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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. It's a bad move from Anet. You just can't introduce a paid feature that is worse (arguably, depending on the player needs) than what we already have for free. It really doesn't matter if it's a 3rd party mod. It is out there, it was not blacklisted and people use it. Mods have been a part of gaming forever and smart companies know how to use these 3rd party developers to their benefit. Censoring mods should be done in a way that it offers safety and fairness to players not limit their play choices.

    They should either make it better or they should allow the ArcDps to continue with templates. I think allowing ArcDps to continue would be the best option.

  2. Expansion open world content is a big improvement to core game. It could be a bit of a learning curve but if you don't mind that then go ahead. You also get access to cool map wide meta events which can be a long term source of fun and gold.For the story well, I never really cared much for it in GW2. And with season 1 non existent and season 2 living story before Hot you have a lot of playing and a lot of holes before you catch up. Depends how much you're in for the story.Gear you can just buy when you need it. Trading post or Wvw vendor and probably other sources also. Exotic gear is cheap and you can get gold for it by just selling on TP what you get while playing. A day or 2 of casual play you will be able to afford a full set. Search the TP a bit. There is a big difference in price for the same armor with same stats just different skin.

  3. I did it once. Don't know if I will did it again. It's not the rewards or difficulty it is just a bit boring.

    Anet is all over the place with group content.We have meta events which are I guess the main focus and are great, the best thing about this game imo. The most important thing is that they are easy to get into. No dps, gear pressure, no looking for group. You just show up and play.Than we have dungeons, fractals, raids and now strikes. Three alternative group modes in development is just to much especially with focus on metas. They are trying to find a mode appealing to broad audience and do these small format and difficulty tweaks while the problem is not in that. The problem is accessibility.
    Handle it like WoW. Not with constantly new formats but with a good tool for access and easy difficulty level for existing raids. With Wow LFR you queue, play whatever you are playing and suddenly you are in a raid/dungeon. No waiting for a group to fill up, no gear or dps or achieve check. And it is easy mode so you seldom fail.With focus on less modes you can make existing better, more detailed.

  4. I think 3 for WvW and 3 for PVE is enough for me. Depends on the class since on some I do more WvW and on some more PVE. I don't raid. These would be switching between the class specializations, mayor traits. For example on my ele I would have S/D weaver roamer, Staff weaver big AOE dmg and support tempest. Maybe also F/S tempest roamer. For small adaptations in gear or traits I can live with changing them manually.

  5. I certainly see an issue for people that were used to having unlimited templates via ArcDps and now will have to pay for it. I doubt many really require more than ~ 5, I am sure those are minority but there are some and it sucks for them. I guess those are mostly raiders which tailor builds for each encounter. Maybe some WvW players although I don't really go beyond 3 in WvW per class.So to at least put some bandage for those using large variety of builds Anet could add some additional slots as raid, raid achievements rewards.In general I am ok with what we get. Have to see exactly how they will function between different game modes and how much they will cost (I think they should be relatively cheap otherwise just buy another character slot).

  6. Don't really see the need as there are many small objectives already in the game. Adding more would just disperse the population more. When I feel like some solo roaming or ganking I just cap camps and control points behind enemy lines or when there is a monument daily I go to enemy BL and camp the monument closest to the enemy keep. I am the king of this monument hill, come and get me if you can.

  7. Are you playing 1v1 or WvW? You talk as if class balance is completely not related with game mode. But it isn't, you are playing within a large scale pvp mode so adapt to it's rules. You can't fight under towers? So don't and find your niche somewhere else. Need to remove a sentry? Do it instead of crying.Different classes have different strengths within the whole WvW mode. You can be completely safe behind enemy lines but for that you need to avoid certain area, need to know the environment. That is perfectly acceptable.There is also another solution. Flip towers. WvW is not about you dueling where ever you want but about your server and how you can contribute to the whole.

  8. I think most people that want to play any form of pvp are willing to put in the effort into learning the game and in the end getting skilled and pwn like a pro :). Players that are just there for the mount are irrelevant because WvW will not get any long term benefit from them. For all I care they can just get the mount for free. It doesn't affect me and I am not a kind of person that will deny something from others just because I had to put in the effort or paid for it.

    I agree that objectively getting Warclaw is easy for anyone that has some basic knowledge of the game mode. But I don't see any benefit at all in the grind and I didn't saw any argument in this thread why this is beneficial. Is there anyone that actually enjoyed the progress of unlocking Warclaw? Or did all of us just rush to get it as fast as possible. I was unable to play in the weeks when Warclaw was released so I joined the party late. I would describe my path to Warclaw as a mild annoyance and I was familiar with WvW.

    In the end my view here is radical. Free Warclaw for everyone, even f2p players. This would help the mode with new players. Maybe it is to late for this last one and in the end needing to buy the game to play fully is normal.

