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mdninjawarroir.1637's Achievements

  1. From a pvp perspective: I want the old Kalla kit back Least with that, there was the possibility to bunker down points and chokes. Used to run a Jalis Kalla build with hammer and staff Sure, Kalla is a meme and pretty slow to actually use, it felt like it had a play style that had some pay off if you timed the placements of your summons well I'm gonna miss flushing out DH traps with blood-razor ngl New kalla on the other hand makes me feel like I'm playing a worse vindi But after seeing the Engi shortbow comment, yeah. It feels even worse now comparing it now. Renegade's trait line has no real support with the new summons, the F skills still feel out of place, and now my Jalis kalla Crowd Control build feels like I should be playing Vindi instead of renegade. This feels like the second heart break after anet buffed Shortbow just to make Kalla playable but then nerfed reng hard because of it. I still don't see the compensation after every other spec can now use SB
  2. Welcome back https://imgur.com/a/lKJh4K1 We can trade these like Pokemon cards! I only wish I screenshotted the rest instead of the introduction
  3. I don't believe that Res signet was a major issue when compared to other supportive classes in comp. It has several drawbacks that don't warrent it's usage when compared to other res signets One: Requires the spite trait line. Which is useless unless you are building into power. Going into power for that one trait is less then ideal. Two: The res signet still requires hp to use back then, much like it does now for some strange reason. If any burst classes were to glance in your general direction: (I.E. Thief, Ranger, Rev, willbender) then they would make quick work of you unless you dodged out of their burst. Wasting 9k hp to save the rest of your hp. SPVP: Unless you had another support with you, you would be targeted first and foremost the moment the hp goes down. If they do not notice it, then it will be picked up on afterwards. Or never if the enemy team has does have braincells. If you do have a support, then the enemy team should force your team to be split. (I.E. Getting sides instead of mid) so supports don't overlap. If it's still an issue, then upping the HP cost of res signet would of done for nerfing the signet as it signals the enemy team: "I'm spamming res signet: Please focus me!". This nerf should only apply to Spvp and Spvp only If you mean the passive being an issue, then the passive should of been reworked into a stat buff rather then giving life force. The rest of the signet should of been left untouched and a rework would not be needed. WvW: Rez nerco in wvw is lesser then it's pve counter part for two reasons: One: You are required to be more mobile and will be punished for being slower Two: There would be very little times you are able to use the res signet compared to pve. Again, WvW is much more punishing not acting quickly. Unless you are playing with a friend group: Roaming with necromancer is a death sentence. So it shall be skipped to zerging In zergs, you are either expected to play power reaper or something scourge (I forgot if it was boon rip scourge or support scourge back then). Playing support scourge does not benefit from Spite at all as you are, again, using a trait line for one single trait. In a zerg, you are more likely to healed for that quick hp loss, but unless the two zergs stare at each other, using the rez signet on randoms is not so ideal. If a core party member is down, then most likely the rest of the zerg is soon to follow. If you are using pure res scourge with transfusion, then you may either taking the downs away from other res signets, or bring them along into enemy zerg crossfire. (This had happened to me a few times and it was not pleasant being served to magumma on a silver platter) Power reaper's main role is to cleave when the main zerg pushes in a zerg vs zerg. There is another reason called 'minion mancer spamming' to take up targetting cap, but we don't talk about that for now. Focusing more on using res signet for saving teammates when your main goal is to make sure downs don't get back up is also less then ideal. The passive ability of the signet does help out alot, but in zerg vs zergs, unless it's currently a stalemate, you should have plenty of life force ready for when the zerg pushes. In short/TL:DR , there are not many situations for signet of undeath to become over powered in to warrant the end of a beloved necromancer trait.
