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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. @Forzani.2584 said:What am I missing?

    You are missing some time on the Vanilla maps. You jumped straight to the Hot expansion which has the most complex maps in GW2.New players are recommended to play at least one character through the story which will teach you the basics and lead you through the maps.Hot maps may seem like troll maps to you but for some of us those are the best maps out there because of the different layers and verticality. Getting mounts in Pof first will ease the travelling by a lot although you will miss the thrill of first time exploration of Hot maps. This depends on what you like in a game.

  2. @"Dave.6819" said:Oh boy.. stay away from thief class then. You'd have a "time of your life" on this one. Not only you're selfish apparently but you're also toxic and you deserve to get nerfed into oblivion and also you will be kicked out of WvW squads cuz your class is useless too. And not only community but even game devs have negative feelings about you and constantly deal you a bad hand every balance patch. Face it.. this game is "as racist as it gets". Well not racist but "class'ist" where you're judged on your class. So all is well no worries. Just play until you loose your patience completely. Then carry on onto other games. Hey cheer up. Atleast on Guardian u do have an option to play "non-selfish" builds eh.

    It is how it is in pretty much every multiplayer game (not even only computer game). If you want to play with the group you have to to some extent conform to the group needs.I play basketball and am 2 meters tall, can play good under the rim but am not the fastest and most agile. I am not demanding the ball on our side and do not try to play play maker if we have fast agile guys that know how to do it.The same way is your example with the thief. Thief is very good in WvW as a roamer, havoc maker, ganker but does not bring much to the blob on the tag. There is no need for a thief to be on tag, doesn't help the group and doesn't help the thief and is actually a liability. Why would you want to play on the tag with a thief?

    Anyway selfish builds in pve pretty much means you don't have many important boons to share. Not really much else. Doesn't mean you are unwelcome if you can do something else really good.

  3. Great addition but more options would be nice.More options on what info we want to see in the in the upper right corner of the screen: daily, event, story...Split boon icons from food and banner icons and make them re sizable.

  4. I wouldn't worry about it. The game is going nowhere and we just stepped in a brand new season. Will we ever get a big expansion? Who knows.The good thing is all the content is relevant for new players due to no vertical progression.Don't listen to all the doomsayers. The game is 7 years old and some are playing for many years now. Naturally they are bitter and bored after so much time and they will continue to be like that because in the end no game can bring so much improvement or change to itself to be able to stay fresh after long years.

  5. What is easy or hard is very relative. I have played fast paced fps games since the 90's, naturally the game is easy for me. But today gaming is streamlined and you want to bring in and cater to the broader audience. There is such a vast difference in skill between someone like me that was training his flick shots and precise backward blind movement through map and spacial awareness via map sounds and stuff like that to my girlfriend who probably has to look at the keyboard to not miss her buttons.The only real solution are different difficulty modes.I do agree though that suddenly decreasing difficulty in a 7 year old game is strange and probably not the best decision. It is still a game and without challenge it is boring.

  6. I like the atmosphere, the visuals and the way the story is presented. S5 is definitely a step up in the presentation of the story. I was never really a gw2 lore fan but ok that is not really why I play the game or most games in general. I always like it if the story takes you to the open world events and is not all instanced.

    The essence system is a welcome addition but lacking. It is basically a grind and after it you can open chests - boring. The abilities are also lacking , they only come to play with boneskinner and even there not really required if you have a good CC rotation. But OK an extra CC is useful with boneskinner fight because as we all know by now the blue bar is enigma for 90 % of open world players. C'mon Anet add already a tutorial for newcomers what CC and break bar is! They could be so much more, a trade off between essences, passive buffs, more interesting abilities and less grind for the essences.

    Light puzzles are cool. Puzzles are always cool. I mean they are kinda easy and could be a bit more of brain challenge but a puzzle is always better than no puzzle.

    Blizzard visuals are not cool. Visual clarity Anet, visual clarity. We all want it, you always ignore us. I think you are just messing with us by now. There is nothing engaging or visually cool if you cover half of the screen with a static boring texture.

    Overall difficulty is just way to easy and should be increased (unless difficulty is a scaled break bar for reasons above). Why would you do that after Hot and Pof? You don't take a step back in difficulty in a game. The meta would be much better if it posed any challenge. Masteries would be more interesting also. Boneskinner would be more interesting and scary. People do Hot metas all the time for years. They are not really difficult anymore but at least some coordination is required. You turn down the difficulty and everyone that does other metas will be bored. Bad move imo.

