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Everything posted by Monarch.7241

  1. Hello guys, today I received an error stating "A disk-I/O error has occured. Guild Wars 2 will now terminate" I have a screenshot of the error but I didnt found a way to upload it here. This error totally prevents me from playing the game. 😞
  2. I have a suggestion about the light elumination. This engine seems to make it far more realistic, it would be awesome if we get this upgrade to our engine. It will make the game far more vivid and cool. Link : https://youtu.be/cRLnR4Kot2M
  3. statements are not facts, statements are just opinions. Wrong in that case. You do realize that the changelog is not some god that knows it all right ? Someone has to fill that info in it first.... Devs didnt even changed the tooltip of a spell that we use when we play, what do you think is the chance the changelog or wiki to have that information correct about the spell....?
  4. If its listed, if its presented, if the tooltip has been changed, if someone noticed that change...
  5. someone did write what in 2012 exactly ? Now you trying to tell what exactlty, that retaliation is working as it intended in 2012 ? Get outta here. You not only ended up lying but as a fool too. Proud and ignorant fool, but still a fool.
  6. You have no idea because youre newcommer, that pretends to be old player, thats why you have no idea. People like you bow to gw2wiki like its a prophecy or the holy bible or something oblivious to the fact its just a site, and in order to have some information in it about anything, someone has to write it in. Edit : You may laugh, but you can't deny it without end up lying.
  7. Dream on again, it has such a tooltip for a reason, and the reason is in that it was designed to work in the way it is written to work. NO dev builds a spell/trait to state that it work in one way and to be written to work in another. This is just straight out absurd. And again, this is what wiki states, the information of what wiki states is based on what someone managed to observe and fill in. Not every change is in the change log, mostly the crucial ones are there, do u rly believe wiki has more complete data for the changes than the change log ? Pretty doubtful. (kindly said) Wiki may state that pink Elephants live on the Moon since 2019y. or even that the Planet Earth is actually flat, the facts remain the same, Retaliation is a useful boon that must not have been removed at all, the entire line of changes made in the recent years to make retaliation to work with other traits has been added to the game to allow bigger diversity for the players and this was just washed away with just one move. Nothing can replace the old resistance boon too, same reason.
  8. wiki can have whatever it wants, wiki is not a complete source. Most of the changes are not mentioned anywhere, and in order wiki to has some information about anything, someone has to first write it there.... This includes him to notice the change or see it in any change log and so on.
  9. dream on, I play the game since 2015 and ranked since I remember having a toon that I like. even so the original value of the retaliation was 285% of the damage you receive. Later on it was nerfed, and probably then the things started to escalate with the nerfs, on it, because all of a sudden all retal bunkers disappeared and the very few still existing was too low in numbers to be noticed, but still a significant boost for a team to heavily change the outcome of the fight.
  10. It is misleading because some fanboii decided to change it on the fly by reading comments in the forums from salty boys like you, who are unhappy from being defeated hard by it and not changing the tooltip it have, which btw is the original tooltip of the boon. Still not a legit reason for it to be removed, and yes it is vital boon that must not be removed, it has to be boosted. Removing retaliation is like removing aegis or quickness. It is never a necessary move to add something new by removing something old.
  11. It doesnt mean it should be removed whatsoever. No matter what a reason u try to pull of, the result will be the same, Retal = vital boon to counter hard hitters in pvp, and huge helps in solo actions in pve, period. Reflecting the damage taken and causing the player to receive damage aswell seems like a huge oversight in my opinion too...
