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Ayumi Spender.1082

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Everything posted by Ayumi Spender.1082

  1. I don't see a single good one personally.The Skimmer got the short end of the stick too.
  2. Difference is it's not random for the halloween one. And what's your excuse for the Forged one that is a single skin for 2000 gems?That's fair?
  3. Click H and look under the Mounts tab. There you can see every skin available :) Thanks a ton.Well I see not a single mount skin in there I like so I'm glad. Griffons are reskins with patterns or just a really bad haircut. The flame one looks like it's burning alive and it just don't give a Quaggan. Jackal just wolf looking or reskins. I'm bias here as I don't like canines at all so of course I won't like any of these. If they had a feline skin I might've meen all "Ugh, but it's randomized". Or that "Warhound" looking like a damn "Mecha Ram Mount 4000". Skimmer... seriously? Just recolours? Like there's no special set up for them like Griffon and Jackal? Wow. Springers look like a joke, especially Jackalope. The one with the droopy ears is clipping all over his head... I sure want to randomly get that one. One thing I never really liked with the Raptor design was that horn in the back of the head, but now they took those horns and make it stick out more like an angry bird ready to peck me to death. Just wonderful. I'll stick to my halloween mounts. EDIT: I will assume the more skins you release, the more you will add in this random BS right? Which mean even harder to get certain skins people want in the long run? Brilliant by the way.I thought the guaranteed wardrobe thing in the chests were bad (but to be fair you can get them free if you go after the free keys), but this is just scaled up to 1000.
  4. So I'm in Lion's Arch where a ton of people have those random skins.From what I'm seeing from this bunch? I'm not seeing a single good mount skin. Is there a way to see what choices there are without buying the thing? I know the thing say I can right click to see but I kind of refuse to pay for one. Next is, if what I'm seeing are the choices, that is also even more of a reason I would never buy one as they all look atrocious at the moment.
  5. Twin Mace or Axe that they pretty much juggle around themselves all acrobatic-like that does a lot of AoE damage. Can give it 900 range too.Don't mind I picked Torch. I forgot it was offhand only.
  6. I'm 129% and don't see ways of getting it up that high anymore. Play the game more, post on the forum less, ez.Um. I'm on the game sometimes 6+ hours a day. Certian days 12+ hours when I have literally nothing to do and no where to go.Takes days to get 1% right now. I can't imagine "if" I ever get to the 200s or 250s and needing to get the rest.
  7. I'm 129% and don't see ways of getting it up that high anymore.
  8. Because they want to cater to everyone and usually the ones lower than dark soul tier are usually the quick spenders.I've seen enough games, not just this one, where at times...? You would see someone with the flashiest stuff or maybe some of the rare or special gear and a ton of shop items.They spend their money mostly on looks and then play the game however and usually horrible than a newbie to the game.You might see someone with legendary gear on and can't survive 1-on-1 in let's say PvP. And it's not going to be because they're not into PvP, but because they just don't know what they're doing. Even in this game, as people stated many times, there's multiple ways on buying a level 80 boost. Whether the item itself in the gem store or just getting one expansion. Now, there's waypoint unlockers. At times there's the other quality of life items like infinite gathering tools and permanent tickets to certain locations like that mistlock area and so on and so on.I'm not saying only the casual groups buy these things... of course not, but they are the ones that usually buy them more than the usual "hardcore" player.These are the same types of people who spend $500+ on those mobile games. I mean seriously...
  9. They won't do that, because what they really want is more/special/better loot. That's the thing that's been said so many times on here but of course certain people want to say "NO! NO! I JUST WANT THE CHALLENGE! I DON'T WANT BETTER LOOT!"Armourless Dead Souls, Nuzlock/Nuzleaf/whatever in Pokémon, Rushing straight to Ganon in Breath of the Wild the moment you get the glider, "No special attacks" Megaman runs, and so on and so forth.People that like/want challenges will always find a way to do it. You don't need the designers to make it for you when you can make it yourself.Back to the whole Pokémon thing, I still remember when the games went to 3DS and people whined about why EXP Share is a key item that you can turn on and off and be used on every Pokémon without equipping as it made the game too easy......yeah but as stated... you can toggle on and off so.... those that don't want it "too easy" can bloody turn it off... People like challenges in this game so much that many times in the Labyrinth people that even usually say "The Viscount and Lich isn't hard to beat and can be down quite easily if you have a group that knows what they're doing", but usually ends the talk with "...but in the end they're still not worth the trouble. Especially if you got the daily chest from them already. Labyrinthine is quicker and gives the same as them anyway."
