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Posts posted by Zuko.7132

  1. 17 minutes ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

    I'm liking what I'm seeing boys. The F3 dash pick is surprising. I thought more people would want a heal. Still, very cool to see it get picked above the others.

    I knew to add this to the survey because I knew my warrior brothers were reasonable.

    Active defense requests and mobility requests have been popping up a lot on the forums. I’m not too surprised. Much more fun then just out healing damage. Less mind numbing too. No one wants another shoutsworn.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    Does the boon rip apply before the damage is applied? 
    Given the state of boon output in the game, I feel that there’s an argument to be made that it makes sense that the boon rip applies before the damage mod qualifier is checked so that the bonus damage also applies to foes with 1 and 2 boons, since you technically removed their boons, and now they are boonless.

    Going to be useless in pvp and wvw otherwise.

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  3. 1. Evade on Blooming Fire.

    2. Dragonscale Defense 8 sec cooldown at least, but ideally 6 3/4 in case people ever run discipline.

    3. Stab on breakstep and damage at the end of breakstep.

    4. 20 sec cooldown on Trigger Guard.

    5. 30 sec coooldown on Flicker Step. Increase to 450 range.


    Useless traits that need buffs.

    1. Unseen Sword. Needs way more damage and to increase flow regardless of hit.

    2. Lush Forest needs to be on the last use of ammunition. Adjust effects as needed.

    3. Daring Dragon needs to grant stab. It probably still needs something else to compete with unyielding. Ideally more damage in some way

    4. Immortal Dragon needs to pulse healing, resolution, and protection aoe when converting charges.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Shadowpeixera.2918 said:

    He means Axe/Weapon and Weapon/Axe as the swaps.

    If the swap evade is the problem, it's easily solved: Reduce the cast time of Eviscerate to make it a more responsive leap and then lock the swap to after the skill. As long as it's a good skill, we don't need to swap out ot if. The problem is that in it's current state, it's pretty lackluster.

    Sorry by weapon you mean unequipped weapon right? Because, that's not worth the trade off for pvp or wvw, and who cares if war is super evadey in pve.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Axe/- -/Axe is a thing people do sometimes. It would indeed become every 5s.

    Are you saying axe in both main hands? Because, ya then it would be every 5, but you'd also be canceling every burst you use and lose different weapon skills. I don't think axe/x and axe/x would be viable in pvp or wvw even with the evade buff. If it's offhand axe, you wouldn't have evisc on the second weapon set.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:



    You can swap out of evisc mid channel to prevent adren loss, that would be an evade every 5 seconds if someone runs discipline and has even one tier of adren.


    The vermin would scream. 

    If you’re swapping to prevent adrenaline loss, then you have to use it with weapon swap available. So swap to axe, wait 5 secs for weapon swap, evade with cancel, 5 seconds in other weapon. That would be 1 every ten. Only way to get close to 5 but still not quite there is to use actual adrenaline right when you swap, then camp axe until evis recharges. Factoring in cast time, there is 3/4 sec cast time, actually greater with pre and after cast plus 6 3/4 burst recharge plus other cast time of the evinced again greater than 3/4 plus 5 sec in other weapon set. That would be 2 evades every 13.25 seconds ignoring pre and after cast. Again to this, it would require camping axe to wait for burst charge and using them on cooldown, thus denying reactive dodge use. More likely it would be 1 dodge every 10 seconds if used on reaction and with normal weapon swapping.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    It's my opinion that each of the MH/2H weapons should have an evade, block, or blind on them.

    To me that means the following:

    Axe: 3/4s evade on Cyclone Axe
    Hammer: 3/4s evade on Staggering Blow
    GS: Covered
    Mace: Covered
    Rifle: Covered
    LB: Covered
    Sword: 3/4s evade on Savage Leap
    Gunsaber: Blooming Fire has a 1s evade underwater, but not on land. Port the evade to the land version.

    Much like Guardian skills all have a symbol, I think it is worth having at least 1 active defense skill on each MH and 2H weapon for warrior.

    I definitely agree with that. I’ll add a few things though.


    GS: get rid of precast on the evade

    Mace: make the block channeled instead of single hit

    Rifle: Needs to evade right away

    LB: Give it the PvP daze


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  8. 57 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    It's a good thought.


    Personally, I think they just need to buff the damage significantly (1.5/2.0/2.5 power coefficient for t1/T2/t3 bursts, respectively). It's dumb that arcing slice does more damage than a single target telegraphed attack.

    I would take more damage. It definitely needs something. 

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  9. I think this would be the single most impactful change you could make for core warrior. Core war suddenly has a reliable low cooldown active defense. It would help Berserker too. What about spellbreaker? Maybe they would drop dagger for it, but then they would lose mobility, unblockable boonstrip, a cc, and wouldn’t have the higher tier damage. I don't think it would be too much.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    1) They are starting to move away from CDR traits, so I expect Versatile Power to lose it's Burst CDR at some point.

    2) IF Cleansing Ire were on USE, then that would easily replace the cleansing aspect of Discipline.

    3) Fast Hands should become baseline anyway. Warrior doesn't have a lot of things special about it and that is a problem.

