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Ayumi Spender.1082

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Everything posted by Ayumi Spender.1082

  1. Does it need to be a success? The Meta?Just failed the meta and Zolin shows no event for her.
  2. Need 8 points left to finally get all of the masteries in HoT and having a very hard time locating 8 I can do.This one seems simple as to just kill that boss for it... the problem is that I don't see how to trigger it. Went through many links and searches to find that Lore Seeker Zolin is the key to start it, but whether the events are incomplete or a success near Nuhoch... Zolin never shows any sign of starting it up.Tried last night for a few hours and nothing and today after about an hour I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I tried LFG and all I see is meta or taxis to meta or HP trains.
  3. I noticed that too, the NPC Dervish are using some of the Guardian's greatsword animation-skills, but there is some new ones aswell for them.Dervishes also uses the Gods stances, enchantments and other classical skills from GW1.The Paragons also got brand new animations as they are throwing their spear, casting anthem and chants with unique boons/effects/add-ons. Pretty much these are ready to go for the players too, so why not?! Why lock them behind only to NPCs... Primarily due to keeping the 'class balance' as if they enabled Paragon - a heavy armor class - and 'dervish' - a medium armor class - they'd need to create a light armor class, and everything a monk or ritualist does has already been added to one class or another - they'd need to create an entirely new light armor profession which is completely unique from mesmers, elementalists and necromancers. moreover to keep fairness they would need to create a lot of skins to the new weapon types (they need to create a 'land spear' to make sure you don't equip it as an underwater weapon by accident), add those weapon types to the current professions, as well as create 2 additional elite specs for the new professions from heart of thorns and path of fire respectively. Lastly, do we really want them to create underwater skills for the new professions based on how well revenants underwater skills turned out? All in all it's easier to make them into enemy NPC's than to try and make them into an entirely new player character profession. Keep in mind guild wars 1 ended on four expansions. we already have two down, how much farther can we push GW2 before thinking about GW3?For skins they could simply just use some of the same skins from Trident/Spear/Staff actually.
  4. I did that in Aion actually. It felt really nice as it DID feel like a single player game.
  5. They are not offering any other mount skin that is not "premium" for direct purchase. That's the issue here. If we had been given a lot of options, with a few skins earned in game, some being directly sold by 400 gems, some being sold by 800 gems and some being sold by 2000 gems, there would be a lot less complaining. Using your metaphor, it's as if our only options were to use a Nokia brick phone or an iPhone 10, with nothing in between. Seeing as I don't have a cellphone or a smartphone, I would be in the "I would just get none."Which is what I've been doing with all mount skins after the Halloween ones.
  6. I've been boycotting for a while.Then again my version of boycott is, "Will give money if I see something I like."Halloween mounts? I gave money.RNG? Hahahaha! No thanks.Mecha Ram? Hahahaha! Ugly no....Turkey Chicken Peacock with messed up feathers and buttcape? Hahahaha! Ugly no...
  7. To be fair, the glider is much slower than a Griffon even when leaning, but it has a lot more benefits than a Griffon though.
  8. Sell that Black Lion Universal Outfit Ticket separately for 1000 gems please?Don't care for a Black Lion weapon, Can get Makeover kits whenever (got 2), Can get Black Lion Keys whenever (got like 25 normal ones atm), and don't care for a single Dragon's Watch dye.I just want my Jungle Explorer Outfit.
  9. My once 100% Guardian -> to my 100% Dragonhunter -> to my now 80% Firebrand 20% Dragonhunterhttps://imgur.com/g8TMlnTI like my little Majin Sylvari
  10. I've heard of this many times, but I find it strange.I've done the complete story once as myself, once again with 2 more friends, and half way through doing it again with a 3rd friend.I've never seen any form of disconnection.
  11. I'm sure I've clicked on one of your posts/remarks about it in the past because I saw this crap happening too much and I couldn't figure out how to turn it off.The final straw was when I got into Tangle Depths and when I get into the center of the leyline caverns and it keep zooming in and out, in and out, in and out, when I left the area I just wanted to find out how to remove that.Never found a way.To this day it still annoys me.
  12. I think someone linked the datamined ones and none of them is either that mesmer dress or that one light armour outfit I've seen npcs wear before sadly. None of the town clothes they shown looked like something I would want. Been wondering this for a good long time now.