  12. Another bad update, another nail in the coffin. Why u had to remove retaliation and resistance whatsoever...? Are you for real ? How do you plan to balance that one out, by nerfing the damage of almost all the classess again...? Retaliation was the only source of countering hight damage outputs and giving a chance in duel to counter and turn the tides in your favor. And seriously, do you rly think anybody cares about non damaging conditions...? You just straight out remove the useful stuff from this game, eliminating big chunks of diversal options to build on and replace it with something that nobody likes, will use, or even plan to have any benefit from in future whatsoever. The changes on retaliation and resistance are indept senseless to the point of nobody with his right mind will be wanting to even consider picking that thing, its just there, presented to justify its existence, some work being done on it, and nothing more. Do you truly believe the veteran community will be happy about those changes...? Theres so many things that begs for attention and rework, and everybody ignores (mostly season one and two terrain and effects related) because nobody plays those anymore, because they dont get any sctructural fixes or any sort of devs attention, but sure, why dont we just remove something useful and replace it with something that has no ideological reason to even exist. Adress me atleast one boss or spell or pvp situation that pushes the case about this 'non damaging conditions' situation (ik there are none, dont even try it, lol) and the removing of retaliation and changing the resistance state, and I can give u hundreds situations where retaliation and resistance in the old fashioned desigh is actually essential. It has to be UPGRADED, not REMOVED. Atleast 4 rev builds and one guardian fully depend on Resistance and/or Retaliation, and you guys just took that out of the picture entirely like its nothing. Do you know that this is the main source of survivability for some builds in some of the zones that everybody just neglects...? And that will allow people to do what exactly ? Keep trying to solo stuff there, when those two boons are gone ? Do u rly think this will push people into playing together as a group in those zones...? The answer is no, quite the opposite. From the very few people going there tryharding to achieve something alone in the very low populated zones, because nobody is going there (because those zones are harder than the most due to most recent changes) and fully committing to solo semi tanky builds, you will have entire empty zones exactly because of that change. Do you seriously consider that its enjoyable for new and old players to watch how their favorite classess are getting hammered with 'upcomming balance patches' that bring nothing new to the table, but take things off entirely, things that you use, rely on and like (thief traps for example, stated 'barely useable, nobody needs and uses that' but every single deception thief (experienced) was using it hard and depending on it in gangbang scenarios to enable surprize attacks, mostly in wvw, but also in some ranked pvp matches too ? In the current state of those changes it looks more like someone got mad because he got beaten so hard by certain proffesion and then this someone decides to write a balance patch that hammer that exact same proffession in particular (which is very childish way to deal with it ofc, but this is how it looks since the last 3 or 4 years) by replacing the strong parts in it that adjustify it as proffesion and replace those parts with significantly weaker (and unpleasant/boring/not useful at all) ones. Theres a reason why The Burning Crusade expansion in World of Wacraft was the best out there in the entire mmorpg genre (and still remains unbeaten as such), it was well tought, well planned, well executed (even in its unfinished state) and structured logically (not chaotically happening just to have something new 'in the water'). Another thing is having so few options available to use. This game looks more like some nintendo game, than a Computer Game. Why we have just 3 Utilities, 1 Heal skill and one Elite ? Are we playing a Playstation Game or we play a Computer Game? People like smashing more things, not less. Big numbers, big things. The game was far more balanced Profession wise in 2017 and 2018 than it is now, and automated traitlines ladies and gentlemans was part of the way to avoid bringing more skills to the skill bar. I might not be a GW1 Player, but when I started the game with the HoT expansion, I invested time to understand why this is necessary, why that is a must to have and so on and so on. Key features are being removed here... Things that allow more versatile builds to pop up. I personally like alot more the Rift Talent tree and how it makes the hero so unique, more than any other, but since this is not a Game made to suit my likings I will stop here. Long story short, alot can be made about the traits too.... like.... adding more new tiers. Call it Artisan Tiers if you like, the name doesnt matter at all. Another senseless nerfs that I see is the Holo elite skill range.... welp, I dont see any reason to use it now. Before it was used for its long Range and knockback, now its just...there.... Same goes for Revenant staff 5 (the Charge Forward). I no longer use the weapon because of the Charge distance travelled reductions, now I use swords instead. Why ? Senseless nerfs. First it was stated it will be pvp only, and now the short Charge is affecting pve too, why is that ? And btw this is skill that is ment to be mostly used in pvp for rooooaaamiiingg/escaping, having short Charge Forward on this skill 5 is just dumb. This game has the potential to develop so much more into something truly magnificent and beautiful, but the way we walk right now leads in quite the the opposite direction... Its not something thas going on from a while, its something thats slowly gained momentum in the past few years. Listening to defeated crybabies that even life doesnt want to, about the direction of the game and where it should be heading, wont push the Game in the right state, ya know ? Just saying... A comical representation of whats going on in the last 3-4 years: Some basic player 'wannabe good at the game' but weak hotheaded hater undercover: Hes a straight out bronzer, but wanna try ranked, he feels so stronk as guardian even when hes running terrible weapon setup and traits, nah men hes Goardian, hes stronK. He joins Ranked for first time, he sees thief, thief says 'hi', the thief busts some moves right in his face like some freaking tornado but with blades, blasts blinds on him, toys him around like a puppet, cripple, daze, steals his boons, fear, and stuff like that (some basic thief style mockery) and does 'stealth' for 3 seconds, the hater says 'amg im so ded', goes into panic mode, paralyses himself, the thief punches him in the face with some miserable 1-2k damage per hit, and then the hater dies. Later on he goes to every single humanly possible forum gw2 related (reddit, gw2forums and such) on the planet Earth crying about how stronk the thief proffesion is, because 'nurf dat thief boii hes stealthing for 3 secconds' and 'i kanddd do that he so OP, pliz nurf', completely ignoring the fact that this thief is probably a grandmaster player, god tier and he is just stepping in ranked for the first time. You cant force People to actually learn the Game if you constantly please them, they know enough, ya see ? If they spam in the forum for a bit, they will get what they want eventually, no need to learn the Game... And this is how ranked and fractal communities became filled with so many arogant, lazy and foolish people. They dont wanna learn how to deal with the stuff around them, they know, if they cry about it, mommy will hear and mommy will help. Guess whos the mommy in the story. "-Adapt or die."
