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Moira Shalaar.5620

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Posts posted by Moira Shalaar.5620

  1. @"Wolin.3914" said:Hello. Is not my intention to kidnap OP's post but I feel bad making another most to ask mostly the same. I've recently picked the game with both expansion pacs. I'm trying to find a class that suits me. I've been looking around the classes forums and all that but I can't seem to decide for a class, so I would appreciate some help.

    The most important thing I'm looking a class to be is "fun", I know this is subjective, so to be more specific I don't care that much about the meta but I would rather want a class that can get me involved enough to explore the world and and all that without getting bored half way in. I'm not against alts and all that but in this games I usually enjoy having a main character I do completion with and spend most of the hours in doing unlocks and stuff like that.

    Besides of that I enjoy characters that can commit to multiple roles or switch between different roles, but tbh I'm kinda lacking information on how the whole role system works on the endgame of this game so I can't really tell that when deciding for a class on my own.

    So far I've played mesmer, guardian and warrior, up to lvl 25~ for no particular reason just to try them out, so I would love me some help from experienced people. <3

    Reaper (Necro Elite Spec) is just FUN. There are quite a few variants you can run, but they are all high survivability with pretty decent damage.

    SoulBeast (Ranger Elite Spec) is also super fun. There are different ways to run this depending on whether you want something really survivable or high burst damage or high condition damage over time.

    Those are the two classes I spend the most time on, although that Mesmer build I posted earlier is fun enough (to me) that I have been playing more Chronomancer again lately just because.

  2. @"otto.5684" said:Best option for survivablity either necro or ranger. But if you want a good damage to sustainability ratio, core warrior is probably the best. Power damage with axe/axe. Easy 25 might and fury. Solid sustainability. High HP pool.

    If you want flashy, I like core Mesmer. But not great survivability.

    I have a core Mesmer build that I find to be really survivable.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PixAwyFlVw2YdMF2IOySvLNA-zxYYhobrDp5Eq0YENFiUVqnF9MjA-e

    tbh, this is simply a modified version of the one posted by WP for Chrono

    I used a build similar to this to run through HoT & PoF soloing champs and mobs while unlocking HP's for the Chronomancer and had no problem whatsoever, although that one was all Marauder trinkets/weapons with Cav armor. If you are semi-skilled even that degree of sustain isn't really all that necessary.

  3. I prefer Soulbeast for reasons not yet specified by earlier posts. The traits in the Soulbeast elite spec trait line more strongly support Condi builds than either druid or other core specs assuming one is running wilderness survival and nature magic lines already. Master trait Predator's Cunning benefits from poison application, Twice as Vicious increases Condi Damage based on disabling an opponent, and Oppressive Superiority increases Condi duration against foes with lower health. Vulture stance allows quick application of poison (which synergizes with Predator's Cunning).

  4. @Mortifer.2946 said:Hi guys,

    I'm just curious... is there someone else who play GW2 through Geforce Now streaming service?It is amazing. You can actually run the game on your Android phone (and any weak computer including Mac too)I usually log in through my cellphone to pick up the daily chest and sometimes very awkwardly do the daily achievs.For proper experience you need bluetooth keyboard and mouse, but for me it is not running well with the BT keyboard on my Android phone (I probably need a better phone).

    But still good enough to pick up the daily chest :)

    And if you play on mac or any other laptop, it is amazing. You need a stable internet connection. There is virtually no lag whatsoever if you play with Geforce Now and are connected to internet via cable.Just for clarity, are you saying all macs are weak? Or that it also works on weak macs? I play on a Mac laptop and while GW2 has its issues, overall performance isn’t one. :-)

  5. @"bOTEB.1573" said:The ranger needs something in between druid and DPS. The DPS should be weaker than the other ranger's spec vs single target and should be stronger vs aoe. The healing should be weaker than the druid but the shaman should provide nice buffs to the party/squad. Something capable of AOE damage and squad/group buff. This is what the ranger lacks and this is why it can't find a place in a well organized or semi-organized squads.

    I agree with this line of thinking and have been thinking the same for a while. I care less about the mechanics of HOW so much as the result that Ranger would have a squad/party support role, ideally in a way that gives it a unique role different from Scourge/Revenant/Tempest etc. But rather than abolishing the pet entirely, which has already been done with the Soulbeast merge, this elite needs to make use of the pet as part of the buffing/supporting mechanic that incorporates pet choice into the benefit that the ranger brings to the squad.

