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Everything posted by Chromazene.4807

  1. This is a simple request with a relatively simple fix, software development wise, to implement. Just as players who are absent for a certain amount of time in ranked sPvP matched do not cause rank loss for their individual teammates, so should AFK players also not cause rank loss for teammates if they are AFK for that same amount of time. There is no difference between the two of them and their effect on the match. Naturally, detractors will be quick to point out "But what about people who just hold W and run into a wall all match?" Yes, that would be a bit more difficult to combat software-wise. That is why what I am asking for is the same solution to people who literally do not use *any* movement skills whatsoever in sPvP ranked matched as exists for DCed/absent players that already exists now. This also quashes any concerns about people who decide to AFK when the score is not going in their favor - that is a separate problem that would not be addressed by the solution I am requesting here. Let us tackle one issue at a time.
  2. I get that, but I can tell you of a lot of supposedly intended behaviors listed in tooltips that actually weren't intended. For instance, Spectral Shield tooltip used to not list condi dmg reduciton as a benefit... even though it actually did. It took me making a support ticket to get that tooltip fixed.
  3. Then why would they make Disengage Photon Forge activate it but not Engage Photon Forge? Especially when both trigger Kinetic Battery. Also, Optimized Activation considers Disengage Photon Forge as a Tool Belt Skill... so... Furthermore, Photon Forge is not considered an engineering kit. Also, that still doesn't account for the extra seconds added to Disengage Photon Forge in general.
  4. 1) Photon Forge countdown regularly and without cause increases by 1 second, multiple times per photon forge period. 2) Disengage Photon Forge and Engage Photon Forge frequently fail to apply Mechanized Deployment benefit of removing 1 condition from user.
  5. But see, that's YOUR preference. I'm talking about mine. Where's the LEGENDARY underwear skin that glows?
  6. I was responding to the nonsense posted in the other comment. This actually wouldn't take away dev time from expansions. Cosmetic development time is for all cosmetics.
  7. That's not how development cycles work. The team that works on skins and gemstore cosmetics generally doesn't work on new expansion-level content apart from perhaps new expansion-related in game objects which are generally higher priority to cosmetics anyway. The cosmetic time is solely dedicated to cosmetics. This wouldn't hold back anything at all.
  8. The current state of Rocket Boots skill is that the blast finisher is delayed... meaning you can be interrupted mid-skill and not get your blast combo finisher. It really ought to be instantaneous.
  9. I want a gem store item that players can buy that lets them change the color of their character's under garments. Also I want one that lets two players conduct a holding hands animation with /holdinghands - (make the two characters smile while doing so).
  10. After today's patch (August 2, 2022), my keybinds for Strafe Left and Strafe Right were removed and replaced with... nothing. I just suddenly noticed that I could not strafe left or right, even in action cam. What is going on with quality control at ArenaNet?
  11. Right now, there's a balance issue that affects a wide span of builds - any builds that have access to ports (as opposed to merely fast-moving skills in sequence). The problem is that a lot of these builds can instantly port to a location within range or to a player within ranger while already engaging in what would otherwise be a very dodge-able, telegraphed skill with adequate activation time to warn a foe player that a particular skill is being used. For purposes of this discussion, we will ignore bursts and CCs from stealth, although those cases are a separate issue. For example - the Glacial Blow skill. Sure, it has a reasonable activation time. Sure, when a guardian player is in close proximity to you, you generally are able to dodge it in time if you pay attention. And if you get hit by it, it can do 10K damage to you (given that most direct dmg players use Berserker's amulet because the damage nerfs in February 2020 patch made most use cases for Demolisher's, Destroyers, and Marauder's Amulet uncommon). So most people would be inclined to think, "Well, if you got hit by it, it is your fault." Except you can't dodge what you cannot see coming. That's the problem. Guardian players will combine it with Judge's Intervention so that you do not see Glacial Blow coming. They will activate the animation and port mid animation to your location and hit you for 10K. And you'll be at 65% HP on a Tier II HP pool class and get wiped just like that trying to figure out what hit you. And maybe if you're lucky, the broken Death Report will tell you (but often it doesn't because, again, it's broken). So you have to scroll through the annoying combat chat to find out that, oh yeah, [Glacial Blow] hit you for 10,094 damage. And it's not merely guardian. Lots of classes have this burst ability, even if not all of them can deal it in one strike. Heralds can engage in bursts like this after Phase Traversal whereby their only real penalty is the loss of 30 energy on Legendary Assassin stance - which means they just swap to Legendary Dragon Stance and keep going... especially when they have the Brutality trait engaged. Mechanists