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Posts posted by Zuko.7132

  1. 1 hour ago, Lighter.5631 said:

    lol, not just competitive

    pve it's a bust.

    no one touches banner even after 2 changes.

    power bladesworn beats all other power specs, rendering all other power spec useless with no distinguishable gameplay.

    why would would you play 4 when you have 1 that's better and practically the same to others.


    at least power spec on other specs provide different stuff and play differently

    Ya, as far as pve goes, I don't understand why every spec is power dps. Obviously one will be best, but it's worse than that. One is miles and miles better. The others don't come close.

    • Like 4
  2. 7 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    Really clever use of tying multiple traits to apply/grant effects based on vulnerability, especially since vuln benefits both power and condi builds, and arms is essentially a hybrid trait line.  Great ideas!


    Regarding burst precision:

    @DanAlcedo.3281 had suggested something like this previously. This is my take inspired by him:


    Burst skills gain+100% crit chance.

    Gain +5% critical chance (15s) for each bar of adrenaline spent. Max 3 stacks (Think: a precision version of Berserker's Power).

    Ya, I thought vuln was perfect for arms due to its hybrid nature. It seems like anet agrees to some degree since they already put sundering burst in there, but I wanted to double down on that. Also, trait interactions are just fun.

  3. Lan recently suggested this change for the furious trait in arms:


    Critical hits grant bonus adrenaline and gain a stacking damage effect.

      Furious Surge (10s): +1% condition damage and 1% increased critical hit damage

      Adrenaline: 1

     Stacks up to 25 times. Stacks refresh on application.


    That got me thinking that arms as a whole should be hybrid with a theme of crit chance and vulnerability with options for both power and condi. Not sure what the numbers should be, so I'm just using variables for now and if I don't, all number are up for debate.


    Minor Traits

    1. Furious Burst: This is pretty decent, especially after the crit chance increase.
    2. Deep Strikes: 50% chance on crit to apply X seconds of vulnerability. Vulnerability you apply lasts 25% longer.
    3. Bloodlust: Steal life when you apply vulnerability. X life steal per stack.


    Tier 1 Traits

    1. Wounding Precision: Apply X seconds of torment when you apply vulnerability. This would be the condition option.
    2. Opportunist: Gain 3 seconds of Fury on a critical hit and gain 3 adrenaline 5 second cooldown. Fury grants X condition damage and X ferocity. This is the option if you need more fury, want to run condi without vuln focus or power without signet focus, or just hybrid.
    3. Signet Mastery: Already good. Power option.


    Tier 2 Traits

    1. Sundering Burst: This is already decent and will be better with the new vuln focus. Will provide a condi burst through wounding precision and added sustain for all builds through lifesteal.
    2. Unsuspecting Foe: Gain X% crit chance against vulnerable foes. Disabling a foe applies X Vulnerability. Shouldn't provide as much vuln as sundering burst but should be a more aggressive option for power builds through increased crit chance.
    3. Blademaster: Gain 120 expertise and condition damage. Double these bonuses when wielding a sword. Reduce sword cooldowns and apply X burning when immobilizing a foe. Should provide more damage then the torment from sundering burst, since it will lose the lifesteal and only work with immob. Should have synergy with longbow pindown too. Sword will still need a rework.


    Tier 3 Traits

    1. Burst Precision: Burst skills have 100% chance to crit and provide 2, 4, 6 seconds of X% crit chance after landing a burst based on adrenaline level. Should enable warriors to run stuff like valkyrie if they want in combination with furious burst, opportunitst, and unsuspecting foe.
    2. Furious: Credit to Lan Deathrider. Critical hits grant 1 bonus adrenaline and a stacking effect that refreshes upon application. Stacks up to 25 times.   Furious Surge (10s): +1% condition damage and 1% increased critical hit damage. This will be the max damage option for both condi and power.
    3. Dual Wielding: I hate this trait. Replace with Precision Expert. After you gain fury, your next attacks applies X vuln. This would be the sustain trait through lifesteal as well as party utility by providing more vuln for your team.


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    • Confused 1
  4. Anet's current stance is bugsworn or bust. Ideally arms and defense would be reworked. Tier 2 and 3 bursts would be buffed for core. Berserker would gain access to tier 1 bursts outside of berserk mode and have berserk be an f2. Toughness penalty for berserk would be removed. Spellbreaker would have boon removal ramped up and given a decent amount of damage back on fullcounter. Hundred blades would have its cast time shortened, and our useless utilities would be looked at. Sadly that seems like an unachievable dream.