  6. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:Look man, say & suggest whatever you want. Just try to keep it factual so bandwagons don't get started and steer things into heavily unnecessary nerfs in the wrong places. You probably won't believe this, but Core Ranger is getting hit so hard with complaints right now, that I highly doubt it will remain viable after the next round of nerfing. And since they will be hitting CORE so hard, it will directly effect Soulbeast and Druid, which already C- tier or worse. We don't need further embellishment about how Ranger Pets are Raid Bosses.

    I really appreciate your methodical, logical approach in trying to inject some reason to this "nerf ranger" rant, but honestly I don't think any of the anti-ranger crowd is going to be willing to listen and reflect in an objective manner. They WANT Ranger to be nerfed into oblivion. There seems to be a collective desire for Ranger to be unplayable in any sort of competitive arena.

  7. @Voltekka.2375 said:

    @Dadnir.5038 said:I wouldn't count to much on weakness in PvE if I were you.

    People say that reaper is more durable because it does have a lot of health and the shroud that give him even more health while other profession generally don't have as much health and don't slot defensive skills in PvE.

    The better way to play is still to be careful and not take damage that you can avoid, just like other professions.

    While this is still true putting weakness on the mobs will mitigate the damage he can't avoid.

    @"Rantber.5901" Try the Death Magic traitline if you need more Defense.Training wheels:

    Once you are comfortable:

    You should dodge and if you can walk out of the red circles. If you can't, use blind and weakness. You can use the blinds to give you a window to face tank and push your DPS hard, but you'll have to kite after that or abuse your pulls, fears, and stuns.

    I put Berserker's gear in the first link, because well you should run that anyway and Death Magic should provide you with a good amount of toughness and protection.The second link is Valkyrie's gear mostly just for min maxing, you'll get a large amount of precision and crit chance when in shroud and putting vulnerability on the foe so you can take more Vitality. This is so have a larger shroud pool. You can take full Valkyrie's and Death Magic if you feel you need more tankiness,

    why on earth do you use GM spite trait for signets?

    A recent patch changed the signet of Undeath so that you get a large amount of lifeforce every few seconds when traited for signets. It makes for a long time in shroud when combined with gluttony in the soul reaping trait line.

  8. @Chokolata.1870 said:Ranger is viable/meta in all content except organized squad based WvW.

    In Fractals,Strikes or Raids:

    • Power DPS soulbeast (3 variants)
    • Condition DPS soulbeast
    • Heal Druid

    PvP,WvW roaming:

    • Core power ranger
    • Sick them soulbeast

    Hope this helps. There are sites with specific builds you can check out.

    I have played ranger main for years, this response is spot on. There are plenty of nonrangers who dislike other people playing ranger but it is a fantastic class and apart from the excessive nerfs recently to soulbeast in WvW it is in a really good place.

  9. the other thing that no one seems to have mentioned yet is that with the current circumstances AWS is seeing a much higher degree of traffic than usual, not just from Guild Wars 2, but from MANY of their different services they host including other games, video streaming services, and who knows what all else. I have one other subscription to a service for work that also uses AWS and have seen a similar lag in working there. For that matter just general network congestion is up for the very same reason. So those things that generally operated fine under earlier conditions are quite likely being more taxed under these. Yes, that can make for some frustrating experiences in guild wars, but nothing that should be unexpected and is unlikely to be easily resolved by flipping a switch for a higher tier of service from Amazon.

  10. @Sansar.1302 said:This is a problem, I bet you always try to cap something.Then those players will never learn to handle their class , and in the end that kind of players end up always being 1 pushed in 50v50 and they become karma train players.This game mode is getting more and more carebear/Pve mentality :C

    Thank you for your concern regarding the long term viability of our PvE recruits into our WvW squad, however you make some also inaccurate assumptions and then draw incorrect conclusions on the basis thereof. While we do strategically cap points, we also hunt havoc groups, go toe to toe with other T1 squads among other things. We TRAIN our PvE players on how to play WvW, everything from differences in gear to build traits to squad composition and the tactics that work well with our squad approach. They are involved in both medium squad and small havoc group actions and are frequently involved in individual PvP fights. We also do after action reviews to discuss what went well and what could have been done better so that we all learn from engagements.

    As for your carebear comment, you are clearly welcome to believe whatever you want, and I am unlikely to change that regardless, however our policy of leave no one behind is also shared by some of the US Elite military forces (Army Rangers, US Marines), which leaves the carebear accusation entirely without standing at least as far as my own guild is concerned.

    So, as you can see, your concerns are unfounded, but thank you.