  4. Shade step was one of the many casualties brought along in order to ensure every class was able to provide alac / quickness generation. Yet from the way it's put in now feels like a massive down grade. The Alac generation from the new shade step trait compared to the old Traversing Dusk is rather subpar. We still can't even make shadow force without being in combat. Unless a Nerco or a Rev is gonna let us suck off their self inflicted conditions. And we now give protection instead of alac in pvp. Giving proc instead having the ability to "GET THE KITTEN UP" from payday 2 is kinda sad. Giving out the other "supporting buffs" from shroud is nice and all. . .But the only one with while is the leap. The rest seem kinda mid. Last I checked, thief shroud still dies in wvw zergs. In pve, most boss fights have one enemy so those other shroud benefits don't really do much. And if you play spec in pvp and the other team has another thief or any burst classes like wb or rev, you are gonna get sent back to the shadows by force. Over all, just bring back the rez from old shadestep and move the alac to the mid tree GM because I don't know anyone who takes it other then being a pocket medic
  5. I've been playing alot of causal Power Harb in pve. When doing some pve stuff with a few friends like 1-2 other people. I don't run it often but it saves me the time and effort of gearing up a support scourge build with the cost of dying instantly if I don't properly get myself out of combat. I'm going to provide more context because I don't like saying "this is bad, plz fix". I'll put a TL:DR because not alot of people have as much energy as me with this single trait and most likely don't take a glance at it. With that all being said: Signets of Suffering: This trait has been reworked and causes signet skills to remove boons from affected foes. TL:DR: The rework looks like thief signet trait in terms of theme but removes necromancer identity for no real reason. To anyone who played thief, you know how hard of an insult this goes. Now I will go into a very long essay about why this is such a horrible idea. Going over why the replacement is a bad thing in general. Followed by the how it compares to other rez skills. Then how this could be balanced out so this 'rework' will not have as much of a damaging effect. (Note: This paragraph does contain my own personal experience with necromancer. I am not the Nerco romancer of all time, but A few minor issues with this. 1. It says "This trait has been reworked" instead of "in addiction to it's other effects". This means that A. Signet skills will no longer work in shroud A.I. You can no longer have Signet passives active when in shroud. A.II. Being active in shroud no longer passively recharges the signet skills. Lets talk discuss the Signet skills being used in question Vampirism: The most notable effect of it is being the ability to life leech while you're next to the target. Aside from the fact that it's impossible to stow weapons while having it equipped, it's on effect heal skill allows anyone who hits the target to heal from damaging them. Aside from being one of the few nerco traits to heal a nerco while in shroud, it's as much as a heal as signet of malice is to thief or the warrior's signet. You're better off taking another heal. (For Reference, I use the drug heal not because it's a good heal but because it gives blight and has a stupidly high damage number). This doesn't benefit Vampirism if the base line skill isn't worth taking it for. Spite: It's a condition based bomb skill. The stats it gave may be a hit or miss depending on if your hybrid or condi, but over all with the old signet traitline, it's an effective way to get condis on the target while rotating your shroud. The boon removal sounds good on paper but over all, it's more of a "Win more" with boon removal instead of corruption. Signet of the Locust: Locust was changed from having a flat healing number to healing more against targets that had boons as well as removing said boons. Ontop of having more speed while in shroud by +33%. Basically swiftness which Necromancer doesn't have alot of swiftness generational skills. But the ones that do generate swiftness last a long time. This is mostly just like spite's case, a win more trait. From a pve perspective: Not alot of enemies have constant boons. If they do: You're playing necromancer, boon removal is common in the class if not the most common out of all the classes in the game. From a pvp perspective: This skill is going to be used as a way to get quick hp in lets say a group fight or as a desperate option. Having that skill's passive active more often is infinitely better then having it remove 1 boon from this trait. It won't save you it most fights, but it gives you a higher chance of escaping a fight if you still have shroud left over. (I say IF because if your in a fight in pvp and you're losing, the shroud is going to be