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Everything posted by Vyr.9387

  1. Keep rhyming the same word with itself. After it no longer means anything You might even start liking it.
  2. It's called having a spine. Kinda hoped You've already evolved past being an invertebrate. If you can't back up your words, you better bite your tongue and admit you do not know, not die on a hill made of wishful thinking. Otherwise you risk looking like You.
  3. Burden of proof: the obligation to prove one's assertion. At Your earliest convenience.
  4. Assuming those people didn't try or aren't aware of what's fun to them, meaning You're not only disregarding their suggestion but even their agency to make decisions for themselves? Provide evidence. Otherwise Your words are the epitome of "baseless". Both of these are baseless by default regardless because of Your not addressing the fact that You can as much force a goal upon a person as tell a tornado to spin the other way, causing any further discussion to be fallacious, but challenging the impossible is what superheroes do!
  5. Vayne's deliberately talking about people in Ascended. It can be safely assumed most such players are capable of using the trading post including the advanced filters to search for specific stat combinations. In which of the multitude of possible realities would these people complain about exotics being hard/annoying/whatever to obtain? Even granted You didn't pull such a combination out of Your sock - and, therefore, assumed without evidence = dismissed without evidence - or don't know both of these individuals personally. You haven't said a thing to debunk the fact that goals can be, and usually are, mostly irrational in effect, meaning You literally can't simply point in a random direction and make a person suddenly desire to go there. And, once more, "...bosses they're already semi-afk farming...": a pure assumption magically conjured out of thin air. And, AGAIN, even if granted, the way somebody uses their gear is literally none of Your business. If anything, You should be lobbying for improvements to OW gameplay instead. I'd given the guy so much good faith in a single thread he wouldn't be able to balance it out if he became a monk this instant and lived for a millennium, and have done so in every thread since before this account of Yours has first seen the depths of these forums. This is exactly how he almost always responds - almost, because there was a point in time when we actually had a decent discussion - with literal nothing, because he's got literal nothing besides his Status No. And I could keep tearing his "arguments" apart - although I can't take credit for something so poorly thought-out that it crumbled to dust at a mere glance thrown its way on its own - as I had done over the rest of the topics but why would I when You Yourself have seen how the sobbing goes: S: Why would you suggest this? V: Because humans are like that. S: Stop dodging. Why would you suggest this? V: Alright, more specifically: because I'd like something else. S: No! Stop dodging! Like, I don't even have anything to dodge at that point. So either he's unhinged, in which case he's not worth talking to, or he's incapable of comprehension thanks to the obvious lack of effort to meet me half-way, even if I were the thick-as-a-brick portion of the conversation, in which case he's not worth talking to either. Finally, I'm not one to beat around the bush. Sob's an abusive cretin even when he's right - and, like, how far down do you need to go to kick a person when they're down? - and - no matter how much of a cesspool this forum is - people like him should not be allowed to run amok, putting every single person around through the wringer just by the virtue of their existence. Doubly so on the official pages of a high-profile online game.
  6. There's a plethora of arguments for many different angles of this suggestion, laid out many times over as well. If You're willingly choosing to embrace Your own ignorance, do live happily ever after. No honeymoon postcards necessary.
  7. Do You know Plato's cave allegory? You remind me of one of those chained people, except You're actively boycotting getting freed. Why would anyone try making the world a better place for themselves? Because that's the very nature of life opposing the great, austere, uncaring cosmos. Life moves whilst everything around pressures it to stop. We fight a war we will invariably lose because every single one of us is eventually going to die, but we still learn, we improve, we shape and create... we march on 'till we can't lift our feet off the ground, and even then, to spite the universe itself, we crawl. Your preference for letting the flow - the status quo - carry - or, rather, bury - You wherever it wishes is Your choice. I enjoy change.
