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Posts posted by Zuko.7132

  1. 11 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

    I think in the specific example they used on stream, the issue with Warrior is that our Class Mechanic (Burst skill) is intrinsically tied to the power budget of our Weapon and thus in terms of tickets it's like we have no budget for a Class Mechanic at all. Example, GS weapon set is kinda mediocre without it's Burst skill, because the Burst skill is the power move of the weapon. Rifle is even worse in this respect.

    Compare this to say, Firebrand which can have very strong weapon skills while separately having an extremely strong Class Mechanic in their tomes that was entirely, separately budgeted for.

    If that's the case, then that's a tremendous double standard. All classes should have the same power budget. Both Firebrand and Warrior should have the same total budget. If you want to put most of warrior's budget into the weapon that's fine, but then the weapon should be really good. If firebrand tomes are worth 50 tickets and their weapon is worth 50, then warrior needs to add up to a 100 too.

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  2. In the recent balance philosophy livestream, Roy used the analogy of having a set amount of tickets to spend for a power budget. I think a lot of warrior stuff has some unspent tickets. Core war definitely has some tickets left over for profession mechanics. Fast hands baseline would be a good use, and an f2 for core wouldn't be unreasonable. Lots of weapons and utility skills definitely have tickets left over. Hello Hundred Blades. It's time to stop hoarding those tickets and spend them. How would you like to see our tickets spent in the November patch?

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  3. I would love a clarification on what role they want core war and its elite specs to play in pvp from the roles they listed and an whether they view those roles as being adequately fulfilled currently. For example, do they see berserker as being in a good place for team fighting? Do they view spellbreaker as a viable pick for support and side node or do they think it is underperforming? Is bladesworn a bruiser?

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  4. I would love to see a breakdown of what roles Anet sees each profession or elite spec as capable of or meant to perform in pvp, and balance to back up and make those roles viable. For example, I assume berserker is supposed to be a teamfighter, but it clearly is failing at succeeding in that role and thus needs buffs. An acknowledgment of what roles professions and elite specs are supposed to play along with whether or not Anet thinks that those roles are currently effective, underpowered, or overpowered would be very helpful.

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  5. I think you’re on to something Lan. Let’s take a core war running strength defense and discipline. The warrior builds up 30 adrenaline for a tier 3 eviscerate. He swings he misses.


    Here’s what he loses. 30 adrenaline and damage of course. But here are the traits that don’t activate. 

    Berserker’s Power. 21% damage buff.

    Building Momentum. 15 Endurance.

    Cull the Weak. Weakness application.

    Adrenal Health. Health Regen.

    Cleansing Ire. Condi cleanse.


    Cull the Weak makes sense. You shouldn’t apply a debuff if you don’t hit. The rest should be on use.

    It takes a decent amount of time to build 30 adrenaline. Losing the adrenaline and the damage and the rebuffs is enough of a hit. You shouldn’t be able to negate 3 defensive traits and a self buff that require so much build up. Against a decent player who can dodge bursts, they can straight up make it so that you might as well be missing 5 traits. More if you consider discipline and the adrenaline generation traits there.



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  6. If you enter zerk mode while core burst is on cooldown, the primal burst will be on cooldown. If you exit berserk mode with primal burst on cooldown, your core burst is on cooldown. These are separate skills. They should not share cooldowns. Also, I don't think they're shared so much as bugged, because it's not a 1 to 1 cooldown ratio. This needs to be fixed.

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  7. 6 hours ago, rainhelm.3827 said:

    Longbow auto having the auto attack burn by default would be good QoL for any kind of condi Warrior. But most importantly it would be great fun to be able to freely run warrior's sprint.


    If the developers goal here is to have variety in choices players can make, they should aim to achieve that by giving the player multiple strong choices, not by forcing their hand into a filler option so that they can have condi damage for their condi build auto attack. That is a cruel way of doing things and it only serves to frustrate the player.



    You're absolutely right. It should obviously be default. That's not a fun trait choice. It's a necessity to make a lackluster weapon somewhat functional. Our baseline weapons need to be good.

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  8. 28 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    Outstanding suggestions, @Zuko.7132.  I think you are spot-on with most of these.


