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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. On 8/16/2023 at 3:41 AM, Apolo.5942 said:

    I dont care for JP and more crucially it is not clear, does not work properly and its poorly implemented, please remove it from rotation.

    You took the worst part of GW and made it mandatory in dungeon content.

    Please walk it back.

    Yes this is about silent surf.

    I like it, it works for me perfectly and I am glad that they took the part of gw2 I enjoy and made it into dungeon content. Please do not walk it back.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    while Microsoft news just announced today, "Xbox Says ‘8 Strikes And You’re Out’ To Toxic Gamers"

    "We are constantly improving our safety measures and bringing more systems and tools in place that empower players to respectfully interact with one another – because everyone deserves a place to comfortably be themselves online, free from harassment and bullying.

    Enforcement transparency is about giving players clarity into how their behavior impacts their experience."

    And why exactly you are quoting me here?

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  3. 3 hours ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

    Yes, I think GW2 does feel more toxic lately. Not the community, though. The community is fine. It's the game!

    IBS, with all those horrid those DRM things, should have come with a coupon for a box of sodium bicarbonate, aspirin, and anhydrous citric acid tablets.

    I can't believe I played through that whole thing...

    Topic means lately. IBS was released few years ago. Let this topic die or be closed already, it's already ran it's course several times and serves only as a bickering battlefield from time to time.

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  4. 51 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Flexing with 109 IQ while misunderstanding what the other wrote and attacking them. Congrats.

    Well, once me and my friend did one of this internet iq tests for fun. I mean the ones with 5 question + paid SMS. We got whole 130. You can imagine how trust worthy this test was tho. With the way this guy write I can imegine this might be the same case with His 109.

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  5. I do not think You Tubers are the best autorithy when it comes to the things this game / balancing needs. ANet have their data, it's their game, and even tho we all know how the balance is looking in this game (hell I am a mostly deadeye thief myself), in my opinion responsibility of balancing the game lies in ANet and ANet only.

    We (youtubers included) can only whine or be happy about it for some feedback and constructive criticism.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Our social features in this game are kind of primitive. They could definitely be improved upon.

    Like there could be an option for your friends to see and whisper you even when invisible/away, or as you mentioned to serve as a blacklist to not join your squad. At the very least you should be able to ban people from rejoining. Kick vs ban is a pretty standard multiplayer feature since the turn of the century.

    But at least they removed block list stalking so we are going somewhere.

    So true. Still hold my hopes for both of this and some more to be implemented.

  7. 5 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    I think what they're trying to say is that 10 people with obviously bad opinions (why else wouldn't they like my post?) will also give bad opinions on another post. So maybe you could connect the dots and decide that these 10 people have bad opinions on other people's opinions. So then you could form an opinion on their opinion about opinions.

    Which would be utterly pointless, so I guess the only argument is that it might be neutral "Nothing wrong will happen to them". Except that's never a reason to do anything, because it would waste resources and people's time.

    No argument there. I guess it's kinda rethorical question from me, becouse I already know the answer. Numerous peoples here from both sides in numerous topics on emotes are stating that emotes hold no power on both ArenaNet and community. So knowing if this is all the same ppls putting confused smiles won't change a thing. Punishing peoples for using confused emote repeatidlily is bad eighter. And if someone think that peoples will stop using this emote only becouse his name will be visible on it than he is wrong too, as I already don't have issue to tell who and when I gave this emote, and I think I even said it in this exact topic before.

    And if there is no reason to add something, than this shouldn't be added. Coz u know, you can use this time on something that actually matters.

    • Like 1
  8. One down, anyone else who will finally tell me why this assumed ten peoples spamming confused emotes should have their names revailed, why should anyone? 

    It's already settled that Arena Net do not make their decisions based on this few confused faces (surprising right? Xd )

    And quoting the Healers argument...

    34 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    There wasn't anything bad happened to people spamming for 8 years , that the casuals shouldnt have an OW legendary right ?

    So yeah, wanting something "bad" to happen to the theorytical peoples spamming confused emotes as a punishment is not a great argument eighter imo.

    Why than?

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  9. 1 minute ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Nothing wrong will happen to them . So it wont hurt to show them

    But you want something to happen to them right? 

    18 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    There wasn't anything bad happened to people spamming for 8 years 

    This is why you want this implemented? To see something bad happen to them?

    If this is not the reason after all than maybe you will finally give me one? Why do you want to know the names of this ten peoples. Mind that I ask you this question for the fourth time, and you still didn't gave me any consistent answer, other than blurry remark that you want them punished/ something bad happen to them.

    Why do you want to know the names of this peoples? Why do you want the whole community to know them?


    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Wait , people who spammed "now OW lege" , got hurt in aany way ?

    Forget the Armor. The question was why do you want to see the names of the "Confused Peoples"?

    You answered...

    8 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    There wasn't anything bad happened to people spamming for 8 years , 

    So becouse some peoples were spamming Confused Emotes for 8 years, you want something bad happen to them, and you think this bad will happen to them if community will be able to see their names?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Well like i said , its to know each other more .

    This isn't an argument for adding such thing.

    2 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    There wasn't anything bad happened to people spamming for 8 years , that the casuals shouldnt have an OW legendary right ?

    So you want peoples to see the names of the peoples using confused faces, becouse you want to see them punished or hurt for using them?

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Its exclty the same , like 10-20 people where flocking the forums and where telling us that we dont need OW legendary or easier Turtle , or more "fun Skyscale aquisition" . 

    The rest of the population can make a jugdement of the whole situation 😛

    This is not answering my question. Skyscale, Turtle, Armor all is being implemented despite getting confused emotes from (as you presume) the same peoples. So great, ANet do not make decisions basing on that few confused emotes. 

    So asking the same question again. Why is it so important to know this ten peoples names?

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Well if the same 10 people give me dislikes and then the same people do a "like" in a person who say " well we cant have OW content because calual will explode and whine like Soo Won" , the majoriy of the forums can see them and create a verctict on their own 😛

    Ok. Great than. Let's assume that this 10 confused faces on all this random peoples, are always the same ones. All forum see that this 10 confused faces are given always by the same peoples, what does it change? It's not like emotes indicate anything even now. This are only 10 confused faces out of thousands of ppls that play this game. ANet certainly do not implement their features basing on ten peoples that are giving everyone confused emotes, which you of all ppls should already know based on the OW lege armor. So the question is, why is it so important to know this ten ppls names than?

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Well it wouldn't hurt to se who disagre with us .

    And we can check his name , if he posted in the "relic megathread" (for some reason , there are many low posts  accounts:P)

    Imagine this is implemented. You see ten random names who gave you this scary confused emote. What do you do with it. Why do you and other guys need this knowledge so severly so. You gonna report them for using a forum feature, bother or even harras them in private message or will you just move on? If its the last thing than you are perfectly able to move on now without this doubtful feature? I can't imagine what other purpose it would serve.

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  15. Nice to hear there is a new emote. Dunno if what I heard is true, but isn't this emote about to be acquireable in game after some time? For ppls that didn't take part in promotion I mean.

    Wish they would add some of the emotes npc's are already using. Like ones the Olmakhan charr are showing. Levitating with crossed legs, prictising fight shaolin style. Wish my charr could do that. ^^

  16. Do not worry OP. If someone blocks you just after saying something to you, it just mean they are a coward not worth bothering with. As others are saying, block and try to move on.

    Only thing I wish was implemented is that ppls you blocked should not be able to join your groups/squads. It not happened to me personally but some leaders I joined were harrased by ppls joining our squad even tho we kicked them.

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