    • Like 6
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    • Sad 3
  5. Warrior's should be the melee nightmare. All we are is big boys with a sharp or heavy thing on a stick. We don't have a bunch of utility or teleports or fancy tricks, but it should be a really bad idea to just stand there with a warrior and go toe to toe. As such, I suggest buffing warrior auto attacks to become more dangerous the longer you sit there and trade blows. This should apply to all weapons, but I'm using greatsword and axe as examples, since they are our standard power dps weapons. Essentially I want back the scary axe auto from way back when, but applied to warrior as a whole.


    Axe Auto Chain (Competitive)

    1. Cast Time: 3.6 seconds
    2. Coefficients: .47, 1.0, 1.0, 1.06
    3. Coefficient Per Second: .98


    Greatsword Auto Chain (Competitive)

    1. Cast Time: 2.4 seconds
    2. Coefficients: .469, .6365, .8375
    3. Coefficient Per Second: .809


    I think the initial damage should stay how it is, but I want to make it so that the longer you just sit there and auto back and forth with a warrior, the worse of an idea it becomes. As such, I suggest buffing the second chain hit by a bit, and buffing the final hit by a good margin. The numbers are up for debate, but you should know that the master of weapons has the biggest stick.

    • Like 2
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  6. In pvp heightened focus gives 2.5 secs of personal quickness on a 15 second cooldown with an under 50% enemy activation. 

    Tactics gives a 3 sec aoe quickness with a 10 sec cooldown on landing a burst.


    Doesn’t make sense does it?


    Problem 1: Less quickness longer cooldown.

    Problem 2: Activation condition means it’s useless most of the time, and you have no control over it.

    Problem 3: Less quickness and it’s single target not aoe.

    Proposed Solution: Tie it to weapon swap. Reduce duration to 2 seconds. Personal quickness should be more frequent than aoe quickness. If you weapon-swapped on cooldown this would be 2 secs of quickness every five seconds, or 4 seconds over 10 seconds, compared to 3 seconds aoe over 10 seconds.

    • Like 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    If they did an F2 it should be related to the OH weapon, or as a secondary burst for 2 handers. Things like Warhorn and Shield would be defensive and could do what you mentioned.

    That would be ideal, but I doubt it would ever happen due to having create multiple new skills. This requires only one new skill. I would prefer your idea, but I figured I'd ask for something they might actually do.

  8. Both of these specs are dogdoodoo in pvp. This could be the buff they need.


    The F2 should be defensive for core war to give core war more of a bruiser role while berserker is all out dps.


    I recommend giving resistance, resolution, protection, and one stack of stab. Duration is based on adrenaline level. 15 sec cooldown. Instant cast. Probably 2, 4, 6 second duration based on adrenaline level.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    Now, if only Charge was 15 sec CD instead of 20, denying us of our only means of removing immob outside discipline for a measly 2 sec of quickness!

    And if our warhorn trait granted reduced weapon cooldown like every other weapon trait lol

  10. Longbow got some buffs. Ya, it’s still not amazing, but I wanted to make a build for it. This is the best I’ve come up with. For the empty slot, you could take shake it off, balanced stance, frenzy, or even for great justice.



    More of a team fighter due to phalanx strength, but has lots of sustain, so it can stall a node too. Lots of condi removal through longbow cleansing ire and warhorn 5. Through runes and dogged march, you have a 58% reduction to cripple, chill, and immob, plus a 25% reduction to all condis. With Rampage, you gain resistance to ignore blinds for easy cc and you go up to 91% reduction to cripple, chill, and immob. You won’t miss warriors sprint too much, especially with charge on warhorn.

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  11. 17 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    There actually are no rules against class stacking in ATs btw. You can run 5x Harb if you wanted to.

    But to answer your question with no class stacking, one would imagine it would be this:

    1. Support Tempest
    2. Harbinger
    3. Willbender
    4. Vindicator
    5. Specter

    However, I see ideal comps like this get strangely countered by weird comps lately. So it's kind of hard to nail down a conclusion on your question. Although I would say those 5 classes are overperforming right now, counter-comping is a very real thing now that there are so many veterans that know the game so well who can play most classes.

    I don't know why I thought there was a rule like that. Maybe I was thinking about a different tournament. That was my thought on the comp too. What are some counter comps to that if you know offhand?