lost very quickly unless your a harb or scourge. But in both cases, you'd still be more dead using this skill compared to a skill like wurm or specteral walk) Plague: The second worst offended skill with this rework: First: It is a stunbreak. Stunbreaks with low cd are generally a welcome edition. Second: This skill has an inherit cost to using the low cd trait. By pulling more conditions to yourself, not only do you actively hindering yourself by pulling condis, you placing yourself in danger by pulling MORE condis if you have this skill traited that may devour your shroud as well as your hp bar if you aren't careful where you stand. Lets make an example If you are in an open world event. A boss that spews out an lingering aoe field that inflicts burning every second is fired and a few pugs get burned. Most pugs will run out of the fire trying to save themselves. You will most likely either be out of the aoe bc you don't want to die, or just a masochist. With this signet, you actively draw conditions from the pugs to yourself. If every pug has around 5 stacks of burning, within one second, you will take 25 stacks of burning. If the pugs have 10 stacks of burning, you will take 50 stacks of burning. Something that was not planned with the boss in mind and will most likely eat your hp bar for breakfast. If you are in shroud and another damaging condition were to be pulled, you may end up with a comical amount of conditions that could instantly kill you if have no group support. Now the idea with the skill is to flip a "No U" card and give those condis back to the boss. Those conditions WILL HURT the boss as well as removing the passive condition pull. Making this balance apart of Necromancer's core identity and a general trend for necromancer playstyles. Necromancer also has powerful skills that give them conditions as a side effect for their cost. The corruption skills come to mind and their trait provides more conditions those skills inflict with a 33% less cd! The basic feed back loop is that if your small group has a lot of conditions, you use this skill to throw them back at the boss. Pop shroud and draw more conditions from them to get the "No U" skill back faster. If this isn't an issue, you can also use said corruption skills and make their downsides apart of your damage by using the "No U" skill for a rotation more then assisting your teammates. With the rework. . .It just removes a boon. A role that any other skill in the profession can do better. The main goal with Plague signet is actively benefitted with the old trait line. The new one only seems to care for it's own effect and move on. Without benefiting necromancer's identity/playstyle like Warrior/Ranger/ signet traits. (In context, warrior signet trait gives a one minute 100 ferocity increase and in the crit traitline and ranger's signet gives fury which many ranger traits seem to benefit from. Warrior/Ranger signets are more one and done benefit effects with neat passives attached compared to Necromancers more detailed Signet useage) Now the biggest skill that this rework offends and most likely the reason why the whole signet trait line was hit for this 'rework' Signet of Undeath is one of the FEWER ways to generate Shroud while in shroud. This does not apply to scourges due to their shroud having a very short duration compared to every other nerco espec. In my case, Harb. (My heart goes out to all scourge mains having their builds gutted for a single boon) Undeath is an insta rez skill that requires 9k hp to cast in addition to a one and half second cast time with a 75cd. And to my knowledge, This is the only profession skill in the game that directly requires your hp to use as a resource. To supports, this isn't much of a problem as they would be able to have a good amount of hp to use this skill with. To Me with a power harb build, This is almost a death sentence. HOWEVER I do not think this is a bad trade offer in any shape or form. The reason I take this skill is because Harb's Shroud lasts longer then any other shroud due to not taking the damage when it's active. The main plus side is that I am able to have this skill active more often as well as more shroud generation for my dps. Lets make the points in a more simple format Old suffering trait w/ Undeath - Gives shroud passively and stronger shroud generation while in shroud - Provides a low cd resurrection skill that's balanced out by the cost of very steep hp cost New Suffering trait w/Undeath - Removes a boon/boons from a target (Is this suppose to be an enemy target? Does it actually target allies like how a support signet functions? Is this the only skill in the game that lets you remove a boon from a friendly?) Undeath is a ground targeted resurrection skill. If the trait just gives Undeath boon removal for 9k hp with a 75 cd, then what purpose does it serve the skill line the trait is suppose to benefit from? A support build will not take