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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 9 hours ago, Stonelark.9768 said:

    NECRO'D: Highest point on the map is Verdant Brink, Precarious Perch just west of "Canopy over Pale Reaver Rally."

    Nope, highest accesible point on map has always been Mordremoth tree in Dragon Stand. The tree where he dies.

    Edit: Other mentions that could rival it would be probably giant trees in Bitterfrost Frontier and SotO buildings like Wizard tower or Bastion in the middle in Amnytas. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

    No need to do yoga, just eat a food buff of choice and use that metabolic primer and you dont have to eat for 12 hours. And 1 meta burns enough fat already. You only have to eat more to keep your muscle in shape. 

    With metabolic primers You stray from the path od the Gods of Fitness, and You will probably die from the heart attack at your 40s. We should not encourage the shotrcuts. Normal metas are bad for your health to, hitting that "1" butto... swinging that sword like a mad man is not an proper excersise, You might get your muscles strained and hurt yourself. You are also stressed becouse all of that monsters hunting You.

    Only Amnytas meta will give you, fresh, healthy, family friendly and IMMERSIVE, way to stay at your best self.

    Once, before SotO, fur on my charr was getting whiter and whiter after every meta, now my fur regained it's glossy black colour, on the top of that my fur is strong and luscious as it was in the day when I made this character at release.

    Edit: Eating more won't help much if you won't eat smart. I saw a norn shoving hundrets of candy corn at once. He only made himself vomiting.

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  3. What about the yoga excersises in Amnytas meta, that keep Your character fit and healthy... led by hidious blue monster that is scaring more kittens out of me than the actual boss of this meta that looks like Lovecraftian horror, ey op, EY?! SotO gave our characters a chance to work on ours Jessica Albas bodies during the meta event, can You ask for anything more immersive? Xd

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  4. They kind of are unlimited. Just have little more steps to it. Turn Astral Acclaim into gold bags, turn gold from gold bags into gems, buy charges for gems. What You really ask for is to make them cheaper to get, and with the Wizard Vault introduced they were made cheaper like tenfold already.

    As for my personal opinion, form my pov making them even cheaper is not necessery. I am perfectly able to sit on hundret of them, with only having lege weapons and while maintaining ten ascended sets, all with diffrent toons.

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  5. 15 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

    An auto queue would do wonders for dungeons, and emboldened raids

    Nope, it wouldn't. Dungeons will be in the same state with or without Q. 

    For the easy faceroll content that do not require any roles, one can just make "All welcome" LFG and go do other stuff until group fills up. It's basicly equivalent of the most basic queue system. It works and let me do any dungeon I want, anytime. Other system will not magicly convince peoples to play dungeons more, it have to be rewarding or be made to progress something that many peoples will want to achive.

    For harder content it won't work for the sole reason of how game is designed, peoples should know that before asking for such nonsense. Take a tank role for example. To be considered a tank by the game, you have to have the highest toughness number of all players in squad. Since stats works as they are, someone who join as dps, may run a max toughness build, thus creating a conflict becouse game design will consider him a tank and not a person that joined as a tank, and boss will target him instead of a tank. So you will end up with even more time lost, hoping that this full toughness dps will change his build, which can be complicated without access to legendaries or several ascended sets.

    Other thing why auto LFG wouldn't work is that it would have to get it's own kp system. Becouse unless you want to get very unsure training session with most players being oblivious to mechanics, that will never get you any knowledge of the encounter, not even mention a kill and wasted time, You really might want to stick to organized training sessions, becouse AutoLFG is just not able to ensure that someone expirienced AND willing to spend hours on teaching will join You.

    And if this unsure training session really is what You desire, than just as I said above, You are perfectly fine and able to use the equivalent of autoLFG, and just place "All Welcome" LFG. It have this advantage that once You relize how futile going into high-end content without proper preperation and composition is, You can always change "All Welcome" description into one thay says "All Welcome training, need mentor" or "no kp training run, need x, y, z role, and someone to explain mech", mix and match all You want. AutoLFG is just not able to give You that. This is a fact for everyone who at least dipped their toe into any high-end content in this game, becouse it is a games elementery design. Making 69th topic about it will not change that.

    So to summarise, i think that creating a new AutoLFG system would be a massive waste of resources and probably give birth to many unexpected bugs, and I even dare to say that Arena is most likely aware of that, after trying to implement something like that for strikes public instances. If it would work as intended, and be better than normal LFG, than devs surely would implement it for other content as well.

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  6. 1 hour ago, zaw.6741 said:

    well it is bad optimization / some artifical limitations (shadows are computed on gpu, yet gpu cores/memory utilization doesnt go up, just ~20ish frames land in garbage bin, without even trying to push the hardware). i thought dx11 migration was to avoid situations like that

    i wonder if its any better on top of the line gpus (4080/90/7900)

    It probably is. My friend have one od this high end gpu and says it is working as it normally do.

    • Sad 1
  7. Just now, TwinFirebird.8306 said:

    I have everything. The only masteries I haven't completed are the new SotO ones.



    Than it might be a bug. I would advice You to contact support team, and still observe this topic, maybe I have missed something and someone smarter than me will find solution. And during waiting for an answer, check what components You will need for your quaggan friend, and start collecting them already. I am sure members of the support will be more than willing to help You resolve this if this is a bug or guide You with the right directions if this is some other thing.

    At least thats what I would do. Good luck in your crafting. ^^

  8. No. Xd









    Do You remember all this posts from years ago? "We will do everything, every grind, every gold sink, may it be couple times longer than others,  JUST GIVE US OW LEGE ARMOR". Here You go. Your favourite game mode. You can do metas, rifts, all the quality content You so enjoy. I really do hope there will be no shortcuts like Trading Post or Mats exchange. Or maybe in few years, once you already struggle throu this grind, only to see others getting it way easier, that would be great to see. xdddd

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  9. 34 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Funny how it's "people asked for this" when you are arguing with people that did not ask for this, and when called up on this you get defensive. Speaks volumes.

    Omega lul. But you are the one whos calling. I am not arguing with anyone, thus I am not getting defensive. Dunno what is growing in this pretty little head of yours, so I'll put it as plainly as I can and stop responding.

    OP has made a statement about the community, I found a thread that perfectly fitted description of ppls from the point #2 he described in his post, so I decided to quote Him and write, that I agree with him, while also putting some well known facts for every person that visits forum at least once a week. Becouse it is true that before announcing Legendary OW armor, many ppls on this very forum were begging for it with promises that they will do any grind/gold sing possible. And yet, there are already new topics popping about how OW armor that is not even fully released yet is so hard and expensive to get, and yet again begging about making it cheaper/buyable/less grindy.

    If You looking for someone to argue with so much, than make yet another topic about skyscale being too hard, or raiders being toxic or GoB being WvW only. And let me be in peace. I am sure someone will bite a bait eventually. Maybe even me if my day in job tommorow will be boring enough. Take care and cool down. xD

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  10. On 9/20/2023 at 11:44 AM, Hesione.9412 said:


    1. The new SotO legendary armour is too much effort.

    Yeah. Just saw a topic. SotO armor is not even released and someone is already begging to make it buyable on trading post. So much for the statements "open world armor can be as todious and time consuming as you want, just give us ow lege armor". Xd

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