  12. The Good

    1. Breaching Strike: more damage

    2. Aura Slicer: more damage

    3. Featherfoot Grace: lower cd

    4.Frenzy: lower cd

    5. Vigorous Shouts: incentive for healing power

    6. Overcharged Cartridges: cool new skill

    7. Empower Allies: synergy with might traits

    8. Dragon Slash Reach: might actually land now. Unblockable is nice, but everyone takes unblockable trait anyway.

    The Meh

    1. Martial Cadence: Removal of previous effect was unnecessary but quickness is still nice. 
    2. Longbow buffs: nice to have, but the core issues are still there.

    3. Bladestorm: more damage is nice, but still won’t be used.

    4. Electric Fence: Better but still won’t be used.

    5. Charge: Quickness is nice but too short.but the loss of damage buff and longer cooldown feels like a side grade more than an upgrade.

    6. Tactical Reload: Is this really where bs needed a buff?

    7.Defense Banner: If it pulses frequently enough, and you don’t lose weapon skills on picking up it could be good.

    8. Strength Banner: Same assumptions as defense, could be alright on phalanx strength build.



    The Bad


    1. Tactics and discipline banner: maybe discipline on a support war instead of a third shout. Maybe.

    2.Battle Standard nerfs: Why?

    3. Critical chance Buff in  arms when they said it would be accessible to power builds.

    4.Signet of Rage clarified how useless it is.


    The Ugly


    1. Zero Berserker Buffs

    2. 300 sec cooldowns still in defense.

    3. No Compensation for the resistance change to many skills.

    4. Fundamental issues unaddressed 

    5. Clear focus on pushing bladesworn.

    • Like 5
  13. Warrior is without a doubt the worst class in pvp. It had zero representation in the most recent MAT. Every other class was represented. The only semidecent spec is Bladesworn which is hard carried by healing and still a bad choice for anything other than casual ranked. It has no place in a real team. Here are some recommended changes.,


