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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 9 hours ago, jokke.6239 said:

    Arena Net, see how much money you potentially lost by not having race change in the store 😊

    Character slot expansion. He/She wouldn't waste bank/equipment slots, birthdays, map progression and probably much more. In my humble opinion, his/her decision was kinda... reckless, to put it delicatly. But well, new main, means more money for a-net from buying all this bag stuff over again. 😕

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  2. 2 hours ago, Dark Viper.2378 said:

    Looks like you answered all my questions regarding this topic, thanks for that. One more question though, what prerequisites do I need to unlock the perfected envoy armor? for eurene its obviously EoD expansion, but perfected envoy armor is a first gen legendary (So far i just cleared the "My Story" quest line and entering the living world S1

    I might be wrong, coz I was always there when expansion hitted or LS chapter landed, but I think, since Lege armor comes from first four raid wings, you will need to have HoT for w1, w2 and w3, and the LS3 episode with Bloodstone Fen map for w4. I might be wrong tho, maybe you will be able to access all wings from the aerodrome, so would be glas if someone more knowledgable would confirm this. As for unlocking achivment itself, if I remember correctly, killing any raid boss unlocks tier 1 envoy armor achivment.

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  3. Depends what exactly is posing the problem.

    Usually it is provisioner tokens for armor, for them the more CMs you do, the more you get, also in each capital city you can find a provisioner vendor, which will give you tokens in exchange for various items, It's good to check what you can sell to get most of them. Be careful tho, becouse some stuff merchants wants for this tokens is also needed for armor.

    For aurene weapon the most annoying step I can think of is gathering the cantha currency (dont remember the name, it's the most basic one). Only good thing to do here is playing EoD metas. Especially Dragons End becouse it will give you Ancient Summoning Stone for completion, and you need many of them fot Aurene lege.

    As for Ancient Summoning Stones, since you mentioned you are new player, You might wanna level up Arborstone Revitalisation mastery, (if you havent already) and get 5 A.S.S. for almost free each week.

    Research Notes you can get from salvaging ascended stuff you get from raiding, with Research Kit, but first you need to change their stats in mystic forge so they appear as crafted, so they can be actually be destroyed with Research Kit. The cheapest way to swap stats I know of (hope it still is) was buying Elegy Mosaics and put them in MF along with the ascended item you will want to destroy, Antology of Heroes from Miyani and 5 ecto per item. It should turn into The Twins weapon/armor piece and schould be destroyable for Research Notes. 

    Thats most annoying stuff from the top of my head. If you have something else in mind, feel free to let me know @Dark Viper.2378.

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  4. 15 hours ago, garkos.2973 said:

    Endgame is gated, imagine you re new. 

    You will see lfgs,  but they all need 20k ufe for fractal cms.


    I m lucky to have kp for raids, but fractal cm can only be done with a guild that is interested in them.

    I almost never see fractal cm training runs in contrary to raid lfg.

    Almost no new player will ever experience them



    10 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    Yeah I think this whole thread only holds true for fractals. 

    Fractals are no raids where sometimes you need to place markers or need a special roles or have a commander tag. You only need four other ppls so everyone is perfectly able to organize such training themselves without special preperation. Most ppls that ask for kp's, already did their fair share of training runs, if they were able to get there, you are also able to do that without someone carry your hand. Be it with pugs or with guild. Hell 100cm at this moment is doable solo as some you tuber showed, I personally managed to duo it with my friend. So once again I am stating that the only gatekeeping is within yourself, not in LFG.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    Not exactly with or against your idea... Just tried to weigh the options... 

    On one hand, players feel uncomfortable when they spend time dressing and dyeing creating a nice look only to be copied in a flash and the copycat getting praised for the look/outfit fashion in lobby map chat...