    Maybe I am completely wrong and Warclaw made a ton of money to Anet and now they will use all that money to make WvW great again and in few weeks we will all cry because all the worlds will have 30 min queues :astonished:

  9. Well I don't really want progression in pvp mode but that is just opinion. Some like it some don't. And it is a mmorpg, some progression is expected and already in the game. But you aren't getting much advantage with WvW ranks, not something that a new player will really feel and nowhere close to Warclaw. I mean it is even hard if not impossible to keep up with the group. I imagine that just sucks for new player. I genuinely feel bad for players that are left in the dust on foot.Usually progression is tied to some new activities. For example in pve you progress through quests, events, dungeons,... Obtaining Warclaw is just regular WvW with added annoyance. It is like you are a newbie basketball player and you want to join a veteran group of players. They say, sure join we always welcome new players but you have to play the first 10 matches barefoot. Doesn't really sound like a nice welcome, more like a straight kitten you.

  10. @NuhDah.9812 said:The warclaw is probably hard to get for those that enter wvw to get a mount, but not something anywhere near out of reach for those who enter wvw for the pleasure of playing the gamemode itself, an open world pvp area where you complete objectives for your server, roam, duel, fight against other players, learn some new stuff about your profession, participate in large scale pvp fights and so on. And yeah, you can do all that stuff without using a mount, some of it probably not in the same amount as after getting it, but wvw is filled with al that I've listed above. It's just a matter of what are you there for.

    Sure. But why is there a need for even a very short grind at the start to get to the level of other players? There is really no need for this and it can only deter new players that don't know anything about the mode and all the stuff you listed. At least I don't see the benefit, only downside.There is nothing fresh or extra fun in the obtaining of Warclaw. It is just everyday's business with extra annoyance if everyone else has it and you don't.

  11. @Knighthonor.4061 said:I suggest skipping HoT and going to PoF, get the Mounts, then come back to HoT. Much better experience.

    For the sake of any shred of gamer in you DO NOT DO THIS or at least think about it. If you are here to explore the world and like platforming I suggest you play at least the main story part and explore Hot maps and metas on foot with glider and other hot masteries. The maps are really explorer's and platformer's paradise. I did it and looking back I would totally destroy my experience if I did it with mounts (bought game after pof).If you dislike exploring and platforming and there is something else going for you in game than go ahead and use mounts.

  12. @"Rauderi.8706" said:As opposed to waiting for the end of a two-hour cycle, squad taxi spam, waiting to DIE on the previous map, begging RNG to keep you in it, squad taxi-ing again and failing to join... No, the current method requires too many tricks, is unfriendly, and not even a certainty. That is a huge waste of time.

    I mean technically all is true except I guess except the first squad taxi spam I don't know what it means. The map is either full or not, no spam required.But in reality this means you come on time (15 mins before reset) join group and instance and after 15 mins you start. Yes there is a small chance you will get booted but if there is so much people there is a good chance a second map will also do the meta. In the end it is not much hassle, you are just exaggerating.For me this is the easiest by far and the least amount of waiting. If I am on time on the map this means I will start meta in 15 mins. If your system would be in place the meta would start somewhere between now and never.

    Also now the probability that we will finish the meta is very high (don't remember the last time meta failed) because everything is on schedule and people can organize. There are always commanders, there is a lot of people. I prefer a small chance to get booted (= lots of people) instead of a large chance to not finish the map.With your system people would come do some events and leave. At some point there would be enough people on map that the meta would start but would they be organized, would they be even there for meta, would there be competent commanders? Who knows. If I am already doing events for one hour hoping meta will start it is a very good chance I am already super bored and will go pvp or something. And 15 people is not enough for DS. Maybe if all were skilled but this open world. You need 15 people only on bosses for the tower phase to be safe. And than 15 more on the laps but more is better.

    Every meta map has "empty", useless shards. This is not specific to DS.

  13. You have at least one group (well three groups to be exact) that complete the event at pretty much every reset in normal hours. I would recommend that you show up and join the meta instance about 15 minutes earlier because the map tends to get full (use lfg obviously). If you join the groups and you get booted to a different instance after the reset don't give up. The massive join instance spam right after the reset prevent the people to get in. Sometimes you will get in the instance a few minutes later.

    In prime times usually there is enough people to fill 2 maps.

    So no, DS is far from dead.

    Set time for a meta like DS is much better. Yes you need to go with the schedule but this way all the people know when to come and they actually do come in enough numbers all at once. Can't compare with SW, you need much more people on the map at the same time to do it. SW you need like 15 people to do everything, even less for everything but WW.

    p.s. Only now noticed you are US. I was referring to EU server.

  14. @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    @"sephiroth.4217" said:WvW says its open world PvP but open world PvP should have dangers, even more so when alone to encourage people to group up in safety from the people who sustain the mode for years (the ones ganking you).. Teamwork like that helps players bond and learn until eventually they are that "ganker"/roamer, which means you would have played long enough to help sustain the mode....

