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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Zok.4956" said:There are players that have a big emotional problem to go in the same instance with strangers. It has to do with feelings of "not good enough", or to be afraid to be rejected or bullied by elitists/try-hards etc. etc. (just to be clear: I experienced that 99% of my fellow raiders are very friendly, nice and helpful).

    This is not some kind of "comfort zone" they should be forced to leave, but it is some kind of barrier, they can not cross.

    Those players have (more or less) accepted, that some things in the game are out of their reach without instanced 10-man-content, because they are only "for raiders" (i.e. legandary raid armor). But a story-chapter is intended to be able to do for solo-players and so should the meta-achievement of that map/story-chapter be.

    Probably that is the reason, why Drakkar is not part of the meta-achievement and has its own achievements.

    It would be OK if strike missions would be a part of the meta-achievement, if there would also be enough other achievements a player could choose from to complete the meta-achievement without strike-missions. This freedom of choice worked well in the past and was well received (by lots of players).

    For something to be objectively labelled as bad design it would have to:
    1. Not accomplish its intended goal.
    2. Create a negative quantifiable side effect.(or both)In the case of putting Strike Mission achievements in the meta, we can infer the intent: To get people to Participate in the content.This would mean that to be "Bad Design" it would have to measurably not increase participation in Strike Missions. The quantifiable side effect would simply be a much lower number of people than expected finishing the meta achievement (though this number could obviously be impacted by any of the other acheivements).

    You don't have these numbers. I don't have these numbers and Astralpouring does not have these numbers. It's doubtful that after less than a week Arenanet even has these numbers.

    Yes, I think, we agree, that Anet wants, more players doing strike missions and as a result of that more players doing raids.

    And I believe, it could be a good thing, if more players would be doing raids (or at least try them). Because, with the right 9 other people, the right mindset and of course some skills, raiding can be a lot of fun. However, it is not for everyone the right cup of tee and I respect that.

    So, I think, you and I only disagree, if putting strike-missions achievements as mandatory for the story-meta-achievement is the right way to achieve that goal.

    I believe, it is not the right way. Because it is not a "strike-mission-meta-achievement" but a "story/open-world-meta-achievement" and players could easily feel forced with this into something they do not want - which in the end increases by (some/lots of) players the resistance against the thing that should be promoted in the first place.

    This is negative motivation. A better design would be positive motivation.

    You are right, I do not have any internal numbers about strike-missions, etc..

    But I did read past statements from Anet (between the lines) and from players back in the time when Anet wanted to promote their sPVP and icreased the difficulty/skill level in maps/story/PvE: In the end it drove a lot of players away from GW2 at that time, so (my assumption is, that) their goal was not really reached with that, but the contrary happened. My bet is, the same will happen again, if Anet makes the same design-choices again.

  2. @MoriMoriMori.5349 said:

    You can do lots of things in the meantime, I think the problem of the champ taken down in seconds is the fault of kitten players that insist on nuking it down, and not giving others a chance to get there. It's not Anets fault.

    It's actually solely Anet's fault - for making a champion mob that easy it can be melted down by a bunch of casuals spamming autoatack. When I play a game, the grind and metagaming of that kind you are talking about is the last thing I would think about. If I see a champion, I actually fight it, and have some fun.

    Today I had some nice champ runs. It was explained in map chat before, to announce when the champ spawns and to wait for other players, so that they also get a chance. As a result we had often 10-15 people, that waited at the champ for a minute or so, until everyone catched up, and then we started hitting and melting the champ.

    No one was forced to wait, but everyone did. It was a nice experience to play together with other players this way.

  3. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @Cylokin.2560 said:That break bar needs to be buffed, it is broken too fast and easy.

    Remember, most players on map and at meta are of the more dedicated crowd currently. Just as with the last Bjora Marches map meta, expect more casual players (with less experience, there is also experienced casual players) to join into the meta over time. A very easy breakbar turns into a quite difficult breakbar with time and influx of less experienced players.

    Case in point, it took a couple of days for me to see a Bjora Marches map meta fail (the one with the giant needing to get chained), but now I've seen that one fail multiple times. This might also just be due to many players just not wanting to bother with chains (which says a lot when a full map can't even get 6-7 people to do chains).

