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Crab Fear.1624

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Everything posted by Crab Fear.1624

  1. Thanks for the advice. I checked all of my characters, even put a specific outfit on each one i checked and emptied their inventories. Just to make sure it wasn't me. Unfortunately, it seems there is nothing that can be done by support, as confirmed by those in this thread. I received the response they said I would. Now, I just have to cope, lmao.
  2. I went through my inventories of every character I have. Didn't find one. I guess it is oh well, as I have tried every avenue support recommended, but it is not fixed. They might be busy. I was wondering, if you finish higher than Knight, like if you place in the top 99, can you get that title and knight because you fall in both divisions?
  3. https://i.imgur.com/mezaDnC.jpg I see, so I'm probably screwed. That's what I get for defying expectations, troll silver thief. System couldn't even stand it, lol.
  4. I finished the season at R 233. I normally float around g3/p1, but i guess I was good enough this season to finish on the LB. Low population, whatever excuses... Anyways, I never received any title or consumable. Has this happened to anyone else, and how did you resolve it?
  5. I placed in the top 250 but never received a consumable. I tried contacting support, but they say they cannot help me, and to report the bug. Is there really no way to send me the consumable that I earned? Maybe I can finish another season up there, but eh..... I'm not a great player or anything, g3/p1 level, but I love playing pvp, so this was quite the achievement for me. When I finally finish there, I don't get the consumable, what luck, lol. All I have is this screenshot to remind me, kind of a huge downer, ngl. https://i.imgur.com/mezaDnC.jpg
  6. Here is another example where being to make a full team can insulate you from stuff like this. Believe it or not, not everyone has the same objective as you in pvp, and you are subject to those diverging objectives as a solo player. Nothing you can do. I came to peace knowing that as long as teams are not allowed, people will continue to leave the game and complain about match quality. So, the people who put this on players like me have to reap what they sow.
  7. Probably the same type of people who want to fight with spammy aoe for points in conquest.
  8. Play it once or twice a week for a couple games. You will also meet a lot of newbies too. My personal feedback is: Lord should be a bit more dangerous, with increased attack speed, and the elites should be much more aggressive and hit harder, moving faster, with a larger aggro and shout reveals to enemies. Gate guards should also be tougher, and more aggressive. Doors should be tougher, and enemy players who drop supply in your territory should drop a "repair supply", if you collect like 3, you can repair a door. Matches should be a bit longer, maybe 20 minutes total, And if I'm not mistaken, summoning the mist champs should be interruptible at the slightest hit, stability wont help. An exhaustion type effect will stack on players who choose to lord camp, making their support less and less effect to the lord every 12 seconds (-20% each stack), until it reaches 5 stacks, and they will no longer be able to support the lord until they leave the area, with each stack falling off in increments of 12 seconds. Killing or downing a player within 900 units of a door, will grant a player with 15 seconds of empowerment, allowing them to damage the door as a player. I think the skeleton mode has potential to be exciting, and maybe put it into an off season rotation. Conquest has gotten really really really " " " " """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""/////////////////////////////////////////hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsfgkfhdjfdlkfjdlkljkdfjkdffjkdsf//.........old
  9. I think if this is the proper mindset, then it is time to have less pillars, enclosure, random boxes/crates, and walls through out the arenas.
  10. This is an opinion, followed by a rule you are imposing. I'm asking for a reprieve from your rule, and given the option to give you a thumbs down for wasting my time with nonsense.
  11. Yeah, but you weren't clear. You said the post made no sense, and that means it confused you. Then, you said that because it made no sense, that is why you disliked it. So, you were confused and disliked it, those are two different reactions, lol. AND, then with this comment right here, you asserted that I shouldn't have been confused, but that is just from your own perspective. I was confused. SO, you see when I ask for an option to dislike separate from the confused reaction, the line of reasoning I am using? It was always for clarity. I know people don't like me, and I would rather them react that way flat out then using the confused reaction, and perhaps even allowing us to use both would be beneficial to users like yourself, who experienced both.
  12. I'm actually confused. Because I thought you were telling me you are confused by the post. So, this comment you made is a confused dislike. I don't mind either, and its good. I just want to separate those two reactions into their own emote option. Black swan cases aside, I'm confident that most people have something they can think of that they don't like, and the reason is "they just don't like it". To be safe, let's consider a flavor of beer. Now, I may say I like this one, and you say you don't, but there will be someone who day they don't like beer, and someone who say they don't even like alcohol. To save time in arguing down a person's position, and wasting their time in trying to make them change my mind in my dislike, I'd rather just hit dislike. And the truth may be what some don't want to here, we simply dislike the post because of the person who made it, sure. But there are people who are "supposedly" universally disliked, historical figures that the MM likes to call everyone who dislike their ways for example. Not having a dislike is a lie. You may not get likes, but the only feedback metrics you will see at a glance are positive or confused. Meh. Sometime many many people dislike something we say, and rather than draw out a long response or hate comment, they hit thumbs down and move on with their life. They decided that was all the time the post was worth for responses, or chose not to go into detail at the risk of having to defend their preference. Where was I going? Bread.
  13. It's almost like you are pretending you don't know that thief initiative is a global pool. By the cost of everything, and shadowshot is at 5 ini atm. That means we could use it up to 3 times, but then nothing else for at least 5 seconds. Thief can spam a skill, but they have the lowest amount of skill used per minute out of any class by a long shot. The other kits are not balanced if they have stealth according to you.
  14. Yeah, that's the point. Stealth is necessary for thief. Also, you can dodge the shot on shadow shot and the attack is null, not even a shadowstep. Listen for the pfew! noise lol, or dodge the big shot trailing a black stream cloud? I think Rev having two heals is wack.
  15. It don't carry p/d thief nor s/d thief, nor staff....still a hard no.
  16. I'll just keep using the confused emote as my dislike, it works well enough to irk those who spend lots of time building a non-nonsensical word wall. Confuse me harder forums....
  17. I'm using the confused emote personally, and I have talked with a few others who also do the same. Maybe not everyone is using it this way, but I am. I think maybe some are confused and some want to dislike what I am saying. I'm not sure sometimes if they need more info or better formatting. A clear I don't like this (anonymous thumbs down) will be great.
  18. Something similar to HA would suffice. Or, just let the queue be mixed, because even though I'm addicted to this game, even players like me are falling out and moving on. I guess you took a break and may see from some refreshed perspective, but I'm the type that if I actually quit, I never return. (Threats to quit often but never does) Solo queue and duo queue are not a fit for thes design of the game, despite the campaign that it is supposedly more fair. I've set a personal deadline in pvp altogether and whether I'll be purchasing eod and continuing with gw2 or not. A new game has been slowly taking my attention away, and I really don't think it's only me.
  19. 2. The tournies must be available at any moment and more rewarding than unranked such as currencies and rewards to purchase pvp leggy armor and progresses. Basically must be able to form a team and queue into an ongoing tournie anytime of the day at any moment and it be just as rewarding as solo queue in ranked to be able to say they are the same. If there is any interval imposed by a timer then it is NOT sufficient. It is not "good enough".
  20. then just ask your guild. *co-mand them to help you
  21. For those who keep saying ATs are good enough for teams, but then say by looking at the deadness of ATs shows that teams are unpopular it shows two things: 1. The impact of teams mixed ranked won't matter (according to you) 2. The format of ATs are crap. (compare it to the ongoing global tournament *HA, and the difference for the experience is incomparable)
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