  10. You also seem to not understand how the whole "want" thing works and the whole "satisfy" thing works either.I could've have gotten let's say that Eternity sword... I think that's the name? That sword with the puddles and that kind of look on it like a big popsicle thing?The thing is: I don't use greatsword on any class I play.I don't like how it look.I'm not going to bash or attack anyone that got one or want/ed one as they like it. That's their business and right, but you can't really go with that idea.Like back to that sword, I always saw it as the "Glitch Sword". It wasn't until playing Halloween this year that I now assume the sword is meant to show like a gatway to another dimension? I think that's the idea? But honestly I always saw it as a sword that the alpha textures is not working right which makes it kind of look flat. Due to it looking a bit flat like that and the alphas (in my head) not working, that what I'm seeing is the outer borders of the map of the area I was in and it's showing the stretched out blurry outer realm of the map I was never supposed to see because of the surroundings completely hiding it.What am I getting at with this? What I'm saying is that, if I'm allergic to peanut butter to the point that it can kill me... but I'm starving to death... you can't say, "Well you got food, so you should just be satisfied with what you got."Once again more extreme than a simple skin or loot, but that's kind of off to even say. Next as well is some people would need those items to do higher end content in the game like Ascended. Can't tell someone to just be satisfied with Rare... not exotic, but rare. And then expect them to just head off into let's say a Raid and think everyone would be fine with it either.
  11. Can I get a little hint on when Jungle Explorer is coming back? Like at least which month? Quarter?
  12. Even from what you're saying, even if it's just "Make things more challenging and forget making loot better"... you do know you're in the minority in this case right?When you check out the game from the forums and within the game itself, people tend to talk about the place to get the most "gold" in the shortest time.People mention Silverwastes, Basin, Dragon's Stand, the Living World areas, certain bosses and training them using the boss timer, etc. People tend to yes not want things super easy, but if there's nothing coming out of it, they usually won't do it.If you go back some pages, you would see people saying that they hate the treasure maps in PoF. They use one, which usually sends them to the other side of the map, and then when they open the chest it never has anything good to them that some say they don't use them no more and even throw away those maps when they get them as it takes up space. Same for even bounties in PoF. Some of them could be annoying and you do need some people to successfully beat them, but while some find it to be good for both exp and sometimes loot, many don't do it as they don't see it worth the time and effort. The general idea IS that if there's no more/better reward in doing something harder, people won't do it.Get 1 achievement point for beating a boss with no armour? There IS people who would do it, but the majority will not touch it. Do you really think people would do raids if it gave the same loot as the Great Jungle Wurm in Caledon Forest? Honest question... do you think so?
  13. Well look at the children males actually.They look like those football fratboys in college.
  14. I've always thought the females looked a mixture of human males and amazons merged into one.
  15. Here's how to fix them.Allow a body type to not look like a meathead.Allow them to not have hair on their bodies.More/Better hairstyles.More/Better faces. That's all they need.All male Norns should not look like Oleg in cosplay as something.