    The "Im not a 1v1 build" is just an excuse to me... I do fine when ganked on my Staff Tempest, Necro or FB (zerg classes).

    seriously? you are arguing that gankers are good for the mode, while gankers are a very big reason why people avoid it altogether?

    Maybe you should sit back and think about what you are writing for a moment? Gankers do not 'sustain' the mode. Gankers are killing it.

    I disagree. There are plenty of gank/roam/havoc groups on every server willing to have some action all the time. Even on servers that can hardly get together a good blob even in prime time usually have roaming groups all the time.Besides roaming/havoc are integral part of WvW. Flipping smaller objectives, preventing reinforcements, defending, scouting... all of these are important for WvW, it is part of strategy. It really sucks when there are not enough scouts or roaming groups that can handle these skirmishes and a blob has to go defend a keep even though a small group could handle it.If WvW would be all blob play it would just get more boring. Blobs are fun from team coordination point of view, that is where the skill is in blob play. Personal, mechanical skill, not so much. For some quite boring.I don't really understand "pvpers" that are afraid of pvp. If you have problems with a ganker that is cutting your reinforcements (which is a sound strategy just like tagging respawns) you should send a gank squad to take care of it.

  15. It is very confusing for a new player. I started after PoF and first I lvled to 80 on a f2p account. I buy the expansions, hop into HoT and wth? What just happened with the story? I had no idea that LS even exist. If I knew at the time how the story progresses I might even buy the ultimate edition for the gems (don't really care about fashion so don't really need so much gems).

  16. @Algreg.3629 said:in that case there is bad news for you. GW2 is all about farming for gold or materials. E.g. the narrative part of a living story episode is easily played through in 1 or 2 short evenings, then it is weeks again farming maps for some irrelevant skin or achievement. It is not completely without appeal, but in GW2 you don´t go on adventures, you scrounge the majority of your time. Relaxing, sometimes entertaining, rarely exciting.Really? Because I play GW2 for the fact that I don't have to farm at all. Almost all content PVE and PVP is accessible.

  17. Warclaw didn't help. F2P players probably left (speculation). It also doesn't help with new players. For a complete newbie WvW can be daunting by itself but now you're also left in the dust. Sure the task might seem easy for veterans but if you are completely new... Never saw any advantage for making differences between players in pvp.I don't really understand invisible tags for WvW. It is a server wide cooperation it is better that you are seen. I like to solo roam and will scout and help wilth supply train and enemy gankers. I get you don't want pugs and that is just fine, I will keep my distance. But if I know where you are and what is your goal we can help each other. Luckily my server is quite active and tags and everyone else often coordinate and work together.

  18. I would love the ability to flag for pvp in open world. For me is the thrill during exploring that I can get attacked anytime and anywhere and have to defend. It really makes the world more interesting and dangerous.

    It can be implemented that it doesn't bother pve only players. So all the arguments that it would bother pve are silly. Just do not flag, problem solved. Visual clutter and noise? Have you played this visual mess of a game, seriously?

    Also it is not only fun for gankers. Sure there are gankers. Some of us even love gankers because it is an extra challenge. But I have played mmorpgs for years that had different open pvp systems and many had big communities, happenings and drama just because of open pvp. It is actually something that gw2 is missing. Yeah the community is nice and warm and fuzzy and helpful but is actually missing the drama and player villains and heroes known around the world that arise with open pvp.

    Anyway I know it will never happen. Maybe it could be a good addition in the past to attract people that actually like the thrill of danger in open world. But now I doubt it would be worth implementing it.

    Also gw2 would actually be good for some old school hardcore open world pvp where you can drop stuff you are wearing when killed. Because it doesn't have vertical progression and gear is quite easy to obtain, the risk would not be as high as some other games where you could literary get killed and drop a weapon that was worth hundreds of $$$. And then the drama begins and guilds are at war and there is blood and forum flaming.

  19. It is an action rpg with arcade elements. So being able to "move and shoot" with some basic platforming and also adapting your build and gear to the situation is part of what you signed up for.You don't go playing a strategy game and complain you have to take strategic decisions.It does bother me when people play a game that has a clear genre and expectations from a player and when they don't like the game they complain to change it instead of finding a game that suits them. If you want interactive story type of game I am sure that those are out there. But please leave the game that we love as it is. The game is quite clear of what set of skills you need to utilize to be successful.I am always ok with different difficult modes. But in a way it does solve that issue with unlimited player re spawns, very generous checkpoints and no mob respawns during story mode.

  20. @nembool.5981 said:And there should be no reason why I'm forced to play in a particular style to beat an instance. The instance should have multiple options, or paths to victory, that any playstyle is possible.

    I'm sorry but there is so much wrong with this statement.This is a game. A game should give you a challenge and you should should find a way to overcome it. This goes for all games; computer games, sports, board games...Yes it is good if you have different possibilities how to beat a game and GW2 story has that. Many of us beat the story with much different classes, builds and game styles.

    But any play style possible? No no no no no. To enable this all challenge should be removed. What you are asking is not a game anymore.

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