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Posts posted by Zuko.7132

  1. The power coefficients are ridiculously low for the amount of investment the burst skills require. 2 seconds of stationary charging followed by a half second cast time is required to reach maximum coefficient.


    Dragon Slash Force

    1. Minimum: .535
    2. Maximum: 1.295 (2.5 seconds to pull off)


    Dragon Slash Boost

    1. Minimum: .429
    2. Maximum: 1.037


    Dragon Slash Reach

    1. Minimum: .375
    2. Maximum: .9075


    Here are the coefficients for core wars primary power weapon bursts for comparison so you can see how bad these are. All of these skills come out much faster.



    1. Tier 1: 1.333 (Already stronger than the strongest Dragon Slash at max charge.)
    2. Tier 2: 1.666
    3. Tier 3: 2.0


    Arcing  Slice

    1. Above 50%: 1.213 (stronger than all but max charge Force
    2. Below 50%: 1.82 (far and away stronger.)


    I think the eviscerate coefficients are a good guide line. 2.0 for max Force. 1.666 for max Boost. 1.333 for max Reach.


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 9
    • Confused 1
  2. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @Zuko.7132 said:Warrior is stuck with melee weapons if it wants to be useful. Warrior has no teleports. Warrior brings nothing unique to the team. Warrior spends more time running after enemies instead of hitting them than any other class. When the warrior does hit it should at least hurt. This is not the case currently.

    because people will complain about that one hit hitting too much.

    I'll never understand that. I'd rather fight against a couple of clearly visible Dodge Now skills than a class that consistently farts out high damage on everything relatively equally minimizing the impact of reactive play. Anet needs to balance damage holistically. If they want to spread damage out across warrior skills fine, but a damage increase is needed regardless.

  3. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Lametoile.7394 said:I really like the sword suggestions (especially the flurry one)


    Most of these suggestions come from me having played with the weapons and felt some issues. With Sword, it was mostly that as a Condi build, skill 2 doesn't do anything above 50% life, skill 4 is weird and has Torment (While my Condi builds focus on getting 100% Bleed and Burn duration from Arms and Berserker traits that provide 33% Bleed/Burn duration respectively) and that Flurry just seems weird like... It feels like it was designed for PvP, back in 2012 before there was a million ways to break immobilize/CC/Teleport away from the attack.

    @Lametoile.7394 said:Adding projectile blocking to whirling axe would make it too powerful considering the cooldown. (Whirling cooldwown from the ranger deals nearly as much damage, but have a +10s cooldown and doesn't allow movement).

    This is a legitimate concern. Though, it's why I suggested block as opposed to reflect which the Ranger skill provides.

    It's also worth noting that Ranger's skill also provides Retaliation and Vulnerability, while Warrior's one is just damage. Which could contribute to the cooldown discrepancy.

    @Lametoile.7394 said:I admit axe lacks defense, which is the purpose, so that it shines in damage. I would personnaly suggest a projectile reflection on cyclone axe.

    This could be a solution. Though, personally I have concerns that the skill might end up feeling a bit overloaded? What with being a major source of damage, plus Fury, plus Vulnerability and a whirl finisher as is, adding Proj reflect on top might make it seem a little bloated?

    @Lametoile.7394 said:Should hammer gets more damage? I let others tell

    Well, damage is the main thing it's missing. It has CC in spades. It just doesn't really have the damage to back it up to make it an effective weapon. So I figure maybe increase the auto attack damage if you're maintaining Weakness, so it can deal damage but it's not going to be bursting too hard (Which could happen if the damage of its Burst skill or Fierce Blow were buffed)

    @Lametoile.7394 said:And finally the beloved greatsword...We all agree that movement restriction is annoying. But allowing movement would somehow affect the feeling of the skill.

    I dunno. The number of times that I've pressed 2 and then tried to run through a pack of mobs is so high I've lost count. It just doesn't feel like the sort of skill that should keep you in place (Especially given how mobile the rest of GS is, with skill 3 and skill 5 providing plenty of mobility)

    That and the fact that it barely deals more DPS than auto attacks (If at all, in PvP/WvW it deals less damage than auto attacks) with its 5.83 (3.6) coefficient over 3.5 seconds vs auto attack's 2.9 (1.943) coefficient over 1.5 seconds (That's 5.8/3.886 coefficient over 3 seconds) suggests it really doesn't deserve its self root.