    If the first two days I did Drakkar a lot for the achievements and it never failed. Yesterday evening I was revisiting it and it failed (both two times I was there).

    This is a common-pattern I have seen before, too. After a few days, with the influx of new, unexperienced players, events could fail more often and they could get harder to complete.

    @DoRi Silvia.4159 said:Yes I think the difficulty could go up but I think they are on the right track here.

    This whole episode actually felt like that anet was trying to get the casuals trained upto more harder content

    and the new strike just shows that they are really putting in am effort to familiarize players to more difficulty (yay!)

    Anet already failed with that some years ago, at the time when they pushed sPVP and raised the difficulty level in PvE to train players for sPVP.I liked the increased difficulty, but allegedly Anet lost a lot of players, that did not like the changes.

    … the green circle mechanics very similar to vale guardians circles

    If you like Vale Guardian mechanics in Open-World, look at the Legendary Unbound Guardian in Bloodstone Fen.

    For me the difficulty of the Drakkar fight is Ok, but the fight takes just too long and because of that becomes too boring too fast.

  4. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    Let the 10 man instanced content have it's own rewards. Don't change the game at this point to require us to do ten man content and yes, I have some of those achievements from the strike. This isn't about my personal preferences. This is about fundamentally changing the game on people who liked it the way it was.

    Migraine is a similar achievement. Why are you drawing an arbitrary line of acceptable content for meta achievements just because one takes 5 people and one takes 10?You shouldn't. Migraine being in the meta was a really bad design, and a lot of players did tell Anet exactly that. And it seemed Anet listened, for a while at least... but it seems they've now forgotten the lesson they learned then.

    There's a big difference between "bad design" and "stuff I don't like:".Calling one the other and backing it up with rhetoric about learning lessons does not make it so.

    Do you have any arguments yourself, why you think it is not bad design?

    There are players that have a big emotional problem to go in the same instance with strangers. It has to do with feelings of "not good enough", or to be afraid to be rejected or bullied by elitists/try-hards etc. etc. (just to be clear: I experienced that 99% of my fellow raiders are very friendly, nice and helpful).

    This is not some kind of "comfort zone" they should be forced to leave, but it is some kind of barrier, they can not cross.

    Those players have (more or less) accepted, that some things in the game are out of their reach without instanced 10-man-content, because they are only "for raiders" (i.e. legandary raid armor). But a story-chapter is intended to be able to do for solo-players and so should the meta-achievement of that map/story-chapter be.

    Probably that is the reason, why Drakkar is not part of the meta-achievement and has its own achievements.

    It would be OK if strike missions would be a part of the meta-achievement, if there would also be enough other achievements a player could choose from to complete the meta-achievement without strike-missions. This freedom of choice worked well in the past and was well received (by lots of players).

  5. @"hugo.4705" said:I just find some Trial of Koda a pain to do. Respawn time of some event should be highly decreased, I think about disrupt svanir patrol near asgeir legacy, it feels like it takes 1h+ to reappear (edit: maybe bugged) , and in addition, it isn't guaranteed to have trial! That one is even screwed bugged! Sometimes essences to release don't appear a real mess. I also think that the chance of trial is like 1/5. Whereas I see ton of save frozen kodans and escort them/bait creatures during fishing, other are rarer.Ps: still don't have "Plant banners to challenge svanir" did ton of patrols without anything.

    The svanir patrol near asgeir legacy with the trial spawns around every two hours. But there are two other patrols (one is in aberrant forrest, one is in the north-east corner of the map) that work for the achievement. Just make sure that you interact with the dropped items to fill the "trial bar" and that the "trial bar" is completely full before the last mob is killed, our you would not get the achievement.

  6. @zealex.9410 said:Even tho the new masteries arent the most exciting or cool compaired to glider or mounts, i gotta say, i prefer them alot more and find them alot more meaningful because they take longer ro unlock.

    Masteries are not more meaningful just because the grind to get them is bigger - they are more meaningful, if they have more meaning/purpose/use in the game/map.