  8. Because ANet's communication when it comes to player suggestions has always been miserable at best, so people started assuming the devs are completely incompetent, the code literally unworkable, or ANet caring not a bag o' beans for their community, giving the atmosphere on the forums that of an alley full of creative beggars coming up with presumably the most harmless and low-cost solutions to what they'd like to see added to the game. In many aspects, I'd assume this is caused simply by how much the game appeals to its players - the quality of the content puts many big names to shame, so the devs must obviously be at least as numerous as Blizzard, right. But ANet is a relatively small studio, especially when compared to the success of GW(2). But this also means all ventures have to be heavily scrutinized and only few get the green light. Not that the shot-callers never miss, but where a blunder would merely be a minor setback for a bigger company, it's felt much more here. And that's before shareholders start breathing down your neck.
  9. Depends on the perspective. Most topics such as this one - if taken at face value, of course - suggest their favorite game mode be a valid way to obtain the ultimate convenience of legendaries, meaning that a player should be able to choose what most interests them: pure efficiency, enjoyment, or a mix of both. Naturally, it follows that if the OW set were to require, say, twice or even thrice the amount of time to complete, it shouldn't matter to the idea's proponents whatsoever as their whole goal is to have a reward for what they already enjoy doing. This would also very quickly show who genuinely wanted a legendary option for their preferred game mode and who instead just looked for skipping any effort as the latter would invariably come crying again. As for the distinction, sPvP doesn't require combat whatsoever thanks to how the mode is structured, and if camp flipping in WvW sounds too exciting, simply taking care of dolyaks for 15/30/45 (bronze/silver/gold; if memory serves) seconds will eventually get you your armor as well (granted you already have the necessary rank). The raid sets are the only ones which do necessitate some effort, be it skill and perseverance to succeed and/or to withstand nine other people, but they are also much more fancy with all their moving parts and two (slightly) different forms. Meaning that, from this point of view, only PvE does not have an AFK legendary armor set. I would honestly hate to see it implemented like that because, as Linken pointed out, the PvP sets were more of a band-aid for internal bleeding than an actual reward tier, but it would be fair, if nothing else.
  10. More of an issue of how the forums are structured, isn't it. You can't necro topics, suggestions are packed into a single thread to be conveniently ignored, and ANet are still not participating in any discussions whatsoever even though they have a lot to mend in this regard (the sub-par build "templates" are still getting sold thrice a piece after all the "feedback" crap; this horse can't die dead enough). Thus, a player wishing to improve the game or give some feedback is pretty much forced to make a new topic. And get their enthusiasm for the game shredded because they foolishly expect the official forums to have at least some breath of quality. So unless we start getting some actual dev responses no highway horse rider is solving the Tyrian world hunger and all of this is just idle chit-chat.
  11. Way too close to Hundred Blades. I suggest "Poke'em-all", which would also turn your currently worn headgear backwards.
  12. I'd assume that's simply the acknowledgement of the seller being unable to do both at the same time. ANet have shown time and time again that their main goal is to make money, not to please players or preserve (a semblance of a dream of a mirage of) any artistic integrity, the choice of which is entirely their prerogative as is the p(l)ayers' choice to support it or not. So, from the perspective of the company, you can pick the path of abusing primitive human behavior based on the outdated hormonal hardware, which would milk 90% of your audience all the time and the remaining 10% in case stars are right, earning you a ton of money, or instead stand by your vision and only get a fraction of that, but represent your beliefs first and foremost. Easy to see which one we're walking, isn't it. Of course, this choice might be far from ANet's because of how much power shareholders claim, as passionate people tend to practice their craft for the joy of it first, paying bills only somewhere down the line, but that's another discussion entirely.
  13. It does work against the vast majority of people, sadly enough. The few of us with patience and/or principles are, understandably, getting thrown under the bus thanks to the wondrous duet of capitalism and masses living by their primal instincts. Ironically enough, that same capitalism dictates that people do have all of the strings in their hands: if nobody indulged their immediate whims, the (Gem) store would starve... or adapt. So do stand tall by Your decisions, regardless - or, rather, in spite - of these manipulative machinations. We might not see a change in our lifetime but hell knows - no single snowflake ever feels responsible for the avalanche. As for what can be done today, I tend to keep screenshots of particularly interesting combinations I stumble upon, as imperfect a solution as it is. Happen to find the lacking pieces somewhat easier to remember that way, especially if one of them comes around with seemingly no rhyme or reason.
