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Everything posted by Avenrise.3592

  1. If it's a choice between forever being limited in what I can place in an area or having to rebuild that part of my homestead there's no choice to be made there, I'd happily rebuild. At this moment in time I'm just hoping for AN answer. If it's that the limit won't be changed then I'll be disappointed (and my personal view of the mode will have gone down) but fair enough. I'll have to destroy some of my Homestead but at least I can move on... as it stands a lot of us are in limbo with half built structures awaiting an answer.
  2. Just a small one to add to the list: When you're crafting decor I'd prefer that rather than seeing how many of an object you've crafted you instead saw how many were placed and unplaced. Knowing I've crafted 78/250 chairs at some point for instance isn't info that has any use to me, just tell me when I can't craft any more.
  3. Having been decorating for a few weeks now I think 1000 is probably enough for a decently decorated Homestead (unless you're using 100s to build stairs out of benches!) and to add nice details to the grounds around the main building but it's nowhere near the amount needed for the entire map. It's a lovely amount of space but if you can't build anything on it it's a waste IMO. I had to stop decorating in the main building due to the 'decor in area' cap but overall I'm approaching 600 and have nothing outside of the 'main ring' at all. I'm hoping the cap can be up'd at some point and I'd be more than happy to pay for it but I am worried that it may be a limitation of the engine rather than a choice.
  4. Just to clarify, support didn't say it WAS a bug only that they have received other bug reports and are investigating. I'm hopeful as the main livestream def said NO limit (except on lighting) but I just wanted to be clear so that the nice people at support don't get in trouble if it is intended.
  5. My post got merged into this one so posting updates here I guess! These cool areas are currently not within bounds Quick addition - pressing escape when you have a decor item ready to be placed should first clear that decor item THEN close the decor window 🙂 Another - May cause some objects to look terrible with their textures but I think we should be able to have unlimited scaling on all objects. Or at least be able to make most items Homestead sized.
  6. Shaman (that_Shaman) on Twitter has done a bit of science for us and worked out the actual limits to the decor/area, well worth checking out.
  7. Exciting news all, reply back from support suggesting that this IS a bug and not a feature. They have recommended that anyone with the same issue submit an IN GAME bug report explaining the 'too much decor' issue. They have a number of reports so far and are looking into it 🙂 Support are awesome, they don't get enough praise.
  8. It's funny because a day after making this post I've hit the 'Too many decorations in area' cap that wasn't meant to exist and now I'm struggling to even log in... 😕
  9. So I too have just hit the 'Too many decorations in an area' cap. Hoping it's a bug, popped in a report but if it's the case that it's a limitation... my plans are in shreds 😕 A good 75% of my Homestead I can't now build in...
  10. Additions: Ability to make and place lore notes. Particle effects such as wind, snow, fog.
  11. It benefits everyone but the super rich to spread the word on where these drop so when I was farming I shouted that the best place to farm Sawgill is Lake Dorik. It works on multiple characters and the node resets relatively quickly, it's not a daily thing or anything. Quite a few newer players thanked me via whisper as they didnt know about the spores, I'm hoping they can get something out of this current madness of a situation. I stopped farming when I posted above. Im growing on my housing plot right now because someone said Spores can't drop and I want to prove them wrong. The wiki states they also don't drop pigment but got a couple of those so... 🤷‍♂️
  12. Yeh it's another of these posts, feel free to click somewhere else if you want or add to the list. Free country, right? 🙂 Items: MANY more rock shapes including caves, overhangs, canyons etc. Placeable wildlife, ideally with a simple animation. More flat items to act as flooring/walls. Planks of wood, stone slabs etc. Many more tree types and bushes. More flower patches. Dirt/grassy piles (to build up land into hills). Water. If not proper then waterfalls and the like. Books and book piles. Bars/grates (think prison bars). Versions of chairs that you cant sit on. Plain coloured and/or textured set of shapes. UI/function: Cap needs up'ing at some point, happy to pay to do so. A nice start would be making it so that the default items don't count towards the cap. Indicator of which décor item youre hovering over outside of X-Ray mode. Ability to resize décor window. 'Remove last edit' feature. Run faster in build mode. Tab between close items. Misc.: Alt character NPCs should not be on the raptor mount. Rectangular planter bottom needs adjusting (you float when walking on it). Remove bottom of the well (I want a Stargate dammit!). I'll prob add to this list but after a week ish of messing around these are my main wants. It's a great start to the system but feels a little limiting for me right now. Hopefully in time that'll change.