    1. Traits
      1. Strength
        1. Brave Stride: Increase stability to five seconds and add five seconds of swiftness. It’s currently useless. 
        2. Body Blow: Make it give damage back to cc skills. Maybe around a 1.0 power coefficient.
        3. Great Fortitude: Lackluster compared to other traits. Add five seconds of stability on heal. To keep heals interruptible, it only applies after the heal completes. Also adds a further stability theme with brave stride.
        4. Berserker’s Power: Currently not worth it over might makes right sustain. Change to 10% 20% and 30%.
        5. Merciless hammer: Make 20% damage increase to disabled foes global instead of just for hammer.
      2. Arms
        1. Wounding Precision: Increase Expertise based on precision to 10%. Critical hits have a 33% chance to apply 1 stack of vulnerability for 4 seconds.
        2. Opportunist: Add burst skills inflict 1 second of immob. Keep the 10 second cooldown. This should help with actually triggering the trait.
        3. Deep Strikes: Rename Precise strikes. Change to fury grants an additional ten% crit chance.
        4. Unsuspecting Foe: Add disabling a foe applies two stacks of confusion.
        5. Blademaster: Make the condition damage and expertise buff apply for each sword equipped.
        6. Bloodlust: Add life steal when you apply a bleed.
        7. Burst Precision: Burst skills have 100% crit chance. Gain 1 second of 100% crit chance for each level of adrenaline spent when landing a burst skill.
        8. Furious: Reduce maximum stacks to ten. Each stack now gives 30 condition damage. Increase critical hit chance against bleeding foes by 10%.
        9. Dual Wielding: This a pure pve trait. For pvp the attack speed could easily be increased.
      3. Defense
        1. Thick Skin: Each stack of adrenal health grants 7% damage reduction. Swap places with adrenal health.
        2. Shield Master: Increase might duration to five seconds. 1 second is useless unless just for healing procs from other traits.
        3. Dogged March: Add four second of resolution.
        4. Cull the Weak: Change health threshold to 75%
        5. Lesser Endure Pain: Replace trait with Indomitable. Gain two seconds of protection and resolution after a dodge.
        6. Armored Attack: Add 7% increased strike damage while you have resolution.
        7. Sundering Mace: Add 180 toughness while wielding a mace.
        8. Last Stand: Remove lesser balanced stance. Add six seconds of resolution and protection on stances. Decrease stance cooldowns by 20%
        9. Cleansing Ire: Gain 1, 2, 3 seconds of resistance based on adrenaline level on burst activation not hit in addition to current effects.
        10. Rousing Resilience: Add 3 seconds of resolution on breaking stun.
      4. Tactics
        1. Marching Orders: Remove ICD on soldier’s focus. Burst skill cooldowns should be enough.
        2. Roaring Reveille: Make fury default to charge. Replace with 3 seconds of quickness. Increase concentration to 180.
        3. Empowered: Also add 1% damage reduction for each boon you have.
        4. Warrior’s Cunning: Decrease health threshold to 50%. Increase damage to barrier to 25%.
      5. Discipline
        1. Fast Hands: Make Baseline. Replace with Versatile Resistance. Gain two seconds of resistance on weapon swap.
        2. Crack Shot: Make burning on longbow default. Have trait add bleeding. Make all weapon 1 ranged skills grant bonus adrenaline.
        3. Vengeful return: Gain 50% damage reduction while vengeanced.
        4. Doubled Standards: Anet is already reworking banners, so I’ll leave this alone.
        5. Destruction of the Empowered: Increase damage to 5% per boon. No one takes this over brawler’s recovery. Let’s make it worth it.
        6. Axe Mastery: add back ferocity for each axe equipped.
        7. Heightened focus: Change to gain three seconds of quickness on disabling a foe. Remove icd. Untamed has this but better and not even for a grandmaster.
      6. Berserker
        1. Decrease Berserk Cooldown to 12 seconds by default
        2. Last Blaze: Increase burning to two stacks.
        3. Blood Reaction: Add 7% of critical damage heals you.
        4. Fatal Frenzy: Remove toughness debuff. Gain five stacks of might for five seconds when landing a burst.
        5. Bloody Roar: Increase damage buff to 25%. Become immune to incoming weakness while in Berserk.
      7. Spellbreaker
        1. Pure Strike: Add critical hits steal a boon. 5 sec icd.
        2. Dispelling Force: Change to boon steal. Prioritize stability.
        3. Loss Aversion: Increase boon removal damage.
        4. Slow Counter: Increase slow to 3 seconds. Add three seconds of weakness.
        5. Sun and Moon Style: Reduce dagger cooldowns by 20%. Deal 15% damage to boonless foes and heal when you steal a boon. No icd. Buffs apply even when not wielding daggers.
        6. Enchantment Collapse: When you steal or remove a boon, steal an additional boon from all nearby foes.
        7. Revenge Counter: Remove damage buff. Increase resistance to three seconds and gain three seconds of resolution. Increase daze duration to two seconds.
      8. Bladesworn
        1. Dragon Triggers all need more damage.
        2. Blooming fire needs more damage.
        3. Unseen Sword: Increase damage.
        4. Dragonscale Defense: Change icd to 8 seconds.
        5. Immortal Dragon: Add resistance and resolution. Make heal based on charges spent not damage dealt.
        6. Daring Dragon: Make it increase the damage of dragon trigger.





