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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 19 minutes ago, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

    Hmm..I am actually handy to have around.

    Thats what I am thinking too. I think you dont give yourself enough credit. Like I don't think I was ever kicked from a ow or dragonstorm/convergence content unless I was literally afking for a longer time for some reason. And as ascended food provider its safe to say that you are practicly a god of the run/meta. Xd

  2. 18 minutes ago, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

    Hmm...well, the game is alive, colorful.  I enjoy the sometimes absurdness of map chat.  I love seeing how people dress their characters, I love doing digital homicide to wake up in the mornings alongside my cup of coffee.

    I do like interacting with people.  What I am ashamed of is I am a klutz...and a sensitive klutz at that.

    WvW is like PvP...full of people taunting you, trying to get a rise out of you, so you will go into a blind rage and thus be taken out easily...I don't want to go there.

    Fair enough, thanks for the answer. ^^

  3. 5 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    And the forums with multiple "Anet is catering to elitists"/"Anet is forcing us to Raid" threads. More Fractal/Strike/Raid or even dungeon oriented weeklies would be interesting.

    It's intresting really. Like I am fully aware topics like this would pop up. Especially after seeing few topics fighting for 10aa already. I feel there would be complains even if ANet would add this raids as additional objective, so not even adding it to the rotation of already existing one. But if it were on me, I would risk a little more clotted forum if it would mean a little more life on raiding LFG.

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  4. 35 minutes ago, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

    Lisa slaps her forehead, I forgot raids on my list of things lonewolfs cannot do..

    I'll take a long shot, but what about WvW? You can't get kicked, You don't have to interract with peoples more than in OW, and You can go invisible in case You are afraid of others whispering You. Feels like a perfect solution for lone wolfs imho, at least as much as it make sense forcing yourself to play multiplayer game while not liking interracting with peoples. No offence. Just trying to help, and I am little curious what is holding You in the game as almost everything requires others to complete. ❤️

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  5. 1 hour ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

    You keep making this claim in thread after thread with absolutely zero to back it up.

    Basically, anyone on the forums who disagrees with you gets accused of being an ANet employee, which at this point probably adds up to more people than they actually have working for them.

    Prove it or drop it, it's getting tiresome.

    I wish he was right tho. At least we would be getting a pay check. Xd

    • Haha 9
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  6. 10 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    You see Biziut.3594 ?


    No wonder people are downing voting each other in the forums and in reddit 

    What am I supposed to see? I know @Ashen.2907 is right, hope You learned a lesson from what He/She said. You want to get into instanced content for so long but do nothing to get there. Instead You are here, advocating that peoples wanting fast clears are supposed to carry You for some reason and cater to your needs. In the span of two years I already managed to be a part of 3 newbie guilds that were making their first steps into raiding and CM's. Now they do clears in their own merry company. And what have You done?

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  7. Yeah, thats sadly GW2 reddit for You OP. Forum is usually better, but there tend to be cringe posts too. Like this one. 

    27 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

     but dont whine about kicked from LI groups if you dont meet the criterea ...........

    Some ppls think that only their expirience with the game is the one most important, and will try their best to convince peoples that for example, they do not have right to set any requirements in their own LFG.

    Uhh... cringe.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Warbie.9360 said:

    Shouldn't bump this, but i didnt realize it got any responses really. So now that armory is out and you would keep your legendary backpacks. I still think this would be a good idea. What is the purpose of having 3 legendary backpacks but i can only use 1. I want to show my dedication to getting the backpack from all 3 modes, but i can only wear 1 at a time. It can be a totally new skin. It doesnt even have to be shiny. I just want it to show my dedication to getting them all. Give it Golden fractal spikes, flames from warbringer, and add the mother of pearl glass and some bronze, it can be a monstrosity even. I just dont see an incentive to get more than 1 of them, but I like the achievements for them. 

    Don't know if this will solve your problem or you may already know about it, but You can toggle a glider randomizer button and add all your 3 lege backs as favourites. So you will be able to show all of them off. At least when gliding. As for the backpack skin, I just use diffrent eq templates for various builds so I can show off more of my stuff.

    • Sad 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    Just the ability to log in and do nothing and get a box on multiple accounts?  

    Yeah probably this.

    I really like the new system too. I would never guessed that anet will give out literally the gem store utility items for free. I wish now they could give us more slots for templates so I can enjoy them all.

    And the infusion is the cherry on the top of this cake of gold and legendary mats. ^^

    • Like 3
  10. 5 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Plus, they introduced a way to buy your Essences and never have to bother with Rift Hunts and Convergences again apart from the Weeklies -- yay! 😄

    Kind of miserable tho that the content they advertised the most can now be (and probably will be) abandoned completly. I really wish they could do something to make this rift interesting and fun content.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Futa.4375 said:

    "Another mind numbing thing" is a perfect way to describe Convergences. I don't find them fun at all but to each their own.