  16. Which would mean "Don't make it whatsoever". Picture this:Queensdale. Shadow Behemoth. Hard Mode.Now it's going to be the same fight, just harder with maybe new attacks and doing more damage and more HP.Same exact loot like the normal one.Now except for those that's in it just for the challenge, how many people would be interested in really doing a longer battled Shadow Behemoth for the same reward?Already have people who refuse to play with certain people in fractals/raids because it takes too long. Not sure which audience they would be catering to do more work for the same pay as someone who does little work and get the same payment in the end. Hey, people keep asking for hard mode. If they want hard mode, if there's demand for it, then that's fine, give it to them. If they just want better loot than other people get, then they should ask for that instead, and be refused. The expectation in games that assign loot for completing challenges is that higher levels of challenge equate to more/better rewards. This is why world bosses drop better loot than deer, and why deer drop better loot than rats. Be that as it may, asking for "better loot" under disguise of "More Challenge" is blantently dishonest. I know of one game that did exactly that, ,gave players more challenge and no added rewards, after all, they said they wanted challenge, if they just wanted more or better loot, then they should have been honest and asked for that instead. Keep in mind that, the Lich is MUCH harder then the Horror.. yet, both drop the same loot. Phrasing it like this somehow insinuates that the loot is the primary motivator. The primary motivator is "I would like to do harder content and would like that content to feel rewarding if I can complete it" not "I just want more loot" And yes, the Lich/Horror example of how they stack up to each other, and even worse how they stack up to just killing a bunch of normal mobs in the area is a great example of poor loot assignment and is precisely why "skipping vis/lich" is the most popular way to do the lab. Its not that people don't want to do the content. Its that the game doesn't feel like its valuing the player's effort when it pays out as much for killing more challenging boss enemies as skipping it entirely and just killing some plastic spiders in a fraction of the time with a fraction of the danger of failure. People don't just want more loot. People want loot appropriate to the content they're doing. When they don't get it, they'll do the content once or twice just for fun but part of the long term motivation for killing enemies in a loot based game is in fact the loot. It's a basic paradigm of loot based games. Potential loot is part of the fun of doing the content. Thank, You just made it perfectly clear that loot is the ONLY motivator, as by your own admission, its not the challenge that is inspiring people to do the content. All anyone is asking is that you be honest about your real intentions.. you want exclusive content with rewards only you can get. Lets not sugar coat it. The primary motivator is "I would like to do harder content and would like that content to feel rewarding if I can complete it" Are you telling me that earning loot is not part of the reason you complete content? Didn't you make a thread asking for a pity completion for the clock tower? Why would you need a pity completion if the loot doesn't interest you, you only do content for the pure enjoyment, and you don't enjoy the content? In your thread you are literally asking to be compensated for running the content, only in this case you're asking that you be awarded the prize for completing it without actually completing it. Just as getting that achievement and skins are a motivator to do content for you, loot is part of the motivation for all other players to do content. For some it is the only motivation, but for most it is a combination of loot and the actual mechanics of said content. It's a pretty standard fixture in video game design.In my personal case, not always.Many times I complete things for exp.
  17. I highly encourage it. If you're not in a rush to get somewhere, take the long way and explore a bit. The offsides NPC chatter really adds something to the GW2 world that I don't see in other MMOs, and I love it for that. :) Oh, I do that already, just never can tell which npcs even say anything at times to know which ones to usually sit by.Many of the ones that I've idle by had interesting things to say, and then there's others that either say nothing or make weird noises like "Err...hm... uh... nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh-uh." Oh and I just remember 2 quotes I like from Skritts that try to get Harpy eggs. Made me laugh the first time I've heard it. Skritt Thief: Smash, slash, smash! Whoops...smashed egg. Oh well...smash, smash, smash!Skritt Thief: (Screech)ing harpies! Put that in your (screech) and (screech) it! (Screech) you!
  18. Gotcha covered: Crusader Aurus Fuseblight: What's this sculpture supposed to be?Antonin: Isn't it obvious? The lights are eyes.Crusader Aurus Fuseblight: Quit pulling my tail.Antonin: Look at the eyes. Tilt your head a little.Crusader Aurus Fuseblight: Come on, I don't—burn me, it's a stringray. I never get tired of that convo. It's awesome. Even made ME look and go "Oh! I see it!" I need to start checking out these npcs. Reading all of this made me laugh, I'm sure I would be in tears if I heard it in game.
  19. Which would mean "Don't make it whatsoever". Picture this:Queensdale. Shadow Behemoth. Hard Mode.Now it's going to be the same fight, just harder with maybe new attacks and doing more damage and more HP.Same exact loot like the normal one.Now except for those that's in it just for the challenge, how many people would be interested in really doing a longer battled Shadow Behemoth for the same reward?Already have people who refuse to play with certain people in fractals/raids because it takes too long. Not sure which audience they would be catering to do more work for the same pay as someone who does little work and get the same payment in the end.
  20. All of the conversations Revenant have with the spirits.Everything my female human say about her minions as Necro. It took me a while to understand the "No, I hand raised that minion!" then I realized she meant summoning and not actually raising it.Everything my female Asura say as a Mesmer/Mirage.