  14. Please, scissors unsheathed, brandished and unleashed before it hit the ground. But alright, from every hairstyle might be pushing it. The cutesy anime stuff has to go, though; no mercy.
  15. That part was giving context to the difference in hairstyle counts between GW2 and Black Desert: the raw number of choices is higher here, but in BD there are all the quoted things which can be utilized to personalize almost any hairdo to an extent, making the customization arguably much more free than it is in Tyria even though it's 63 Tyrian styles vs the Desert's 17. As for our human gals' hairstyles: 18 kit-exclusive ones, 23 core ones, 18 Elonian ones, and 4 Canthan ones, adding up to 63 in total. Absolutely not saying I'm using more than a handful of those - e. g. my 9 April-sung commandresses only wear 5 unique hairstyles out of the aforementioned pool of 63 - and I imagine that's the case with many people not chasing variety for the sake of variety, but different strokes for different folks.
  16. GW2 has very little to do with any focus on character customization: To be clear, this is not to say that a pretty character is completely unheard of - all of our accounts are full of those, right - or that the customization is lacking. In fact, for example, through sheer numbers, human women have 63 different hairstyles at their disposal with the norn ones trailing a bit behind at 41, whereas one of the more popular Black Desert (!) female classes, the Dark Knight, only has 17, most of them being shared between all other female classes. (Now, it should be mentioned that you also have the entire color wheel, three different areas to use it on, a Shine slider, and limited length and even shape manipulation tools included, plus several headpieces acting as completely new hairstyles altogether, but... can't ego-boost through rationality, can you.) "Simply" porting over male hairstyles to the female repertoire and vice versa within the same race and/or updating the quality of the ancient ones would bring a whole tempest of fresh air to character customization while preserving the unique nature of cultural style. I, for one, would welcome more casual and much less gimmicky hairdos (ponytails, long curls, simple voluptuous locks... *cough* DeleteBangsFromEveryHairstyle *cough*). Seeing as everybody likes something else, however, it obviously begs the question: how? And that's why we could get an official poll with concept sketches or even a competition of original styles, vote as a community for the best (reasonable) ones, with the winner(s) getting added to the game. The next brave step in our beautiful humane relationship of consumers/company with capitalism as the backdrop! Tragedies write themselves, don't they.
  17. Nah, the hood is behaving in the same atrocious manner on anybody, including the hair deletion. The sole difference is that charrs and asuras have their horns and ears allowed to clip through. Only now checked the cape on my oversized feline, however, and, although it still looks like some level 40 Vanilla WoW fodder, the physics... kitten. So uncannily gorgeous, even in comparison to the already absurd level of animation quality native to GW2. Just... kitten. Like watching warm honey make its deliberate way across taut skin with strained muscles dancing wildly underneath. Beautiful stuff. Cynical as I happen to be, I immediately previewed the newest outfit's tail with the cape on a norn woman, but, surprisingly enough, the tail went straight through the cape. So, unless it's an issue with the preview windows, at least the cape has really been impeccably tailored mindful of naught but charr anatomy. Who'd have thought we'd live to see the day. Kinda starting to look like the items hold each other hostage: charrs got the lion's share of wonder here - no pun intended - but they're not exactly popular, whereas the hood would disappear like warm bread if only hair didn't. And even the six people who'd enjoy both at once while maining a charr get fleeced out of 400 more Gems than usually. Wonder if the author of this opulent display of pro-player brilliance is the same person who came up with the lauded monetization for Build "Templates".
  18. Does Chelsea's job involve creating the in-game models and tinkering with the characters' body interactions as well? Because a while back I met a man claiming to be responsible for handling weapon models - whom I simply had to ask whether nobody at ANet has ever held a tool in their life, judging by the grip of most swords - and he said that those particulars are completely outside of his jurisdiction as a designer. Might very well not be her name signed under the reprise of this decade-old tragedy. However, as I'm reading, she is responsible for the antediluvian atrocity that is The Dreamer... But also for my beloved Pharus and Nevermore, Archdemon Wings, Ipos, Claw of the Khan-Ur... ...What a twisted life form - artist.