    The doors open (and close). There are books (bookshelf pls). Thumbs up.

  7. @"WIR BRAUCHEN ONE EIGHTY.4257" said:They aren't hard - they are annoying!The worst thing about bosses is mechanic: spam all high damage skills -> die -> boss doesn't reset -> retry from checkpoint -> repeat until finished.Because of this I have no interest to do it right way, I can use other stats like marauder instead berserker, and such, but why?

    Plus actually I don't like, how aoes is displayed, like all floor goes red, dodge, next same in 5 seconds, dodge, what to do next, I ran out of dodges and I don't know if this red circles - oneshots or something, only applies conditions, or moderate damage that I can take without dying.So in the end you're supposed to know about this encounter, but without resetting bosses hp, you're not interested in it, because you can finish it by repeating from death. It's worst thing, even worse than spam 1 skill all the time.

    I think they can be easier, like boss having less hp, less aoe spam, but reset with every death, so you're encouraged to learn patterns from attacks, use different stats, stunbreaks, cleanses, stability and so on. And an ability to start fight right from the boss after leaving instance, would be needed.

    For example, I literally spent hours, to figure out, how to beat Liadri, what skills I need to do that, how mechanics works, and in the end it felt very satisfying - could not say that about bosses from LS3, POF, LS4 (only 2 I finished).

    I would agree that boss fights should reset with death and we should learn mechanics to be able to beat them but if they made them easier because of that that would suck even more. They are already easy enough that I don't even remember when I died to one (I probably did a few times, but don't remember because it is so rare). Making them easier would just mean that people that play for the gaming experience and are skilled enough would 100 % one shot them all making them even more boring.Harder mode is the answer. Health reset on death and tuning them harder. Keep the normal mode at vanilla difficulty.

  8. I would not call the traits completely useless and I also find them kinda fun. There are other much more useless traits. I don't really take them for the fall damage reduction but many have also other, strong effects.One very useful application are JPs but I would understand why they would want that removed. Wvw; niche but it is nice when you get to actually use it on purpose and get benefit. Open world; its just fun when you jump on a mob and secondary effect triggers.I don't see the harm in them but I will not cry over them also. Don't really see the need to tackle them at all unless there are some technical or balance reasons I don't know about.There are many useless stuff in the game that could be removed before these traits and actually give benefit of less clutter. For example there are many filler material items that just clutter material storage but have almost no real application and could be easily replaced by something else or just removed. Maybe we could than add some other items under materials which they are already by application but not by storage rules.

  9. Also there is no real flying mount in GW2.Griffon can glide and dive in the air but apart from the initial flap of wings you will never gain altitude beyond your starting point.Skyscale can gain altitude from the take of point but only to a certain degree and with horizontal movement that potential is slowly lost to a point where you have to land to gain altitude again. It has some skills that will add some additional altitude for a limited amount of time but again that is lost with horizontal movement and time.There is currently no progress locked behind those 2 mounts. Everything story, achievement or event related can be reached with other mounts. But those 2 offer easier and faster movement across the landscape. They are also just plain cool and fun. Skyscale offers great convenience while climbing and just travelling across terrain and griffon is super fast if you start from a high point and can perform super fast air gliding and diving maneuvers.

  10. Is there even any reliable info on how this would look like and how it would improve the WvW? I've been playing for almost 2 years now and I read often the forums about this saving grace for WvW and still have no idea about how the system would work. So am I missing some big piece of info that everybody is aware of or is this just some myth that everyone have their own opinion on?Also if this is something that caters to already organized guilds and communities it will be more likely the final downfall of WvW. WvW needs new blood and catering to the existing hardcore fans will not help it.One thing I have always missed in GW2 WvW is server pride. People just hop servers looking for greener grass. And they are just making it worse with links. Add some fluff stuff in the game that caters to the winning servers. Easy addition that caters to all, guilds and solo casuals alike. Server hoping should have serious consequences; a harsh but effective one - WvW rank should not transfer between servers, aka WvW server rank. Also just reducing the amount of servers would help.

  11. Can't tell for engineer (will be my next char) but I do play Ranger often in pvp, wvw (boonbeast mostly) and open world.For open world ranger is the easy mode character. But I don't say it in a bad way because it is also a lot of fun for me. You have a pet that can tank for you or offer a lot of cc and help kite so you can solo pretty much anything out there including the hardest champs. You can do incrediblee burst dmg and performs just as well at range as in melee. Simple but very effective skills. Elite specs are a bit boring though. Druid just never clicked for me. Soulbeast is nice but it is really nothing special compared to most other elites. Definitely check different weapon options as ranger has various effective combinations.

