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Ayumi Spender.1082

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Everything posted by Ayumi Spender.1082

  1. I'm starting to think that the argument is about "racing"."This person can get to this 1st""This person can get to this boss 1st""This person can go loot this 1st""This person can get to this vista 1st""This person can get to the other side of this without waypointing 1st""This person can get to point G from point A 1st" (Which could also be the same for gliders) Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there. Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount. Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted. Except for like 1 champ in HoT, they don't die instantly.For PoF, while I have been to some of those trains (mainly because the characters I bought were like level 20 to level 50 so... they couldn't do it on their own)... they are pretty much doable as one person if you don't have to worry too much on random enemy aggro around the Hero Points, or better yet with 2 or 3 people. So what I'm wondering is which hero points are you talking about? I'm talking about core Tyria, I was playing SW and champs there die to mounted players before unmounted can catch up for the most part.The problem would only then be that those on mounts just got there, but the Champions were dying quickly due to their attacks and not because the mount.Before mounts I've seen many times where I see an enemy and I try to reach it in time, but I got there when it's at 50% or less and the hp just melted away and dies inches away from me.And I would assume you mean just the little random ones and not the actual meta or the Legendaries that give titles/masteries as I've never seen those things die so fast unless someone calls out "Legend here" and then people just melt it like they're the damn sun on a snowflake.
  2. Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there. Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount. Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted.Except for like 1 champ in HoT, they don't die instantly.For PoF, while I have been to some of those trains (mainly because the characters I bought were like level 20 to level 50 so... they couldn't do it on their own)... they are pretty much doable as one person if you don't have to worry too much on random enemy aggro around the Hero Points, or better yet with 2 or 3 people. So what I'm wondering is which hero points are you talking about?
  3. Why aren't they still hard? Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny. did you not read all what i said? Saving time isn't advantageous if ya'll having competition or a race or something sure but other then that i think your view point is struggling to justify the means of an advantage lol. In other words you are just making up craziness to create a new type of advantage because lets be honest someone saving time isn't an advantage at all they not hurting your play time if you think you are wasting time doing vistas then don't do them. No one forcing you to play the game or the side stuff within.Or once again can get the mounts by just getting the bloody red dye expansion.
  4. Here's the thing I don't understand with your kind of people though.I've seen this in many forums with games on "Why did they add insert something or option or weapon in this game? It was already easy and now they're just making it easier and making people lazy and blah blah blah." Here's the thing... like the Vistas. Who the hell say you need to use the Mounts? In PoF they are needed so that's a whole different story.In the core game you don't. No one putting a pistol in your mouth and say "Use them or I will cause bleed to you... and maybe daze and cripple..."You can still do those "easy vistas" the normal way. You can still do the jumping puzzles that allow mounts (or gliders) the normal way too.If people want to do it, they can. Those that don't want to? Use the mounts. With or without mounts I find level 2 enemies a joke as they die in 1 hit 95% of the time. I'm not going to whine and say they're too easy. Same as I find many normal enemies easy to go through with mounts or just blasting through them with dual pistols as a thief. Am I having fun? Yes. That's all that matters as long as I'm not messing with someone elses fun. And those that say mounts attack is too strong, I've already addressed that in the topic so I won't go through that again, but the only way I see someone can tamper with someone elses experience is if they deliberately followed a new/low level player and went and killed everything on purpose before they get to them. That I would say is not right. I don't know if reporting would work for that, but that's not how the game should be played. The problem though is someone can do the same exact thing without mounts if they're ranged. Whether Magic, Pistols, Bows, whatever. There's people who go out of their way to make things challenging. That's good. If you want to test yourself in things, do it. Though, if someone has a way to get to something easier than you you can't say "Well I don't like it and don't want to use it, so you shouldn't use it too." That sounds kind of unfair than anything else someone would try to counter with. You can say the same with gliders. You got to a high point where a vista is. You made it. Yaaaaaaay. But wait... how do you get down? You see a point of interest a couple of meters north from you, but the waypoint is far from that location. Oh... I got a glider so I can go to that area with no problem. The thing is... you don't need to use the glider. Maybe slowly make your way back down, or as I said... waypoint. Even if you have the glider, you don't need to use it outside of HoT. And while yeah I don't understand certain things Arenanet does, like the nerfing of that souleater, but if it allows people to get through the game and enjoy it... so be it.In those cases, the nerf effects everyone though I would say because now anyone that fights it, fights the easier form. That is completely different than an item/utility.Next you will tell me that those infinite gathering tools are wrong and shouldn't exist?No I don't own any of those gathering tools that's infinite in the gem store, but I don't see a problem in it. You could easily say, "They could just stock up on those pickaxes or just head to the guild hall or just go into the pvp lobby or wait until they get to a merchant that has them or...." and so on and so forth. Once again... they don't need to use it. Games have options and choices for difficulty and gameplay. You play one way, someone plays another.Don't force people to do things how you do it just because "I like it this way." I don't like playing Scourge as I find it unfun and I like Shroud. Can say Shroud make it "easier" because of the 2nd life bar but.... don't care. That's how I want to play.Play Scourge if you want, not for me. Not going to play it. The end.
  5. How does a mount make Core Tyria pointless?Is there nothing to do on the maps suddenly? I think you can just go through the map like it's nothing.Kind of like what people do with waypoints since.... whenever. I never use waypoints unless I truly needed to get somewhere fast or the map is mega frustrating.Now I use waypoints almost never because of mounts. So to me mounts added more to do on the maps than less.