    On the other hand inspect gear might lead a (new/bored) player who doesn't have the piece of gear striking up a conversation on how to get the Armor and getting interested in game content by pursuing that gear piece


    So... Weighing "commendation to the deserved", "individuality", "privacy" WITH "game content exposure", "player retention", "potential social connection"

    Could be 'n' number of things vs n things... So idk ... Just throwing this out there.... What's good for the game? What benefits the game to stay longer and what maintains the game's integrity and what creates a good experience in game


    Thankd for clearing it up for me. ❤️ As for your point of inspect encouraging new players to ask someone about acquiring certain armor. Imo there is nothing to worry about. When I was beginning my journey through Tyria, I wasnt hestitant to ask for many pieces I just saw someone wearing at the moment, for example centurion claw or heritage armors, and ppls always explained it to me. 

    From the other side, when Grothmar Valley map came out with super rare helmet for charr, Visage of the khan-ur. I had 5 whispers every day asking how to get it and how nice it looks.

    So I don't think that having inspect would make ppls ask for armor pieces, since they do it anyways. And not having it gives more opportunities to help someone and strike conversations imo. ^^

  6. 10 hours ago, zaced.7948 said:

    that's just how the game is. i would recommend completely ignoring all the content the community has made miserable to play.

    sweatlords: "you need 15000 abc and 5000 xyz and title x and make a handstand and you better do it within 3 seconds after joining the group or you will be kicked from the group via nuke"

    *nobody wants to play with said sweatlords and the endgame-community is dying out*

    sweatlords: *surprised pikachu face*


    basically, if you haven't played endgame content 24/7 at the time it came out and gathered x amount of whatever pointless thingy it drops or if you have actually used those thingies for anything the content may as well just not exist for you. yes, there are some hippie-go-happy hobo-handout groups that will teach you the encounter but that's still pointless because knowing the encounter is irrelevant if you cannot present a huge pile of killproofs.

    and no, making a group will not help you since people don't join groups without killproof requirements. those that would have been driven away by this toxic community long ago and don't even bother.

    just ignore that content and play open world. for stuff like raids there is plenty of other mmos.

    Just here to say that I started raiding like a year ago, without guild or any cummunity that helps with raiding. I used only LFG tool, while also working 8 hours shift every day.

    First I acquired few required builds and trained them in fractals. Next I watched some quick videos explaining few encounters. Than I started joining trainings/semi-trainings/no kp runs. Once I finished certain encounter i join few kp variant of it, and leter 10,20,30 kp and so on, until you don't really need to care for you kp anymore. 

    So my personal expirience, belive it or not, proves your whole point wrong. Especially since you do not even have to do it hard way, without any help like I did. You can join various communities and guilds that are dedicated to train players in raiding. 

    Even my friend newbie guild that I joined few months ago, have dedicated some time to train raids, some guildies without even having proper gear, and surprise surprise, they clear W1 - W4 every week and sometimes W7.

    The only limitations you have, comes from yourself.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    Valid argument ... How does it feel if 10 players all of a sudden just transform into your clone and run around in lobby area(rhetorical question btw). GW2 community fashion events in divinity reach and copycats. And so on...

    But then again ffxiv has the inspect feature... So... Idk ... Fashion might not be a brainchild of one individual's creativity

    Can you explain? I don't really know if you are with me on this or against my point.

    Like I do not understand second part of your post. How some other game having gear inspect is an argument towards the statement that fashion in gw2 is not a child od your own creativity. 

    You might just making a joke that I do not understand, so I am geniuely lost. Xd

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  8. Just leaving my 3 cents. Fight is bugged as hell, clunky hooks, stealing boons from pets (fixed yesterday thankfully), if boss manage to phase with regeneration, it used phase attack twice which bugs entire fight, tethers sometimes do not give you a mob even tho you stand still, or give it to heal when galf of the bar is already filled, desynchronised eyes, eyes that hits you even tho you averted your eyes. 

    Thats probably all, altho I doubt it.

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  9. 13 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    just weapons is a bad idea anyway. should been a elite or new class at least. 

    new weapon will barely add anything. 

    They have problems with balancing now, they will have even more with mixing specs and this new weapons, I think they made a good decision with not adding more "to be balanced" stuff, for this expansion.

    Edit: relics and runes stuff will have to be balanced too knowing anet. Xd

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