  13. I've just spoken to someone in Lake Dorik farming them, ONE in 1700 nodes. I myself... 600ish nodes and got one. The TP supply is now down to 27... they definitely need a boost in drop rate or another way of getting them. After getting one of each mushroom im giving up until there's a better way of acquiring them.
  14. Okay ANET, simple enough one for you - some kind of support for ultra widescreen monitors when looking at the character select screen! Took me far too many years to realise my character screen cuts off the top and bottom!
  15. Thanks Rubi and the team, the hard work is appreciated. Teething issues can't be helped!
  16. This is related to the current other issues with the EU server, you're not alone 🙂 Edit - Try a full relog. I can now enter. Edit2 - Now I can't. Maybe wait XD
  17. Thanks for the update Rubi. I know y'all have this all planned out for many months/years into the future but I'm just gonna pop this here right at the start of it all- please oh please do remember that decor includes materials when it comes to new housing decor items introduced down the line. As someone super into housing in a previous game having new materials to build brand new structures was a huge deal. For me a plank of wood was more useful than a differently shaped table... not to say themed furniture isn't a good thing but honestly give me a new stone arch or a fancy pillar or a cone made of... cheddar cheese any day of the week!
  18. Very ArenaNet to make great updates based on player feedback then accidently release them early 😆
  19. As someone not really in the position to do CMs at all I'm shocked... that this is even a problem that some people feel the need to complain about. I'm actually surprised that ANET haven't done this sooner, it's a great extra incentive to get people into CMs and also reward those currently doing them with that little bit extra. For the rest of us that can't/won't do them... we're losing next to nothing. 250AA doesn't matter too much if you're doing the dailies/weeklies/others. You'll get all the unique skins, all the extra and are therefore ultimately missing out on a few gold.
  20. Posted in the CORRECT thread this time: It's been asked for many times, I'm going to say it again... new item, a Book to hold all teleport/lounge scrolls in one place. Don't care if its 50 gems or 2000, a list of destinations or a fancy new UI. It's just driving me nuts that we either have to place half the scrolls/books in our bank or take up all of our shared inventory slots.
  21. So I cant really recommend where to buy the parts from but as someone else said CEX is pretty great for second hand parts. What I will say is I'm still rocking a PC that's older than the game is so it would probably be pretty cheap to build/buy (maybe eBay?): Intel Core i7 3770K 16.0GB DDR3 RAM ASUSTeK MAXIMUS V GENE 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 (EVGA) With this you'll get about 30-40FPS @ 1080p but you'll have to drop down a few settings like shadows to low, LOD to medium and character model limit to lowest. Not going to lie, super looking forward to my brand new build as it can be a bit of a pig in meta events and I have to reduce the settings further and EoD maps do drop the FPS down even more.
  22. I usually wait a few hours for the bugs to be patched out but chanced it this time and... yeh. It happens, I'm not too salty about it but just gonna hope it gets sorted soonish as it's a little too immersion breaking for me tbh.
  23. Not the same crash but don't want to start up a new thread :p I'm DC'ing to character select about 5 seconds after map swapping, it taking me back to the previous map or another WP on the same map. By the look of the amount of people there on reload it's not just me :)
  24. Just gonna add this here even though I know it will never happen! I'd like ANET to unlink the VIP lounge from the PoF upgrade pack. Pretty sure they'd get a lot more people wanting to buy it that way to complete their 'lounge collection'... like myself who refuses to pay 2,400gems for it! Also shocked Evon hasn't monetised Champion's Rest as yet.
  25. Yeh Pinata down also XD ANET are on it, should expect a patch shortly don't worry all.
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