  11. There are a lot of different reasons for a play style that others may disapprove of. For my own guild we have had a lot of success in bringing in previously PvE only players and encouraging them and teaching them how to also play in WvW. Many of them have never experienced any sort of PvP and haven't developed those kinds of skills yet. Part of that success in recruiting PvE players though is through a strong squad loyalty. If someone starts picking off our squad around the edges, from behind etc, they get destroyed. We take care of our own, we come back for our own, and we teach every roamer that if they want to pick ours off, they will themselves also be picked off with prejudice. We are willing to pursue a single player across the map to convey that message. If they don't like it, then don't do it again. And if that means that we sometimes get steamrolled by a larger squad, so be it. It is a part of our squad cohesion and esprit de corps.

  12. I suspect that there is a bit of perception involved in both views here. When I am not specifically looking for something It does seem like meta events are happening on maps I visit, but when I was looking for specific events I had a difficult time with a few.

    @OP have you tried the maps you need specifically on days that the map is part of the rotating dailies? That might help.

  13. @hugo.4705 said:Scribe level should be account bound instead of guild bound. If I remember well you lose your scribing levels if you leave guilds.

    I haven’t run across this before and would love to see some documentation from somewhere since there doesn’t seem to be anything about it in the wiki. If true that would be a really significant design failure, but until there is some sort of proof I don’t think this is worth getting too worked up about.

    To the OP’s point, I too would like to see scribing stations in all the major cities and zones (both publicly accessible and private) where other crafting stations are found. I agree that they should either be limited in what can be done, or maybe allow expanded functionality for those who are repping a guild for which they have scribing permission.

  14. @"evlover.6270" said:Sure, it promotes to play with alts, but I have over 50 alts too and I just use ascended boxes from fracts to play different builds on those that I want. I don't have legendary armor simply because there's not really any need for it. Personally I was considering to go for the raid version, even though I have the pvp and wvw stuff to straight out get 3 full sets, because of the way towards it. But if this armory becomes a reality, people like me can just slot full legendary on all their chars with no additional effort at present except the gold sink which is just a trivial matter since the old playerbase is sitting on thousands of gold and new people can easily farm it by doing meta farms or sw farm. So yes, you will get people to go for legendary gear, but this will render ascended drops useless and I hope that fact hasn't been overlooked because that brings me to the following:

    What will happen to the current ascended armor/weapons, and the places that drop it? People are drawn into fracts because it's decent gold, but most of all, it frequently drops ascended armor/weapon boxes to gear up alts. That's the main reason the endgame playerbase does it but if they shift their focus to just getting a mere 3 legendary sets, fractals become rather pointless to do and might become "dead" content like dungeons. Will there be any change to the salvage result of ascended armor or a way to liquidate ascended boxes to keep people interested into actually playing existing/future content that grants ascended stuff?What with people who currently have legendary sets on some chars and ascended sets on plenty of alts that will become useless? What with pvp and wvw pip tracks that grant grandmaster marks and grandmaster mark shards? These will all become junk items to people with legendary sets instead of stuff they can spend to gear up alts.

    I have some fewer alts than you do, but still plenty. Over time I have managed to equip all of them with ascended armor and bloodstone trinkets/back items or my few legendary items on at least one build and almost all have a second build with at least ascended trinkets and back items. I have another full set of ascended armor boxes in the bank and enough currency to buy a second when I want. I say that only to show that I personally have no need for additional ascended armor as drops. I personally have continued to raid, do T4 fractals, strike missions, WvW for their respective benefits apart from ascended drops. Yes, I agree this will change motivation for some, it will inspire others to start making legendaries, but I do not believe that having ascended drops lose their value for some portion of the population will prevent them from playing different modes.

    Fractals were updated some time ago with some account wide incentives that will take years of regular play to fully achieve. Raids still have other rewards like infusions to keep players coming back.

    I really hope this isn't something that's decided on a whim and it is well thought through what the consequences will be for existing content/rewards. Granting the wishes of the majority of the playerbase isn't always what's best for the game itself. Look at how Runescape dug its own grave by upgrading the game in favour of the masses, but away from the core things that made it worth playing for the dedicated players. They had to make oldschool servers with the old state of the game because these players just didn't want to play game at it's current state any longer, even if that meant they had to start over from scratch again. I can only hope Gw2 isn't going down that same road of hasty decisions to make everything so accessible, that the game won't be worth playing simply because there will not be any sense of achievement anymore. It has already evolved to a state where all the old open world content can be done by just pressing 1 because they don't get upgraded to the current amount of damage and healing people can do compared to what people could do when that content was created. So please be careful with the big implications changes like this armory will bring as a lot of exotic geared chars will now become legendary geared chars with extra dmg/healing output as well.