    Losing burst CDR is gonna suck. If they do it, it better be in a patch where all cooldown traits are removed. I'm still bitter that they hit warrior shield trait without hitting everything else. Should either all be gone, or none gone.

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  11. 7 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

    I am SO glad that someone else has identified this strange Adrenaline deficit in baseline Warrior. Adrenaline gain should NOT be a GM trait tax to even get our profession mechanic to work as intended! I made a thread about this exact situation last YEAR:

    Anyway, I fully support having small amounts of adrenaline gain available in all traitlines! If anything, I think you are far too conservative with these suggestions - Versatile Rage is a Minor trait in Discipline and thus merely taking the traitline at all contributes to your Adrenaline generation, so equivalent traits in other traitlines should also be rolled into the Minor traits. 

    That's a fair point. Strength could grant adrenaline on dodge baked into minor. Arms could grant Adrenaline while having fury on minor. Tactics could do might maybe. And Defense could do on heal tick with an icd.

  12. 5 hours ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

    If you really think Fast hand is the only thing why we forced to disc then you kind of wrong.

    Anet has been pushing dual Axe to be our main weapon when we doing power spec and you know what is in the Disc? AXE mastery which grants 240 ferocity, CDR, and adrenaline, do you really think you can leave disc and not using axe mastery? that's a really big DPS lost.

    What about condi? well the ranged weapon traitline still in disc, that gives CDR and extra apply burning for the Longbow. Plus the Disc minor grandmaster trait give passive reduction to the burst cooldown which benefit the condi because the playstyle is you throw burst a lot.

    I should have put this is coming from a pvp perspective. I don't have much experience with pve.

  13. 1 minute ago, Potato Slayer.3107 said:

    I think fast hands baseline would improve the flow of warrior, but I would like to see reduce recharge on burst or weapon skills on weapon swap, ensuring skills are up when you swap to that weapon.

    There already is a burst cooldown trait in discipline. It would be odd to have two. Maybe weapons skills though, but I would rather have super speed. War struggles with being kited.

  14. Why do we take discipline? There are a lot of good traits, certainly, but it comes down to fast hands and adrenaline gain. Adrenaline gain can be found to some degree in other trait lines, especially with the new defense rework, but fast hands has no equivalent. 

    As such, in order to not make discipline mandatory, adrenaline gain needs to be improved in a few trait lines, and fast hands must be baseline. At the same time, we want to keep Discipline as a desirable trait line. Here are some proposed changes to do just that.



    Strength lacks any adrenaline gain. At the same time, there is a glaring issue in that Peak Performance is vastly superior to its alternatives. To fix this, I suggest changing brave stride and restorative strength. Reduce the stability on brave stride to 1 sec and remove the ice. Add movement skills grant 3 adrenaline. Add gain 2 adrenaline when you gain might to Restorative Strength with a 5 sec cd.



    Arms is a mess but it has a few adrenaline traits. If the traitline is reworked so that it’s actually good and the adrenaline traits work for both power and condi, we should be fine.



    Defense recently got some adrenaline generation from the cc trait and it has cleansing ire. Make the shield trait not suck. 5 adrenaline per block might make it actually compete with the weakness trait. Also throw adrenaline on dogged march or better yet rework it.


    I’d make Marching Orders give 5 adrenaline when you gain soldiers focus.




    With fast hands now baseline, I would make the trait give 1.5 seconds of super speed on weapon swap. I would then change Heightened focus to improve all weapon swap minor traits. 8 adrenaline, 3 seconds of superspeed, and 4 might.


    What do you guys think?

    • Confused 1
  15. Also I just tried vindicator for the first time, and I’m in love. Not only do they have a teleport in shiro, which yes I understand warrior will never have, but nomad’s advance and phantom onslaught? Phantom onslaught is a thousand times faster than rush, goes where you want it to go, and hits aoe. Nomad’s advance moves at a respectable speed, is 600 range, does great damage, and has a 3 second cooldown! I mean my god! I knew warrior didn’t have nice things, but I didn’t realize how bad it was. Urn of St Victor and Impossible odds both grant 50% move speed, but you have perms swiftness regardless via trait. Then you have riposting shadows and battle dance which are moving evades which you can about face for more engage or use as disengage. Just kitten. Is Vindicator OP? It’s definitely a bit overturned, but the bigger issue is warrior just has jack.

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  16. A combination of greater distance, faster travel time, and lower cooldowns are all needed. Also, the removal of pre and aftercasts would be very helpful. To this day, I can't tell if using dagger 2 slows me down or speeds me up while out of combat due to the pre and aftercasts.

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  17. 9 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

    warrior weapons need to function without burst skills.

    but yea thats definitely one of the design flaws for having unique burst skill for each weapon.

    it's often counted as part of the weapon.

    but then warrior would have no real class mechanics, which is why warrior is so limited and lack diversity and flexibility

    It’s definitely a huge design flaw that’s become more apparent over the years. Look at mainland mace without its burst skill. It’s pathetic. GS has no damage without burst, especially with hundred blades current state. The weapons are just intentionally kitten. Anet needs to recognize that burst skills should not be tied to the power budget of our weapon. We need a separate power budget for profession mechanic and good weapons on top of that.

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