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Moira Shalaar.5620

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Posts posted by Moira Shalaar.5620

  1. 10 hours ago, McWelp.1723 said:


    Minor problem being that i dont have any eternal ice (or access to that previously mentioned lake doric leather farm).

    Your title indicates that the disparity needs fixing. Anet has already provided viable options to do exactly what you are asking for, both with the leather farm in Lake Doric and the tools/glyphs. So the problem really isn't that Anet needs to further adjust things, it is that you need to expand the content you own, accept the cost of access through the glyph, or both. 

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  2. Ok, I tried to read at least the posts related to mech changes but there are just way too many for me to work through all, so apologies if I repeat what others have already said and probably said better. 

    I love mechanist, its the e-spec I looked forward to the most and it is everything I have wanted Ranger pets to be. But I get it, in time honored tradition the new specs get super-buffed so people will try them out and now it is time to pare back the super buff to something less than game breaking. But THIS approach? I think turning Mechanist into a pet micromanagement profession is going to . Its a low intensity play style. I agree that low complexity/effort should never turn out the DPS and results that the higher skill cap specs do, but that should be imposed without making players compensate for AI which is often unreliable. 

    I would recommend an entirely different approach to resolving the "AKF Autoattack" meme.
    1. tone down overall Mech spec DPS (NOT core Engineer skills/traits!) to put it solidly mid-tier 

    2. increase the interval between F1-F3 skill autocast. If a player has the ability to use those skills faster than autocast, great! They can benefit from their ability, and if they dont the mech skills still are in use just not as frequently as they would be otherwise. 

    3. Create a stacking buff (visible to player) on the mech that stacks only on skill combos where either the field or the finisher are from the Engineer. High skill players that want top tier DPS should be able to boost their mech via the stacking buff into the top tier through skill combos. 

    There may be other ways to accomplish this last, but you get the idea. Use a method that rewards higher skill play without forcing us to become mech babysitters. For those who dont want to or can't learn a higher skill of play, they aren't penalized. Conversely Skilled players should be rewarded for their ability to play the GAME well without having to babysit an AI. 

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  3. I cannot express how much I really want GW2 to NOT move in the player housing direction. I far more want active playable content. If people simply HAVE TO HAVE HOUSING, make it something that can be bought on the Gem Store separately and not force it on the rest of us in an expansion. Anet doesn't need to follow in the footsteps of other games and just be like everyone else. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I'd love to have a Golem instead of the ugly Mech.

    I'd love to have a watch knight instead of the ugly Mech. 🙂

    Another possibility that at might help at least a bit would be to assign each different grandmaster tier option a different color so heal mech would look different than condi mech which would look different from the dps mech. 

    However someone's earlier suggestion was pretty good. Engineers ought to be able to collect Mech chassis the way a ranger collects pets and then pick their chassis. even if chassis are only visual variation with absolutely no impact on mechanics and performance it would help clear this up.   

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  5. On 8/20/2022 at 5:36 AM, Zebulous.2934 said:

    hrm. since each armor profession can make a container does that mean 3 legendary "bags?"  cloth, leather, and metal strongbox?

    I think of it more like legendary runes or trinkets with simply a single legendary bag, but able to select bag features instead of stats (i.e. basic, invisible,  siege master, oiled, etc). We should be able to add up to 10 to the armory, corresponding with the number of slots possible to unlock. I also think they should be able to be sold on the TP lake Gen 1 legendaries. 


  6. I too would craft a legendary aqua breather, both for completionism sake and because unlike most, I actually DO in enjoy the underwater gameplay in GW2, although they definitely need to do more work on skills and content. 

    WIth regards to legendary bags I think that bringing in 32 slot bags that can change between bag types AND be added to the legendary armory to be used by all characters would be a fantastic addition. I think there is an argument to be made that having legendary bags would also create an incentive to unlock bag slots on more alts.

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  7. On 7/22/2022 at 12:09 PM, ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:

    Been trying to login since the update without success. I've tried various Wine versions, none of them are working.

    For the moment I can't even provide a proper standalone package.



    I skimmed over the latest changelog multiple times and there's absolutely no sign of this change.

    I did say "undocumented" for a reason, that being that nothing had been said in any notes. All I can say is that I went from being able to log in normally and play, to not being able to login at all, much less play, to being able to login and play again, albeit with that same Windows XP error. All that without me having done a single thing on my end at all. 

    That was also the experience for a guild member using WINE on Linux. Anecdotal experience that suggests to me the conclusion I drew. Nothing more. 

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  8. 17 hours ago, Killerassel.2197 said:

    I'm not sure if this falls into the change random thing and suddenly it works category or if I have found and fixed my problem. And I don't dare to experiment any further. 😅

    I had the AwCohContext.cpp(375)  / GPU process crashed error in the launcher. Further investigation and an internet search suggested I might be missing the 32 bit vulkan libs. I installed lib32-vulkan-radeon, restarted lutris and could play.

    Didn't expect the 64 bit GW2 client, or any software in 2022, to depend on 32bit libs. I think it's the Coherent UI Host thingy that needs it.

    My current, now running, config is: Arch Linux, Radeon card with open source drivers, Lutris, wine lutris-7.2.2-x86_64, DXVK v1.10.2.

    I did have two crashes, though. The first time the game just closed. No error dialog, nothing. Just *poof* and gone. At the second crash my whole desktop froze. I have a suspicion what caused this one, and if I'm right it had nothing to do with the game.

    Anet must have changed SOMETHING on their end with an undocumented change because I haven't had time to tinker with WINE yet on Mac and after hearing from a fellow guild member who uses WINE on Linux and was suddenly able to log in today, I found the same. 