    Personally, I really want to see the Stance CDs reduced significantly.  Berserker stance, even in it's current form, would be pretty good on a 20s CD, especially if you're playing berserker.  Frenzy on a 30s CD would be great, too (although part of me wonders if it should stop being a stunbreak so it could be a low-CD offensive skill, like on a 20s CD).  Balanced stance should absolutely be ~40s CD in all game modes.  These changes would make the new Last Stand trait extremely valuable, and you'd be able to generate quite a bit of barrier and vigor from the low-CD stances.


    Making Healing Signet, Natural Healing, and To the Limit! good would also do a lot for build diversity.

    Ya, it's just so obvious that lots of current cooldowns and effects are laughable next to their competition. I particularly like the idea of having a wide enough selection of equally viable utilities, that one would change their utility options based on a trait. For example, if one runs strength spellbreaker, they'll take mending due to reduced cooldown, but otherwise natural healing would be better. Likewise if one takes the last stand trait, all the stances would actually be good enough to make sense running with it. Likewise with tactics, one would want to run fear me for a stunbreak, while one would choose endure pain or balanced stance otherwise. Just having good options that encourage diversity based on what you run. Perhaps if arms is ever made decent, the stunbreak of choice would even be dolyak signet due to cooldown reduction. However, if all options aren't at least somewhat comparable, it doesn't matter what my traits or build are. I want mending and endure pain. Full stop.

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  9. 40 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    Then you haven’t met me, my friend! I’m am insane and slightly masochistic, and would 100% replace BS, EP, or SIO for a triple evade and send it to wvw. Why? Cause kitten ‘em, that’s why. 

    Don't need a stunbreak if you evade the stun. Fair enough.

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  10. 1 minute ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    If you make kick an instant-cast evade over it’s current channel time, that could actually be quite good. I don’t know if it has a precast, but if it doesn’t (either existing pre is removed or there isn’t one currently) that would essentially give Warrior a pretty high skill cap ability. Damage would likely be unnecessary. 

    The only question is where you would put it on warrior’s bar. Perhaps instead of bulls? Mobility would drop which hurts, but additional on-demand evades would be a strong utility.

    Ya, It would have to be bulls. I can't see someone running war with less than two stunbreaks.



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  11. Currently warrior has an extremely limited set of viable utilities. Mending is far and away the best heal with the exception of Combat Stimulant for Bladesworn. Shake it off is mandatory for cleanse. Endure pain is the only stance worth taking due to prohibitive cooldowns or lackluster effects on the other stances. Bulls charge is needed to even stay on top of an enemy. Needless to say we could use some more viable options. Here are some suggested buffs. These are all meant for competitive/wvw, but most could probably apply to pve.



    1. Healing Signet should be the strongest heal over time if you don't pop it. It offers nothing but healing. No cleanse. No adrenaline. No damage immunity. As such, it should do healing best.
    2. To The Limit should have a bigger heal. It has a 50% longer cooldown then mending and heals for the same amount. Yes it provides adrenaline and endurance, but mending provides cleanse. The longer cooldown warrants greater healing.
    3. Defiant Stance should be instant cast. It's meant to be reactive. Being instant would make it much more competitive.
    4. Natural Healing should have it's cast time reduced to 1 second and remove boons from enemies around you instead of yourself. I'd reduced the boon removal to three.
    5. Blood Reckoning could use a lower cooldown or a bigger base heal.



    1. On My Mark should apply vuln and reveal in an aoe and grant swiftness and vigor to allies. It's active effect is just pathetic right now. It's only ever taken for extra heals.
    2. Fear me should always use the maximum fear duration and have it's cooldown reduced to 30 seconds. Turn it into a stunbreak so that shout warrior can run two stunbreaks while using shouts. On my mark would be better healing and endure pain would be better survivability, but Fear me would be a nice mix.



    1. Make Tactics a stunbreak.
    2. Make strength a 20 second cooldown. Increase might to 3 stacks and have it pulse a bit of damage in a 240 radius.
    3. Make discipline a 20 second cooldown. Add swiftness along with fury. Change initial damaging condi to burn. Pulse bleed in a 240 radius.



    1. Give kick an evade. Will never be run otherwise. Still probably won't be worth it without damage.
    2. Make throw bolas throw a bola at all enemies in range and be unblockable. Probably still won't be run until war has a decent range spec.
    3. Give stomp an evade. Currently stunbreaking locks you into the animation so you still get hit by whatever you wanted to avoid.



