

    After I got the skyscale I went back to the other maps and unlocked skimmer and Jackal, but the experience gained went into the skyscale, until its mastery was fully maxed. On the way to this I travelled PoF/S4 maps and collected easy mastery points on the go.

    After the Skyscale was maxed I countinued with the Jackal and after I was able to use sandportals I collected some more easy mastery points that were not reachable before.

    After that I unlocked and completed the beetle (very fast travelling on the ground, can reach some more mastery points, is very fun to travel with), and only after that I went back and unlocked the Skimmer.

    And during my travelling I collected mastery points, when I came along.

    This did not feel like "grinding", instead, it was kind of fun to re-visit the "old" maps with a fresh account.

    For fast levelling PoF/S4 mastery I recommend XP-Boosters/buff-food etc. and doing the meta-events in Dragonfall with a class that can do a lot of AOE-damage. The amount of XP I gained in Dragonfall was insane (compared to other maps).

    And if you do not have the core-tyria-mastery auto-loot "Advanced Logistics" yet, I recommend doing so, also. Else you could miss to collect a lot of loot/coin/currency in Dragonfall if you are not careful.

    I do not think that the above is the most-efficient way, but it was for me. And it was (mostly) kind of fun. After this I had all mounts (except Griffon and Warclaw - I do not care about them for my secondary account) at full mastery within 3-4 weeks.

    And after that I revisited HoT (map travelling is easy now with these mounts) and unlocked the basic masteries to use gliding, mushrooms and Nuhoch Wallows.

    Being able to use Nuhoch Wallows makes map travelling Dragonfall even faster in some occasions.

    Hope this helps.

  15. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Yeah, it used to be Scarlet. And now, many fond memories. Funny how that happens.

    Well, from the beginning/personal Story, the most hated character was Trahearne, until we could find a good use for Caladbolg. B)

    Scarlet, and for some players also Taimi (Scarlet 2.0), where the most annoying characters. Scarlet is gone and Taimi is a little bit toned down now.

    And there was some annoying teen-drama interlude ("I love you", "But I love you more", "No, I love you more",...) with Kasmeer and Marjory until they grow up a little.

    Braham, I think, is now not the most hated character, but the most useless one that gets "major screen time". And probably he took the 1.st place for "most annoying character" from Taimi. But it is not his fault, because the story-writers made him this way the last couple episodes.

    So, I do not hate Braham, but I do not look forward to a potential Braham-centric episode. In the past he was written badly (with this I mean, not the character, but the writing itself), so why would the writing quality change suddenly to the better in the next episode?

  16. @Raknar.4735 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    • Unproven yet, but Drakkar could well be on par with Triple Trouble

    Triple Trouble is easy. The only challenging thing about Triple Trouble is to find and organize enough players that work/play together coordinated.

    You mean the only challenge is the primary challenge in literally any large-scale boss fight, especially raids?

    Nope. BTW: A 10-player instanced content (i.e. raid) is not really a large-scale boss fight.

    In a raid, knowing the mechanic of the fight is (usually) not enough, but only the first step. The second required step is the correct execution according to the fight-mechanic and fulfilling the own assinged role. When my guildies and I started raiding some time ago, we needed several weeks/months before we killed Vale Guardian the first time. We did understand the fight mechanic fully, but we were not good enough at the beginning. With more and more practice it then became easy for us, but for new players, it surely is not.

    Triple Trouble on the other hand needs only a few experienced leaders/commanders that know the encounter and how to organize it and a lot of zerglings, that just follow the commands of the commanders/leaders. The zerglings do not need to be experienced in the fight mechanic.

    So they have to correctly execute a mechanic, like carrying an item to a specific location while also doing a JP and not losing the item, or picking up an item and using it at the correct moment, or picking something up and standing at the correct position. Something a new player wouldn't understand instantly, but becomes easy with practice.

    Sounds a lot like TT to me. If people aren't experienced they lose their harpoons, miss their jumps and lose their kegs etc. Correct execution is vital.

    Yes, TT has a mechanic that has to be executed. But TT is still easier than VG for an unexperienced player.

    Your argument is like: Correct execution is vital in fractal level 1 and also in fractal level 100, so fractal level 100 is not harder than fractal level 1.

    I disagree.

  17. @Trise.2865 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    • Unproven yet, but Drakkar could well be on par with Triple Trouble

    Triple Trouble is easy. The only challenging thing about Triple Trouble is to find and organize enough players that work/play together coordinated.

    You mean the only challenge is the primary challenge in literally any large-scale boss fight, especially raids?

    Nope. BTW: A 10-player instanced content (i.e. raid) is not really a large-scale boss fight.

    In a raid, knowing the mechanic of the fight is (usually) not enough, but only the first step. The second required step is the correct execution according to the fight-mechanic and fulfilling the own assinged role. When my guildies and I started raiding some time ago, we needed several weeks/months before we killed Vale Guardian the first time. We did understand the fight mechanic fully, but we were not good enough at the beginning. With more and more practice it then became easy for us, but for new players, it surely is not.

    Triple Trouble on the other hand needs only a few experienced leaders/commanders that know the encounter and how to organize it and a lot of zerglings, that just follow the commands of the commanders/leaders. The zerglings do not need to be experienced in the fight mechanic.

  18. @Einlanzer.1627 said:Part of me is excited, but I'm not totally convinced making 900 changes in one patch is the right way to go - numerous games have utterly killed themselves trying things of that magnitude. It's even more true without a full test strategy involving players. Seems like something an out-of-touch or amateur dev/leadership team would do.

    But there is a full test strategy involving players - its just, that these tests are not done on (public) test servers, but with the delivered product on the normal servers. B)

  19. Hi,

    yesterday (two times) and today (one time) it happend, that during the meta-event-chain "Storms of Winter", during the "Defend Raven shrines" event, I got a disconnect.

    I could login directly again, but was then in another map (no active meta in that map). And from the messages from other players in the map chat, it was clear, that I was not the only one with a disconnect, it happend to a lot of other players at the same time.

    Because the disconnect happened three times and it hapened always at the same event and it happend to several players, it looks like a bug.

    Please take a look into this.thanks.

  20. @Randulf.7614 said:At times since LS1 and our rejection of the format (and often the living world in general), it has felt like the community is a merely a hindrance and an annoyance to their art. It's a harsh observation and perhaps untrue, but they are so stand off ish, so unwilling to engage and so encouraging of the divide between dev and community in a way unlike most of other games companies, that it does sometimes feel like it.

    As I remember from the past, there was no General rejection of the Living Story Season 1 (LS1) at the time it happend. Of course, the quality of the episodes was varying, but it was overall epic and good.

    I too believe, that Anet should improve their communication skills with the player base a lot. But LS1 is not a fitting example for this.

  21. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    • Unproven yet, but Drakkar could well be on par with Triple Trouble

    Triple Trouble is easy. The only challenging thing about Triple Trouble is to find and organize enough players that work/play together coordinated.

    And that's why it is challenging because it requires coordination and teamwork, unlike a lot of the game. Easy would imply just zerging it down any old way like other bosses which you can't do with TT.

    OK, TT is not stupid/dumb (like most world bosses) and it has some mechanic, but the only challenging part is for the people that organize still TT events. They have to explain mechanics and give instructions to players etc.. If the zerglings follow the instructions, then its really easy for them. With such an organized and coordinated TT event, I never witnessed a failed one.

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