    The raven masteries are kind of OK, we can unlock doors and use portals on the map. But the essence-masteries (I do have them also fully unlocked), I could'nt care less about.

    The cost (EXP and mastery points) that is required for a mastery should reflect the usefulness of that mastery (with the exception that masteries that are completely blocking story progression should not be too hard to get).

  7. @"sneakytails.5629" said:Sounds like going forward they can make adjustments faster and on a more regular pace so they can respond to the meta.

    "Die Botschaft hör ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube" ("The message well I hear, my faith alone is weak") - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  8. @"maddoctor.2738" said:The real question on the topic: "What is expansion level content?" and would most likely have many many different answers depending on the player asked.

    We can look at what Anet itself defined in the past as expansion level content: It is the content that is included in the past expansions HoT and PoF, but it is not the content of Season 3 or Season 4.

    Anet last year also said, that build templates should be considered also expansion level content. Sure, why not. But it would be a very small part of all the items of an expansion and it would be fully included in that expansion, that you completely would buy with 30-80 bucks.

    But with the greedy F2P-monetization of the "build loadouts" they are not "expansion level", instead they are F2P-level. Because for the price of the full loadouts/slots for all my characters , I could (in the past) buy at least 5-10 expansions.

  9. @Danikat.8537 said:

    @Randulf.7614 said:In all serious, it is difficult to tell. Releasing them in stages cant work, so we have to get them in one lump. We have a 900 skill balance patch coming in the next couple of months - that could help pave the way for new elites. Or it could signal elites are done and they are focused on sorting what exists out going forward.

    I hadn't thought of it before but you have a point, new elites on top of a massive balance patch could be pretty overwhelming, and it's likely there will be more balance patches/bug fixes following the main patch so everything would keep changing, which is not a great time to try to learn new specs and figure out new builds. So it would make sense to seperate the two.

    I hope we do get new elites at some point, but if we do I suspect it'll be closer to the end of the season than the beginning.

    Wasn't there balance patches prior HoT and/or PoF as a preparation (which they did not tell us at the time of the balance patches) for the coming elite-specializations?

  10. @"Game of Bones.8975" said:When it comes to multiple mastery lines there are poor lines to complete first and better ones.What mastery lines are better to complete first with the new Ice Brood Mastery Points?

    Go for "Raven's Flight" first, so you can activate raven portals/gates yourself. After that … it does not matter much, the others feel not really important on the map.

  11. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:The fact that the achieve seems to trigger of killing mobs to release essence but don't kill all the mobs because if you do before enough essences are released you don't get achieve is bad. Should be triggered off summon at the horn blow or killing champ cause that's not just intuitive unless you there solo the odds are someone comes finishes them off

    I agree. The achievement should be triggered with the same playstyle that triggers the next step in the koda-trial (the spawn of the horn-item).

    The problem with that is only one person can interact with the horn.

    No, I did not mean that interacting with the horn should trigger the achievement. Successful finishing the trial-prep should not only spawn the horn but also progress the achievement for all that participated in the prep.

    Isnt it inconsistent, that the "bonus-event" (the trial with horn and then champ) spawns, even if the trial-prep is finished only after the patrol is already dead, but the achievement does not progress in this case?

    I think the actual trigger-mechanism (and that it sometimes not triggers, even if the player is doing everything identical) is not intentional and that a dev has unintentionally used some wrong trigger-conditions for the achievement.

    All of the other trials give credit by doing the event that contains the trial prep.

    I did not noticed that. Would also be OK. That would mean: If all patrol mobs are dead -> event succeded -> achievment progresses.

  12. @"kathy.8291" said:I have all the Trials except "PLANT BANNERS TO CHALLENGE THE SVANIR iI need it not only for the achievement but for the Mastery Point to finish training Essence of the Valor Tier 3. Is Plant Banners to Challenge the Svanir BUGGED or what..... if it is NOT bugged can someone tell me how to get it and where???

    this was already discussed, please look at:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96516/bjora-where-is-koda-trial-koda-be-praised-plant-banners

  13. @"Josiah.2967" said:Stop putting mastery points behind "optional" content. If you do make sure there is enough mastery points to avoid all the "optional content". This is frustrating.

