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Posts posted by Biziut.3594

  1. 2 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    The raid one was too costly ... and had barely any results ,  xaxaxa !!!


    As far as the WvW on goes , because the first set  to to be completed in 26 weeks , with 25 hour per week , the company could offer some random a random gemstore outfits every 2 expansions (3 years) , so the increased timed aquizition reflects that eford and no money neeeded to create new .

    Imo they should offer a dictionary instead. xd

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  2. On 5/14/2023 at 6:05 AM, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    when they first released the legendary (PvE) armor (which was supposed to be the only legendary armor), the self-entitled raid crowd did nothing but complain (because of how it looked or because it didn't match their fanfiction) and even bashed the people who worked on it, so in a move out of sheer spite, the developers released the legendary WvW and PvP armor as revenge, stripping the raid crow of their privilege of being the only ones with a legendary armor.
    however, to avoid the same problem, they took the suggestion of some players and created the legendary version but without changing the appearance (the PvP armor kinda looks better but still the same armor).

    I do agree that the WvW skin isn't the prettiest, but most people will transmute it eventually, even if the design was the most impressive ever, so why bother?

    Oh my so now ppls are called entitled becouse they dare to share their opinion on a skin? Ahh this spiteful tricksters at Arena, they dare to do what they want with the game they own, it must be only to kitten off some imaginary cult of toxic raiders. Xd

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  3. 24 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    agree one of the worst decision abet ever done. cater to a toxic minority. who did alot of gate keeping. 

    to the topic nothing wrong with other game modes can get their own unique high lv skin buy i fear those are all in the gemstore

    Lol. Gatekeeping what? Are this toxic raiders bonking you with a stick each time you try to put your own LFG? xd

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  4. End toxicity with system like in fractals? In my 10 year gameplay I encountered more toxicity in fractals than in raids and strikes modes combined. From both ends. Toxic casuals wanting to be carried in the T4 or cm's and sneaking into exp runs , or toxic try hards that rage quited after failing even a little non lethal mechanic.

    It would be good to end toxicity. But the problem is not the game. It is us, peoples that are playing this game imo.

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  5. 51 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    It's too bad, really. I have an empty character slot, and after your post I was sorely tempted to make a character named "Playable Tengu".

    Hahah! Glad I could be of help. In return I humbly ask for one thing, if I may. If you ever manage to make this character, let's meet in game and show it to me. I would love to see it. xD

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    According to that That Medicine Man neither Raven item is due in the shop this year. So the budget Tengu may have to wait a while.

    Oh no. Maybe some feathered backpack since there are plenty of them. And some helmet that covers whole face. No one will know if you are a charr or tengu if they won't see your face. 

    • Haha 3
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  7. On 4/21/2023 at 5:58 PM, Jimbru.6014 said:

    They might still make noise every now and then just so they're not totally forgotten, but they're nowhere near threat they once were and the world is happier for it.

    Don't mention that part anywhere near Chrysantea, since shes now slaying all the competition with her Balenciaga fashion. xd

  8. Encouraging players to explore and play the map is bad? Fighting bosses in a video game to achive something is also bad? Maybe it's not A-Net thinking that is outdated... but thats just my opinion.

    Want to get something, play the content. There are many ways to get those hp's done. With WvW you don't even have to touch them, with 2+ expansions you can go to the ones that are (touch to get) only. Last but not least, there is an LFG tool with HP runs going every now and than, you can create your own HP run, you can ask friends and guildmates for help, or even scream on the map chat.

    Also if I have 50+ characters, am I somehow entitled to get stuff done for me? I already have it easier with having a good gear and knowledge of the encounter. If you no life game so much to make 50 characters than do not blame a-net that you need to lose your time to gear them up.

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  9. And? Still don't see the reason why there should be a title called Connoisseur of Pain or the other one for completing this JP's only once. If you really like to suffer on SAB than let them award it after 100th completion, so it's clear you don't do this for any reward, (coz you will already have all of them) and that you do that only to suffer. Apart from that there are rewards for completing trib for the first time already, so I do not see the reason why they should add more.

    As for other JP's, I was comparing their difficulty without using glitches or portals. On SAB you can be carried as well as in other JP's using other glitches which cheeses it and lower it's worth even further.

    • Confused 2
  10. Seen ppls doing whole tribulation on daily basis, finishing it in like something over one hour, so dunno if thats THAT BIG of an achivment. Way easier than Chalice of Tears or the one jp at draconic mons imo. Apart from that, there already are titles that shows your tribulation commitment, and even infusions. You get them once you collect all the green and yellow SAB weapons.

    • Confused 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    Of course it can, you just need to look around at the news from time to time.Went you think you've reach the bottom of the barrel you'll discover that someone has figured out how to bore a hole through and keep going.

    Fortunately that is also balanced by people who would go way above and beyond in the other direction.

    Well, that's exactly the reason why I stopped watching the news.

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    Not sure if trolling or serious...

    Ikr. If this is serious, I wonder what such peoples see in the mirror when they wake up. A person who is able to waste and have so much free time, that they decide to log into the forum, and fight for equality of... character slots and imaginary points in a kitty game... A GAME. Of all the things that are there to fight for, or even deciding to go waste time to play another nice game, or eat some delicious chicken parma, or take doggo for a walk, their priorities in life at that moment are this little unimportant details in some game. I simply refuse to belive it. Humanity couldn't fall that low, could it?

    • Like 7
  13. I think it's a bug, unless I do something really wrong. I want to submit a ticket, and the website is asking me to log in. When I do so, it transports me to my account main page, it says I am logged in, but after I press, submit a ticket or support button, after loading a page it says I am logged out.

  14. I find alac/dps specter pretty fun and easy to play. Rotation is not hard to remember as it includes mostly spamming skills in the right order, as weapon he uses ranged scepter + dagger, and have nice survivability due to using ritualist stats, shroud and barrier generation. You provide alac by spamming 3 well skills in close proximity to your group.

    I think it covers all things you mentioned in  your post. Wish you a good gaming. ^^

  15. If someone hates jp in general than he will hate SAB anyway. When it comes to SAB the longer it is the more content it have and thats why I love it. Opposite thing is with some metas that run you throu the same small map and keeps you in place sleeping while pressing 1. These could be shorter.

    W2Z2 nm is shorter than some w1 zones due to eagle anyways.

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  16. So, at the Fashion Wars event in Lion's Arch we can meet Duchess Crysanthea, does anyone know or have some speculations whet is the current state of the Nightmare Court? Is it possible that they or at least some of them managed to get back into civilization despite the Nightmare. I am so curious, they were my favourite group of villans, wish some staff member could answer that, or give us some clue. Unless Duchess apperance at fashion event is a clue. 

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  17. SUNRISE CREST! Or at least I would like to go there. Depends how this new content releases will work in pracrise I guess. There are lot of location names over unexplored parts of Cantha, will they all be a part of this new EoD releases or some will be a part of the new expac, I dunno. Leading theme of this new content seems to be the jade/void/the deep for now, so I kinda speculated to get some maps placed deep, deep underground, or at least something like Tangled Depths. But will the theme of the story change and we'll see yet another locations, I cannot tell. I can only wish to finally break out of gw1 nostalgia train and go to some brand new place, where's the creativity Arena?

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