    I don't think that this feature they are adding is quite the same as dire as your presentation of playing PvE open world. Yes it will change the economy, with effects that primarily impact those of us who play the challenging content regularly, but I think it is also important that a game does continue to evolve over time. Otherwise it stagnates and dies.

  15. @Game of Bones.8975 said:I know what you're saying: Keep each profession distinguishable from all the others.

    It's natural for people to want the next new shiny thing once they've been exposed to an original. Look at the modes of travel, people were questioning Mounts prior to their roll-out, but now hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't ask for another Mount with additional abilities.

    I would like the next expansion to not have an elite specialization, but rather bring out another line of specializations for each of the core professions (not to be confused with increasing the specialization lines to four).

    I don't care about names. Lore and identity are meaningless for me, although I realize that many do not share that opinion. I would like to see an elite spec (and not just specialization) for the new weapons, the new skills in addition to the new specialization line. But for me the value to a new elite spec is the greater diversity it allows for gameplay on a given class. For example, with the most recent nerfs the current state of ranger in WvW is back to abysmal, although in some ways it never changed. They are frequently kicked from squads because generally they do not bring much in the way of boon support or bonuses to squad play and ranged mitigation can do bad things to a squad. So the value to an elite spec in this scenario rather than just a specialization would be to bring a combination of skills, traits and weapons that would expand the ranger's role within squad play, thus opening a whole new role or set of roles to players long intentionally rejected on the basis of their class choice mixed with game design.

    That is why an elite specialization is a superior idea than simply another core specialization.

  16. I'm going to come at this slightly differently. I don't care which animal so much as I would like to see a pet that falls into the Ferocious category and has ranged damage (without conditions) and when merged provides a regular damage (not condition) beast skills. Right now the closest comparable pet we have is the Bristleback in the Deadly category with condition damage skills when merged.

    This is a hole in the current line up of pets that really needs to be filled.

  17. @"Valar Dotalis.6409" said:Screenshot of a damage log I took on March 14.

    Taken March 14

    When we see these screenshot proofs we are only seeing a snapshot of the fight which itself is a small encapsulated portion of gameplay. They do not provide a complete picture of the entire gameplay involved. there CLEARLY is might sharing going on given the symbol of punishment damage. But also this doesn’t show the ranger’s wind up, getting that kind of damage is a lot more than just “pressing f3”. There are things that build up to pressing f3 that all contribute to this kind of damage. The screen shot doesn’t show any of that. During that windup phase interrupts are key pieces in counter play, or stealth/invulnerability. Chill is also a real downer for rangers at any time.

    Neither does this screen shot and others like it show the near entire lack of damage mitigation that is needed to pull this off (glass cannon) meaning that there were durability sacrifices made to get that damage. It does not show the extended cooldown that the ranger has AFTER blowing all its damage potential in a few hard hits.

    But most of all players aren’t supposed to act like NPCs. This ranger was making use of OTHER game mechanics to maximize damage. The person posting this was on a warclaw so they were trying to avoid combat with the ranger or did not see the ranger. Almost certainly this means conceding a flanking bonus. When they were dismounted the game does a knockdown penalty which concedes to the ranger another damage bonus. Just by how this person chose to play they handed the ranger an opportunity to play to its greatest strengths while doing nothingThis post shows that this player was being at least double teamed, making best use of both classes. The guardian was there buffing the ranger so that the ranger could maximize DPS. The ranger was left alone to pull off the combination of skills necessary, THAT is why these numbers are so high. But ofc no one posts any of those kinds of details to supplement their screenshots with a full context.

    EditI encourage anyone posting this kind of screen shot to go hand similar advantages to a glassy Berserker or Dragonhunter in the same timeframe (that includes unimpeded wind up time) and see if you don't see similar results, and yes many "high packet/lower damage in a very short timeframe" does count (i.e. Warrior Axe 5 or DH symbol + GS2 + trap simultaneously).

  18. I am going to paste my response in a similar thread:—————@Moira Shalaar.5620 said:The issue is that Rangers have a high burst damage, but very low sustain damage. That means that we can hit hard for very brief time and then almost nothing for the next 20-30 seconds while our burst skills are on cool down. Other classes can't necessarily hit that hard burst, but can sustain a higher DPS over all. But in order to really maximize the burst damage on a soulbeast, that means traits, pets and skill choices to maximize that burst potential, leaving the soulbeast also more vulnerable to sustain damage without mitigation. The very definition of glass cannon.