  13. There's no need for such rude action. Much more decent : Bring in your Asura /laugh I did that on the day they were added to the store.I wasn't even thinking about the randomness of it. I just saw really ugly/stupid looking Griffons all over so my Asura had a field day with it.
  14. While it wouldn't be as big of a topic, if the mount adoption wasn't around and it was only the Mecha Ram skin which is 2000 gems. That Ram would've been the center of talking on the gem store items.Mainly due to how pricey it is. It not have caused all the backlash, but it would've been spoken on.2000 gems for 1 mount skin is not good. Plain and simple. The best solution? Let me damn well buy the one (or 2, or 29 if you're that type of person) mounts I want.
  15. Despite the fact that many game sites, WP, dulfy (who is usually neutral about these things) condemn the practice, and there is a heavy community backlash? Anet cannot afford to take all this heat. Would expect after all that and then today the Gemstore was getting an update that this would've been looked into.It wasn't.I think it's safe to say it's staying whether we like it or not. We don't even have patch notes. How do we know the gemstore was updated? Um because of that little tiny topic right there?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest Anytime a sale is ending, an item is disappearing, something new is coming up, the Gem Store changes.The other items yesterday was "disappearing in 24 hours" meaning new items will take it's place and those old items are going away. Also, the game client also updated (assuming for the Gem store update). Was a small update obviously but it's an update.While I don't like this mount situation, I kind of made my duty to keep looking into the Gem store for a while now because I want my bloody Jungle Explorer Outfit.Once again, not liking the mount situation, but I'm not going to 100% stop getting certain things that I want in the gem store. I rather Arenanet know "I like how this is done so I will buy it if I like it" while "I think this set up is stupid, ridiculous, expensive, unfair, evil, makes baby Yahshua cry, etc so I will not give you any service on this." Not saying those that decide to flat out not give them a penny no more until this is changed of course is wrong. Those were up earlier before the patch that came up about 20 minutes ago, dude. I saw them this morning. Where I am now, it's afternoon. I just said I wasn't around when they updated in that same post just on the last page.There was no patch 20 minutes ago.Or if there was, I didn't know. Yes, there was a new build just an hour ago. Right now, it's 1:50 pm my time.The post you linked was posted at 10:22 am my time. The patch that was just released has nothing to do with the gemstore. You're not listening. I. Said. That. I. Was. Not. On. Earlier. At in I was not near the computer 3 hours ago. So. I. Went. And. Check. Less. Than. An. Hour. Ago. Because NOW I am at the computer.So I went and check and went "Oh, so the update this morning on the Gem Store didn't do a kitten thing about the stupid Mount problem." I don't know what part of that you're having troubles understanding. I guess the trouble I'm misunderstanding is now: which patch are you referring to? Because I loaded up GW2 this morning, there was no patch, but the items in the post you linked were all there in the gemstore. And then there was a patch just an hour or so ago. Nothing changed. So, which one are you referring to?Okay I'm going to blame on me being Japanese for this so I'll simply say.The Gem store update this morning/noon/whatever that removed things that was going to be deleted today are gone. The Gem store update this morning/noon/whatever that Arenanet planned on adding, which was the Silver Fed Salvage-o-Matic, Butterfly harvesting flute, Firefly mining flute, and the Swarm logging flute have been added. Going by this and the other things in the Gem store, like the mount adoption things went untouched, I will assume that mean they don't care to change anything about the mount rng lootbox item and plan on keeping it there. The Silver Fed Salvage-o-Matic is only available for 4 days, which going by that, I would assume that the next Gem store update once again going to be in 4 days.It does not mean that the Mount crap will be changed/replaced/removed in 4 days, but if even then it does untouched and still no word from Arenanet will show even more mad signs. Now my English is really bad, but if you still don't get what I'm saying then I have no clue how else to write it.And no, I won't try typing it in Japanese either. Don't even know if this forum even can post in Japanese or not.