  12. Anet is all over the place with instanced content and imo doing it wrong. They keep adding and changing formats so now we have 3 active and one discontinued format which takes a huge amount of development from all aspects. And consequently updates for all of them are slow and quality is lower.

    Anet, it is not the format that is the issue. It doesn't matter if it is 5 or 7 or 10 or 20 man, it is not the length of the dungeon, it is accessibility.

    What you should do is have one or 2 format with several difficulties and making them accessible to everyone via Wow like LFR system on lowest difficulty. This way you have quality content which everyone can enjoy regardless if they just want stress free environment or hardcore guild runs.

    Learn from Wow and their LFD, LFR systems. Casual players dislike making groups manually and sooner or later it always comes to gear/achiv/dps checks even if content is completely trivial. I remember people arguing dps in dungeons I could solo. You need LFR where you queue, play whatever you are playing and suddenly a raid pops up. No dps/geart/achiev checks, just hop in and play. And it is easy difficulty so checks should not be required and 10-20% of group size can carry.

  13. @Dante.1508 said:That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

    Instanced PVE heavily leans towards melee. Stack in melee even if ranged.Story I don't know really. Never had a problem with anything. My first class was a warrior and I played through the whole content (including hot and pof) as a melee noob with rare gear. Story bosses have really visible telegraphs.Open world PVE if you like to solo post HOT champions you have to adapt. Most can be soloed but there is really no overall rule that applies to all. Some needs to be kited and have really deadly melee attacks that will eat half of your hp bar or just plain one shot KO you. For those you need ranged kiter. Some are attrition battles that are best face tanked with a tank/heal build (I bring my melee Sword/Dagger tank weaver), some you just need to break that breakbar or you die for which I bring my melee cc monster warrior ...If you want an overall one to fit all open world PVE build for some relaxing play a ranged weapon is nice which is fine imo. It is not mandatory though.

  14. @Antycypator.9874 said:

    Istan (rewards from Palawadan were heavily nerfed)Bloodstone Fen (again it's mostly about Flax, but there is only 1 big event, not popular though).

    Completely disagree, especially about Istan. I haven't had a problem finding at least one group doing the pala + GH + some filler events ever. I really like those 2 metas and do them regularly. Also often I see people meteor hunting.Bloodstone Fen is just a map I like for its verticality and go there to do some events and glide around for unbound magic. It's not a fully packed map but for a map that doesn't have a big meta with huge rewards it doesn't feel empty. There are always people around to help with events.

  15. I only found the very first part in Dragonfall a bit boring. Looking for a bunch of hidden items on one map is not my cup of tea and I don't enjoy content that much if I feel I need to resort to guides to tell me where that super hidden item is. I like exploring but not pixel hunting every little bit of a map if perhaps there is an item behind some rock that is only seen from a narrow angle.But from then on it was a joy. A nice mix of everything; events, jumping puzzles (loved those) and collecting items. Even the last part was fun for me, revisiting LW4 maps and just doing random stuff for currencies. I had most of them already in the bank so it wasn't tedious for me.

  16. In other mmorpgs I could remap the zoom in/out to some obscure buttons for that once a year moment when I wanted to zoom in. I could than remap mouse wheel to something useful. I really like mouse wheel for controls.Here this is impossible. The camera keeps zooming for god knows why. And it's not just the zoom out at boss battles, that would actually be fine if it would return me to an original setting afterward.Just give me an option to lock camera zoom forever and that is it.

  17. It's not hard to make and it is generally very useful set especially if you play WvW for exactly the reasons you want it - a nice increase in tankyness with not much compromise in power dmg. It will not go to waste.

    Is it worth it or will it be useful for you? Only you know this. Game mode, profession, your play stile and skill...

  18. Always identify before salvage. You have a chance of getting rares and exotics even from blues. And from greens you will probably get more gold from ectos from rares than everything else. If you have enough bag space and salvage o matic its a breeze.

    I don't know about selling outright. Like the poster above me said, they removed the magic find from identification process. The prices on TP dropped a lot since than.

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  19. You say same old skills and boring powers. But what is more boring than face tanking mobs with permanent stability?Just picking a few defensive utility skills solves the issue if dodge is not enough for you.But yeah active defense is the name of the game and in open world this usually just means moving out of the big yellow mark on the ground or behind the enemy when he is channeling his cc.There is another solution. CC them first.

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