    Wait it really deals less than autos in pvp? I need to stop using it.

    You were still trying to use it?

    For the math disinclined that coefficient ratio vs cast time is 1.666/1.029 for 100B (PvE/Comp). The AA chain actually takes 2.4 seconds not 1.5 (aftercasts yada yada wiki confirms its 2.4s) with coefficient ratio vs cast time of 1.208/0.81 (PvE/Comp). BUT the AA chain puts Vulnerability on the first two hits, so if you include that then the AA chain comes out to 1.33/0.935.

    Its a 9% difference and you get to move.

    Okay so hundred blades is still better if they are cc'ed and can't move. Only 9% better, but at least it's something. It has indeed been a long time since I've mathed.

  4. @Valelutra.9128 said:Yeah we were really spoiled with communication for a couple months there. Kinda feeling like that kid who has a deadbeat parent that pops into their life for a little while and gives you a ton of attention only for them to up and disappear for months at a time with their new fling.

    Oof. Hit the nail on the head. Gw2 has given so many poor children abandonment issues.

  5. @Taril.8619 said:

    @Lametoile.7394 said:I really like the sword suggestions (especially the flurry one)


    Most of these suggestions come from me having played with the weapons and felt some issues. With Sword, it was mostly that as a Condi build, skill 2 doesn't do anything above 50% life, skill 4 is weird and has Torment (While my Condi builds focus on getting 100% Bleed and Burn duration from Arms and Berserker traits that provide 33% Bleed/Burn duration respectively) and that Flurry just seems weird like... It feels like it was designed for PvP, back in 2012 before there was a million ways to break immobilize/CC/Teleport away from the attack.

    @Lametoile.7394 said:Adding projectile blocking to whirling axe would make it too powerful considering the cooldown. (Whirling cooldwown from the ranger deals nearly as much damage, but have a +10s cooldown and doesn't allow movement).

    This is a legitimate concern. Though, it's why I suggested block as opposed to reflect which the Ranger skill provides.

    It's also worth noting that Ranger's skill also provides Retaliation and Vulnerability, while Warrior's one is just damage. Which could contribute to the cooldown discrepancy.

    @Lametoile.7394 said:I admit axe lacks defense, which is the purpose, so that it shines in damage. I would personnaly suggest a projectile reflection on cyclone axe.

    This could be a solution. Though, personally I have concerns that the skill might end up feeling a bit overloaded? What with being a major source of damage, plus Fury, plus Vulnerability and a whirl finisher as is, adding Proj reflect on top might make it seem a little bloated?

    @Lametoile.7394 said:Should hammer gets more damage? I let others tell

    Well, damage is the main thing it's missing. It has CC in spades. It just doesn't really have the damage to back it up to make it an effective weapon. So I figure maybe increase the auto attack damage if you're maintaining Weakness, so it can deal damage but it's not going to be bursting too hard (Which could happen if the damage of its Burst skill or Fierce Blow were buffed)

    @Lametoile.7394 said:And finally the beloved greatsword...We all agree that movement restriction is annoying. But allowing movement would somehow affect the feeling of the skill.

    I dunno. The number of times that I've pressed 2 and then tried to run through a pack of mobs is so high I've lost count. It just doesn't feel like the sort of skill that should keep you in place (Especially given how mobile the rest of GS is, with skill 3 and skill 5 providing plenty of mobility)

    That and the fact that it barely deals more DPS than auto attacks (If at all, in PvP/WvW it deals less damage than auto attacks) with its 5.83 (3.6) coefficient over 3.5 seconds vs auto attack's 2.9 (1.943) coefficient over 1.5 seconds (That's 5.8/3.886 coefficient over 3 seconds) suggests it really doesn't deserve its self root.

    Wait it really deals less than autos in pvp? I need to stop using it.

  6. I read your guys comments on not moving the cc traits to tactics. I think that's fair. Do you think stay in strength but move the hammer to the same spot as gs trait to provide an alternative weapon trait? I don't see gs and hammer being taken together anytime soon. Also I meant to say arms for the ranged trait. I promise I'm not obsessed with tactics lol. I think having some traits not require landing a burst is fair. Adjust numbers accordingly if needed.

  7. In pvp, warrior excels at nothing. Sub par damage. Sub par sustain. Sub par support. Just sub par.Here's my rework to try and bring warrior back. I'm only going to comment on what I have ideas for how to fix. All numbers are negotiable. Not every change has to be made if they make warrior too powerful collectively. These are just some options.