the trait because it now hurts the build to actively use the skill. A condition build may take still take the skill, but never the trait because the trait doesn't have any upsides to it's main effect. Condition builds already have enough boon removal to the point where taking a trait line that geared power builds for the sake of a single boon removal skill isn't enough of a reason at all. Power builds are the ones most effected because it's going to force either A: To not take the skill at all due to how self damaging it is now without the proper benefits to justify a cost, or B: Compared to the war crime that is Scourge and nerco in general getting it's class identity gutted for alac generation that it has to compete against almost every class against , this is a very minor offense. If we're talking about checks and balances, then Necromancer's balance is already built into the class. The hp cost does not benefit the necromancer in any way shape or form. The lower hp siphon along with the casting time makes you a sitting duck if you are in a fight pve or pvp wise. If that cast is interrupted, then you WILL NOT get your hp back. Core and reaper necromancers have shroud in case they are pushed after the skill. Allowing them to generate more shroud while they have low hp. Scourges can make themselves barrier so they can be healed/heal themselves without the threat of massive threat of downstate around the corner. Harbingers can heal off of "blight" and have more mobility with their shroud to kite around damage (Also correct me if I'm wrong but I think they can be healed while within shroud as well). If the low cd is an issue, off set it by it's hp cost. Add more punishing effects instead of removing the low cd cost! The possibility of adding conditions to the skill after it's been casted to the user is a better alternative then removing the ability to have a low cost rez skill. Having the skill inflict poison on the self after the cast forced the necromancer to play well instead of attempting to rush into a group of adds and use "Your soul is mine!" or, an even funnier case, Locust Signet. This way, the necromancer has to play around BOTH the hp cost AND the reduced healing that comes after. If the spammability with alac is an issue: Then remember that Necromancer could be given alac instead of providing it themselves. With every pve instance having a "HAM" build or something alike (ham means Heal Alac Mecha), the low cd Shouldn't be punished because of the effects another player can provide! This only harms the instances where alac isn't as able or free! The suppression of a classes ability without removing the hindrance that balances them out is not ok! This trait, nor the signet it's self will see as much play compared to the other skills. I know that much. But as someone who likes to have it on the side in case of things going wrong, this feels as though they wanted to rework Undeath without targeting the skill directly Anet, I understand you are most likely going to go through with this change, regardless of how much I beg on my knees for you not too. But please, the core id of necromancer shouldn't be tossed to the wayside because of one problematic skill! The cd most be lowered to reflect the hp cost as a trade off the necromancer is forced to make Or Remove the hp cost because the ability to have the skill on a low cd is no longer valid. To any players who desired to see this trait reworked in a meanful way, I'm sure you can agree with me that gutting a core necromancer theme isn't the way to do it. If a necromancer desired boon removal. . .Well... Chill of Death is on the same traitline and on the same column. There isn't a need to have two boon removal related effects compete for the same objective.
  6. Hello chat, it is I. MD. You could read the name but I need to at least be somewhat entertaining in to the chat. In light of me getting told that core is trash in pvp content by a specter player, I will be posting my build so everyone can look at it and judge for themselves and maybe play for themselves too. Because this build is f2p friendly, I will post the trait names to make it easy for everyone to understand as well as their number placements for vets. Maybe the new players can learn trait numbers from me or something idk (Note, this is a pvp build. I would say you could take it into WvW if mounts didn't exist but sadly that is not the case) (Also for the love of Grenth can we please be allowed upload images straight form our pcs) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/539123551081332747/1020702673403641907/Capture.JPG Equipment - Weapons: Dagger/dagger, bow - Amu; zerker - Rune; Eagle - Sigs; intellect + exploitation for dagger, cleansing + escape for bow In case anyone doesn't want to click a sketchy discord link, I'll put the build in here Critical strikes; Assassin's fury, Sundering shade, hidden killer 1, 1 , 2 Trickery; Lesser haste, Bountiful