    1. Dolyak Signet should be 35 sec cooldown. Maybe even lower. It has to compete with endure pain and balanced stance both of which are better.
    2. Signet of stamina should be a thirty second cooldown and be instant cast. It says it's instant cast but it has an animation. Boost active endurace to 50.
    3. Signet of Might and Signet of Fury both have niche uses for berserker and rifle builds, but they're mainly pve. I'm not sure what to do with them.



    1. Make Berserker stance give condi damage immunity and reduce cooldown to 30 seconds.
    2. Give balanced stance a 45 second cooldown. It's current cooldown makes it unable to compete with endure pain.
    3. Give Frenzy a 30 second cooldown. It will never compete with other stunbreak options with a 40 second cooldown.



    1. Sight beyond sight should give blind immunity for 5 seconds and make your next 3 attacks critical hits. Still probably won't be run, but will at least be better. Maybe make it remove a damaging condi as well. Doesn't fit the theme, but it's just a weak skill.
    2. Give Break Enchantments some damage back. Doesn't have to be the original value, but it should be something at least.
    3. Imminent Threat should taunt for 3 seconds and give protection. It's just way too weak right now.


    Rage (These buffs are heavy handed, but Berserker needs some help.)

    1. Make Outrage a 10 second stunbreak again. Yes, it's an outrageously low cooldown, but Berserker needs it.
    2. Decrease Sundering Leap cooldown to 15 seconds and have it inflict 2 seconds of immobilize. Increase Range to 900.
    3. Decrease Wild Blow cooldown to 15 seconds so it competes better with bulls charge. It has no mobility or evade. It needs an edge.
    4. Allow movement while using shattering blow. Increase block duration to 2 seconds. This will give berserker some decent reactive defense.



    1. Make flow stabilizer grant one stack of stab for 4 seconds. This would help cover Dragon Trigger now that stab from trait is gone.
    2. Make Detonate Cartridges a flipover skill rather than requiring a second use of ammunition.
    3. Change Electric Fence to Electric Dome. Make it a bubble. Apply immob upon landing and then pulse cripple.
    4. Dragonspike Mine. Reduce cooldown to 25 seconds. Make it the go to aggressive stunbreak option to compete with the defensive option of Defy Pain.



    1. Signet of Rage is way too weak. Reduce cooldown to 25 seconds so it synergizes with minor endure pain in defense. Change Adrenaline Generation to work outside of combat and prevent decay. This way if you run signet you can start combat with full adrenaline.
    2. Winds of Disenchantment is useless in pvp. Significantly increase the pulsing damage so that it makes people say if I stay in the bubble I'm gonna die. Increase boon removal per pulse to 2. Make it an incredibly deadly well skill.


    • Thanks 4
  12. 4 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Leaps are broken anyway, half the time you'll be jumping in place because you forgot the leap doesn't work in situation XYZ (of which there are like 50). And considering the teleportfest that is pvp, why limit yourself with leaps (even if they weren't dysfunctional).

    I was chasing a berserker that was actually good in conquest today, I wasn't landing most of my "gap closers" because the berserker was essentially doing about face and/or just running. I don't think adding more range will do anything for war, until animations are fixed (or better, replaced with teleports, since everyone else has them anyway).

    The animation thing is a real problem. They do need to be reworked to be reliable.

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  13. 5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    I once suggested a trait to add 150 range to every leap and movement skill. Several other warriors 💩 💩'd all over the idea, and yet here we are still with mobility issues.


    I think it should definitely just be baseline as opposed to having to spec into it and losing out on something else. Also that unfortunately wouldn't help stuff like skullcrack that isn't a leap yet. However, I will take any increased mobility that is viable to run.

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  14. Warrior has no teleports and is primarily melee. As such, warrior relies on leaps and the like to get into combat. As such, warrior should have the best gap closers. I believe there is room for improvement in this area. Here are some suggested changes.


    Mace Mainhand

    1. Give Skullcrack a 300 range leap.

    Mace Offhand

    1. Give Crushing Blow a 450 range leap.

    Sword Mainhand

    1. Reduced Savage Leap cooldown to 6 seconds.

    Sword Offhand

    1. Make Rip a 600 range leap attack.


    1. Make Shield Bash 600 range.

    Dagger Main Hand

    1. Give aura slicer 450 range.

    Axe Main Hand

    1. Make Eviscerate 450 range.


    1. Speed up rush and fix its pathing.



    War could also use more reliable swiftness. I suggest making fast hands baseline and replacing with 3 seconds of swiftness on weapon swap.