    1. Weapons
      1. Condi
        1. Sword Main Hand
          1. Add 1 stack of torment to the final auto.
          2. Savage Leap: Add two stacks of bleed and two stacks of torment for six seconds.
          3.  Final Thrust: Add 6 stacks of bleed when above 50% hp for 8 seconds. Make 4 stacks of burning and 4 stacks of bleed when blow 50%.
        2. Sword Off Hand
          1. Impale: Add a four second immobilize on hit. Add three stacks of torment for 8 seconds on rip effect.
          2. Riposte: Do not auto counter on melee attack. Block for full effect. If an attack is blocked provide counter attack skill for five seconds after blocking.
        3. Mace Main Hand (Do to mace being condi on zerker and the core burst no longer doing power damage, I suggest making it condi. I suggest confusion due to fitting blunt force.)
          1. Auto Chain: Add 1 stack of confusion for six seconds to all autos with two on the final hit.
          2. Counter Blow: Do not auto counter on melee attack. Block for full effect. If an attack is blocked provide counter skill for five seconds after blocking. Add three stacks of confusion for 8 seconds to counter skill.
          3. Skull Crack: Add 2, 4, 6 stacks of confusion based on burst level.
        4. Longbow
          1. Dual Shot: Make burning default instead of from trait.
          2. Fan of Fire: Tighten spread of shots.
          3. Arcing Arrow: Add three stacks of burn for five seconds. Possibly add a 1 second daze so longbow has some more defense.
          4. Combustive Shot: Make it pulse burn every second instead of once every three seconds. Make it blind on initial hit and then apply a new blind every three seconds so longbow has defense.
      2. Power
        1. Axe Mainhand
          1. Throw Axe: Fix pathing so it doesn't constantly miss.
          2. Eviscerate: Change power coefficient to 1.6, 1.8, 2.0. Max damage is the same. Lower levels increased. Add 3, 6, 9 might stacks on landing.
        2. Axe Offhand
          1. Dual Strike: Increase quickness duration. Axe hand off is all dps. Let's make it worth it and help set up axe five.
          2. Whirling Axe: Increase Radius to 240. Replace movespeed increase with superspeed. Add reflect. If thief can have it on the stolen item we can have it on our actual weapon.
        3. Greatsword
          1. Hundred Blades: Decrease cast time to two seconds. As it stands the dps per second is worse than auto if you miss the final hit, which you almost always will.
          2. Blade Trail: Increase projectile speed. The return hit and sometimes even the initial hit are way too easy to walk out of.
        4. Hammer
          1. Autos: Increase damage. Lack of damage due to ccs needs to be made up.
          2. Fierce blow: 1.5 power coefficient default. 2.0 on controlled fows.
          3. Staggering Blow: Add an evade. Hammer has no defenses.
          4. Backbreaker: Reduce cast time to ¾ seconds.
        5. Mace Offhand
          1. Tremor: Turn into an aoe cone instead of a projectile.
        6. Rifle
          1. Kill Shot: Reduce Cast time to ¾ seconds
          2. Explosive Shell: Increase damage.
          3. Brutal Shot: Evade while shooting.
          4. Rifle Butt: Add a lunge for easier time connecting
        7. Dagger Main Hand
          1. Breaching Strike: Change to boon steal.
          2. Auto: Have the third hit remove a boon
        8. Dagger Off Hand
          1. Wastrel’s Ruin: Steals three boons.
          2. Bladestorm: Increase damage and make each hit remove a boon.
      3. Support
        1. Warhorn
          1. Charge: Provide fury by default. Change trait to give quickness. Remove the strike limit on the damage buff. Reduce duration of damage buff to 4 seconds.
          2. Call of Valor: Add three seconds of protection and resolution.
        2. Shield
          1. Shield Stance: If an attack is blocked, gain three seconds of protection, resolution, and resistance when shield stance ends for you and allies.






    1. Utilities
      1. Physical
        1. Kick: Change to 2 second Knockdown.
        2. Throw Bolas: Add five stacks of bleed and a .5 second daze.
        3. Stomp: Add an evade.
      2. Stance
        1. Berserker’s stance: Decrease cooldown to 25 seconds.
        2. Balanced stance: Decrease cooldown to 40 seconds.
        3. Frenzy: Decrease cooldown to 40 seconds.
      3. Signet
        1. Signet of Stamina: Decrease cooldown to 30 seconds. Increase Endurance gained to 50. Make instant cast.
        2. Dolyak Signet: Decrease cooldown to 35 seconds.
        3. Signet of Might: Decrease cooldown to 20 seconds.
      4. Shouts
        1. On my Mark: Change to a 600 radius aoe.
        2. Shake it off: Decrease cooldown to 60 seconds. 
        3. Fear Me: Make a stunbreak. Decrease cooldown to 40 seconds.
      5. Banners
        1. These are already being reworked so I’ll leave them alone.
      6. Meditations
        1. Featherfoot Grace: Decrease cooldown to 35 seconds.
        2. Sight Beyond Sight: Become immune to blindness for five seconds.
        3. Imminent threat: Make a stunbreak. Increase taunt to three seconds.
        4. Break Enchantments: Make boon steal. Increase damage to 1.0 power coefficient.
      7. Rage
        1. Make all rage skills decrease cooldown for berserk mode when out of berserk mode by half of what they increase duration while in berserk mode.
        2. Blood Reckoning: Decrease cooldown to 20 seconds.
        3. Wild Blow: Remove blind. It really needs its damage back, but if that can’t happen, make it reset berserk mode.
        4. Sundering Leap: Increase damage to 2.0 power coefficient and inflict 2 seconds of immob.
        5. Shattering blow: Increase animation and block to 1.5 seconds.
        6. Outrage: decrease cooldown back to 10 seconds.
        7. Headbutt: Remove self stab removal. Make it remove stab on the enemy now before the cc lands.
      8. Armaments
        1. Bulletproof Barrier: Turn into a dome not a wall.
        2. Electric fence: Add damage and make immob default.
        3. Dragonspike mine: Decrease cooldown to 30 seconds.
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