  9. I'm having the same issue across 4 computers. I have a brand new cable Modem and the problem preceded and continues post modern change. All 4 of my computers are well within specs, and it is even across operating systems since I still on occasion play on Mac using WINE. Checking my bandwidth & speed while playing I seem to have plenty available. I can't say that this started with EoD, I haven't tracked how long it has been happening, but I think it is closer to about 6 weeks. 

    I'm wondering if it has something to do with Amazon's servers, since if I remember right Amazon hosts for Anet. 

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah, I definitely has the same thing happen. Failed 3 times (a lot less than others, I know) before I heard the suggestion to try it stealth with low numbers. That did work, but almost failed at the end as people suddenly discovered it was running and flooded us at the last ~15%. 

    IDK what would be a good number to cap the scaling, or if scaling should (could?) be set at a diminishing number the higher the number of participants. But SOMETHING would be better than what we have right now. The only really good thing is that with this being doable at low numbers, looking forward a year or more when fewer people are working on unlocking turtle they won't need the high numbers to get this piece. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

    1) Please stop taking away the cheap options for salvaging (i.e., applesauce).

    2) Please have a stack-salvage or "salvage all" option.  My mouse-clicking finger is worn to a nubbin.

    3) Please do not allow salvaging of items which yield absolutely nothing -- no Research Notes, no materials, they just vanish.

    Thank you very much!

    Yup, you nailed it on all 3. 

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  12. I wouldn't hold your breath. Anet has already crushingly nerfed the current WvW mount so that it is only barely better than running with swiftness. Given that they don't seem to want mount(s) to provide any sort of significant improvement to movement speed, they are unlikely to follow up on this suggestion. 

    I believe the concern revolves around it being TOO easy for defeated players to WP and return to the battle.

    • Like 2
  13. 24 minutes ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

    Hrm? Plague doctor already exists

    Major Condition damage/Vitality

    Minor Healing Power/Concentration

    Sorry I was not more explicit. I wanted Major: Condition damage/Healing power Minor: Vitality/Concentration, or something along those lines 

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  14. 23 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    And this will effectively nearly couble the price of Clovers. Right now you can get seven coins pr week steadily and 14 Clovers.

    With this change you can get 17 Coins pr. week and eight Clovers since those eight Clovers will use 16 MC to get.

    Pre-change you can get seven Clovers for the seven Coins you get from the Anomaly, and then you could buy the eight Coin from the TP.

    This will just lead to the price of MC increasing even if they've no use in g3 legendaries as the g1, g2, and trinkets still exists that use 250 each. And the g1 and g2 weapons are a lot more visually interesting than what's effectively just a normal weapon with the bloom increased to 100%.

    I see your point and your math (to my admittedly math challenged mind) as far as it goes seems spot on with how you anticipate it impacting the game and crafting. The only potentially mitigating factor is breadth of play. If the number of people who play strikes/raids is significantly larger than those who play fractals and especially CMs, that influx might offset this SOME, both in additional availability and demand as their own MC needs are reduced. Maybe. 

    But I just don't see how even that potential mitigation will change things enough that this doesn't end up being a huge increase in the cost of crafting legendaries. It will either make people pay much more, or wait much longer to keep getting them through the slower sources (login, drizzle wood, reward tracks). Idk, maybe being too pessimistic too soon, but that is how it looks to me. 

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  15. 37 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Also i hope theres a way to disable the jade bots from other people so we dont see the map full of them and with fps drops.

    I saw this and had a mental image of Gendaren Fields covered with Jade Bots, fields of green.

    The more I think about this though, the more concerned I am getting. Hasn't anyone else seen the many dystopian movies that encourage everyone to buy robots, all advertised as "friendly, helpful companions", only to discover that those "companions" are fundamentally flawed which ultimately end up destroying their hapless, unsuspecting owners? Doesn't anybody else see the potential for this to go really wrong? 

    We ALREADY see hints of that in the implicit suggestions that not all is well with Jade tech in Cantha.

    To my earlier concern, will there be a disclaimer and hold harmless contract clause that we have to check before we can unlock and progress the mastery?

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  16. Ok, I have done this before and posted without reading all 52 pages of replies before me, so I readily recognize I may be repeating someone that beat me to the punch.

    My concern is who repairs the damage if the jade bot collides with the various disco globes already swirling around my characters head? Will such accidents result in the disruption of jade bot services &/or legendary gear? Will the Xunlai consortium insure against veterinary bills if their bot runs over my scepter's flying lizard or sets down on my mini and crushes it? 

    Apart from those concerns I am looking forward to this feature most out of all I have seen so far. 

    • Haha 5
  17. 3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    "To make this power DPS build work, you need to be Norn or Asura."

    "The tank has 1138 toughness, you can't join this raid as Norn."

    "You can't crit-cap build this if you're not Human."

    And also, the added dimension of race will seriously skew balance.

    "This ranger skill is useless, unless you're a Sylvari, in which case it's OP."

    This is the best illustration of what ANET was trying to prevent from happening. IN what seems to be an unpopular position, I concur at least in part with the OP in desiring racial choice to have greater significance than purely cosmetic, and I was disappointed when racial skills were thoroughly nerfed into balance oblivion. 

    But rather than the options recommended by the OP and for the same reasons that have been beaten to death already, I would propose minor passive buffs tied to race and zone; buffs that are largely inconsequential in the scheme of combat and skill balance. Perhaps a speed boost (30%?) in home region maps, a small MF bump (5%? 10%?) a small XP bump, and (My favorite) an increased contribution rate to event & heart completion, making events and renown hearts easier to do in a region home to a race than those completed in other regional zones. 

    I'm welcome to all the criticism this might bring as well, just my own mental meanderings over the years regarding the (to me) sad state of race choice in GW2. 

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