have port burst options with their Shift Signet and mechanist combos... and with the latest patch, they have virtually permanent quickness uptime on a particular build, reducing their opportunities to blunder the combos. Soulbeasts can engage in such activities with Smoke Assault which is *effectively* a port that they then use to combo with Worldly Impact or double Maul given their ample access to quickness. Mesmers of all specializations can do this with direct dmg AND condi on a variety of weapons. Heck, even Bladesworns can do it with Flicker Step and Dragon Slash skills. Not only is the timing for the foe uncertain for the Dragon Slash (because it is not necessarily used at any particular time during the Dragon Trigger time so it is already taxing to pay attention to it), but the Unyielding Dragon trait makes it unblindable, unblockable, AND a CC that also does damage. Often 8K-10K damage, especially with usage of common warrior shout skills. What the HECK happened to the rule that CC skills do not do damage? HOW MANY exceptions are we going to make? Is it just arbitrary at this point? Don't even get me started on Spectre who, in addition to already having the benefits of Shadow Arts and the benefit of being able to spam Heartseeker and Backstab with the only drawback being initiative (these need small cooldowns, too), but they are *rewarded* by Rune of the Chronomancer synergy for basically using *all* of the Spectre unique skills. So many wells, and so much free quickness. Not that Deadeye is any better (it's abysmally broken in 2v2s and 3v3s). I propose either a forced deactivation cooldown of 0.25 - 0.5 seconds after all ports and effective port skills or BOTH a direct AND condi dmg multiplier reduction to 1/2 for 0.5 seconds post 500 range port skills. Players need to be penalized a bit more on the damage side when using ports. Mobility should get you to fights and nodes faster and away from fights faster - it shouldn't *increase* your damage because your skills are inherently so fast that a human cannot react to them. That's not sufficiently telegraphed for a properly balanced, competitive game. Not that this game doesn't have a whole host of other balance and net code issues already. TLDR: Port burst combos are not sufficiently telegraphed for a healthy competitive game and either need deactivation cooldowns post-port or direct/condi dmg multiplier penalties that discourage port burst combo activity.
  12. https://prnt.sc/Yb_FgWsoHGRR This is what my Heart of the Mists (PvP Lobby) looks like rn with DX11 enabled.
  13. More like they don't want non-interactive builds to perform well (you can't block it after your initial block, you couldn't reflect it, you couldn't outrun the superspeed, it was hard to outdamage, and it came with a handful of CCs). Good riddance to the old flamethrower builds.
  14. Lol why did you post MY OWN VIDEO (the last one) that I made (which is a few seasons old for balance purposes)? Lol YOU ACTUALLY do not know what you are talking about if you're using that video.
  15. It's not core engi or holosmith or even scrapper. It's just Mechanist. Permanent quickness uptime (if you use Leadership Rune) or even a quickness uptime as high as it is without that rune is too good to be a healthy skill in the balance. Even necros need to be in Shroud to access lots of quickness, and even then it is limited to their Shroud's duration. The new Rifle Burst and Rifle Burst Grenade skills do about the same dmg as the skill they replaced when you factor the base dmg nerf. The only real difference is that now multiple stacks of blocks from skills or passives now get beat down more quickly, making those skills a little less effective. And some people use the passive rocket trait for some dmg enhancement. Maybe some people use the Firearms traitline now, but using it personally, it's still really hard to justify against the Explosives line.
  16. Yeah it's always bothered my how the AFK reports don't do anything unless someone explicitly says in chat "I'm going to AFK" and even then I don't really see players getting temp dishonor or suspensions. Makes you wonder why they even build a report system in the first place if they won't use it? And yes, Glicko2, the way ANet uses it, isn't very transparent. If you don't know the Glicko2 rank of prospective teammates and opponents as it is searching, how do we know the quality of the Glicko2 engine? Players need access to data. Also, players need access to replayable game data that can be sent as a game file to devs in case someone is using blatant exploits.
  17. Are turrets minions fur purposes of runes? Are they "active companions?"
  18. Better than all of you on the forum who have no idea what you're talking about making the decisions by endlessly whining and not thinking. Literally every high end player makes fun of the forums
  19. I made a post exactly about this and STILL got forum naysayers to deny the reality. It's sad.
  20. A battle of numbers. Would definitely help if CMC just hopped on a Discord meet and went over the numbers with a group of regular PvP players.
  21. How is the netcode in this game SO bad that I get softlocked in a load screen? The client should either crash or the game should kick you back to the character select screen to attempt to load in again. Not leave you hanging until it's 2 min into the game and then blame you for the loss as if it were your fault.
  22. Already made a thread on this; other forum users deny the problem exists so there isn't much discussion to be had.
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