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  15. @CalmTheStorm.2364 Thanks for the reply. That's exactly why I'm running D/Sh. It has more defense than gs/hammer and is still pretty good at team fighting. Also, the mobility problem goes away in a fight once you have adrenaline, it's just bad out of combat.


    See I thought about resilient roll, but didn't think I needed it due to lack of extra endurance from strength for dodges and having resistance from revenge counter. Plus with merciless hammer, I have both a damage increase and adrenaline gain, so I don't need loss aversion.

    However, I think resilient roll in combination with signet of stamina might be a good choice for heavy condition matchups.


    Doesn't earthshaker already combo into everything? Or is this a precast and aftercast thing that makes it not actually land in 1 second for backbreaker?

  16. 37 minutes ago, Shinichi Megure.8061 said:

    If you go head to head against another spellbreaker you want to have magebane tether. Also depends on the matchup, did you design it against a specific condi build?

    Ya tether would be better for a mirror match up, but I designed this more with team fighting in mind. I feel like the condition copy and ignoring all the blind and weakness is more valuable there. Lots of cc to lock down a target, and dagger lets you strip stab and chase.

  17. We have had some great recent changes to our traits, but a lot of our actual weapon skills and utilities need work. This post focuses on weapons. This is coming primarily from a pvp perspective.



    1. Hundred blades cast time reduction.
    2. Fix Rush pathing.
    3. Make Blade Trail return more reliable.


    1. Make Staggering Blow an evade

    Mace Main Hand

    1. Increase auto speed.
    2. Make Counter Blow block for full duration with flip over skill if you block an attack.
    3. Give Pommel Bash a small leap.

    Mace Off Hand

    1. Giver Crushing blow a small leap.
    2. Make Tremor an aoe cone instead of a projectile.

    Sword Main Hand

    1. Give Savage Leap an evade and add a damaging condi.
    2. Final thrust needs reduced cast time to 1/2 second and to use the increased damage at all times. Add a 2 sec immob if below 50%. Currently not worth using above 50% at all.
    3. Unroot flurry or give it an evade. Could use a dps boost too.

    Sword Off Hand

    1. Make Rip leap to your opponent to remove the sword and not remove the condi application.
    2. Riposte needs the same treatment as counter blow. Block duration may need to be reduced.

    Axe Main Hand

    1. Eviscerate needs a buff. I suggest making the tier 3 damage default and making adrenaline affect might gain. This is a huge buff, but it's a single target skill and hits for less than arcing slice under 50%.
    2. Throw Axe needs its pathing fixed.

    Axe Offhand

    1. Whirling Axe needs increased radius and reflect.


    1. Charge could grant some aoe might to grant a bit more impact for offensive support and trait synergy. Also, if mending might is ever changed to heal allies this would give support warrior more team healing.


    1. Shield Stance needs a cooldown reduction or a flip over skill. Compare to ranger GS block, Engi Shield block, and Vindicator GS block to see why.


    1. Auto needs burning by default.
    2. Combustive Shot should pulse burn every second.
    3. Give Arcing Arrow burn like in pve.
    4. Give Smoldering Arrow PvE daze.


    1. Increase auto speed and damage.
    2. Make Explosive Shell a circular aoe around target instead of a cone and increase vuln and give immob. Increase damage.
    3. Remove vuln and immob from brutal shot. Remove the attack from brutal shot to stop the evade from failing due to direction. Turn it into an instant evade like ele fire staff 4 burning retreat.
    4. Give Rifle Butt a small leap.


    1. Give Blaze Breaker a bit more burn. This skill is really only used to proc King of Fires right now.

    Dagger Main Hand (Edit)

    1. Give Aura Slicer 450 range. Give it splash damage and remove auras.
    2. Breaching Strike: Damage bonus for removed boons.

    Dagger Offhand

    1. Make the increased damage default. Remove 3 boons from foes not using skills.
    2. Increase Bladestorm damage and make each hit remove a boon.


    1. Increase damage on Dragon's Roar and remove pushback.
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