  21. This might not be the best example, but I somewhat see this as games with DLC.I used to be somewhat of an achievement "hunter" in certain games. As in "If I really like the game, I want to 100% it... including achievements" or "To hell with this game. I'm stopping right here."There's at times there's a middle ground of "I like this game, but not enough to 100% it" or "Some of these achievements are impossible/super hard and I will never/maybe one day do them."GW2 for me is the latter of the middle ground, but forget achievements as that's not the comparison I'm trying to make on GW2... Let's say I bought Saints Row IV when it 1st came out and really liked it to the point I wanted to 100% it, even down to the achievements.Now... I went through all that and I finally did, but now they added DLC which now changed my 100% to maybe 80%... then they added more DLC and it drops to like 45% and so on and so forth. I could be annoyed as now they put the DLC in the way of me wanting to be a completionist in this situation. I have 2 choices: I say "Well I 100% the core game so I'm done. Don't care."I say, "I really liked this game, so I think I'll buy the DLC to get the extra stuff and the achievements as well."GW2 is pretty much doing the same thing. There ARE achievements and such that's locked behind PoF content (like the race one), but not all of the content. That, and you have ways as someone pointed out to get some of those items outside of the PoF-needed items.With that the choices are simple of just not doing the PoF parts of this event and do whatever else and the stuff you're missing to get or get PoF and play that stuff. You also got the choice of leaving any squad/group you see that is mounting straight to the doors and nothing else. I've done this too as I've had twice where they were pretty much a mount train.Yes, I have a mount, but I'm getting carved pumpkins and candy corn nodes too. Majority of the groups I see are on foot unless people have to keep up and get on mounts, or most times they just get those nodes/pumpkins and then everyone is free and can't really fall back when everyone's on foot. You might miss let's say the first 5 or 6 doors because you went to get the other things on the map, but after that you should be fine on catching up. I'm not fully understanding the argument, but I've seen many ways around these things and it really just sounding a bit like a mixture of anger and jealousy in having mounts allowed. The simple choice... ignore, pay, or.... the other route which I won't recommend to anyone as I'm sure people here is mature enough to not "Well I'll just quit." That last choice is the childish route and I would expect if you're sound enough to be on the game and on the boards, you're willing to have a decent discussion on the matter.
  22. I don't have a problem with the flashes medically, but I do have to say that the first time I've seen it (especially in PoF with the "Unstable Magic" legendaries) it was kind of funny/cute.After that though, it was more of an "enough is enough" that I couldn't see what I was doing. The only good part mostly was I'm 90% of a ranged person than anything, but being away from everyone keeps me away from heals and boons and also would make it harder to be revived if anything happen so when the person leading say "Stack" I'm kind of having to and now it's a game of mash 1 2 3 4 5 with the occasional F-keys (depending on class of course) and 7 8 9 0 (once again depending on class).I can't use my healing skill because whenever I get hit to get down, it's almost instant as I... can't see... past the lights of the gods or whatever the hell it is that's coming out of those enemies.
  23. Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there. Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount. Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted. Except for like 1 champ in HoT, they don't die instantly.For PoF, while I have been to some of those trains (mainly because the characters I bought were like level 20 to level 50 so... they couldn't do it on their own)... they are pretty much doable as one person if you don't have to worry too much on random enemy aggro around the Hero Points, or better yet with 2 or 3 people. So what I'm wondering is which hero points are you talking about? I'm talking about core Tyria, I was playing SW and champs there die to mounted players before unmounted can catch up for the most part. The problem would only then be that those on mounts just got there, but the Champions were dying quickly due to their attacks and not because the mount.Before mounts I've seen many times where I see an enemy and I try to reach it in time, but I got there when it's at 50% or less and the hp just melted away and dies inches away from me.And I would assume you mean just the little random ones and not the actual meta or the Legendaries that give titles/masteries as I've never seen those things die so fast unless someone calls out "Legend here" and then people just melt it like they're the kitten sun on a snowflake. Well, it's one example. Keeping up with the zerg is more difficult if you don't have a mount. Mounts also, over power low level map enemies which make it harder on new players to tag enemies. Point is mounts are a problem in core Tyria....but nothing is likely to change, still they do cause problems to unmounted players and it just goes to show that Anet didn't think the mounts through. Can you speficially tell me which low level enemies because I would hope you don't mean the fodder enemies that there's an abundance of in like the starter maps that I already can 1 shot myself without a mount? I remember someone telling everyone "Let's all get on raptor and see if we can one shot the Fire Element" in Metrica."I didn't think it would work, but I decided to give it a go.Not even 5% of the hp dropped from the Raptor attacks.
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