    I agree.

    Just as a side note: I recently found out, that two new mastery-points/insights were added to Grothmar Valley: "Shimmering Spire" and "Branching Out". Both are easy to reach and both mastery points can be used for Bjora-masteries. Maybe this helps a little.

  14. @"Daddicus.6128" said:I created this thread because there seems to be a common misunderstanding that says casual equals poor skills (or something not quite so demeaning). By the same token, there's another misunderstanding that hardcore means elitist or vicious. Neither is true in Guild Wars 2.

    I believe this is also not true for (most) other games.

    I think a casual (player) is a player that plays casually in the meaning "sometimes"/"once in a while" etc. - so the time someone spends for a game is the defining characteristic. At first, this has nothing to do with how skilled a player is. But of course, players, that have less play hours and less practice in the game, are often not as skilled than players that have much more practice (in average, but not always!).

    The amount of time a player plays can change. Maybe because of life changes (work, marriage, childreen, etc.) a player can not spend as much time in the game than before. So he/she now plays only casually, but is still a skilled player.

    And as a generalization, the word "casual" is sometimes used from players to insult other (potentially lower-skilled) players ("noobs"). This is not right, but it happens.

    Now to the word "hardcore": I do not think that "hardcore" is used very often in GW2. During raiding I met a lot of very good/skilled players (way above my league). I would not describe them as "hardcore" nor would they call themself so. So, I guess, "hardcore" also has not much to do with skill.

    BTW: Most (99%) of my fellow raiders I would describe as "friendly, nice and helpful" and only very, very few of them as "elitist" and "try-hard".

  15. @Jayden Reese.9542 said:The fact that the achieve seems to trigger of killing mobs to release essence but don't kill all the mobs because if you do before enough essences are released you don't get achieve is bad. Should be triggered off summon at the horn blow or killing champ cause that's not just intuitive unless you there solo the odds are someone comes finishes them off

    I agree. The achievement should be triggered with the same playstyle that triggers the next step in the koda-trial (the spawn of the horn-item).

    I think the actual trigger-mechanism (and that it sometimes not triggers, even if the player is doing everything identical) is not intentional and that a dev has unintentionally used some wrong trigger-conditions for the achievement.

  16. @Ayrilana.1396 said:you get achievement progression upon completing that trial prep event. Interacting with the object to call the champ, or even defeating the champ, isn’t required. That’s the same for all of the others for those that happen to come across this thread.

    Thanks, that was very helpful info.

    I went to Aberrant Forrest (because, I think the patrols respawn there faster) and did it solo a few times (changed maps for this, so I have not to wait too long). I lured one mob away, killed only this mob, waited until I lost aggro from the others (or they attack and interrupt my channeling), channeled the item from the mob and repeated this with the next mob of the patrol until the prep-progress-bar was full. I did not care to call or fight the champ.

    I repeated this same procedure exactly the same way 3 times (on 3 maps) until finally my achievement was progressed (and finally finished).

  17. @Zok.4956 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:You have to complete the trial prep before killing the final mob. Even though the event still stays open allowing you to do the trial prep, it won’t count as you’ve seen. I’m not sure if the other trials behaved that way as well.

    Thats what I meant.

    The first stage/trial prep is to kill mobs that give essences and then interact with the essences (which fills a trial-event-bar) but do not kill all the mobs before the trial-event-bar is full (the preparation is complete). After the preparation is done, the mobs can be killed and then the next stage of the trial starts and you have to interact with a horn that is laying on the ground nearby to call the champ. And after that it is easy, you only have to kill the Champion that spawns.

    This was the event chain I have seen with the Aberrant and Fallen patrol events, and the Svanir started the same. But when I was soloing the event, there were not enough mobs to kill that give essences, so the bar could not fully filled for completing the trial-preparation. Maybe because I was solo there (re-)spawned not enough mobs.

    I checked this now two-times with a character that waites there . The event only starts around every two hours during the escort event of the Drakkar-map-meta and because everyone os doing the Drakkar-meta, no one else is there for the patrol-event.