  6. I mean if you're not into exploring and doing random things on maps, that's their choice.Probably WvW and PvP is for them.
  7. By the way, that useless money you have?I'll gladly take some of that trash off your hands. I'll gladly dispose of it for you.My wallet is an incinerator.
  8. This was a major problem the first couple of days after the launch, when the instances refused to load on some servers. So none of the players on those could get beyond Crystal Desert, at least not without getting mesmers to help them get to the raptor 3+ masteries. Now? Not such a problem anymore, so I dunno why this thread keeps going. Strange as I think I got Raptor to 3 from Oasis.I do remember trying to get into Riverlands and kept getting kicked out of the game every time and being brought back to the Oasis and geting pissed off.
  9. Please tell me this is a joke topic. I was able to max out every single Mastery, I'm missing a few... not sure how many have 15 laying around right now.in HoT I have only Glider completed and the others maybe up to upgrade 4 or so and I only have 5 mastery points left. I find the other HoT masteries really hard to get (I can't get any adventure ones from Auric Basin and onward for example)
  10. yeah because Fishing would be any different than Gathering...
  11. You are mistaken. The Account Name is the email address associated with your account. Display Name is the name everyone sees, thus the 'display' designation. As JustTrogdor stated, there have been, and probably won't be, any plans to allow a change of Display Name. One of the reasons is it causes a bug within the game, and can make sending mail and friend's lists/guild member lists wonky. Within the game? Or just on here? On here yeah, I see the name, but in game I pretty much see the name of the character the person logs in as.Like if their account is "Buffalo Zojja.5309" but their characters is "Dark Lord Avius" and "Butterball Kuribo", if they're on and talking I would either see Avius or Kuribo.The only time I see the "display name" is if I go into the friendlist or if they're in the guild and I highlight the character or something to let me know who is who.
  12. So not the character name right?If so, it's not the "display name". It's your account name. Not sure why you would need to change that.
  13. That's what I thought. So they couldn't even turn gold into gems to try and get those extras of someone who bought GW2 before it went free to play.They would still have to buy gems... or the expansion... or gems to buy the expansion.
  14. I heard you can't convert gold to gems if you're a completely free account.
  15. Minus a few business practices, I find GW2 set up for things are almost perfect.No subscription, no "premium accounts", you get to experience the whole game (game, not expansion) to your whim. The most restrictions are like shouts in chat, mailing items, certain AH items, and so on and so forth.If you give a little (as in buy the upgraded core game), you gain something... or if you get either of the expansions you gain something PLUS more of the game that was... well expanded on. I felt the same with glider (Well not THIS bad) where I would see people with a glider and I wish I had one because I had to try and find my way down from things without dying or certain jumps/gaps were not possible for me.Hell, I still feel the same way in places like WVW as I have no glider there and I only play WvW like once every coming of Jesus or so... but I know that if I wanted it badly, I would go and get it. I haven't bought a game in a long time (think the last game I bought was a year or 2 ago), so I see no problem simply spending a little money onto this game that I know I'm playing quite a bit lately.And if "Core Players" been playing for quite a while too, you can't expect upgrades to come for free.
  16. Seeing how my Mirage can dash into enemies with the axe and make a 2nd form of myself and then make me and the clone vanish and come out of no where and attack which causes that enemy(ies) to start attack each other due to confusion at times... I say the whole "Sanity is just a Mirage" works well.
  17. Because people who did this with ranged attacks didn't do this from the very damn beginning before mounts.Solution is wait for those people to finish whatever they're doing and then go about your business after they dash away on a raptor. I guess you should nerf longbows too, and thief pistols, and many other things that were pulled, knocked, killed, or obliterated before I could get a few steps towards them.One of the longest renown hearts I had to do at a low level is in Caledon Forest where you have to kill some of those Nightmare Courts that's coming to attack the small village.Anyone with range would just kill everything, which would leave me sitting there waiting until they were done. I'm not pissed because I got it done.
  18. Did a quick check and it's way cheaper. Can get 20 more bag space for way cheaper than a 12 bag space boost from a 32 slot bag.
  19. I remember when I had no expansion and I was looking for a way to reach a Vista and saw someone glide to it, used it, and then glided away.I just went "I wish I had one."NOW I DO! Also this topic been done like 3 times before (I say 3 times as there were separate ones like this).One about the mounts unfair to Free players, one about they should make one for the core game for free players to use, and I will assume the disadvantage you mean is the "MOUNTS TOO OP IN CORE TYRIA!" topic situation.
  20. As an ally to do your bidding.I'm not seeing insane, I'm seeing genius.(in before thin line between the two and blah blah blah).
  21. I don't know.People usually call me crazy for having a huge fascination with the dead and spirits all my life.
  22. Every time I see that I wonder what's wrong with human males.They look like they're playing with their imaginary fingernails like something is wrong with them or something.
  23. Make these Gem items please as I don't want my character looking like this.Her idle right now is close to my idle in real life.
  24. No I didn't know that ... THANKS! Yeah, when I learn that you could hotkey them all, I kind of wanted that little thing removed actually... lol. Is that the new 'First'? ???? I think they're trying to let them know that we are all on the same page. This topic never made it to page 2.
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