    Trait Lines Section

    Base Profession Changes

    1. Fast hands is baseline.
    2. Burst recharge is six seconds by default.


    1. Brave Stride: Reckless Dodge inflicts 2 seconds of cripple and gives you 2 seconds of swiftness if you hit. Self explanatory. Current version is useless in prolonged fights.
    2. Restorative Strength: Keep as is with the might, but add five seconds of retaliation.
    3. Body Blow: I believe the cc play style traits should be moved to tactics. Change to give five stacks of vuln for five seconds of 3 seconds of fury for landing reckless dodge.
    4. Great Fortitude: Useless. Change to give 2 seconds of protection and 2 second of resistance on heal.
    5. Merciless Hammer: This trait will be moved to tactics. Replace with Healer's Retribution. Gain 3 seconds of quickness, fury, and swiftness on heal.

    Arms (This is a mess)I'm gonna leave this for me to fill in at a later date.


    1. Thick Skin: 5% damage reduction for each stack of adrenal health. Swap places with adrenal health for clarity. Ex: Adrenal health is the first minor trait. Thick skin is the second.
    2. Spiked Armor: Gain 3 seconds of retaliation for each stack of adrenaline when you land a burst skill. Keep damage reduction. Remove icd.
    3. Armored Attack: Gain 2 seconds of protection upon landing a burst skill. No change for the amount of adrenaline stacks, always 2 seconds.
    4. Sundering Mace: Change to affect all cc's not just maces. Keep mace cooldown reduction.
    5. Lesser Endure Pain: Delete this trait. Replace with Break the Chains: Gain 2 seconds of protection and inflict area weakness for 2 seconds when you break a stun.
    6. Last Stand: Remove auto balanced stance proc. Reduce stance cooldown by 20%. Stances grant retaliation and vigor for 5 seconds and last 25% longer.
    7. Cleansing Ire: Keep as is, but have bursts remove blind on cast.


    1. Martial Cadence doesn't need an icd if it requires landing a burst skill. Remove it.
    2. Empowered: Change to soldier's focus grants fury and swiftness to allies for three seconds.
    3. Warriors cunning: Replace with merciless hammer. Remove the adrenaline gain.
    4. Martial Cadence: Delete. Replace with Crowd Control Champion: CC's inflict three seconds of weakness and cripple. Gain 10 Adrenaline on cc. 3 sec idc for the adrenaline.

    Discipline1.Fast Hands: Old version is baseline. New version is gain 2 seconds of swiftness on weapon swap.

    1. Crack shot should be moved somewhere into tactics.
    2. Heightened Focus: Keep quickness and icd the same, but activate on landing a burst.
    3. Vengeful return should change, but I don't what to right now.



    1. Hundred Blades needs to be a bit more rewarding. Barely does more than the auto attack.
    2. Rush needs its pathing fixed.


    1. Eviscerate needs to do more damage. It's sad right now. I say tier three damage baseline. This will still be less than arcing slice with gs trait under 50%. Apply, 2, 4, 6 stacks of might based on adrenaline.
    2. Throw axe needs its pathing fixed.
    3. Dual strike should give 1 second of quickness per strike instead of half.
    4. Whirling axe should reflect and give retaliation.


    1. It's fine, but can we maybe get shield bash damage back please?


    1. Can we get f1 damage back?
    2. The auto attack chain is too slow. Speed it up a little.
    3. Counter blow should keep blocking unless they enter melee range.
    4. Crushing blow needs to apply cripple and do more damage.
    5. Tremor needs a faster projectile speed.


    1. Hyrbrid doesn't work. Pick power or condi and rework. I vote condi, we have enough power options.
    2. The burst needs a total rework.


    1. The burst needs to do more burning and proc more regularly.
    2. Arcing arrow needs to apply some burning and maybe a 1 second daze. Longbow needs a way to get people off of it if they are being focused.

    Rifle1.Auto needs some more damage.

    1. Brutal shot needs to evade as it shoots like thief and ranger shortbow does.


    1. Either give the autos more damage or give the cc skills some damage back.

    UtilitiesTo be Filled in Later

  8. This really is a terrible change. If you're fighting it there is a yellow circle that shows you where to walk out of or exactly when to dodge. Dodge when the small circle expands to meet the large one. It's as telegraphed as a raid boss circle attack. Not to mention the one second delay.

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