    So, if someone is on EU-Servers and wants do to the event in around 40-50 minutes, please join me, I am already waiting ingame for the event. ^^

    P.S. It is not exactely every 120 minutes, it was with a few minutes offset. So, there will probably be days, when the event does not spawn during drakkar-meta.

    So, we were a handful of players, the patrol respawned as planned (around 130 minutes after the last), we did the preparation properly, then the trial started and then we killed the trial-champ and the trial-event succeded - but it didn't count for the achievement.

    And some player in map-chat wrote, that he got the achievement from the Aberrant Patrol in the Aberrant Forrest.

    Now I really believe, that this is buggy.

  18. @Ayrilana.1396 said:You have to complete the trial prep before killing the final mob. Even though the event still stays open allowing you to do the trial prep, it won’t count as you’ve seen. I’m not sure if the other trials behaved that way as well.

    Thats what I meant.

    The first stage/trial prep is to kill mobs that give essences and then interact with the essences (which fills a trial-event-bar) but do not kill all the mobs before the trial-event-bar is full (the preparation is complete). After the preparation is done, the mobs can be killed and then the next stage of the trial starts and you have to interact with a horn that is laying on the ground nearby to call the champ. And after that it is easy, you only have to kill the Champion that spawns.

    This was the event chain I have seen with the Aberant and Fallen patrol events, and the Svanir started the same. But when I was soloing the event, there were not enough mobs to kill that give essences, so the bar could not fully filled for completing the trial-preparation. Maybe because I was solo there (re-)spawned not enough mobs.

    I checked this now two-times with a character that waites there . The event only starts around every two hours during the escort event of the Drakkar-map-meta and because everyone os doing the Drakkar-meta, no one else is there for the patrol-event.

    So, if someone is on EU-Servers and wants do to the event in around 40-50 minutes, please join me, I am already waiting ingame for the event. ^^

    P.S. It is not exactely every 120 minutes, it was with a few minutes offset. So, there will probably be days, when the event does not spawn during drakkar-meta.

  19. @"Zok.4956" said:I think now, that the "Defeat the patrolling Svanir" event with the trial-option is bugged and actually never spawns.

    And directly after I posted this and after I switched the map for the Drakkar-Meta, a trial event marker for "Defeat the patrolling Sons of Svanir" popped up. It was on the road between POI "Ravens Gate" and POI "Gates of Svanir". I killed a lot of patrols on that road, but never before had a patrol the trial-option.

    It was at the time of the escort-event-pre of the Drakkar fight, so everyone on the map was doing the Drakkar-meta and because I was alone, there was not enough essence to start the trail, so I do not now know exactly, if that is really the right event. But I am pretty confident.

  20. Hi,

    thanks for all your responses. Here is some more information about it. In short: I think its bugged at the moment

    The only Trials of Koda with enemy patrols I saw for hours are in Aberrant Forest (Aberrant Patrol) and in Fallen Mountains (Fallen Patrol) South-east of POI bear shrine.They both have always the same event chain:

    1. Defeat the patrolling (Fallen/Aberrant): Trial Primer: Finish defeated enemy patrols to release their Unstable Essence
    2. Trial of Koda: Defeat the leader of the enemy Patrol: Call out the enemy leader
    3. Trial of Koda: Defeat the Leader of the Champion Kodan/Fallen Berserker

    And sometimes, at the same time, there spawns nearby another champion with a Trial-of-Koda-option (so there are two champions and two Koda-Trails nearby at the same time):Champion Fallen/Aberrant Kodan Berserker: Trial Primer: Use unstable essence to defeat the Champion.

    So, with the same map-logic like the above events, the Svanir-Patrol with the Trial-of-Koda option should spawn somewhere in/near Svanir Plateau. But it never does.

    And right now, during my writing, the fallen-Patrol-event-chain in Fallen Montains is bugged: A new fallen-Patrol with the trial-option starts directly 1-2 minutes after the champ was killed and the trial was succesfully finished. Again and again. I stood there and waited and saw it repeating 5 times until I logged out.

    I think now, that the "Defeat the patrolling Svanir" event with the trial-option is bugged and actually never spawns.

