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Everything posted by mrauls.6519

  1. :'( One day I'll get good at something else... One day
  2. I seem to get better average results when I solo que past low Plat, than when I duo Q. Talking over the course of about 300 games last season, I'm as of yet unable to play competitively still this season, due to an ongoing hand injury. Solo queue tends to yield better results UNLESS you have a solid duo queue partner. Duo queue means you have a good chance of ending up with 3 people that don't know wtf they're doing - since duo queue inflates you're combined MMR
  3. For example, the new Halloween poly infusions add a little bit of detail. It can almost look like part of the armor trimming if no one knew better
  4. LMBO!!! The comments you guys came up with. I'm exposed
  5. Honestly, Soulbeast's 4 seconds of "all attacks go through blocks" needs to be changed to 1 second OR make it so it only works for the first 3 attacks or something...
  6. The main issue here there is something going through your rotation of blocks and you hating on it...the main issue here is the same as always...."typical GW2 cheese build which let casuals believe to be the next coming of jesus for MMO...next the cheese build get cheesed and all hell break lose" Unblockable skills/traits are becoming abundant in game because the devs realise that the amount of blocks has gone out of control, to a point where certain classes can keep a near constant defensive wall negating all sort of direct dmg effectively hard countering many professions, making them close to unplayable ...shield...shelter....sword...focus......yeah easy to make miserable the life of a direct dmg dealer that lacks unblockable....let's insert here your L2P comment as habit dictates The OP plays a spellbreaker....and that says everything already...those who would agree with the OP, equally play an "easy" mode spec abundant in blocks/evasions and that would make sense Maybe before addressing unblockable skills/trait in game...we should address the hefty amount of blocks available to certain classes ...oh look it seems you play one of them... If there are too many blocks in the game, they should be nerfed, and not unblockable access increased. That's what I said in my original post. This rock-paper-scissors gameplay is out of control. Otherwise leaving things as they are shuts out a variety of builds or even classes (Core Guard/DH) which strictly depend on blocks as their active defense. I can only imagine the frustration coming from many players about a trait on something like thief which denied all healing and damage negation upon using Steal. As far as the Soulbeast into core/DH matchup goes, this is pretty much what it looks like, considering RF one-skill-kills guardian outside of full tank builds or burning major skills like Renewed Focus. I have no objections to the soulbeast dealing the damage it deals. But I also play one because of how effective it is. It's extremely easy and seriously lacks counterplay in a ton of matchups.Thank you for this post. Some people don't want to accept the fact it's EASY
  7. The main issue here there is something going through your rotation of blocks and you hating on it...the main issue here is the same as always...."typical GW2 cheese build which let casuals believe to be the next coming of jesus for MMO...next the cheese build get cheesed and all hell break lose" Unblockable skills/traits are becoming abundant in game because the devs realise that the amount of blocks has gone out of control, to a point where certain classes can keep a near constant defensive wall negating all sort of direct dmg effectively hard countering many professions, making them close to unplayable ...shield...shelter....sword...focus......yeah easy to make miserable the life of a direct dmg dealer that lacks unblockable....let's insert here your L2P comment as habit dictates The OP plays a spellbreaker....and that says everything already...those who would agree with the OP, equally play an "easy" mode spec abundant in blocks/evasions and that would make sense Maybe before addressing unblockable skills/trait in game...we should address the hefty amount of blocks available to certain classes ...oh look it seems you play one of them... Who are you fighting in PvP that uses shelter? Bunker Guardians in WvW? I like how you make everything seem easy... 4 seconds where you're unblockable is ridiculous for any profession. It needs to be changed. Guardians are built around blocking attacks... They are part of the group with the lowest health pool in game. It's the class design. What don't you understand? If you want Guardians to have less blocks, raise their HP pool to max... lmfao
  8. Warrior has access to two separate 6 sec unblockables... reaper has a 4 sec unblockable which can be increased to 9 sec of unblockable-ness ? Context is important. Warrior/Reaper unblockable isn't as frequent and deadly as Soul Beast's. That 4 second window is all Soul Beast needs to do a nasty combo to you
  9. The main issue I have with Soul Beast is how it can perform unblockable attacks for 4 WHOLE seconds. It should be like the first 3 hits... and if they miss it should remove 1 stack. Ranger does have a lot of sustain (core/Druid/Soul Beast).
  10. Not surprised these type of threads are starting to appear. Not sure why you mentioned PvE at all, but Rev does some pretty gnarly damage in PvP. If Rev gets a condi removal buff (or even a condi resistance buff) it will be god tier again. Do I think it needs to be nerfed right now? Mm, no. I do think their damage is pretty damn good though. We just have to make sure not to make them OP
  11. Either remove January from the title or unpin this...
  12. DH since I don't want to play as support
  13. Why the hell would they include dyes? It should be a random item from a category of our choosing. C'mon ANET!!!
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