    Yeah, at least You can get a lot of essences if You need them. So even tho it's just as boring, I am picking this over rifts any time. The only good thing about it. Actually now I am glad that I have never farmed the rifts, I would be pretty mad when I would realise I can get stacks of essences by just doing convergences things. xD

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  12. Yhh, imho it's just another mind numbing... thing. Less complicated than Marionette and even Dragonstorm, and even more boring than most of the metas. Just go here kill some mobs, go there kill a champion you already killed 1000 times in OW, and lastly kill a wyvern boss, that is basicly your stereotypical HoT wyvern but wearing fractal 100cm infusion and called Sorrow. (Name of this boss is at least well picked since this is exactly what I felt fighting it, sorrow and frustration xd ). The only thing I like about this instance thing is the chest with essences at the end. 

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  13. 16 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

    Why does a game made for casuals have action combat and a completely open build system?

    And how does this two things exclude this game from being for casuals. Pretty sure that tryhards are not the only ones that like this kind of combat and tinkering with the builds. Plus I said it's centered around casuals. There is pretty much stuff that tryhard can enjoy as well, but we were never the main audience of this game. And it's pretty ovbious that it's not good enough for the guy I quoted, thus advice to change the game.

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  14. I am fine with it. I don't know what more do You want from it. This is a daily/weekly, it requires an absolute minimum of your effort to get them done, so the items you get are like almost handed over for free. Compared to the old daily system You get not only more mats/gold but also skins, infusions and armor/weapon skins and pieces + gemstore utility items, and it's still not enough for You?

    Well... Give them a finger...

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  15. 1 minute ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    The best part is that he has done no Strike CMs, no Raid CMs beyond Desmina CM and also has missing Fractal CMs.

    Oh You do not have to tell me that. I know very well who this guy is. I am allergic to Him to say the least, after He killed my friend in WvW and started to whisper to Him, insulting Him, telling that he is worthless ,that he do not deserve His raid legendary armor, (yeah, I dare You to find logic in that xd) and he added many other slurs that I wouldn't dare to include here.

    When he faced consequences (read: me), becouse as a true man of honor does, he blocked my friend immidietly after lashing at Him. He started to cover behind His thousands of mental issues, like it supposed to justify treating peoples like trash. I told Him my part, reported and moved on. Just look at the tumblr link he have on his quote. This is honestly a person that needs a doctor, and somehow He is still here, babbling nonsense and lying to himself that he is better than anyone else becouse in other games He wouldn't be able to even enter a high end content. GW2 is like His drug I think, he despise it but it's the only thing that let Him feel better. And I am not saying it out of spite. I really wish He could find professional help, but online gaming is certainly not a way to find it.

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  16. I have enjoyed it. In terms of difficulty some of the raid bosses are easier than this imo. And it's not like every single cm have to be HT like. I would call it the same level of difficulty as KC cm.

    The only thing that I do not like about this strike, and strikes in general is lack of something original. Like jumping throu Sabir's platform higher and higher, or navigating Qadim's puzzle platform, or getting hanged high in the air on Qadim 2 cm fight. This fights always had something amazing to them. Strike bosses are just like, big boring arena (usually part of the world map), with sponge at the center. It was no less boring nor more exciting than other strike bosses, so I don't really know what are most ppls so disappointed about, but that is just my opinion.

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  17. 35 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    This must be a joke... right? :classic_huh:

    This CM is completely boring.

    Minus the cool achievements that made getting the title for the XJJ CM a real challenge at the time.

    CO CM is not the least bit of a challenge, and it also doesn't have any fun achievements that would potentially make it more challenging.

    Why would he joke. Difficulty is pretty subjective and falls into many diffrent factors such as how expirienced your group is.

    I wouldn't call it hard by comparing it to HT cm or even some fractal/raid cm's, I got my kill in no kp pug run after 6 tries. XJJ cm I scored after 2 tries also with pugs, but it's only my expirience and I totaly understand others might have it diffrent. I had fun doing it nonetherless.

    As for special title achivments, I don't know what You so enjoyed about XJJ title. Basicly just a bigger damage pressure and bigger hp sponge. But I do understand that You might have enjoyed it and I won't ask you "You must be joking right?".

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  18. I am all about QOL, but I am not really into easing things way too much. We already got plenty of legandary crafting mats from WV, like Clovers, Coins, Laurels for T6, even pure gold. So just in my opinion i don't think it should be given so easly away as well. Legendaries should require time and effort, we both know how effort in gw2 looks this days but at least time can stay similar imo.

    1 hour ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

    Why do you think it shouldn't be added? There are so many useless items in the WV. I do like the idea of having one merchant who has them all. Would definitely be a improvement. 


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