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Some Call Me Tim.2319

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Everything posted by Some Call Me Tim.2319

  1. You want a place where rangers aren't scorned? Especially soulbeasts? Come to SoS.. oh wait we're full! :( But you could come to the linked server, (currently SoR). People that scorn rangers with zergs have a faulty way of thinking. Yes I agree that if all you want is to go out and fight in the field forever then you don't want a big squad of rangers... but they DO (at least mine does) a huge amount of damage to a lot of people at once (despite what non ranger players say), and cleaving downs is a great function from the outside of the fight. I also have a decent amount of survivability.... when I'm not targeted that is! lol People see Platinum and above and love to mob them for some reason. Let's move to the other parts of WvW. Believe it or not WvW is not all about the fights. We actually capture towers and Keeps. Inside these structures is siege, and even with the nasty changes ANet has done to make it harder to 'see' over the wall I can still take down siege that's hitting our group. Add a few more rangers and siege doesn't last more than a minute or two. We are able to get in quicker and alive. Remove all the rangers and try to rely on an ele or two and tell me how well that goes. Ele's can't range like rangers can, they can't fire into a group and hit 5 targets at once and so on... and they can't put out the sustained damage that my ranger can. If you're good at ranger then nobody I know on my server is going to deny you entry into a squad. Look me up in game and we can chat more if you are serious. Move to SoR then if SoS ever opens you can move here. :) My ign: Tim Pearces Hearts aka balthazzarr.1349
  2. Alliances are groups of guilds not individuals like guilds. I highly doubt, and hope not, that there will be the ability to be in multiple alliances... that simply makes no sense.
  3. That's what I call an exaggeration. You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten? Anecdotal evidence with no relevant data to support your claim. There is nothing wrong with sharing your personal experience however it's considered a good taste not to present it as a fact.What he’s saying was an absolute fact at one point. In the first couple of years of this game gold spammers were are regular thing. Not just daily but several times a day. This is not anecdotal coming from me. This is first hand experience.
  4. Younger ? nahh.. I'm 61 and kicking butt in the pavilion. It's possible that you need to make some adjustments on whatever build you're running on whatever class you have? I'm not kidding or trying to be a smart"butt".... metabattle . com has good builds for all areas of the game. At the very least they're real good to get started with something decent that you can then alter to suit your play style or game area. Just my thoughts ;)
  5. heck I guess when I’m tagged doing what’s known as ppt people might think I’m in for the points but I’m not. I run pugs mostly and get all the pips and fun I can for them. For me... I don’t care about points ever. Just the fun of taking everything we can and wp mastery is used to go back for more if we wipe. ?
  6. No... the only members that will count will be the ones that have the guild flagged as their WvW guild. Anyone who doesn't have a WvW guild indicated for their account won't be counted in the WvW numbers etc.
  7. After reading the original announcement over a couple times, and going over the FAQ's here, I frankly can barely wait for this new system to be implemented. ANY system is going to have its pitfalls, but this one is one that obviously has borne the weight of a large amount of planning sessions and so on. imo.. Good job ANet. Looking forward to pounding WvW (and yes ROAMING and HAVOC all the way)!
  8. This is the boat I find myself in, I'm on Isle of Janthir and have been for some time, since I transferred here to play with guildies (back before mega-servers when guilds were server specific) who all then left. But I have always considered my original server, Sanctum of Rall to be my home server and if I were getting a title to reflect my home I'd want it to be that one. Which leaves me with a quandary, I and a bunch of current guildies have been working on coordinating a server transfer to group up for WvW.Doing so would leave me on Crystal Desert, but it sounds like I'll need to transfer to SoR to be on my "home" server when Ragnarok happens and titles (whatever they end up being) are handed out. (I would really hate to get the title for the wrong server, honestly) Could we be given good advance warning beforehand, so we can make sure if we are among those who really care that we're on the right server?Would be really nice to be able to transfer home for free (would make it easier to justify paying to transfer for WvW now actually, don't want to pay twice).Or heck just be given a dialogue where we can designate "Home" without having to transfer, that would be even better. Overall I like the concept, and a lot of guildies are suddenly interested in WvW because they'd be able to play with guildmates without having to transfer (lots more beyond the small group considering transferring now) Servers as we know it will not exist anymore. They will be generating names for the groupings at they go. Basically every WvW guild/alliance will be up for "re-linking" each cycle. Your IOJ, BP, BG, SoS, etc... won't exist anymore. Transferring to any server won't make any difference when/if they implement these new changes since those servers will simply disappear. Simply put, from what I can see... this will really become Guild Wars. Guilds and Alliances working together to fight other Guilds and Alliances. No more server stacking, just what looks like a more granular way for ANet to "rebalance" things each cycle while allowing friends and guilds an easier way to stay together. I still see a possible exposure where a bunch of large guilds will be able to form alliances with each other and simply rule WvW by over-running the smaller alliances. Don't think that won't happen because if I can think of it (and my guild has 3 active wvw people in it) then I'm sure people like BG and other servers that have huge wvw guilds are already making their alliance plans. :P
  9. They haven't decided to do this yet. If you read the announcement carefully they are pretty clear that this is an idea that's still in the design stages even... and if they get enough negative feedback they simply will just keep the current linking. They are also looking for feedback and suggestions etc etc so that if they actually DO go ahead with this then it would be with lots of input from the folks here.
  10. I have to say I'm pretty happy with this design. Sure there will likely be issues and so on but what it really will do is put EVERYONE on an even playing field. We won't have hosts and linked servers getting used to each other over and over again and all that goes with that. But we WILL have not just guilds that can mark themselves as WvW but also Alliance guilds that we can group with and so on. For someone like me that has a very small guild and loves havoc it means I can form an alliance with the guild(s) of my choice and, if it works as it looks like it should, be able to play with most, if not all, of my friends when timing permits. One interesting wrinkle I see in this potentially is... what if a bunch of big guilds decide to become allies and fight together? For example maybe something like 4 or 5 guilds that already have regularly 30-50 people in wvw. Imagine the blob that would create. I don't think there are a huge amount of real large guilds in wvw (I could be wrong), but for those large ones that are there... if they decided to become alliances then I can see big problems trying to balance the new worlds out since ANet has said that guilds and their allied partners would be on the same world. THIS is the biggest potential problem and it could actually be the show stopper.. in my opinion.
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