  19. Credit where credit is due: every piece of gear that doesn't mutilate non-humans' racial features is a welcome addition, as are textures which take dyes as advertised - with no overlapping base paint or parts that are outright not dyeable. Sadly enough, the holy crusade against hair raves on and the cape looks like something that would drop from a random mob at around level 40 some 15 years ago. But the price tag certainly steals the show and any chance of me spending a single coin - virtual or real - on these items, no matter how much I love hoods or support variety and eye kitten-less gear design. IF there were hair, I'd most likely reconsider. IF there were tech for the hair to vary according to the hairstyle currently worn by a character, signaling an end to the rule of king Edward Scissorhelms, I'm positive even that 1k wouldn't look like much to a community you've been starving for more than a decade. As it stands, though? GOG claims I'm able to get the entire Final Cut of Disco Elysium for 800 Gems within the next 20 hours. Like comparing apples to oranges, but it makes you wonder if a single piece of the former is really worth the price of twenty kilos of the latter just because somebody else said so. Even had the Gems already prepped, counting down the hours before the Store restocked, spending the time dancing through all the characters who could use the hood immediately; that's how much I looked forward to the thing. Guess you saved me from a severe lack of t-charges and also from potential playtime. [sarcasm] Much appreciated! [/sarcasm] Bonus meme: Imagine getting your item pricing reported as a bug in a game which has been for ten years conditioning its players to expect all worthwhile rewards to be sold almost exclusively in its cash shop.
  20. On the other hand, check out this concept art, namely the right side of his face. Might need a breath of a magnifying glass magic, but there's a clear, sharp section on the guy's nose which is pointing at some ~45 degree angle downward, very reminiscent of all the random leaves and thorns protruding from sylvari faces, and another visibly different portion of the skin under his right cheekbone going towards his jaw, and another such a one running alongside this cheekbone below his right eye. The latter could pass as some sort of scars or even wild hair, but the nose leaf does heavily suggest a member of the floral fauna, no matter the specializations' trends. That, though, is one tough customer. Dreading to even imagine him running toward me in that bubbly male sylvari manner.
  21. "Overwhelming focus on X" doesn't equal "overwhelming majority of people focusing on X". The difference being that in the first case the noun "focus" is being amplified by the adjective "overwhelming", denoting that the concentration is what's too much, while in the second one the "majority" is "overwhelming", meaning the number of people being way too large. Ideas worlds apart. Just as You ignored what Lezbefriends wrote and put words into her mouth, so are You doing the same to me now, trying to attack my argument by basically making up something I haven't said. This is the very definition of the straw man fallacy, and I'm not interested in fighting over basics of logic, especially if You're clearly not keen on the conversation going anywhere. Now that it's clear whence the wind blows, the question is: will debating the rest of Your straw men army accomplish something? Obviously not. Will I do it anyway because I enjoy (intellectual) fencing dearly? I would. But everybody knows how's that going to end, especially since You're apparently in the combating - not conversing - mood already, so... go grab a tea, preferably with a change of scenery, and hit me up when the world's not breathing down Your neck. I'll be around!
