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Everything posted by ralkeon.6304

  1. basically: you work hard to buy a house with a swimming pool. Then a patch removes the swimming pool to give you the "freedom" to buy a shower. And the year after the patch you get the fantastic "opportunity" to work again to get your "old" swimming pool. 😅This is a little bit sad tbh...
  2. (Talking about PvE) Please add some cd to the 3rd hammer skill of catalyst... there's always the possibility to throw projectiles instantly before you can do a proper rotation and its pretty punishing... the same cd was added for a specter skill and now you added for firebrand tomes too... pls fix 3rd cata hammer skill too...
  3. so, you should get boons from clones? cause atm it doesn't happen. and no change on alac tempest application system? 😮 I was expecting this one tbh 🤔 ps. pls, fix the wrong double cast issue on cata hammer 3 too, not only on specter... often you will instantly cast grand finale due to the lack of a small cooldown on the 3rd skill and this f**k up the whole catalyst rotation (that is already "easy" and not "punitive" as all we know XD).
  4. I just answered to another post, but is the same stuff. here the link...
  5. Before EoD: can't play ele in end content cause it's too punishing and people prefer other (easier and better performing) classes. Get bullied by everyone even before starting the raid/fractal (whatever), being called "downstate enjoyer" cause of the difficulty of keeping the rotation clear, survive, do mechanics (while some of the most used classes have just skill priority with pauses between the skills to cast). After EoD: still bullied in every situation, but catalyst are a little bit more accepted. After 15 of march: back to pre EoD situation (?). As some people already said, an ele doing the max dps he can do, needs probably double the effort of some other classes... it's so frustrating that we can't play the class we love cause we can't get enough performance to be equivalent to other classes while putting the same effort. If I misclick an attunement I messed up my rotation (and dps) for 9 seconds (at least). Now, I should care about my attunements cd and my jade sphere cd and placement, nice... instead of balancing eles are being pushed down... You have to be faster, more precise, stay alive with the lowest health pool in the game and even get insulted every game by other players that are using guardians and necromancer cause "can you do your dps while staying alive or what?". And I put a lot of effort in it... golem training to get into rotation like 2-3 times a week, raids, fractals, strikes everytime I can to get more experience... As said before... I don't play a videogame to have fun... I play a game to be frustrated...
  6. Same here and can confirm what luna said: all normal boons: all ok all normal boons + profession boons: fps drop
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