  16. Despite the fact that many game sites, WP, dulfy (who is usually neutral about these things) condemn the practice, and there is a heavy community backlash? Anet cannot afford to take all this heat. Would expect after all that and then today the Gemstore was getting an update that this would've been looked into.It wasn't.I think it's safe to say it's staying whether we like it or not. We don't even have patch notes. How do we know the gemstore was updated? Um because of that little tiny topic right there?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest Anytime a sale is ending, an item is disappearing, something new is coming up, the Gem Store changes.The other items yesterday was "disappearing in 24 hours" meaning new items will take it's place and those old items are going away. Also, the game client also updated (assuming for the Gem store update). Was a small update obviously but it's an update.While I don't like this mount situation, I kind of made my duty to keep looking into the Gem store for a while now because I want my bloody Jungle Explorer Outfit.Once again, not liking the mount situation, but I'm not going to 100% stop getting certain things that I want in the gem store. I rather Arenanet know "I like how this is done so I will buy it if I like it" while "I think this set up is stupid, ridiculous, expensive, unfair, evil, makes baby Yahshua cry, etc so I will not give you any service on this." Not saying those that decide to flat out not give them a penny no more until this is changed of course is wrong. I've personally opted not to play at all until there's some substantive commentary from ArenaNet on the topic. That aside, I wouldn't be so dismissive just yet. Again, they haven't commented. Just because the gem store hasn't updated doesn't mean they've made a decision. They have to address the community directly after all of this. Don't lose heart. =) The thing is it did. The items they planned on removing was removed, and whatever they had planned on adding like those swarm things and whatever are up there while those mount things are still there.I will just take it as "Business as usual. These horrid mount practices are here to stay."Which I still won't pay a kitten thing for. Sorry, I wasn't clear. Just because they haven't removed the adoption system doesn't mean that's their official stance. Wait for an official comment. There will be one.I guess.My mother always said I'm the pessimistic type. I consider it a "Rather prepare for disappointment so when something good comes up I would get more surprised/happy about it."Keeping high hopes just makes "if" the bad news come out just more sour.And in this case, can lead to even more and more bad topics/messages on the situation and multiple "I quit" topics too.
  17. Despite the fact that many game sites, WP, dulfy (who is usually neutral about these things) condemn the practice, and there is a heavy community backlash? Anet cannot afford to take all this heat. Would expect after all that and then today the Gemstore was getting an update that this would've been looked into.It wasn't.I think it's safe to say it's staying whether we like it or not. We don't even have patch notes. How do we know the gemstore was updated? Um because of that little tiny topic right there?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest Anytime a sale is ending, an item is disappearing, something new is coming up, the Gem Store changes.The other items yesterday was "disappearing in 24 hours" meaning new items will take it's place and those old items are going away. Also, the game client also updated (assuming for the Gem store update). Was a small update obviously but it's an update.While I don't like this mount situation, I kind of made my duty to keep looking into the Gem store for a while now because I want my bloody Jungle Explorer Outfit.Once again, not liking the mount situation, but I'm not going to 100% stop getting certain things that I want in the gem store. I rather Arenanet know "I like how this is done so I will buy it if I like it" while "I think this set up is stupid, ridiculous, expensive, unfair, evil, makes baby Yahshua cry, etc so I will not give you any service on this." Not saying those that decide to flat out not give them a penny no more until this is changed of course is wrong. Those were up earlier before the patch that came up about 20 minutes ago, dude. I saw them this morning. Where I am now, it's afternoon. I just said I wasn't around when they updated in that same post just on the last page.There was no patch 20 minutes ago.Or if there was, I didn't know. Yes, there was a new build just an hour ago. Right now, it's 1:50 pm my time.The post you linked was posted at 10:22 am my time. The patch that was just released has nothing to do with the gemstore.You're not listening. I. Said. That. I. Was. Not. On. Earlier. At in I was not near the computer 3 hours ago. So. I. Went. And. Check. Less. Than. An. Hour. Ago. Because NOW I am at the computer.So I went and check and went "Oh, so the update this morning on the Gem Store didn't do a damn thing about the stupid Mount problem." I don't know what part of that you're having troubles understanding.