    However, now that everybody has complained about the soulbeast burst damage and are quite satisfied with it being heavily nerfed, what is left is a bursty class whose burst damage is in line with everybody else, but whose sustain damage is LOWER than everybody else, and we have to give up all of our mitigation traits and skills just to get the bursty damage that others can enjoy while still keeping decent sustain damage AND mitigation.


  19. The thing that could differentiate it from any of the VIP areas is if they were to also add scribing stations that could draw on guild resources depending on which guild the crafter is repping. That is something lacking in all the VIP areas I have been to.I do like the idea of being able to access the suns refuge from EotN, although as much as I like it, it didn't have enough utility to draw me on any consistent basis. I'm interested in seeing what other kinds of upgrades the developers might think to add to EotN in the future.

  20. @Turkeyspit.3965 said:Well, I can't speak for ANET, but my guess would be this: they wanted to reduce damage output from everyone in competitive modes down from LV 10 to LV 5, so damage for every profession was reduced by 5. Thing is, turns out Ranger damage pre-patch was actually around 12, so to get them down to 5 with everyone else, another nerf was required.

    That doesn't change the fact that because rangers are built for burst damage that by bringing us down to the same burst damage as everyone else our overall sustain damage ends up being subpar and that without any mitigation at all. That means that they have reduced soulbeast to less than everyone else, not a fair reduction but an overreaction with the nerf hammer.

    For this to be a fair nerf, in addition to reducing our power, our ferocity and our coefficients, they should also have reduced our cool downs so that we are able to have a fair sustain damage in line with other classes.

  21. @"Stallic.2397" said:I don't get the complaint... Rangers now must spec into damage traitlines to deal damage? Shocking

    Ele's have to spec into air for decent power damage, and even then, the precision and Ferocity it grants is minimal compared to other class traitlines. Lightning Rod isn't dealing 10k hits. I doubt Ele's can hit that singlehandedly in Pvp

    Ele's used to rely solely on water healing for sustain but that got nerfed in Feb. Invulns were "SO OP" so that got nerfed. The only defense Ele's have left is evades and you bet your top dollar people will complain.

    These recent nerfs don't seem out of the ordinary compared to other classes. Sounds like it's a nerf in the right direction

    The issue is that Rangers have a high burst damage, but very low sustain damage. That means that we can hit hard for very brief time and then almost nothing for the next 20-30 seconds while our burst skills are on cool down. Other classes can't necessarily hit that hard burst, but can sustain a higher DPS over all. But in order to really maximize the burst damage on a soulbeast, that means traits, pets and skill choices to maximize that burst potential, leaving the soulbeast also more vulnerable to sustain damage without mitigation. The very definition of glass cannon.

    However, now that everybody has complained about the soulbeast burst damage and are quite satisfied with it being heavily nerfed, what is left is a bursty class whose burst damage is in line with everybody else, but whose sustain damage is LOWER than everybody else, and we have to give up all of our mitigation traits and skills just to get the bursty damage that others can enjoy while still keeping decent sustain damage AND mitigation.

  22. So, since commanders in WvW already hate rangers and routinely kick us, rangers were left to be the premier roamers, in part because of our DPS. @Cal Cohen, Tell me then, now that you have double nerfed Rangers, first with the tuning down that everybody received and now this, what role in WvW do you envision for Rangers? Surely you haven't adopted the meta opinion that Rangers have no place in WvW, and yet by listening to all the opposition to Rangers on the forums you are stripping away the last role in which playing ranger shined.

  23. I think in order to call this an expansion there are a few things that it will have to have:

    • Elite Specializations - I realize that this will probably cause additional difficulties with balance but this has been much asked for and very notably lacking in LS4 & Saga
    • Central Development Theme - in HoT the theme was the new framework for progression: Masteries, Elite Specs & Guild Halls. In PoF the central focus was mounts. This new Expac will need a central something for development whether that be housing, content hubs or something entirely different. I'm not a fan of the idea of housing but whatever they do it will need to be as compelling, as exciting as they were able to make mounts in PoF.
    • New Race (Perhaps) - there has been a lot of demand for Tengu & Largos as playable races. This is Anet's opportunity to include those. That said, all the reasons that they haven't introduced a new race yet probably will cause the same problems here.

    Everything else they have been able to do already as "expansion like content." Of course we will see more of that same kind of content whenever this releases, but these three things are what will distinguish an expansion from expansion like content.

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