  13. I ate a crash, lets blame it on the replicons! :tired_face: :D or they were called gremlins ? no clue, im on glue.
  14. I would be giving from 3 to 12 hours dishonor, 1 hour is like kitten milk :+1:
  15. If u have two elementalist with yourself, torch is out the question, Axe+Dagger+ Shortbow so you can have utilized both styles, melee range and range. Everything else at current state is garbage or unrealistical crap in my eyes. It matters also what you have with you, it never hurts to have some extra weapons in your bags.
  16. Are you serious right now ? This game looks like it looks now exactly because of senseless nerfs. BOOOST THE WAY IN! Back in the days every classess had its damage ways, almost everybody was happy about it, the only thing that was making players mad was that they are not quick enough to score the kill first. Nothing good comes from senseless nerfs. Current state of renegade and core power revenant is the sole proof for that.
  17. needs shaving ? All classess needs boosting, a proper set of skills and traits that make the class unique and important pick for the players, ability wise ! The only thing that we get in the last 3 years is shaving! This game became so unenjoyable as a whole, unfunny and unplayable in ranked due to the bots which btw are not getting banned regardless of how hard and often I report them in every game I play, what happened to the magical god-tier unpenetrateable anti-cheat protection that your "top guy" loved to brag about, how Guild Wars 2 is uber secured and cannot be hacked and how bots cant work in this game? Bots on 12 'o clock, Lucy, and they are spreading like motherf*****rs. You dont believe me ? Come to Drakkar Lake [DE], make 10 ranked matches, I guarantee you that in 8 out of 10 of those games you will have atleast 1 bot per team in each of those games. And to be even worse, the mode moved from 5vs5 to 2vs2, which is beyond unfun to play and the main reason I will move from this game for good. Theres so much content to be fixed or boosted because it works so bad that put players (like me) that loved this game into nerd rage and the thing we get after MONTHS or even YEARS of waiting is another shave of the barely good working traits/skills we have left. What is this, contest of how fast you can ruin your own game ??? It definately seems like it. The Dev guys really need to start playing their own game as a dedicated players, so they can understand how stupid and primitive those changes actually are. Shiro nerf, completely unwanted, needs better master traits, but receives gutting, and in the end to be even more irritating, removing the Viper Amulet so we have no options left to play with for top damage in ranked, for real ?! What we are supposed to play now, double healers ?! Yeah, lets spam change weapon ability because this is the only thing that actually works to its full potential atm. Lets play the game of who can change his weapons faster and solve the matches that way. AND each time I see a nerf in the changelog, the so called "balance patches", Im remembering with nostalgia and a sorrow throat how when I was a new player to the game, I was walking in a straight line to kill few mobs and I felt down under the textures because I was...walking... Yeah, atleast then we had a good balance in the forcess. Why dont you "balance patch" that chunk of Terrain, that infuriated probably more players than you can count ? Oh, yeah, im sure, breaking classess and sending them into the abyss of unwantedness (sadness) and making their players feel miserable for investing like two-three or more years for that class is better thing to do than fixing 6 or 7 years old Central Tyria human starting zone terrain bugs, no problem, but ya know, just saying. I hope atleast you guys are happy.
  18. The situation with all the bots in ranked is critical, in 19 out of 20 games I have atleast 1 or two bots in my team. Ive had games with 4 bots in my team ffs and this was yesterday... Its unfun to watch and unfun to play/deal with. Its not just that but its full with all kinds of retards. You cant really enjoy playing ranked anymore. The fun is not there.Am not even mentioning all the people who are failing deliberately or dualboxing with second pc in the enemy team so he can wintrade... forward move in the wall ? no problem, ranked is full with all kinds of player/bot garbages and the player base is really getting sick of it (me included!). I even got banned once for a day for yelling (bad boii stuff in 50 shades of anger motion after 17 conseclusive games with such "magnificent players" game after game) over one of those "examples of what a Guild Wars 2 player should never be (thief with double pistols shooting the air in the base the whole game and chit chatting with us at the same time, mostly to explain to us how bad we are before the game even started...).And seriously what happened with all the promises of that this game cannot be hacked/Automated with bot mechanics...? "Some of us" started to play this game because of this in the first place... I AM NOT HAPPY!