  22. The overwhelming focus on optimization of gameplay resulting in an overall decrease in enjoyment. But I meant the first sentence You quoted in a general sense because it's ultimately a question of empathy - a human extending a helping hand to fellow humans - not of ones and zeroes of game design. Read Lezbefriends's post again. Everything You're putting into her mouth here has been first said by somebody else and not by her. Actually, let's dance, so I - or anybody else - can just point at this post in case the thread gains momentum. Paragraph #1: an introductory comparison setting up the scenery revolving around speed. Questionable whether somebody's actually keeping track of the amount of events tagged and basing their tips to the leading commander on that, but there's nothing calling for any change here. Paragraph #2: an example of fast-paced maps, further bringing forth the idea of speed. I'd argue even the first point of contention within the thread - "...like Drizzlewood and Dragonfall..." - is moot, because nobody during a farm would stop for dialogue on any map, instead actively calling such instances boring, waste of time, etc., e. g. ze Wall at the end of the TD meta, making a player feel like there's a constant rush regardless of design. And an utterly brilliant connection to racing adventures straight from beneath a tinfoil hat, but still nothing calling for any change whatsoever. Paragraph #3: another example of how everything is speed first and foremost. As the audience probably guessed at this point, no change calls. Paragraph #4: a crescendo giving meaning to the previous three paragraphs more or less purely about speed, calling for a change in how people view the game. Not. How. It. Should. Be. Made/Played. Not even as a general rule, Lezbefriends literally says "...every once in a while". The only issue here is, from what I can see, people not taking Lezbefriends's post for what it is, but for what they decided it should be based on previous experience and/or loose conjecture, building off each of their own posts instead of what the OP actually claims. Meaning that, in truth, there's no issue whatsoever, because pretty much nobody addressed anything the OP claimed to begin with. Most people don't give enough kitten litters to parse through arguments in such a cold-headed manner, though, and the impression of getting reviled tends to bury itself deep thanks to us humans being social animals. I'm simply trying to minimize that effect.
  23. Standing tall against the current is an unfortunately rare virtue. One would think that the virtual anonymity packaged within an online presence would help it, but more often than not it seems like "it's just a game" matters very little when interacting with humans, regardless of physically staring them down. Even simply looking at the amount of people on these very forums arguing solely from positions of defending their egos already paints a bleak picture. I myself had been on the conforming side not as long ago as to forget, but all it took was literally one guy to oppose the status quo for the seed of doubt to get planted. Had it a bit easier, admittedly, considering taking commands always went against my grain, but I'm not adequately narcissistic to think my case is something special. Grand thing You are confident enough to withstand the social tidal waves, however some people do benefit greatly from seeing or simply getting reminded that such an ostensibly incomprehensible feat is quite possible to achieve altogether. I've read the OP for the seventh time now, and... The single time Lezbefriends is calling for a change in all thirteen sentences is the last three, and even that's for a change of the players' perspective. She (assuming it's the same gal behind the previous name of Morti) hasn't said anything about the entire game being all just about Superspeed & Fury us, or that the metas are a problem themselves, or even that people shouldn't do them. The first ten sentences simply describe her experience. Not even in an overly hostile manner. She's drawn a picture of a village and everybody immediately started criticizing the buildings' interior. Why? But the last two perfectly aim at the way the post should be viewed in, and yet it seems like nobody managed to get that far. Of course, using words is hard because words mean things - and as such being precise in one's presentation is an actual art form - so the only person fully aware of the intended meaning of the OP is Lezbefriends herself, but no matter her notoriety (whose rise I apparently completely dodged with my last break) the value of what a person is saying shouldn't be dictated by who they are - that's basically the good old ad hominem fallacy - and concluding random things never helps any conversation go forward.
  24. Sure you fine lords and ladies simply can't see the wood for the trees? Or see any flora or fauna for the author's name to begin with. Lezbefriends's three closing sentences clearly indicate the main point being brought up in this post is the breakneck speed the optimal way of playing inevitably (d)evolves into, which doesn't come naturally to most people, causing all the good stuff like anger, burnouts, even hatred towards things a player previously loved. And all of that is "easily" countered by simply stopping in your tracks and remembering that games are, first and foremost, supposed to entertain, no matter how many psychologists instead of developers companies hire to relieve you of your time (and cash, but that's just a physical representation of time, anyway) as efficiently as possible. True, Dragonfall and Drizzlewood might not be alike anything else - I actually like them exactly because of said aspect; there always being movement, always something happening - but that's still a mere example used to illustrate the rush as the prime subject of the OP. Sometimes, all it takes is for somebody to come up to you and say "hey, this is not okay," because the devil's in the details and our enormous brains are strangely keen on overlooking them. And that's exactly how this proposed idea - if read to the end - seems like: a reminder of an astonishingly obvious concept that still takes a lot of effort to unearth alone.
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