  18. Despite the fact that many game sites, WP, dulfy (who is usually neutral about these things) condemn the practice, and there is a heavy community backlash? Anet cannot afford to take all this heat. Would expect after all that and then today the Gemstore was getting an update that this would've been looked into.It wasn't.I think it's safe to say it's staying whether we like it or not. We don't even have patch notes. How do we know the gemstore was updated? Um because of that little tiny topic right there?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest Anytime a sale is ending, an item is disappearing, something new is coming up, the Gem Store changes.The other items yesterday was "disappearing in 24 hours" meaning new items will take it's place and those old items are going away. Also, the game client also updated (assuming for the Gem store update). Was a small update obviously but it's an update.While I don't like this mount situation, I kind of made my duty to keep looking into the Gem store for a while now because I want my bloody Jungle Explorer Outfit.Once again, not liking the mount situation, but I'm not going to 100% stop getting certain things that I want in the gem store. I rather Arenanet know "I like how this is done so I will buy it if I like it" while "I think this set up is stupid, ridiculous, expensive, unfair, evil, makes baby Yahshua cry, etc so I will not give you any service on this." Not saying those that decide to flat out not give them a penny no more until this is changed of course is wrong. I've personally opted not to play at all until there's some substantive commentary from ArenaNet on the topic. That aside, I wouldn't be so dismissive just yet. Again, they haven't commented. Just because the gem store hasn't updated doesn't mean they've made a decision. They have to address the community directly after all of this. Don't lose heart. =)The thing is it did. The items they planned on removing was removed, and whatever they had planned on adding like those swarm things and whatever are up there while those mount things are still there.I will just take it as "Business as usual. These horrid mount practices are here to stay."Which I still won't pay a damn thing for.
  19. Despite the fact that many game sites, WP, dulfy (who is usually neutral about these things) condemn the practice, and there is a heavy community backlash? Anet cannot afford to take all this heat. Would expect after all that and then today the Gemstore was getting an update that this would've been looked into.It wasn't.I think it's safe to say it's staying whether we like it or not. We don't even have patch notes. How do we know the gemstore was updated? Um because of that little tiny topic right there?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest Anytime a sale is ending, an item is disappearing, something new is coming up, the Gem Store changes.The other items yesterday was "disappearing in 24 hours" meaning new items will take it's place and those old items are going away. Also, the game client also updated (assuming for the Gem store update). Was a small update obviously but it's an update.While I don't like this mount situation, I kind of made my duty to keep looking into the Gem store for a while now because I want my bloody Jungle Explorer Outfit.Once again, not liking the mount situation, but I'm not going to 100% stop getting certain things that I want in the gem store. I rather Arenanet know "I like how this is done so I will buy it if I like it" while "I think this set up is stupid, ridiculous, expensive, unfair, evil, makes baby Yahshua cry, etc so I will not give you any service on this." Not saying those that decide to flat out not give them a penny no more until this is changed of course is wrong. Those were up earlier before the patch that came up about 20 minutes ago, dude. I saw them this morning. Where I am now, it's afternoon.I just said I wasn't around when they updated in that same post just on the last page.There was no patch 20 minutes ago.Or if there was, I didn't know. This is my post.
  20. ONLY if there's an option to "keep it the same for everyone" option and it's not the main set up that I have to always change it for every character until I get it right.I already hate going to PvP maps when I need to at times as it always changes to the default PvP set up when I go in there for the 1st time on a character and pisses me off.
  21. Despite the fact that many game sites, WP, dulfy (who is usually neutral about these things) condemn the practice, and there is a heavy community backlash? Anet cannot afford to take all this heat. Would expect after all that and then today the Gemstore was getting an update that this would've been looked into.It wasn't.I think it's safe to say it's staying whether we like it or not. We don't even have patch notes. How do we know the gemstore was updated?Um because of that little tiny topic right there?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest Anytime a sale is ending, an item is disappearing, something new is coming up, the Gem Store changes.The other items yesterday was "disappearing in 24 hours" meaning new items will take it's place and those old items are going away. Also, the game client also updated (assuming for the Gem store update). Was a small update obviously but it's an update.While I don't like this mount situation, I kind of made my duty to keep looking into the Gem store for a while now because I want my bloody Jungle Explorer Outfit.Once again, not liking the mount situation, but I'm not going to 100% stop getting certain things that I want in the gem store. I rather Arenanet know "I like how this is done so I will buy it if I like it" while "I think this set up is stupid, ridiculous, expensive, unfair, evil, makes baby Yahshua cry, etc so I will not give you any service on this." Not saying those that decide to flat out not give them a penny no more until this is changed of course is wrong.
  22. Despite the fact that many game sites, WP, dulfy (who is usually neutral about these things) condemn the practice, and there is a heavy community backlash? Anet cannot afford to take all this heat. Would expect after all that and then today the Gemstore was getting an update that this would've been looked into.It wasn't.I think it's safe to say it's staying whether we like it or not.
  23. Well, I went and checked as I was busy earlier so I didn't see the moment it was changed.Seeing that they updated the Gem Store and it's still the same, it is safe to say this won't get changed at all.Oh well.
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