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Everything posted by MementoMortis.4258

  1. I wish it was just a visual bug for me! I bought two levels, left and returned to Drizzlewood, my icon disappeared and my salvage numbers are still at baseline.
  2. I play several classes so, I'm not too partial to one class or another and, I REALLY did hate getting CC'd to death every match. That said, making coefficients on CC skills so COMICALLY low so that they are essentially neutered, doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Right now with a Full Glass War, I'm getting double digit CRITS with my Rampage skills. What's the point of using a skill that stuns and does nothing else? In a 1v1, you're just prolonging the fight, you're not making any progress. If your team is all focusing the same guy, great but if not, it's pointless. I hope you know what you're doing. Cause, it seems like we're all in for condi DP Thiefs for ever and ever.
  3. The only thing that's broken in this game IMO is the ability to attack while evading. It still seams crazy to me that this is even a thing. It defiles the very foundation of the combat mechanics this game was based on. It's been growing like a cancer for years along with power creep. Unrelenting Assault and Pistol Whip both have low/no cool-downs so they can be spammed throughout a fight. Not to mention that both classes have copious blinds as well. I know I don't have to tell you how broken Mirage is but, it's a fact that a good Mirage can effectively kite 2-3 attackers with only a few brief moments of vulnerability, all while dealing damage to multiple targets. Doesn't make sense. Endure Pain and Signet of Stone have long CDs which makes sense. Entering in to a group fight on point in P1-P3, it's not uncommon for me to only land 1-2 hits while holding point, before dying or running.
  4. YES. Thank you! There is NO WAY I could have said it better. I echo all those comments. You should be praised not only for your poignant points but, your tact as well. The hatred I feel for thieves (and often Mesmers) is far too overpowering for me to add constructively to this conversation so, I can't thank you enough. In closing, let just me add, that Thieves are overpowered cowards that are ruining the game. Thank you again.
  5. I'm getting OBLITERATED by Condi Weavers that put 20 stacks of burning on you with 2 hits. I was litterally ONLY looking for that nerf. Oh well. This is gonna be dumb.
  6. Got hit, at range, with a 26K Kill Shot from a Core War last week. Shot me in the back from an elevated position that I couldn't even see. However, I'm fine with that as long as we nerf Death's Judgement and Malicious Backstab. ;-)
  7. I'm kinda okay with the toxic elements honestly, I just block them immediately. Those people exist everywhere online really. You just have to tune it out. That said, it is completely unmistakable at this point that ANet dosen't invest the necessary resources into PvP. The balance patches are WAY to infrequent and they typically break just as many things as they fix. There are some changes that are made that just make NO SENSE at all while other glaring things are left un-addressed. It's super frustrating. And now, with the budget cuts apparently signaling an existential crisis within ANet, and dispite playing since launch and loving this game more than any other, I may have to find something else to play. Which is depressing AF.
  8. For the last few weeks in G3/P1 matches, Warriors, both Beserker and Core, have been just devastating players with apparent impunity. During a 3v3 fight on point, a Core War walked up and initiated with a 26K Kill Shot. I have yet to replicate that number with several different builds. My FB and I were in a 3v3 mid-fight with two Glass Berserkers that could not be killed and were free casting Arc Divider 4+ times in a row hitting for 9K/hit. Has anyone else seen this? Is this legit? Is there software that can tweek stats just enough to not be detected? Please let me know! I'm losing my mind.
  9. Hey there! I've been playing since launch and I have one char of every class (except Mes), fully geared with Ascended. I'd love to join you guys in the Mists!
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