thief, Sleight of hand 2, 1 , 2 Deadly arts; Dagger training, Panic strike, executioner 1, 2 ,3 And yes. This build is a oneshot gimmick. BUT, the those are what the traits are for. The skills is what set the build apart from generic oneshot builds Hide in shadows This is standard thief healing skill because the rest of them are trash expect for withdraw on daredevil The main condi clearer, but remember this is also your main 'stealth on demand' skill. It is important that you use this skill for stealth as much as you do for healing Shadow Portal This is a very important skill for the build. It allows for teleportation back to a spot within 5,000 range. It can be used for the following Acts as an escape for yourself incase of danger. The classical usage. Remember, your life is the first thing that must be protected. Keep this in note for every following tip. Can act for allies provided you speak in a Voice Chat, 90% of the time they won't see your text in chat. Would not use it like this unless you 100% know your teammates can respond properly while fighting. You can draw in enemies towards yourself. Note that this is more complex and would only recommend for vets. The idea is that you 'misplayed' and everyone 'focuses' you as target. Leaving your teammates alive to regroup. You are meant to act as a distraction for your allies. When they are safe or when you can't distract anymore, use the skill and GET OUT OF THERE. Note: You are more important then the ally you would attempt to save. If you die while being a distraction. You did nothing because the enemy team has 5 points, and another 5 points if they catch the ally in time. Then you're most likely going to get yelled at in chat. It's not a fun experience, trust me, I'm a pvp player. We've all been there once in our games. And the lastly and I love to use it, as a skill that lets you back decap, and I will show you how to use it Step 1, get to enemy zone. Most likely Far. Step 2, start decaping, place the portal down. Step 2.5, if you see an enemy running towards you, only go for the decap. Decapping means that you don't completely cap the point and leave it netural. This is where the idea splits depending if enemy shows up. If you are seen and an enemy rushs towards you. R U N, you don't need to fight the enemy. You can do other things because they will be busy recapping all progress. This is a good thing because you are now free to pick off targets and support in a team fight. I'm assuming everyone knows how to oneshot but I will put that in another text dump If the enemy caps it to full and your shadow portal is ready. ALWAYS WAIT AT LEAST 3 SECONDS. This part is very important because it depends on the enemies build. If they are fast and most likely used resources to get off of point, this would be easier. Now that you are at the point and it is enemy capped. Decap it again and leave. If your team is in the mid fight and needs help, you are gonna be there to gank any over pushing or under pushing enemy. The only time you completely cap is when the whole team is safe and far is the only point that isn't capped. Here you can't repeat step 3.1 easily because waiting for the enemy to completely decap is a LONG TIME. Most times not worth it. infiltrator's Signet Compared to shadow portal, this is less important but still useful from time to time. This is your backup steal. This is also the part where I introduce the oneshot gimmick if you are new. Step 1, press dagger five. Step 2, while dagger five skill is in the middle of being used (Shown by the yellow bar being filled), press Steal Or Infiltrator's Signet. (When asking , if steal or Signet. Always use the steal when it's off cooldown (cd) because it gives you more buffs. (Note: You can chain both the Signet and the Steal together before dagger five is completely used. If you need extra range, use Signet first and then the Steal.) Step 3, press 1. It's always better when their character model is not facing you so you can deal more damage with backstab. If you land the face stab, it's ok. You can auto chain because you have automatic crit and quickness. If the enemy is low, use 1 heartseeker. I would not suggest spamming it unless you 100% know you won't get ganked and if the spam kills them. Shadow step If you played thief, you know this is your very important skill. If you know how to use it, then skim over this Always have it at the ready. The only reasonable way to 'use it' when it's ready is to use it with bow 5 teleport to cap home instantly AT THE START OF THE GAME. bow 5 + shadow step + bow 5 again is the fastest way to cap home point because of how you can teleport instantly. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. The only downside is that you have it on CD. Remember, you have shadow portal so you can place it down in case anyone rushs to you. And if any enemy get their before you, there's always the report button. No way should anyone get to home point faster then you and if they are teleporting harder then you, and not a thief, mesmer or guardian, they are most likely hacking. Then just gg. Or oneshot. When it isn't on CD, you can use this as a free teleport incase you need to do the following Teleport to safety Teleport towards a zone Teleport towards an enemy Note, this can work like steal/ Signet if you followed 3.1.1, but you have to be really skilled for it to work because if you teleport too far from their back, you are going to miss. No one expects the shadow step port oneshot tho- This is really for vet teefs. Wouldn't recommend for beginners. Dagger storm This is your get out of jail free card. When your getting mobbed by the enemy team, or when there's a Sc*'em R*ng*r that has you marked. This skills is an all attack evade. And reflects all projectiles. Always use it sparingly unless you want to screw over that one ranger in particular. I do that some times. It's fun. Trust me. Now moving on for General tips. This build is the embodiment of "thief's role in the pvp game". The build's core is meant to be a decapper first and fore most. Once every few times do you go up to someone and use your [redacted] to [redact] all over the enemy's [redacted] so hard their legs give out and then you can [redact] them so hard you make a warrior main blush. Remember, your skill can be used for all kinds of plays. You can use the heal skill, Shadow step, then bow 5 towards the next zone. (Why I don't say bow 5, shadow step, and then bow 5 again, while it is faster, makes the ring more seeable. So if you are crossing mid on a map like Eternal C, the enemy team is going to C you coming. You still have weapon skills. Don't spam them though, it is very dangerous less you know what your doing. Heart seeker spam for when you know the enemy is in clean up range Death blossom for evade frames. Dancing dagger for bouncing ranged attacks. This can be spammed because it bounces off targets but can bounce to the last target. Makes for good dps against two weakened enemies. Bow skills Surprise attack can be more useful if you miss the backstab. That one second immb is enough for your team to automatically able to [redacted] the enemy and because they can't move, your teammates are most likely going to have their way with them. And when I mean way, I mean using them as a DPS dummy. Cluster is a great cleave skill. If they are all stacked up, just spam it and one might go down. Then you do it again. bow three I wouldn't say is good, but might get you out of trouble, maybe? It's a dodge roll but not much else then that. Don't use it. Choke gas is for when the enemy does anything. They start rezzing teammates, choke gas them. If they're blocking, choke gas them. If they are using heavy perfumes, choke gas them. If they say 'daddy' or 'mommy' DO NOT CHOKE GAS, YOU WILL REGRET IT Bow Five, Shadow step arrow Is a very important off fight skill. It's a mini shadow step. If you need to be places more, use it. If you need to climb to higher ground to escape or cap a zone, USE IT. And yeah I think that should be everything chat. Remember, if any stinky specter 'player' says that your trash for playing Core thief, do your job well. Then you can rub it in their face for carrying the game hard. Then post screenshots and send them to me because I think it's funny how people reject thief values just so they can play Faster necromancer. Now don't get stabbed, and take care. If you need any advise, then just message me under this post. Later o/
  7. SB: Sb 4 I want back to normal because free aoe interrupt with a higher inv cost feels like a skill that was meant for power creep just so it can get nerfed. The interrupt on a target with 4 poison stacks felt way better since it was cheaper to use as well. Was not worth the trade imo. Sb5: Please, least give us something back for increasing it's cost Also, Preparations. . .I just want our normal traps back. Because Trapper rune was nerfed in pvp, I feel that Preparations are mostly redundant in terms of gameplay. This is coming from the bias of someone who used Shadow Trap in pvp near home's point them rush all the way to far. Then port back if it was being contested. I don't feel Shadow portal is really as useful as a tool considering how it might out of range most of the time I get. And yes I know Shadow trap only teleports the thieves on top of their target if it's triggered and against a wall if somethings in the way but we don't talk about that. For Deadeye: This was a major complaint of mine, and that old DE felt more balanced compared to basically perma stealth spam insta oneshot 420 backstab scoping. The only good thing I can say that new DE did was give us ranged protection on kneeling rifle 4. Lets us live the Longbow part of Ranger Sci'em but that's about it. Now DE is just remembered for being basically P/P if P/P had an elite spec.
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