  19. Confirming that this bug is still not fixed. 07.01.2020y, Female Silvari Thief.
  20. In the end of the day I honestly believe that we will have to storage our builds outside the game, atleast for now, till we unlock all of the builds.I also believe that we should be able to save builds PER class, and to be made on sectors. 30 slots for builds means we will have to stick with 3 builds per professions for any game mode, which is low. Most of us run over 6, I expecially have 17 different types of builds for guardian, lets say I can reduce them to 4, its still above 3, and this is just for wvw...I believe that removing the option of independancy of the game mode builds was a bad move, because due to having it we could run 1 per game mode with no problem. Now we are forced to save it in order to still have the build, which is worse than it was before this feature to be imported. This will also have a huge echo effect on the game modes, because now people will be more focusing on 1 mode instead of few (due to the build restriction that I just explained above) and this will have a bad impact overall in all aspects of the game. It wil also (lulso) piss off alot of people (like me) who like to play more than just one game mode. Theres no reason at all to have various modes in the game if you cant taste them just for fun because of a feature... On this prospect Arc BuildTemplates have huge superiority... Am not even mentioning how many people will get mad when they realize that they can no longer save some of their favorite situational builds (Renegade trait iterations for example) and they will be forced to minimize their trait builds ALOT. (we aint talking about few clicks here and there, u know) In general, Im surprized in positive way from the feature, I expected it to be alot worse, but theres alot more to be done in my opinion.
  21. Yeah, lets broke even more already broken class. Why dont just erase it ? Get tf out of there. When thief start to have 20k health with zerker neck in ranked, then you can compain about anything related to it, PERIOD.Instead of screaming how OP a broken class is, why dont you just learn how to play ?Just imagine what kind of outcry it would be if the thief had a legit traits like the rest of the professions and the swipe was really swiping (knockback).Oh boii, I cant imagine what kind of topics I would see then, from elementalists and Warriors that toss 30k with single punch that cant oneshot a thief. This will be just sad to watch.
  22. Moving, not moving, the end result is the same, Syana Stormblade will crush you 1vs1.Tiers are for losers.Gladiators crush targets regardless of tiers.
  23. I still play Mass Trickery(Trickery Heal,3 Trickery Utilities + Trickery elite) in WvW, its rather fun and enjoyable, but I have never have seen this trait to break any of the stuns expecially when being behind the target because you cannot hit while stunned! The only chance this trait to trigger in my opinion is if you receive somekind of aoe stun while you are currently performing the hit, and both, the stun and the hit to impact almost at the same time (im not even sure can the hit clip slightly after the stun impact?). Rather stupid option than smart one. It would be alot better if it provides stun immunity for a time, lol. By this way, it will also keep fitting the name of the trait. Also, why the executioner doesnt count for condition damage Booster ? Where in the description of this Trait it is described as physical only type of damage boost (which, btw, kinda suggests that it boost all types, because of the absence of appointing what type of damage it boosts!) ? Looks lame from that prospective.
  24. I hate thieves, I just don't want them fully gutted. And I know any attempt of "Fixing them" will kill the class because of heavy handed balance decisions but know that they are the class I eye-roll the most at because they are just not fun to fight at all. (even messmers are more fun to tango with than thieves right now, and thats not saying much because messmers are obnoxious.) Go Play World of Warcraft to see what a true thief looks like. You will hate it even more then. Expecially 3.0.8 was better known as the ambush hunters patch, because there was so many rogues on ambush mastery that you dont even wanna que battlegrounds at all. 40-45 yards ambushes, 17k crits on 19k health, thats unfun to play against, and it was still counterable.The thief backlash here feels like someone is nerfing the thief class here because he ate so much slapping in wow and other mmorpg by this very same class, that he have nightmares when he even thinks about it. Its that much unrealistic nerfing. Also, core guardian nerfs on shouts and reaper shouts are total mystery to me. Im pretty sure if I put my hands into the dirt of the other professions I will find more amusing changes.
  25. U think you can play gw2 ? OK, perform a pentakill with shortbow/sword pistol core thief without getting hit by any of the op classess. One of the thiefs did that today in 5 games in a row, try doing that shit. The real definition of broken a.k.a. scourgemourne doesn't stop the thief to perform kills too. I dont know who came up with the plan to erase the trap spells from the thief tree, but I dislike the new thief more than the old one. This poisons reforging is lame too. Its so much nerfed now thats not even funny to make jokes with it. The thief are quite forced to play oneshot stuff in order to stay relevant to the fights, and not to face the enemies side by side, im not commenting here the daredevil, im commenting the core thief trees. Not everybody likes to play expansion builds, too, why the core guardian healer got nerfed ? So FIREBRAND can shine ? The same is happening with other builds too...For example everybody likes the Reaper build, but very few play it with the shouts like I do, why the shouts of the class are getting so heavily bashed ? 113 healing per cast with trait improve, what is this ? Thats not okay...I also believe that his shouts must be made passive... and definately reforged to be stronger, not weaker. if I wanna play power build i will just go dragonhunter, power reaper looks lame.
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