  21. @"FalsePromises.6398" said:I had stumbled on this strange occurrence: an event to disrupt a svanir ritual or something similarly named appears, and has an orange circle designating an area that's by all I know inaccessible. It's North-Northwest of Cavern of Lost Sons and Northeast of Den of Whispers.(…)I've scoured the area for the last... hour or so? Trying to find a way into that region, but to no avail. Strike tunnel doesn't go north, the light puzzle doesn't go north of the Den of Whispers nor Cavern of Lost Sons, so I'm at a complete loss on how to get into that area, and based on how I always see the event at 0% progress, I assume others can't get into it either. Anyone know how to get into that area?

    You access the cavern with a portal during the Drakkar fight. It is the third portal/cave in the fight. The portal is only active during the fight.

    Because the event in the cave is a svanir-Trail-of-Koda event I hoped it was for "Plant Banners to Challenge the Svanir" from "Koda Be Praised"https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96516/bjora-where-is-koda-trial-koda-be-praised-plant-banners

    and I entered the cave during the fight and waited there until the event popped up and then I asked in map chat for help and a few other players "TP to friend" to me and we finished the event/trial. But it did not work for "Plant Banners to Challenge the Svanir", that I am still searching myself.

    There is nothing else in that cave.

    My guess is: It is a bug that the portal can not be activated outside of the Drakkar fight and/or its unfinished map content.

  22. @Randulf.7614 said:There was zero challenge in the Drakkar fight. The mechanics just added a way to break the fight up a bit and extend the time. It would have been better at least to force players into all 3 portals simultaneously.. The debuff you get from doing a portal wasn't a hindrance, because there was always going to be a small group to go in and beat on the champ even if most were blocked out. And the smaller the group, the quicker the champ died.

    There was a debuff from doing a portal/cave? Interesting to know. :) My buff bar was sooo full of icons/buffs, that I did not see this.

    Several players (including me) during the event were wondering, why they could not enter the portal and thought the portal was buggy (it is sometimes buggy, because the portal sometimes shows the message, that you have to train the mastery to use it, to players, that already have the mastery completed)

    And the debuff did not work always. Because I definitely was in at least one Drakkar fight, where I could enter all three portals/caves.

  23. Hi,

    where in Bjora Marches is the Trail of Koda challenge for "Plant Banners to Challenge the Svanir" from "Koda Be Praised" from S5E2.

    I have tried three svanir-koda-trials

    • in a small cave (the third split-cave of the Drakkar fight) north-east of POI "Deny of Whispers" (it starts usually a few minutes after the drakkar fight)
    • in the cave at POI "Cavern of the Lost sons"
    • near POI "Bear shrine" (in north-east corner of the map)

    None of them completed the achievement and I do not see other koda-trials with Svanir in the map.

    Thanks a lot for a little help. :)

  24. @"Feritzz.6234" said:Just to clarify the misunderstanding, Wow has no story at all, specially after WOTLK expansion according to GW2.But what I meant to say is that once you achived a step in any mode of any story or expansion, you do not have to do it with your alt chars again and again and again from point zero. I just wanna jump into action right away but I cant.

    You can jump into action in PvP, WvW, Fractals etc. without doing any story.The personal story is not required for any open world maps.You can access the maps of LS/Hot/Pof with "teleport to friend", but only if you have the expanisons/episodes unlocked/purchased, no need for story with this.After you have entered a LS3/LS4 map with one character, you can buy an "unlimited portal scroll" item and then you can access the map without story also with all your other characters.You can also enter the HoT/PoF maps via guild halls (if you are in a guild with a guild hall there)You can enter the HoT/PoF Maps via special-crafting areas (access can be bought in the gem shop)For HoT/PoF maps: If nothing of the above works, yes, you have to do the first chapter(s) of the HoT/Pof story with every character.

  25. @"Infusion.7149" said:Just do Bjora map, convert ice to another LS4 currency (can also consume kralkatorite for volatile magic).

    "Bright shore" (karma merchant in Bjora map) sells you also (after you finished the easy "Hunger"-achievement) an amulet for 124 ice shards and 56,000 karma. If you do the map-meta events this could be easily doable within 1-3 days. Maybe there will be a new vendor added with todays S5E2.

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